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Opportunities Education for life Beginner Language Powerbook Amanda Maris Pearson Education Limited Edinburgh Gate Harlow Essex cn20 26 England and Associated Companies throughout the World. ‘Pearson Education 2006 The right of Amanda Maris to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright. Designs and Patent Act 1988. ‘NL rights reserved; no part of ths publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any ‘means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Publishers Fist published 2002 ‘Second edition 2008 ‘Second impresion 2007 Se in TC Oficina 105/13. ISBN: 978-1-4058-3199-4 Printed in Malaysia, .KHL Prepared for publication by AMR Design Ltd Cover photograph Corbis (Nik Wheeler) ‘Acknowledgements The authors and publishers would ike to thank the following people for their help in the development ofthis cou dana Pernicova (Czech Republi), Elsabetta Guidotti (Bologna), Laura Strap (Bologna), Delia Melchioni (Bologna), Susanna Magnani (Bologna), Susanna Ricciuti (Ferrara), Teresa Pouncey (Ferrara), Margherita Merola (Ferrara), Daniela Cova (Ferrara), ‘Adriana Tepelea (Romania), Simona Dancu (Romania), Szildné Gyapay Marta (Budapest, Iles Eva (Budapest), Monica Barone (aly) Photo Acknowledgements We are grateful to the folowing for permission to reproduce copyright photographs: Aldridge Press for pg 14 (centre), 26; Corl Corporation for pg 63 Corbis fr pg 44 (eR, photograph Dave . 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Mlustrators ‘Jean de Lemos of GCI, Tony Forbes (Sylvie Poggio Artists Agency), Gordon Gray MODULE 1 Hello Vocabulary: countries cities; nationalities Grammar: Present Simple to be (I/you/he/she/t); I/my. you/vour, tej, she/he, its; Who/Mhat/Where questions Word Corner: countries and nationalities Reading and Writing: an email capital letters; short forms; spelling Review 4: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 2 Meet the family ocabulary: families; rumbers jobs; preposition (fam, at) Grammar: Present Simple to be (you/ne/they);you/yout we/our, they/ther How old 2, a/or possessive 's Word Corner dictionary work speling mistakes Reading and Writing: description ofa faiy;apstophes;speting Review 2: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 3 At home Vocabulary: homes; colours: adjectives: preposition (i) Grammar: hovehas got Word Corner ditcnary work Reading and Writing: description ofa house; commas pling Review 3: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 4 At school (9.22-27) Vocabulary: the alphabet; classroom objects; lessons; prepsiton (on) Grammar: this/that,these/those; plural nouns Word Commer: alphabetical order Reading and Writing: a timetable; punctuation; spelling Review 4: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 5 Going out Vocabulary places; fod and drink; shopping; adjectives Grammar: Imperatives; some/any Word Corner: dictionary work Reading and Writing: description ofa city; punctuation; linking with but Review 5: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 6 Playing sport (36-39) Vocabulary sports; times: adverbs: word pars: prepositions (at. in) Grammar: cor/con; there is/there are Word Commer hee i/there are plus nouns Reading and Writing: description ofa person: capital eters and full stops in names: completing a form Review 6: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 7 Every day (940-45) ocabulary: day ofthe week; routines: jobs: prepsitions (in, on) Grammar Present Simple afimative and negative Word Comer: nouns or verbs? Reading and Writing: writing about routine; capital letters; spelng; inking with then Review 7: srammar and vocabulary MODULE 8 Free time Vocabulary: fe time activities; frequency mors; prices; prepositions (ta, to the or no preposition) ‘Grammar Present Simple Yes/No and Wh- questions; ike/bkes, ‘on'/doesnt ke + noun; ng forms Word Comer: adjectives Reading and Writing letter; punctuation in addresses; spaling Review 8: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 9 Excursions Vocabulary: places: transport clothes: prepositions (in, ot) Grammar: Present Continuous (al forms) ‘Word Comer: pats of speech Reading and Writing: descrition of a city: commas: spetng Review 9: grammar and vocabulary 04-9) (9-10-15) (p.16-21) (028-33) (0-46-51) (p.52-57) MODULE 10 Wildlife Vocabulary: animals; adjectives; prepositions (next to, neo) (Grammar: must/must'; subject and object pronouns Word Comer: nouns and pronouns Reading and Writing: description of an animal; question marks; Linking with but and then Review 10: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 