GEM Tri-Directional Heli FirstBreak 2005-2

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first breok volume 23, uly 2005, Development of a tri-directional helicopter gradiometer for mineral exploration applications Greg Hollyer and Ivan Hrvoic, GEM Advanced Magnetometers, review the principles of opti- cally pumped Potassium magnetometers and the tri-directional gradiometer including its design cons mineral exploration. fe aisioeal eopiecgeediocromsbo thee-axis gradiometer developed globally. Since its inception inthe mid 1980s, the sysem hasbeen ou ted with opal pumped Porassium sensors and has volved into 4 reliable platform for diferent applications, including mineral exploration. This special gradiometer from GEM consists ofa three armed towed bird configured with four sensors for calls ‘ion of magnetic gradients including vertical and horizontal across and along track gradients. Additional components Include GPS for accurae positioning of che bird during Bight. Dats capture is ether to the GSMP-30A acquisition console ‘or toa third pary unt. Optically pumped potassium magnetometers Optically pumped magnetometers consist of one nuclear (Helium 3) and four electron resonance magnetometers (Helium 4, Rubidium, Cesium and Poassium). Although teh nicaly challenging, GEM has succeeded in developing a system ‘har meets che following design goal: ‘4 High sampling rates i. speed of operation). This is desir able for mobile type operations where automated, high eff ciency data aquisition isa pre-equisce ‘© Clan’ measurement of geophysical signal (ie. geophysical responses are not eked with heading error eff). 15 Very high sensitivity: Due to ite physics of operation, Poa sium offers che highest sensitivity available 18 High absolute accuracy Principles of operation Alkali vapour optically pumped magnetometers use alkali metals (i from the fist column of the perio table) in fgascous form. These magnetometers operate on vetally the ‘sume peinciple as iflasteated, in part in Figure Fist, 4 glass vapour cell containing gaseous metal is ‘exposed (or pumped) by light of very specific wavelength ~ an effect called light polarization. The Frequency of light ix specifically selected and etcularly polarized fr each clement (ealled she D1 spectral line) to shift electrons from the round level 2 tothe excited metastable stare 3 (Figure 2, jerations, and conclude with a discussion of the role of magnetic gradients in lees a level 3 are noe stable, and hee electrons spontaneously decay to both energy levels 1 and2. Eventually, the level 1 is flly populated (i, level 2 is depleted). When this happens, the absorption of polarizing igh stops andthe ‘vapour cell becomes move tansparent Tis is when RF depolarization comes into play RF powee corresponding tothe energy difeence between levels Land 2 is applied tothe cellto move electrons fom evel 1 hack to level 2 (andthe cell becomes opaque again). The frequency ofthe RF field required to cepopulate level 2 vaties with the ambient ‘magnet field and i calle Larmor frequency fd andi vapour Figure 1 Generic alkat-vapowr magnetometer 3—— Spontaneous decay AF Depolarization Figure 2 Quantum mechanics ofaalt vapour sytem. Light Polarization Correspondence: greg 0” inanbreoie gems. nos eAct special topic Depolarization by a circular magnetic field at the Larmor frequency rebalances populations of the two ground levels and the vapour cll absorbs more of the polarizing ight. “The effect of polarization and depolaczation is chat light Jntensity becomes modulated by the RF fequency By dete 1g light modulation and measuring the Frequency, we obtain value ofthe magnetic Feld Design of the optically pumped Potassium ‘magnetometer ‘A number of key objgcives were observed in developing a Porassium magnetomere. High sensitivity, gradient tolerance and bandwidth Sensitvgy i a statistical value indicating elaive uncertainty ‘of eepeive readings ofthe same magnetic field intrsity. Ie efined as tm. root - mean - square] value er square root (of a unicof bandwith (Hy), For example, a sensitivity of 1 pT / He'® means 1 pT ems. (about 3 -4 pT peak-to-peak depending on the character ofthe noise) will be a scatter of, readings about any ‘etalon’ (fixed value} of the applied mag> etc field per 1 Ha of measurement bandwidth “The seasvty of quantum magnetometers is determined by the signal-to-noise ratio obganable frm its senso, the specteal line width it operates on and on the syeomagnetic constant a5 defined in the following equation: a Try, where kis a constant of proportionality, Fis che spectral tne wide, 4 isthe gyromagnetic constant and 5, i the signal to poise ratio, Semstviey does nor depend only on Larmor fe quency. For example, Overhauser magnetometers wih (0.042Ha/aT can be as semstive a, say Cesam with 3.5 Hela depending on spectra ine width ‘GEMS original Potassium airborne version has & 70 mm ameter sensor which achieves sensitivity at 1 sample per second of <0.001 aT (unfiltered) with a coreesponding gear lent tolerance of 2500 n/n. This isan adeguate gradient specification for more airborne applications. “The Nyquist bandwidth equals one haf of the reading’ frequency [e.2.5 He for § Hz sampling rate). For practical purposes, the numbers of readings per second lic the hand ‘Width of exch magnetometer Bandwidth translates into the fastest appearing feature that can be observed with an inser: The Larmor frequency of any magnetometer follows variations of magnetic flax density instantly, with no delay. Natural bandwidths then depend on the magnetometer’ clectronies and how quickly it can follow the changes with: ‘ut losing the precession signal. With the Potassium system, ‘bandwidth ranges from 5 Ha at sample rates of 10 vies per second to 10 Hz at sample rates of 20 times per second fist break volume 23, July 2005, Ultimately, Potassium provides a large bandwidth and the ability to resolve high frequency geophysical anomalies. ‘Clean’ geophysical signal and heading errors Tn refering to ‘lean, geophysical signal with respect 10 opt: cally pumped magnetometers, we are referring tothe rela- tionship between system response and heading ereors Specifically, Passi has minimal heading error. To under stand heading errors, one needs to consider the magnetic states of nucle and the energy transitions between electrons and the corresponding generation of spectra Hines. Spectral lines are the key measurement parameter used in obtaining ‘magnetic measurements using optically pamped devices, Naclei have a numberof allowed magnetic states corre: sponding theie quantum qumbers. Alkali metals, for cxampe, have magnetic moments with I o3/2 (Rb, K} and 1s 722(Cs). The number of lines inthe spectea for ech type fof nucleus is governed by the Beit Rabi forms (sce refer ences Cs, for example, has 14 spectra lines all within 20 nT separation. With Cs, spectzal lines are densely spaced and ‘cannot be resolved in practical magnetometer. Therefore, for the purposes of instrumentation systems, they are made ‘ery wide and overlapping, In static conditions i when the tovientation of the magnetic field is stationary), a wide peak becomes apparent and the system self-osilates at this peak “This enables feequency deteeion and subsequent magnetic measurements to be made, However a peoblem arises when the magnetic fed dre: ton changes because the postin ofthis peak changes. Ths effect occurs because the spectral line amplitudes change as fallows: 1+ For shallow angles (10 ro 45%}, the lowest frequency line in constant il) i the strongest andthe highest frequency line i the weakest. 1» For angles lager than 45°, the situation isthe opposite. Hire, che peak of spectral ines teavel rom the lowes fe ‘quency at small angles to the highest frequency at large angles. The ‘path’ ofthe peak can be as high as 20 nT for the same magnetic fil, Since the magnetometer usally operates at the peak of the specteal line, ther are dats shifs or "headingersors’ that reflect, the sensorfild geometry. Cs systems correct these effects through the use of sli-heam techniques that symimetrize the spectral lines into a lumped ine and reduce heading error to some 12 nf: However, since shese magnetometers have an overall sensitive in tens of pT VHe, heading eror ean com pletely obscure the ral magnet tesponse. In ess severe cases, readings aze effectively a combination of geophysical response and heading errors (ie. a mix of ffs contrast, Potassium has six enetgy transiions with mutual sepaations of some 100 nf. When a magnetic field of fst break volume 23, July 200 2 certain strength i present, Possums spec ines are found at well defined lestons. Through cart sensor desig, ‘ach line can be made very narrow i. benween 0.15 -1.0 a. This permis the system to locate and ignated line vig and very small heading errs typically les than 157 In this case, heading exrors are elated to par shifts in let ns in the sensor's mechanis eather than migration of spectral lines asin Cs 5} tems. Caefl design ofthe sensor and let reduce Potassium heading 0 ome ens Of pT Spee ie eading intervals oF numberof read Ings per second) is importan in aioe applications as it ‘Sensitvelaccurscy shouldbe defined ach interval as there i an increase in nose that is ot easy to predict math eratically (ie ow the general rule that noise is proportional tothe square root ofthe aed of readings Sensitivities decrease (.e, noise increases) as a natural function of speed of operation; however, Potassium stil civers the highest sensitivities ‘001 aT f= Ux per scond High aboot Albsote accuracy defines maxim ation from the ere value ofthe measured magnetic field. One of the key impli cations of poor absolute acuracy is chat results may exhbi systematic baseline shifts of offers, parce with beading errors. tn addition replacement of sensors with absolute accuracy resus in discrepancies between Absolute is alo important for gradiomete configurations where offsets in one sensor affect determin oa of an absolute gradiometric reading. Absolute accuracy cannot be desived directly sinc nobody realy kaows the tue value ofthe field. Therefore it is determined by considering the f mining the ld value and their accursc involved in deter Thet include con sideration of the uncertainties inherent in the gyromagnetic constant, maximum offi ofthe time hase Frequency, 1 crossing algorithms, etc. Heading errors also play role, GEM has calculated an absolute accuracy of +! 