So Here I Sit Writting On The

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So here I sit writting on the lap-top that will soon belong once again to the company from which

it came and the money I have spent on the new keyboard will negate me getting the computer of which I
had originally planned on acquiring. In the not so distant future I shall however acquire the computer
and carry on my writting pursuits in such orderly fashion as the tool allows. Today the weather has once
again warmed up to a nice temperature outside, always making the loft a bit warmer than usual. I had
originally planned on going over to Jason’s to work with the keyboard for most of the day but the dumb
ass flaked out on leaving the key. A most disapointing eventuality.
This morning I called Shane and told him about the acquisition of the keyboard which was a
very fun phone call. Apparently Shane and his girlfriend had a boy named Yogi Bazil. Shane said his
current hobby is changing the diapers that Goldie is making. Ha-Ha. The boy is going to Phoenix
tomorrow for his aunts wedding or something, I told him to tell his sister to come pay a visit because I
need a girlfriend. He said I was lucky not having a girlfriend and that his women was less than a barrel
of monkeys to be around. The labor and delivery process was a piece of cake apparently and the child
popped out without much to do.
Last night over at Jason’s I sat downstairs and listened to Jason, James, and the JJ look a like
talk about their alchemical designs. I suspect that a large part of my paranoia was induced from the
ingestion of THC, yet a very striking vision of the fate of such designs persisted in my head. Noises
would coincide with whatever vision was occupying my awareness. Such as the sound of a door being
slammed, the roar of a jet engine in conjuncition with a frightful vision of destruction of a city and the
unholy occupants that inhabit it’s polluted boundries. This lasted for a couple of hours and untill Idrifted
off to sleep. These were most disconcerting thoughts that made me yern for a way out of the whole
scenerio. I tried to think of places that would allow me freedom from these apocolyptic scenereo’s, yet
could only assert the viable option of music being my savior, yet everytime I would assert this long
invisioned dream a sound would come out of the darkness as if to suggest some alterior fate was in the
Today the tarot cards seem to suggest some kind of success and wealth. Many good things in
the works for the time being it would seem. Never the less last nights vision has me thinking about all
this, half of me is wondering if I’m a paranoid scitzophrinic and the other half see’s my visions as part of
my psychic intuition as to the nature of life and where the fate of myself and humanity lies. I remember
having apocolyptic visions of this nature back in ‘91-’92 while living at the loft and coming down off of
dsl while mandy drifted off to sleep. That nightmare constituted the end of my injestion of that once
familiar chemical and a brief retreat from the lifestyle of which these evil images seem to be propetuated.
Just finished taking my cleansing capsules and having a long overdue bowel movement of
which the cleasing structure is supposed to propetuate. I think my body is an exception, if ever there was
a body which was in dire need of cleansing and apt not to respond as prescibed. The coffee enema was
very nice to my system and surely alliviated much of the stress that was apt to destabilize the integrity of
my liver. I continue to drink much water and am eating healthy food now, unfortunately I have had
periods of relapsed indulgence where it comes to sugar. The sugar from juices is somewhat acceptable,
but when I order a soda when visiting the drive-through with James, I am surely behaving in a most
undiciplined and debaucherous manner.
Currently I’m having the urge to call Jocelyn to see what she is up to this weekend. Probably
homework if not going out of town. We plan to make music this evening, something I think Jocelyn
would enjoy witnessing when things get along a bit farther. Our style could definately fall into the realm
of transic. If we get tired of our banner then Adam has a new game for the coputer which sould prove
some diversionary entertainment for all.

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