11 Memories Vocabulary: months; dats; ordinal numbers; weather; prepositions (in, of at) Grammar: was/were, was'/merent ‘Word Corner: dictionary work Reading and Writing: description of a holiday; dates; linking with ond or but Review 11: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 12 At night Vocabulary: places; prepositions (before, after) Grammar: was/were, wasnt/werent + time expressions; there was/were; there was't/werent; yesterday o ast Word Comer: word meanings Reading and Writing: TV guide; capital letters; email symbols Review 12: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 13 Accidents (.76-81) Vocabulary: accidents, fre and crime; words that go together ‘Grammar: Past Simple (regular and irregular verbs) ‘Word Corner: word meanings Reading and Writing: a description of an accident; speling; linking with and then Review 13: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 14 Missing home ‘Vocabulary: word groups; season: prepositions (in ot) Grammar: comparative adjectives; comparatves with tobe Word Corner: dictionary work Reading and Writing: a postcard; titles and adresses; linking with because, and, but, then Review 14: grammar and vocabulary MODULE 15 Tests Vocabulary: exams and revision; helping at home; feelings; prepositions of time, place and movement ‘Grammar: going to fr future plans; have/hs to, don'/doesnt have to Word Comer: prepositions Reading and Writing: a quiz: apostrophes: commas; spelling Review 15: grammar and vocabulary (58-63) (64-69) jectves; 70-75) (.s2-87) (.88-93) MODULE 16 Goodbye (p.94-99) Vocabulary: actions; prepositions; word groups Grammar: suggestions (Why don’ ..? Lets.) review fall vet Forms Word Comer: prepositions Reading and Writing: adverts; punctuation review; speling; linking with and, but then and becouse Review 16: grammar and vocabulary Profiles (p.100-101) Dictionary Quiz (102) Word Bank (103-106) Mini-Grammar Index (p.106) Min}-Grammar (107-112) Warm-up 1 Countries Find eight (8) countries in the box. Look [-*] and [|]. a zor> Zenza >e pm@rean)ezcs pamzn ran zor xRewo4rrz>zeu euncrunvronme 2 Cities Write the letters in the correct order. 1 omeR Rome _ rinotdo tanseh ourovHe Bueerzuuezemnaee 1 GRAMMAR 1 1am/you are Write sentences with full forms. 1 Titaly Lam from Italy. 2. You/Poland 3 I/New York 4 You/Austratia 5 T/London 6 You/Britain 2. 1am not/you are not Write sentences with fll forms. 1 Y/not Russia, Lam not from Russia. 2 You/not/Australia wasWra eNw rokY 3. T/not/Buenos Aires ssunBeo sieAr % You/not/Canada 5. T/not/Athens 6 You/not/the United States 3 4: Affirmative and negative: short forms Now write the sentences in Exercises 1 and 2 with short forms. 1 T/taly. 1/not/Russia, 1m from italy. im not from Russa. 4, 4 Questions and short answers Write the questions and complete the short answers. 1 you/Canada ‘Areyou from Canadat Yes, _Lam, 2 you/Istanbul Ho, 3 you/Warsaw 2 Yes, 4 you/Australia 2 No, 5 you/St Petersburg 2Yes, 5 you/Argentina 2 No, 5 % What/Where questions and answers Write the words in the correct order. 1. T'm/Hit/Sennifer. Hil im Jennifer 2 name?/What’s/your 3 you/from? /are/Where 4 -Anna./My/name's 5 Rome./from/T'm (slo 6 my, you/your Girelothe correct word. Kate: Hello. (1) Fi)/My Kate. What's (2) you/your name? Joanne: (3) My/T name's Joanne. (4) Where are ‘your/you from? Kate: (5) m/are from Canada. And you? Joanne: (6) I'm/You from Australia. VOCABULARY 7 tm from. Complete the sentences. Write the names and the countries. Poland, Britain (x2), Argentina, Italy, Greece Ti ‘Adam. tin fom from Poland. iMy name's & ea ina, 2 GRAMMAR 1 & he/she is Write sentences about the nationalities. 1. Jamie/Britain Jamie is British 2. Kostas/Greece 3 Paola/Ttaly 4 Gabriela/Argentina 5 Adam/Poland 6 Megan/Britain 2 + Affirmative: full and short forms Complete the sentences like the example. Gs} Markos i 1 Greek. He _ from Athens. Chiara 2 Chiara___ Italian, from Rome. & ae ot U 3 Polish. _from Warsaw. 4 Stacy___ American. __ from New York. 5 Paul___ British. _ from London. a: Cristina 6 Gfistina__ Argentinian. from Buenos Aires, 3 & Negative Write the sentences with short forms. 1. Kostas is Polish, Kostas isnt Polish, 2 Paola is from Warsaw. | 3. My favourite pop star is American. 4 My penfriend is Italian. 5. My favourite sports star is Argentinian, 6 Megan is from London. 4 c& Affirmative and negative Write pairs of sentences with short forms. 11 My favourite star/American (x). She/Canadian (¥/).. she's Canadian. 2. My favourite music/heavy metal (x). It/soul (V7). 3. My penfriend/from London (x). He/from Cambridge (¥) 4 My pentriend/Russian (x). She/Potish (¥). 