Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Day: Friday

Date: 28/08/2015 Time: one hour Year: 1

Learning Area: History Topic: Family Structures

Curriculum content description:
How the present, past and future are signified by terms
indicating time such as a long time ago, then and now,
now and then, old and new, tomorrow, as well as by
dates and changes that may have personal significance,
such as birthdays, celebrations and seasons. (ACHHK029)
Students prior knowledge and experience:
Types of families
Their own families and their structure
Learning purpose:
For the students to understand the different kinds of family
structures and to understand their families on personal
significance and structure.
Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson,
By questioning the
students will be able to:
children, when reading the
To enable students to
story, and asking if they
draw their own family
understand the different
trees and understand the
types of families.
structure of their own
By collecting their work
and marking it, I will be
For students to be
able to see the own layout
accepting of all types of
of their own family and if
families and expand their
they understand the
minds from the traditional
different structures.
nuclear family.
Preparation and Resources:
- Worksheet print and photocopy before lesson (enough for
23 children and spare)
- Colouring pencils
- Story book
- Example family tree

Catering for diversity

A childs background and family life
Some children may have an awkward family structure and
they will need more assistance
Make sure some children have access to my example so
they can observe and copy

Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)
Make the children sit on the mat and sit on the chair
in front of them
Clap hands in pattern for their attention, wait for
them to repeat
Now we are doing history, who can tell me what you
have been learning about?
2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will
you do to help the students achieve the learning
objectives? What tasks and activities will the
students be involved in to help achieve the learning
Wait for children to put their hands up and pick one
agree if they are correct (families) or correct them if
they are wrong.
First I am going to write you a story, this one is
called Just The Way We Are
Read the story and ask them who fits under each
family structure
After the story, ask them who enjoyed it and what
they liked about it.
Then explain the family tree worksheet
Get them to go to their seats and ask a student to
hand out the worksheets
Walk around and observe
3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the
learning and relate it to the lesson objectives?)
Ask the children to explain their family tree
Mark their work as they go along.

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

The students behaved as I explained my expectations

The book, Just the Way We Are, was very relevant and
therefore worked well
I should have completed the family tree in the lesson, in
front of the children, to make it clearer.

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