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Math 2.


II Semester M.Sc. in Mathematics Examination, January 2015

Time : 3 Hours

Max. Marks : 80

Instructions : 1) Answer any five questions.

2) All questions carry equal marks.
1. a) State and prove Cauchys Residue theorem.
b) State and prove Rouches Theorem. Deduce Fundamental theorem of algebra
from Rouches theorem.
2. a) Evaluate the following integrals by residue theorem method.




b) Derive polar form of Laplaces equation.


3. a) Prove that if u is harmonic in a simply connected domain D and u(x, y)

achieves its maximum or minimum value at some point Z0 in D, then u is
constant in D.
b) State and prove Poisson integral formula for a harmonic function u(z).


4. a) State and prove Taylors theorem for an analytic function f(z).

b) Show that the formula f(z) =

defines an analytic function in the open set

. Find a series expansion for



that is valid in U.


5. a) State and prove Laurents theorem.

b) Determine the Laurent series representation of f(z) = z1 in the annulus




Math 2.3

6. a) Prove that the infinite product P (1 + an) will be convergent if the two series


are both convergent.


b) Prove the following :



7. a) Prove Legendres duplication formula for gamma function.

b) State and prove Jensens formula.


. Prove that the zeta function

is a
8. a) Define Riemanns zeta function
meromorphic function on the complex plane with only one pole, a simple pole
at z = 1 with residue 1.

b) Prove that the function

satisfies the functional equation



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