5 My favourite sports star/from the USA (x). He/from Brazil (7). 6 My name/Kate (X). Te/katie (V7). Helo ‘5 ee Questions and short answers Write questions and true answers. 1 your teacher/British Is your teacher British? Yes, he/she is,/No, he/she isnt. 2 your favourite pop star/Itatian 3. your favourite sports star/from Russia 4 your favourite music/heavy metal 5 your favourite film star/from the United States 6 your city/great? 6 & Who/What/Where questions Complete the questions. 1 What. ’s your name? 2 ____are you from? 3 ____'s your favourite pop star? 4 ____'s your favourite film star? 5 ___'s your favourite music? 6 ___ is your teacher from? 1 & he/his, she/her, it/its G@irclé)the correct word. My penfriend is from Poland. (He'5)/His great. ‘My teacher is British. Her/She name's Anna. Gabriela is Argentinian. He'/She's from Rosario. Kostas isn’t Polish. She’s/He’s Greek. My favourite music is heavy metal. It's/Its great! ‘My penfriend is from Italy. He’s/His name is Marco. Paola isn’t from Spain. He’s/She’s from Italy. Ym from a city in England 1ts/It's name is Oxford. 8 kek W/sheshesit In your notebook, write true answers to the questions in Exercise 6. , 1 Myname’s = tenet 3 READING AND WRITING 1 True or false? Read the email. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? Tick (V) the correct box. 1. Teresa is from Sydney. 7] EF 2. Antonio Banderas is Spanish. 7 EF 3. Robbie Williams is Russian, 71 EF 4 Maria Sharapova is a pop star. To: kate williams _ | resa davies Hikate, sydney in australia | my favourite film star is from span. Hi tengish. Shes from Russia. Her names | ‘My favourite music is SoU! Whats your favourite music? Whos he/she from australia? | Write soon. aay fiend. Il ‘My names teresa davies. Im your new pentriend is names antonio it ie | tar oras and hes great! my favourte PoP Se is robbie i te sports star isnt | williams, Hes english. My favourite SPOT TT arapova. your favourite star? IS be 2 Punctuation: capital letters Correct the email in your notebook. Write the capital letters. To: Kate Williams From: Teresa Davie Subject: Pentriends Hi Kate, 3 Punctuation: short forms Correct the email. Put Hi Kate, My name's Teresa Davies. fim ‘your new penfriend, 4 Spetting Correct these spelling mistakes. 1 Inglish 2 Torkey 3 Polis English 4 Amerikan 5 Espain 6 Canadien 7 Brasil 8 Argentinan 9 Rusia 10 Grece {heck Your answers in the Mini-dictionary. Review 1 GRAMMAR Lto be +1, you, he/she/it Gircle)the correct word. 1 Im/are Helen, What’s/What your name? 2 You is/are from Cambridge and she's/she from London. 3 I5/Am he your penfriend? No, he isisn't 4. Are/Is New York great? Yes, it is/it’s. 5 Am/Are you Polish? Yes, I am/Im. 2 What? Who? Where? Write questions for these answers. $F My name's Andrew. Tm from New York. Ny favourite sports star is David Beckham. My favourite music is soul My penfriend is from Poland. 3 W/my, you/your, he/his, she/her, it/its Choose the correct form. 1 My/I'm in London. It/Its great. 2 You/Your penfriend is from Argentina. She/Her name's Julia. 3 Her/She favourite sports star is French. He's/his name's Fabien Barthez. 4 He/tis favourite pop star is Britney Spears. She's/Her ‘American 5 My/I penfriend is from Brazil. His/He's great. (tel 4 Choose the correct answer. 11____from Warsaw. ais bmy cm dare 2 He from Athens. a's bare cnot dam 3 You great! ais Bae che dam 41 Italian. ano B’mnot ciswt — darent 5 Hello. I'm your new teacher. name's Chris. amy br cHe dAm 6 She from the United States. am barent eno disnt 7 Is he Polish? No, he . aisnt —barenvt cis d not & She's from Spain. name's Marta. ashe bHiscShes—d Mer 9 Are you English? No, I * aarent—b’mnot cist dam 10 His name's Simon. my penfriend, ates bHe cls dhe VOCABULARY 5 Countries and nationalities Write the words in the correct list. Countries Nationalities 2 Meet the yamily Warm- 1 Families Write the words in the correct list. Ee cece sour arses in the Mink-dictionary. 2 Numbers: Match the numbers in the box and the words, like the example. sity-three 7 [_] a/one hundred 2 LJ tity 8 [1] one 3 [_] three 9 [_] twenty-two 4 [seventeen 10 [_] fourteen 5 [_] thirty 11 [_] seventy 6 [_]ninety-one 12 [__] thirteen 4 GRAMMAR 1 you/we/they are Write sentences with full forms. 1 They/from Cambridge wey are from Cambric 2 We/ttatian 3 You and your parents/from Wales 4 Gabriela and Paola/at home 5 Kostas and Adam/at school 6 The children/at the cinema 2 & you/we/they aren't Write negative sentences with short forms. 1 They/at the cinema. ‘They arent at the cinema. 2 We/Potish 3. You and your family/from Italy 4 My brother and I/from London 5 My parents/Russian 3 4% Affirmative and negative Write pairs of sentences with short forms. 