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Methven Primary School

Mathematics Observation
Date: 12 August 2015
Teacher being observed: Courtney Holland

Time: 9:30am

Focus: Teacher Target Maths Groups

Whats Going Well

Ideas To Try

The catchy number songs you began your

lesson with engaged the children and also
linked to your group learning focus.
The time frame for children on the carpet
listening to instructions is short and
Children know the routines well and settled
quickly to the tasks/activities given.
A variety of independent activities are
used. (i-pads, whiteboards, and games)
The children worked co-operatively at
group games.
Children could work alone or in groups at
many of the independent activities.
You arranged yourself and the children on
the carpet so you could interact with

Explain what to do when they have finished

a game. What your expectation is for
games on i-pad.
In between groups do a quick rove to check
what children are doing. Move those on
that have been at same activity for
duration of session.
Use specific praise for children you see
extending themselves, problem solving etc.
Introduce any new games at the beginning
of the week or at the beginning of your
teacher instruction group.
Maybe you could have a small whiteboard
handy to model when needed e.g. 13/30

Use this time or at the conclusion of your

group lesson to make explicit the links
between what they are doing and the
learning intention. Also clarify why they
need to know this.
Some groups may need extra support. Use
differentiation. The learning intention can
remain the same but the materials/
worksheet can be adjusted e.g. more

You used good questioning to prompt the

children to recall what they had been doing
in the previous lesson.
What did we do last session?
What was the purpose of colouring in the
What did that mean we were counting in?
What did you notice all the numbers ended

numbers already pre written on the

When you see a common mistake e.g. 13
being written instead of 30, stop the whole
group (rather that individually) and take a
few minutes to practise this on
whiteboards or focus attention back to
hundreds board.
Have a conclusion to your maths session.
E.g. everyone on the mat
Ask what did you learn to day
What was your favourite activity
How could you use what you learnt today at
Play a game

You provided extra support to those that

required it and allowed others to work at
their own pace.

The children were focused and on task,

they clearly knew the expectations both
working with you in the group and when
working independently.
Thank you for having me observe in your class, I know this can put pressure on the person
being observed. I think you coped very well and the atmosphere you created was
wonderful, allowing risks and yet safe to provide support and guidance for those that
required it. The children clearly were enjoying maths in you class.

Observer: Jo Spittal

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