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Challenge Brief

When did people become so motivated by wealth and glory? Some experts believe this
is a new trend brought on by social media and reality T.V. In 2012, a study found that
a desire for fame only for the sake of being famous was the most popular future goal
among a group of 10-12 year olds. In a similar study done in 2013, 81% of 18-25 year
olds said that getting rich is their most important life goal. Studies like these may lead
us to believe that people today are somehow becoming more self-centered than those
in the past; however, to make such a statement might be a mistake.
In 1492, Christopher Columbus, the Spanish explorers, set sail across the Atlantic.
Crossing any ocean at that time was a huge challenge and put these explorers at grave
risk of starvation, drowning, disease, and murder. They wouldnt have made these
voyages without very good reasons. Columbus was in search of a western ocean route
to the great cities of Asia, but that wasnt all he hoped to find. Rumors of gold made
men believe that traveling to the New World would get them rich very quickly.
Explorers also hoped that the land they might claim would transform them from poor
sailors into respected lords. Some thought that God would reward them for spreading
their religious beliefs to the people of the New World. All of these men were motivated
by the same basic desires that still motivate us today.

Driving Question:
How did the voyages of European Explorers forever change Texas?
Christopher Columbus, without even knowing it, permanently joined the eastern and
western hemispheres introducing new resources and cultures into the global economy.
Your team will create a product for your peers about the impact European Explorers
had on the history and identity of Texas. Your product must include:
Reasons for European exploration of Texas
Identify significant individuals, their expeditions and outcomes
Explanation of challenges and success experienced by explorers
Analysis of the impact European exploration has had on Texas

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