1 They/from Poland (X). They/from Slovakia (W).. “They aren't from Poland, They're from Slovakia, Mr and Mrs Williams/from England (X). They/from Wales (¥). We/from Buenos Aires (x). We/from Rosario (¥). Jamie and Megan/at home (x). They/at the cinema ”). My sisters/at school (x). They/at home (). My brother and I/Argentinian (x). We/Brazilian (v7). 4 kx Questions and short answers Write the questions and true short answers. 1 your parents/at: home ‘Are your parents at home ? Yes, they are./No, they arent. you and your friends/at school you and your family/Greek your friends/at the cinema your parents/from Poland your teachers/from England 5 & we/our, you/your, they/their GCedaythe correct word. 4, 2 3 % 5 6 hej Their aren't at home now. We/Our teacher is from Rome. What are you/your names? We/Our aren't from Warsaw. Where are you/your from? Their/They names are Simon and Claire. 6 How old? Write questions and true answers. 1 How old/your penfriend How old is your penfriend? He’/she’s (seventeen: 2 Meet the family 2 How old/you 3 How old/your friend 4 How old/parents. 7 ic to be; my, Complete the text. (1) _My___ name's Emily Walker. (2) sixteen. My family and I (3) from Cambridge in England. My father (4) forty. (5) name's John. My mother (6) thirty-eight. ) name's Anna. My grandparents (8) —__ from London. (9) names are Alexander and Eve. What's your name? How old (10) you? is/her, their 8 sete to be; I/my, he/his, she/her Look at the notes 1-5. Write sentences about you ‘and your family in your notebook. you ~ where from? /name2/how old? mother ~ where from?/name2/how old? father ~ where from?/name? /how old? brother/sister ~ where from?/name2/how old? your friend - where from?/name?/how old? 1 Tin from Brazil. My name’ silvia Hin 17 ‘ VOCABULARY 9 Numbers Complete the crossword with the numbers in words, Across TAS: 59 6 7 50 8 40 9 5 Down 2 98 3 20 aw 5 GRAMMAR 1% van Write @ or an. a__ student 2 _an_ engineer 3 op star 4 ___ actress 5 ____ teacher 6 ____ electrician 7 ____ scientist 8 ____ businesswoman 2 kek avon Write a or am in the correct place. 1. My patents are from Rome. My dad is a teacher. 2 My sister is student, She is at university in Istanbul. 3 My mother is actress. She's great! 4 Our brother is architect. His name's Andy. 5 Their daughter is engineer and their son is actor 6 He isn't electrician, He's engineer. 3 & Possessive 's Write “sin the correct place. Chris is Marks brother. You are my daughter teacher. Nick is Angela father, What is your mother name? Linda favourite star is Johnny Depp. What is your dad job? 4 kk to be or possessive ‘s? Write P for possessive ‘s or write is. 1. She's a model. Dad's sister is a student, _P. ‘Jamie's favourite star is David Beckham. 2 3 4 Megan is Jamie's sister. 5 Jamies at school. __ 6 What is your brothers name? 7 Who's your favourite star? 8 Adam's sixteen 5 kx to be and possessive 's Look at the family tree and write sentences. i f eer Helen Greg ‘Adam Kate 1 Bily/eten Bill is Helen's husbar 2 Greg and Adam/Kate Greg and Adam are Kate's brothers 3. Kate/Helen 4 Greg and Adam/Helen 5. Kate/Adam 6 Bill and Helen/Greg 6 x a/an, to be, possessive 's Correct the mistakes. 1 Shes __ shes an engineer. 2 My sisters husband is a doctor. 3 Wherehe from? 4 Mark favourite pop group is Westlife. 5 His mum ise architect. 6 Ate you em student? 2 Mest the family VOCABULARY 7 Jobs: Match the jobs with the pictures. Ee Use the Mini-dictionary to help you. 8 Write sentences about the people in Exercise 7 in your notebook. a See y 1 she’s a businesswoman. j at your Mini-dictionary. 9 Prepositions (Gira\the correct word. 2 Fam re | 3. Animals | 1 Were at/{from)Cambridge. > Pages —___ } 2. They arent from/t the cinema, ee 5 The A-Z section starts on page 3. My teacher is at/from school now. 4 Where are you from/at? 2 Spelting Correct these spelling mistakes. 5. Is your sister ity? your sister at/from university? ‘ : 5 6 Are your parents from/at home? a ons Eat 7. Ae they at/from the United States? 6 READING AND WRITING 1 Punctuation: 1 capital letters and full stoy Reed th tet blow Put ul stops (and etal letters where necessary. pay Family by Emily our surname \S Adams Terento in Canada my sarah she 1 thirty and she is an engineer mums Elton Tohn my Greg he is an forty-two his star is Sean Connery Favourite pop star is dads name +S electrician and he is favourite film ay sisters name iS Linda a avid Linda is is twelve Lindas brothers name is D Fourteen and David Favourite pop stars Backstreet Boys and Davids is Will smith me am seventeen ani Favourite pop star is Britney Britneys music is gre cee 2 Reading Read the text again. Answer these questions. 