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There are many different kinds of pubs but they all have one thing in common:
they are places where people meet their friends in pleasant surroundings, sit and chat
and have a drink together, and also more and more frequently have a meal together,
either in the lounge or in a separate room. Pubs have a reputation for serving good,
simple food, reasonably priced and excellent value for money.
Pubs have specific opening hours, although since August 1988 these have been
extendable at the discretion of the owner of the pub. People under eighteen are not
allowed to buy or consume alcoholic drinks, although they can order soft drinks, and
children under fourteen are not allowed into rooms where alcoholic drinks are sold.
Some pubs have a separate room where they serve food, however, and children can go
there and enjoy a meal with their parents. Many pubs also have a garden where children
are welcome.
Pubs have interesting names The Kings Head, The Swan, The Six Bells, etc.
and pub signs are artistically fascinating. Look out for them when you are in England.
Beer is the traditional alcoholic drink in England. There are many different
kinds, and it is generally very different from continental beer. It is stronger and is not
served as chilled as on the continent, which often surprises visitors to Britain. It is
possible to buy beer in bottles but more traditional is to serve beer draught, i.e. from a
barrel through a tap.
a. You can always get a drink in a pub at any time of day.
b. If you are under eighteen you cannot go into a pub.
c. Children cannot eat in a pub.
d. English beer is served at room temperature.
e. You can buy only alcoholic drinks in a pub.
2. What do you think?
Make a comment on each of these statements. Give reasons for your opinion.
a. Children are not allowed into rooms where alcoholic drinks are sold.
b. People under eighteen are not allowed to buy or consume alcoholic

Profesora: Eva Mara Ortiz Egea


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