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Lesson Plan

Small Group
Date: Wednesday 2nd September 2015
Time: 1pm
Year: Year 11 General economics- ESL (English as a second language)
Topic: Business firms on the market
Curriculum content description (scsa)
Outcome 1; students use economic information and data to communicate an
understanding of economic events, issues and decisions.
Learning purpose (scsa)

Locate, select and organise economic information and data.

Analyse and interpret economic information and data.
Use economic terms, concepts and models to communicate an
understanding of economic events, issues and decisions.

Learning objectives
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to:

Understand what innovation is

Be able to give examples of innovation
Be able to name a business that used innovation to produce a wellknown product
Understand what invention is
Be able to give examples of inventions in the last ten years

I will know that the learning objectives have been achieved by going over the
students worksheets once they are completed, and by questioning the students
on the worksheet while in our group.
Preparation and resources
The resources I will need are:

Copies of the worksheet (enough for the group plus my own)

My workbook with my own definitions and answers to refer to if students
need help/prompting

The preparation I will need to do beforehand is pull desks into a small group so
my group of students and I can all work together and discuss efficiently. I will
also need to complete the worksheet myself before I take the group.

Catering for diversity

I have catered for diversity as the worksheet is one the students should all be
able to complete in their general economics class, and depending on their
academically level I will help them as much as need be, and help with language
difficulties by putting sentences in terms as simple as possible.
Learning experience
Intro (4minutes)
1. Go into group that teacher dictates after teacher has gone over the first
worksheet. (1 minute)
2. Go into next room with group and make sure everyone has a pen and both
worksheets. 1minute)
3. Ask group how they are feeling about the lesson so far, and how difficult
they have found it.(2 minutes)
Sequences of learning experiences (11 minutes)
4. Choose a student to read over information about innovation.
5. Ask that same student to read out question 4.
6. Give examples of business who have used innovation to produce a wellknown product.
7. Ask the group for examples of their own.
8. Ask them how the business used to innovation on their of the product.
9. Instruct students to write their answers down.
10.Have a student read over information about invention, and question 5.
11.Ask students for examples of products invented in the last ten years, give
an example of my own, and then ask students to write their answers

Conclusion (5 minutes)

each student to read out their answer.

students to tell me what innovation means.
students to tell me what invention means.
students to give examples of both innovation and invention.

Lesson Evaluation
Reflecting back on my group lesson in the secondary school, I think it went all
very smoothly and well. I made sure to speak to the four students in a very clear,
concise but friendly tone. I provided the students with as many examples as I
could for the two questions we were working on, and I asked as many open
questions about them as I could, trying to prompt the students. The students did
seem to understand everything I was discussing with them.
What I did not do as well as I could have was make sure I understood all the
terms of economics we were discussing and because of this I did not have
enough examples for the students to fully grasp a total understanding. The

students were students with English as a second language so they did have a
major language barrier and needed all the examples I could give them.
Next time, I would make sure I had checked all the definitions and had written
them down with a good load of examples prior to the lesson, so that the students
had the help they needed and also so we didnt spend so much time on one
question, as we lost time because I was grasping for more examples and
struggling a little bit.

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