1. Where is Emily from? How old is she? Who fs Linda? Who is David? How old is Emily's mother? What is Greg's job? 3 Punctuation: apostrophes ‘orrect the text. Put apostrophes () necessary, Start like this. Sn {say mum's name & Sarah \ we (4) Adams we are from mums name is rine years old ce tt nd uy 4 Spelling Correct these spelling mistakes, 1. sinema 2 eiht 3 foto cinema ___ 4 granmother intresting la: sientist univercity bussinesman FE your ores inte min sconn Review 2 GRAMMAR 1 we/you/they are Complete the sentences. 1 They from Barcelona in Spain. 2 ‘you and your family Italian? No, we 3 We students 4 they at home? Yes, they 2 Questions and answers Correct the mistakes. 1 How old you-are? E- seventeen. 2 How old ate your sister? She twenty. 3. What's you name? Are your American? 4 Fheyére names are Chris and Sue. Their students, 3 a/an and possessive 's Write ‘sin the correct place and a or an. 1 My father name is Adam. He isn't engineer. 2 What is your penftiend name? Is she student? 3 Is your friend favourite star _ actor? 4 As her sister husband sports star? 4 Complete the dialogue. Andy: Hell, '™m your new teacher. Pedro: (1) your name? Andy; My name's Andy. Ilia: (2) you English? ‘Andy: No, T() Tm from Perth, “ ‘sa city in Australia. My wife (5) English Pedro: What's (6) name? Andy: Fiona. She's (7) doctor. What (8) your names? Pedro: My name's Pedro dulias And my name's Julia, ‘Andy: (9)_____are you from? uli (10) ‘re from Rosario (a1) ‘Argentina. ‘Andy: And how old (12) you? Pedro: I (13) fifteen and Julia (14) sixteen, ‘Julia: Pedro is (15) brother. 2 Meet the family VOCABULARY 5 Family Read the text. Write the names on the family tree. Tim's wife is Helen. Their son's name is Mark. Mark's sloter is Rachel. James is Rachel's husband. Their sor's name ie Faul and their daughter's name le Claire. Paul 5 6 Numbers Write the numbers as words. 178 30 1“ 40 1s 50 19 90 3 At home Warm-up 7 GRAMMAR 1 Homes 1 & I/you/we/they/have got Look at the picture below and match the numbers: Write sentences with full forms. with the words. 1 T/a computer bedroom 1 bath ] L have got a computer. sofa cooker _) 2 You/a camera toilet bathroom sitting room carpet 3° We/a garden kitchen O shower CL - fridge bed 4 They/a dog a gor 5 Vacat ir Mini-dictions i. CEG iim | 2 Prepositions Draw these objects in the house. 2 Short forms 2 aa Write the short forms = ‘computer, CD player, TV, video i] for Exercise 1in your |‘ !¥egota computer, | Now write four sentences in your notebook. notebook, Titrammnanaenginentt 1 The (computer) isin the (bedroom). __ (28) 3 & Vyou/we/they/haven't got Write these sentences in the negative with short forms. 1 Ive got a sister. havent got a sister. 2. We've got a pet. 3. They've got a computer. & You've got a video. 5 Ive got a TV. 6 They've got a garden. 4 tek Questions and answers Write questions and true short answers. 1 you/a sister Have you gota sister? 2 your parents/a computer Yes, thave./No, | haven't. 3. you/a dog 4 you and your parents/a video 5. your parents/a TV/in their bedroom At home 6 kx a, an or the? Complete the text with a, an or the. ve got (1) __an_ English CO and (2) English video. (3) (0 is boring but “ Video is interesting. In my bedroom, Tve got (5) ‘computer and (6) o player. (7) computer is big and ®) 0 player is small. VOCABULARY 7 Opposites Write the opposites of these adjectives. 1 bad goad 2 interesting 3° small 4 old 8 Adjectives Write the adjectives in the correct place in the ‘sentences. Change a to an where necessary. 1. Tve got a video. (interesting) lve got an interesting video. 2 Have you got a computer? (new) 3. We've got a TV. (old) 4 Have they got garden? (big) 5. Is she a teacher? (good) 6 you/a CD player/in your bedroom 5. a, an or the? Gite the correct word. 1 eve got@)an eat and(@)/an dog. (RBYW/An cat’ name is Felix. 2 Tye got a/an old computer and a/an new CO player. The/A/An CO player is from Germany. 3. They've got a/an big house and a/an small garden. They are in the/a/an garden now. 4. 1Ve got a/an boring game and a/an interesting game. The/A/An boring game is called Powertime. 5, We've got a/an computer and a/an video. The/A/An computer is new. 9 Write the sentences in the plural. 1. My teacher is great. My teachers are great. 2 The room is small. 3 My book isn't boring. 4 “Your sister is great. 5 Our friend is English. 4 8 GRAMMAR 1 & he/she/it/has got Look at the pictures and write sentences. 2 Emma 2 & he/she/it/hasn't got Write these sentences in the negative. 1. Our school has got a garden. Our school hasn't gota ganden, 2 My brother has got a camera, 3. My grandfather has got a cat. 4 Our classroom has got a window. 5 Megan has got a sister, 3 4x Affirmative and negative Look at the table. Complete the sentences about Mike and Jo with short forms. Mike Jo Peter Tina 1 Mike hasn't got a brother but _he’ got a sister, 2 Jo 2 brother but she a sister. 3 Mike 2 penfriend and Jo a penfriend. 4 Mike a cat but he a dog. 5 Jo a pet. 4, ck Questions and answers Look at the table in Exercise 3. Write questions and short answers about Peter and Tina in your noteboo 1. Peter/a brother Tina/a cat Peter/a sister Tina/a penfriend Peter/a dog Tina/a sister 1 Has Peter got a brothert Yes he has. | 2 Has Tina got acat? No, she hasnt. 5 At home 5 tok haveshas got 8 My room Complete the dialogue with the correct Find the names of the objects (1-7). Write them on the picture, form. i a Use the Mini-dictionary to help you Diane Hi, Helen, Are you in your new house now? Helen: Yes, is great! 1 (1) ‘ve got a big bedroom and the house (2) a nice garden. Diane: What (3) you _—______ in your bedroom? Helen: I (4) anew computer and a CD player. My brother _a TV in his room, he a video, too? sTtsin you pets in the new house? Helen: Yes, we (9) two small white cats. They're in the garden now. Diane: Great! VOCABULARY 6 Colours ‘Write the letters in the correct order. 1 end red C] 2 albu 1 3 Klbca CL cf | 9 Look at the picture ofthe bedroom. Read and complete eee the text. 5 oelyiw : . LJ My name's Angela. I'm seventeen. I've got a new (1) bedroom _. osha QO Tes et I gota big (2) and two (@) meee of my favourite stars on the (4) __ -Tve got @ new 8 erjen —___ (5) _— for my computer and two (6) _. Ive What are your favourite colours? Number got (7) for my books and a (8) for my the colours. favourite music, but I haven't got a TV ora video ([1)= favourite, 8 10 Write about your bedroom in your notebook. Use these ideas. 7 Complete the sentences, 1 Red + = pink | MY Feom/(green) walls — it/a yellow) carpet — iC) window OOM) carpet | 2 White + = grey | YATV-1A DVO payer —11e0 pay er i 3 +s green |,_MY room has got green walls, ? 4 ey = orange ee (9) 9 READING AND WRITING ‘1 Reading Read the text, My house. Complete the table. a garden? a pet? a green carpet? a computer? shelves? posters? 2 Read the text again and circle the correct information, 1 Todd is American/French. 2 Todd's house has got eight/nine rooms. My name's Todd an 3. The house has got a big sitting room/kitchen, thn Frost the Dik 4. The walls in Todd's bedroom are green/blve, id my eurname is Fren ch, (ted States. My family and | 3 Punctuation: commas Correct the text. Put commas (,) where necessary. Windows and a great: gard ey len | “The house has got five bedrooms, two bathrooms, 4 My room i nice, te got green wall a bye es cremsrcaetta le | errata sim tanan sree EFer cobs 1) where necessary wines room. I've got big shelves for my books 8 dn com and computer games, vee 41 Our school has a computer a CD player and a video. 2 My favourite colours are red blue green and pink. 3. I've got a brother a sister and a penftiend. 4 The TV video CD player lamp and piano are in the sitting room. 5. Their friends are from London New York Rome Athens and Warsaw. 5 Spelling Correct these spelling mistakes. 1 camara camera frige clasroom 2 3 4 yelow 5 borring 6 7 8 oranje fone Review 3 GRAMMAR 1 have/has got, haven't/hasn't got Complete the sentences with the correct form. at two penfrends. Theyre British, 2 She a TV. It's in her bedroom. 3 you a pet? No, T 4 We've got a dog but we a cat. @ big house? Yes, he 6 They a new computer game. 7. He's got a brother but he a sister. It blue walls and a Complete the sentences with a, an or the. 3 At home VOCABULARY 4 Homes Match the objects (1-8) with the rooms (a-d). 1 toilet 2 fridge 3 cooker 4 video 5 bath 6 7 8 a bedroom b kitchen «sitting room d bathroom bed shower sofa 5 Adjectives and colours Write the words in the correct list. 1 Tye got garden, My pets are in Teens Adjectives Colours 2. Theyve got ‘new house but they aren't in house now. 3. We've got English teacher and art teacher. English teacher is new. 4 She's got letter and email. email is from her penfriend 3Girclo\the correct word. Karen: Hello, What's your name? Isabel: Isabel. I'm (1) at/from Italy. Naren: (2) My/T name's Karen. Welcome to England. (3) Are/Am your parents in England? Isabel: No, they (4) fsn’t/aren‘t. They/re (5) at/from home in Italy. We (6) ‘ve got/'s got a house in Rome. Karen: (7) Has/Have you got a garden? Isabel: Yes, we have. And I've got (8) o/an big bedroom. (9) He's/It’s got white walls, big windows and a nice, red carpet. Karen: I've got a new CD player (10) at/in my bedroom. ‘And my brother (11) have/has got a new TV! Isabel: (12) What/How old is your brother? Karen: He (13) has/is 21. (14) Her/His name's David and he's (15) a/the student. Bz At school Warm-up 10 GRAMMAR 1 & The alphabet 1 & this or that? Write the letters in the correct part of the table. Write this or that with the pictures. +e 1 _this book Complete the sentences below. @ What's in SS 3 sek What's this/that? Write questions and answers, 1 Qs Whats thisr book, 2: What's that? ‘Az tsa computer. 4 At school 6 Lessons and objects Match the objects (a-h) with the lessons (1-8). 1 [F] Enotish 5 [_) literature 2Ljat 6 [_] music 3 [_] computer studies. 7 [_] sport 4 [_] maths 8 [_] geography cond 3a: ? & (el tt a & sx “ a 4 2 7 in your notebook, write the names of the objects ¢ in Exercise 7. oe. L - j a) book s 5 a ? neti ne A VOCABULARY 4 The classroom ote over Write the names of the objects (1-12) [7 bond) oq) fz 5 | ‘in the picture on the right. A, By (Check your answers in the f \ ee Mini-dictionary. E 5 a é 5 Where are they? if Write sentences with on. Look at the 7 things in the picture. 1 box ~ 10x is lf. 8 ——— 2 dock and poster Ze 3 bag rs 10 4 pens it « 12 lz 11 GRAMMAR 1 & Plural nouns Write the plurals. pencil poster magazine éictionary shelf box pencils 2 x these or those? Write these or those with the pictures, graphs 3 & these/those + nouns Complete the sentences. 7 8 9 10 " 2 family watch student actress wife city 4 __ videos Write questions and answers. 4 ick What are these/those? | | _maazines They're great. >} 4 Look at these me @) 5 to to be, these/those + plural nouns Write these sentences in the plural. 1. This book is interesting. These books are interesting. 2 That poster is great 3. What's this? It's @ magazine. 4 What's that? It’s a graph. 5 Look at this dictionary. 6 Pass me that box, please. VOCABULARY 6 Objects Write the words in the correct part of the diagram. ¢ At school 7 Answer the questions with true answers in your notebook. 1 What have you got in your bag? 2 What have you got in your classroom? 3. What have you got on your desk? 4 What have your got on the wall? [a Ye gota pen in my bag ont 8 Questions and answers Match the questions (1-4) with the answers (a-d). 1. How do you spell ‘pencil’? b 2 What's this in English? 3. Who is in that photo? 4 What are those on your desk? a It's Linda, my sister. b P-~E-N-C-I-L They'e maps of London. Its a calculator. F answers in the Mini-dctionary. @ 12 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read the text. Match the text with the correct plan. eee ened My timetable — Alison Ellis ‘My name is alison ellis this is my school its called St. peter’s School. weve got six lassrooms a computer room and.a gy ‘The classrooms are big but the gym is small. we havent got an art room oF 2 music room My classroom is number 6 Its got 2 board two cupboards shelves and posters on the wall Today is friday We got Five legons ~ maths science history artand computer studies, Maths science and history are boring but art and computer studies are great my favourite teachers tame is mr williams, hes our art teacher. hes really interesting 2 Read the text 2heal tale a ‘Are these sentences 1 Alison's school has got nine rooms. Alison's classroom is number six. Alison's classroom hasr't got a clock. 4 [_] the art teacher is boring, 3 Punctuation a Correct the text. Write capital ind full stops. pital letters and i 2 Write commas (,) where necessary. 3 Write apostrophes possessive ’s where (and My name is Alison Ellis. This is my school ts called st. Peter’ School ‘Weve got six classrooms, a computer room anda.gym. et PLAN A classroom 1 [classroom 2 | classtoom 3 [art || | room | U ? | classoom 4 | classroom 5 | classroom 6 | music | | room PLAN B [| | : | classroom 1 [gym [classroom 2 | classroom 3 | nd WV classroom 4 | computer | classroom 5 | classroom 6 room 4 Spelling Correct the spelling mistakes. 1 therty __thirty 4 simame 2 repeet 5 3. grean len © peeple 5 Write the words in Exercise 4 in the correct list. Review 4 GRAMMAR 1 this/that, these/those Grda)the correct word, 1 Look at this/these magazine. It’s great! Come to the window! What's that/this in the street? What are that/those? They're English cassettes. These/This videos are boring! Pass me these/those pens, please. They/re on the desk, 6 The children are in the house. Who's that/this in the arden? 