Math 2.2: Math22 II Semester M.Sc. in Mathematics Examination, January 2015 Real Analysis Ii

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Math 2.


II Semester M.Sc. in Mathematics Examination, January 2015

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) Answer any five full questions.

2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) Let A
If x0

IR then prove that

, f and g be functions from A into IR.

b) Prove that a function f : IR IR is continuous if and only if f1(C) is closed in

IR for every closed set C in IR.

2. a) If f : A
IR is a continuous function from a compact space A into IR then
prove that f(A) is compact.

b) If f : IR IR is a continuous map and E is a connected subset of IR then prove

that f(E) is also connected.

3. a) If f : [a, b] IR is differentiable at x0 (a, b) then prove that f is continuous at x0.

Illustrate with an example to show that the converse is not true.

b) If f and g are real valued continuous functions defined on [a, b] and

differentiable in (a, b) then prove that there is a point x (a, b) such that


c) Find




IR be differentiable. Then prove that f is monotonically

4. a) Let f : [a, b]
increasing if and only if
for every x [a, b].

b) State and prove Taylors theorem.

5. a) Let f : [a, b]

IR be bounded and


be monotonically increasing on [a, b].

Then prove that





b) Show that f(x) = x2 IR[x2] on [0, 1].



Math 2.2

6. a) Let f be Riemann integrable function on [a, b]. If there is a differentiable


function g on [a, b] such that


= f then prove that


b) Define a function of bounded variation. Prove that a function of bounded

variation on [a, b] can be expressed as a difference of two monotonically
increasing functions on [a, b].
7. a) State and prove the Cauchy criterion for uniform convergence of a sequence
of real valued functions.
b) Show that the sequence {fn}, where

IR is uniformly

convergent on any closed interval [a, b].


8. a) Prove that uniform limit of a sequence of R-S integrable functions is R-S

b) Prove that there exists a real continuous function on the real line which is
nowhere differentiable.

c) Find the radius of convergence of the series


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