Bed150 Professional Experience Essay - Final

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Zac Carroll (32755718)


BED150: Professional Experience Reflection

My secondary placement opened my eyes to the type of teacher I want to be and the
diversity of students and their needs. My secondary placement was in a low socioeconomic area, this allowed me an insight into the responsibilities and functions of a
teacher and schools.

During my secondary placement I was partnered with the head of the english department
as my mentor teacher. This was an extremely valuable experience as it allowed me to see
children from a diverse range of ability levels and a plethora of behavioural issues. During
my observations I witnessed the wide range of duties that a teacher is responsible for, not
only guiding the learning of students, but maintaining a safe environment where students
can feel comfortable to express themselves. This is essential because not all students
have a home environment that emulates this. Seeing students confide in my mentor
teacher not only allowed me to see how rewarding education can be but illustrated that
there are many more responsibilities teachers have than just teaching a class. This only
reaffirmed my aspirations to be a teacher as I felt very suited to the environment.

A significant detail that I recognised during my secondary placement, in particular the year
eleven ATAR class was that teachers are not only providing students with the tools and
skills to succeed at school, but to succeed at life. A teachers work is more intricate and
complex than what occurs in the classroom and I came to understand this through the
skills and values that my mentor teacher instilled into the students by always making them
work hard. There is always an underlying concept being taught that will increase the
students potential for life after school, this was evident through the collaborative learning
activities and the importance of respect in the classroom. Although the students may not
appreciate these life skills being taught to them now, the investment made by the teacher
Jannina Halicki

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Zac Carroll (32755718)


into the students will be rewarded by a new generation of individuals determined to

achieve greatness.

My placement involved teaching students from year seven through until year eleven.
Going from a year eleven ATAR class to a year ten general english class allowed me to
see the different teaching styles and approaches that were necessary for the diversity of
students. The overall effect this had on me was immense, it allowed me to see the
flexibility that is necessary to be an accomplished teacher who caters for the needs of all
students. After my time in these two classes I reflected on what I could do better to tend to
the needs of all students and this process helped me provide a sense of equity among
students when I was delivering my lessons. My mentor teacher reiterated the flexibility that
is necessary to be a successful and fair teacher and has given me standards to aspire to,
these standards can only be attained through reflective learning.

My secondary placement has allowed me an invaluable insight into the roles and
responsibilities of a teacher and the flexibility that is necessary to cater for a diverse range
of students. This placement has shown me that teachers are not only providers of
knowledge, but of life skills. This has only reiterated my love for education and made me
aspire to be the best teacher I can be.

Jannina Halicki

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