2 Choose the correct form. Ann: Come here, Sue. Look at (1) this/these photos of my new school! Suet OK. (2) Who's/What’s that in the classroom? ‘Ann: That's my teacher, Mrs Reeves (3) He's/She's great! Suet And where (4) is/are you in this photo? ‘Anns I'm (5) at/in the art room. My picture is (6) on/in the wall. ‘Sue: (7) Its/Its great. The colours (8) is/ore really nice. ‘Ann: Thank you. (9) These/That photos are of the computer room ‘Sue: Look at the computers! (10) They‘re/Their great! ‘Ann: Yes. (11) Have/Has your school got (12) the/a computer room? Suet No, but I've got (13) a/an new computer (24) in/at home. Computer studies is my favourite lesson. What’s (15) your/you'te favourite lesson? ‘Ann: Te got two. Art and literature, VOCABULARY 3 Plural nouns Write the plurals. mle «6 family — 2 bal 7 actress 3 shelf 8B box fly 9 watch 5 wife 10 paintbrush 4 At wchool 4 Lessons Write the letters in the correct order to form lesson words. Start with the underlined letter. 1 tueoprcm sdesuit 2 cusmi 3. thysior 4 rsotp 5. stneihg 6 reainltetu 5 Classroom objects Complete the crossword with the names of the objects. @) | Lea Warm-up 1 Places Label the picture with the words. g oning ur 13 GRAMMAR 1 Imperatives: affirmative Write the words in the correct order. Write capital letters and full stops where necessary. 1 on/apen/your/page/books/fifteen open your books on page filteen. books /the/put/shelves/the/on board/on/the/write/answer/the bag/in/your/put/catculator/your ——— | on/poster/at/look/the/wall/the —— | eight/on/the/read/text/page | 2 & Imperatives: negative Write negative instructions. go/to the disco Dont go to the disco, | ‘open/that box sit down/on this chair | — ae put/your bags/on the bed buy/coffee/at that café write/on the board 3 4k Affirmative and Match the instructions with the pictures. F boing oat 4 && Affirmative and negative Write sentences. café/areat sandwiches Goto that café, Ws got great sandwiches. bookshop /boring books Don't go to that bookshop. It's got boring books, disco/great music restaurant/terrible food ‘museum/interesting paintings shop/expensive COs VOCABULARY 5 Places Look a the picture on page 28. Write true sentences with near, 1. the café/the railway station thiieal i 2 the shops/the café ‘The shops aren't aft tthe church/the railway station the café and the mosque/the park the museum /the restaurant the museum and the shops/the park 6 Opposites Write the opposites of these adjectives. 1 good _bad 2., interesting 3 terrible 4 cheap 5 new 6 big 14 GRAMMAR 1 & some (affirmative) Write sentences. 1 T/cbs Ive got some CDs. 2 My city/new shops 3. We/coffee 4. She/new T-shirts 5. My friends/orange juice 2 & any (negative) Write sentences. 1 Y/not/stamps Lhaven't got any stamps. 2 You/not/paper 3 He/not/pens 4 My city/not/museums 5. We/not/tea 4 tk some/any (affirmative, negative and questions) Complete the sentences with some or any. 1 We've got some stamps. 2 You haven't got envelopes. 3. Have we got mineral water? 4 She's got cheese sandwiches. 5 We haven't got coffee. 6 Have you got postcards? 5 tc some/emy (affirmative and negative) Look at the shopping list. Write sentences. voveboeedoVbiiuuTeduus| orange juiceY choose mineral water ® Gooey. ea Shay a ie tomatoes X stamps X 3 any (questions) Write questions and short answers. 1. you/pencits? Have you got any pencil’ _ Yes, Lhave 2. he/stamps? No, 3 we/orange juice? Yes, 4 this city/parks? Yes, . 5 your sister/CDs No, 6 kek some/any (affirmative and negative) Write true sentences, 1 stamps in my bag Ve got innny bag nt got a 2 soul CDs 3 heavy metal CDs 4 posters in my room 5 newT-shirts 6 English books F bin oat 7 tek& some/any 10 Match the sentences (1-4) with (a-d) to make ‘Think about your town or city. Write the dialogues in dialogues. aes benee oo itp (Tue amen 1. Go to the market, It's got some good CDs, a Tourist: Has this town got any interesting museums?) ® A salad sandwich, please. You Yes ithas.The city Museum snearthemain ° 3, Four posteards of Cambridge, please. ee 4 Have you got any big football shits? 1 this town/interesting museums? a Here you are. 2 this town/interesting church? b Tm sony. We haven't got any salad sandwiches. 3. this town/good discos? ¢ Large or extra large? 4 this town/cheap shops? d_ That's interesting. 5. this town/good cafés? 11 In your notebook, write a list of shops near your house. VOCABULARY 8 Food and drinks Write the words in the correct list. Food Drinks sandwich orange juice 9 Shopping Write the names of the objects. Match the objects (1-8) with the shops (a-e). 15 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read the text. Match the photos (a, b and c) with Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. [uy city by Damy carson it from Dublin in Lrelard, i | + a mg le | big. Df is tea if It is i hoctoric. and interesting. visi | