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11th Grade English III Honors

Course Syllabus 2015-2016

Ms. Stephanie Mendoza
Dear students, parents, and guardians;
Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! We here at Homestead MAC are ready to
provide a unique educational experience. Our school adopted a block scheduling program
that allows the student to better focus on the subject at hand, provides the student with
additional time to assimilate and complete assignments, and allows more time for handson practice especially in the arts. We are proud to say that we are an accredited A
school as we begin our 6th year. Thank you for choosing MAC. We are glad you are here,
and remember: It takes a village to raise a child.

Contact Information:
Teacher email:
Room #: 269

Course Description:
The purpose of this course is to provide students integrated language arts study in
reading, writing, speaking, listening, language, and literature in preparation for college
and career readiness.
This content should include, but not be limited to, the following:
Constructing meaning, as well as analyzing and evaluating literary devices in
different types of texts
Reading and analyzing grade-level print and digital literary texts that represent a
variety of genres across cultures and historical periods
Using recursive process writing strategies to craft various forms of writing
expressing ideal with maturity and complexity appropriate to writer, audience,
purpose, and context
Speaking with clarity for a variety of purposes, audiences, and contexts, including
formal and informal modes of discourse
Understanding and making effective language choices to successfully craft the
meaning, style, and tone of oral and written communication at grade-level and/or
higher complexity
Acquiring an extensive vocabulary through reading, discussion, listening, and
directed word study, as well as an understanding of the ways that historical
events, culture and setting influence language.

Class Expectations:

Students are expected to attend class on time and prepared. Students will not be
allowed into class after the bell unless they have a pass from their previous
teacher or from an administrator.
Students are expected to respect the idea and work of others in the class, as well
as the teacher. Students are expected to participate appropriately and to consider
the opinions of others.
Students are expected to come to class prepared. Homework should be finished,
typed work should be printed, and novels should be on hand at all times. Students
should take responsibility over their own academic careers.
Students should behave appropriately in the classroom. For example, students
wishing to speak should raise their hands. Students should not wander around the
classroom without permission.
Wait to be dismissed. Until the words you are dismissed are said, students are
not to leave the classroom.

American Literature, Florida Student Edition, McDougal Littell
The students will also be assigned supplemental workbooks which will they use in class.
They are not to be taken home.
Supplemental Workbooks:
Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop
Sadlier-Oxford Grammar for Writing
SAT/ACT Preparation Workbook (This one will have to purchased, but at a later
Novels: Supplemental literature includes the following classroom novels:
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger
The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Student will need to have these novels by certain dates, which will be specified at a later
time. If for any reason you find yourself unable to get these books, please email or
contact me personally.

Assessments will be made through projects, essays, written assignments, and other
methods of evaluation to determine the students progress and mastery of skills. Only
summative assessments (i.e. tests) will appear in the Gradebook, formative assessments
(i.e. quizzes) will not.

Honor Code:
The honor code, attached at the end of the syllabus, ensure that all students have an equal
chance to learn the material. Cheating of any kind will not be allowed. Students found
cheating will receive a ZERO for the assignment/quiz/test/ etc. and will have a referral
written. This includes plagiarism.

Independent Study/ Homework Policy:

Homework is very limited during the year and, for the most part, is done by the student
independently in order to achieve mastery of a skill. Written assignments must be written
legibly and on clean, lined paper. Typed assignments must be printed out before class. If
you absolutely cannot print it out, you can email me the assignment, but it must be in my
inbox before you come to class.

Absences and Make-up:

Students are expected to come to school every day and be on time to class. If a students
absence is unexcused, they will receive a Z for all missed assignments. If the absence is
excused, the student will have three days to turn in the assignment. If a student is absent
the work is not considered late until after the three-day grace period. Students and parents
should check teacher website and Pinnacle to find out what was completed in class and
what work they need to make up. It is your responsibility to find out what your missing
assignments are.

Discipline Policy:
Students are expected to follow the Miami-Dade County Code of Student Conduct at all
times on campus and at school related events. Students are expected to treat classmates
and teachers with respect and courtesy. There is no tolerance for bullying. Receiving
and/or sending calls and text messages during school time, whether in class, halls,
bathrooms, or lunchtime is against school policy and subject to disciplinary action.
Cellphones, computers, and tablets can be used with the teachers permission in the
classroom exclusively for learning purposes. School property is to be respected and a
clean environment maintained in all areas, including bathrooms and lunch area. Students
are expected to come to school prepared to learn and exhibit appropriate behavior in and
outside the classroom at all times. Students are expected to come to school every day and
be on time to class.
The Student Code of Conduct can be found at this website:
The following steps will be taken upon infraction:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Student/Teacher conference
3. Parent/Guardian phone call
4. Parent meeting and office referral

Students are welcome to communicate with me personally before, after, or in between
classes. Parents and guardians may email me directly. I will respond within 48 hours.
Friday emails after 2pm and weekend emails will be addressed on Monday. Check
Teacher-Web and Remind for announcements, as well as due dates and other helpful aids.
Register in our school website for my class to receive notices by email.
Requests for conferences will best be scheduled by email. If email is not available, a
written note can be sent through the student. Walk-in unscheduled conferences will not be
accepted. All conferences will be documented. Informal casual conversation is always

School Supplies:
Students should have their own supplies and be ready for class daily. They are to make
sure that they are prepared before coming to class. Borrowing from other students can
be disruptive and will therefore be kept to a minimum. Any circumstances that do not
allow a student to have the requested supply can be treated in a private manner with the
teacher directly.
Supply list:
1. Daily planner or organizer to write due dates and class-related information
2. 3-ring binder with 8 dividers for Language Arts labeled as follows: Syllabus &
Info, Literature Notes, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, Quotes of the Day,
and Homework. A good supply of college-ruled paper should always be kept in
the binder.
3. A pocket dictionary/thesaurus to use in class.
4. Regular black or blue pens for all classwork and homework.
5. Red/green pens to be used for grading only.
6. Post-it Notes for annotations
Please keep a copy of this syllabus in the Language Arts binder for reference, and a
copy at home for parents to reference throughout the year.
Have a great school year!

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