0.1 aT for is Potassium sytem. Feld results have also shown that the system doesnot inrodice any subetsntal biases elated Design of the trisdirectional gradient array For the tr-dicecrional array, four Poastium sensors are used in special configuration, shown in Figure 4, The sensors are special topic Mining Geoscience igure 3 Potassn magnet Figure 4 Ashore bird shown in fully assembled state, ready placed in che hack end of the bird shell and in the tips of three fins, 3 tom apart from each other Average periods of the four precession computerized frequency mete, smile Yo the one shown in igure 3, and converted into magn The diferences in readings are taken and divided by the spacings. Horizontal across track gradients mca encis are measured by a special ic field unis, ured diet fom the eading of hero lower (hari) sensors: the vertical is determined from the average field measured by horizontal sensor andthe sensor in the vera fin, Horizontal along the tac gradients based on the aver age field feom the thiee sensors placed inthe fins and the bind-end sensor. Fourth differences ar thee gr fil tr Traditional design criteria for electromagnetic (EM) binds were observed when the bed was designed. The bird is shown prison with EM hirds, Te is sulficent to meas 3s special topic with 0.1 wp pared with EM measurements of some pacts per millon, The bord’ shell, therefore, was designed of slficent damseter and wall thickness to accept the magnetometer sensor and Support weight of sensors, fins, skirt, and its own weight with <0.1% change of rlative sensor postions di t shell accurae 25 Tim and beyond) as com The fins ate spaced at 120" to allow for simple calcula tion of gradiens in all evee directions. The average maga ic field ofthe ewo lower fins fal beneath the wppe fin sensor to allow for vertical gradient determination. The average ofthe bird shell field ofall theee sensors falls in the ent allow for simple determination of along-track gradient. All three fins are 2.0 m long achieve «spacing fr the vertical gradiometer equal to 3.0 m, Horizontal across and along the track gradients are based on a sensor spacing of 3.45 and 3.76 m, respectively aldhough the sensor in the bird sell can be moved along the shell to suit any potential equirements for along-track configurations. The bid skit designed to allow for variable drag in ‘order to experimentally optimize the bird stability and ight chacacternis. To improve the dstbution of weight along the bird shell, the fins are placed in front to overweight th size and to make the fone end up points are selected close to Euler minimum flexing Points, although rigidity is noe critica Mineral exploration applications Measured gradients have come into vogue in he yeas fora variety of reasons. These ince 1 Frewdom from diurnal effets and noise 2 Aude oreection of tra il magnetics impr Ent ed magnetic mapping Diurnal effects area aoxmal result ofthe interaction of the solar wind with the earch’ atmosphere. Depending on the amplitude, these elects can be quite significant and require e data. The standard approach isto measure the difference berween simultancous magnets tensors, This measurement eecords the gradient and cancels dena vata tion since diurnal effects are the same at both sensors. As described by Scott Hogg et a, 2004, measured vertical aradiens can help correct the errs introduced by altude os. This process removes false chang shape and amy ime changes in airraft height rather than geological or daenal sources. Hogg also ote that, the metho is "elatvly simple and ca prove very effective, especially in surveys that contain strong magic teradints and high vertical gradients, Improved magnetic mappings onc ofthe min atastons of gradient measurements. This capability takes advantage of the resolving power of che vertical gradient, interpolation of rude from line co 5 break valu dca using horizontal gradients, and feature placement using horizontal gradients. The natueal appeal of ehe vertical gradient isis tight focus. Asshown in Figue 5, the vertical gradient as a smal er “foorprin’ than its total field counterpare, making it pariclarly onthe flanks Horizontal gradients 3 25a useful counter Figue 5, 2ero isthe location of the straddle the anomaly and to the vertical gradient. As shown in he point where horizontal gradients pss theovgh I field peak. I he ight lines high and th adjacent line a low, the pe falls between the lines. Accordingly, measured horizontal gradents can improve the interpolation of data berween flight lines, and thus increase map accuracy and resolution without increasing abiley to help place magnetic features more maps. The method equies calculation of 3p through integration of the gradients. This works to cor Iy pos trends a shallow angle clo total fl he fight line direction ned and remove diurnal variation. 5 scan Jso render anomalies parallel tothe direction, corectly present long wavelength informa Corte Coa Figure 5 Comparison of 2 tage oal field and gradient results for the From Hoge oa, 2004) ‘ist break volume 23, July 2005 tion, and ensure that all calulaed rua eld anomalies ace in agreement with measured ral il ‘Gradient surveys deliver products that in themselves can assist in the interpretation of projet geology particularly when used in conjunction with real field results. Standard incerpretation products, including. vertical gradient maps, analytic signal maps and Euleebased methods all depend on aradient information. Analysic sigal and Esler methods hased on gradients asst paticulaly in helping to locate ‘objects precisely (horizontally and vertical), Gradient surveys also enable the actual computation of ‘real analytic signal values ~ these results are sed for pos Honing and also for iaversion (ve. development of a pseudo geologic model hased on geophysical result), The total gra ent (analytic signal) is independent of sensor orientation rors, magnetic latitude variables and the effet of remanent smageetization. Omnidirectional measurement of the mag etic field minimizes the directional aliases present in stan dard magnetic surveys And lst, the horizontal gradien has inerretive value ‘of ts own, Speifialy, for faut, the horizontal gradient has been found to be a more sensitive indicator of fault nom: ales than gradient alone (see reference from W. C. Peart} ‘Advantages The tdirectional system is unique in tha ic uses the highest resolution commercial (Potassium) magnetometer ~ resulting ima new level of detection of subtle anomalies, Other bene: fs nels 1 Four sensor system accurately computes “el” gradients ‘sing unigue implementation of sensors in a triangle con- figaration plus one sensor housed within bid 1 Provides very stable and noise ee platform for acquiring high reclation data in all types of terrain 1 livers accurate information for reduction of posttoning, rors using onboard GPS 1+ No magnetic compensation required distance fom helcop teri sufficient 1 eseape the noise fom rotor blades and other moving pats on helicopter 1 ied skirrisadjusable wallow or Right optimization and further noise reduction Comparison with fixed wing Fised-wing surveys are an important component of many ‘eat science programmes. However, there are also certain lreumstances in which the tridestonal gradiometer can special topic Mining Geoscience ‘outperform these surveys. For example, if maintains the same or lower height chan xed wing sorveys~ generating higher resolution data. Additionally, the system does aot require compensation (ea-tine or postsursey) and flies at ‘reduced speeds for higher volumes of dts along survey line, Surveys can abo be lown at uniform survey heights for min imization of noise-ffets arising from variable ground else ‘Comparison with helicopter Fixed helicopter surveys are performed using a hoom or series of boors mounted around the helicopter. Typically, Uwiltectional survey can outperform these types of surveys {a number of areas f= No compensation requied f= Same ground clearance possible f= Simplicity of installation and operation Conclusions In this paper, we introduced an enhanced system for measur ing tridirectional gradients (vertical, horizontal across and horizontal along tack) using state-of-the-art Potassium se tors for higher sensitivity, reduced nose, high absolute accu racy and high speed surveys. The tr-directonal radiometer isan advanced magnetic system with many advantages char- acteristic ro multi-sensor surveys, including freon from diurnal effects asd noise, akirade correction of total field magnetics, improved magnetic mapping and enhanced intr- pretation, Future directions will be to asst companies and ‘organizations in adopting this new technology and 10 help enhance eutent exploration approaches, References . Berges Zeev etal. [1999] Exploration applications ofthese dimensional gradient magnetics in ghe Western Canada se ‘mentary basin and the fold bet region Breit, G. and Rabi. 1931, Measurement of Nuclear Spin Phys. Rew 38,2082, 1951 Hogg, Scott and Astociates [2004] Practicalities, pitfalls and new developments in airborne gradiometry. Presented atthe Praspectors and Developers Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, Hirvoic, Land Holly, G.[2004] A brief review of quantum magnetometers Pearson, W. C, 2001. Finding Faults in a Gas Play. ww waapgcorelexplorergeophysial_comet!200V0Spcfin, Visit us at 205 ease 37

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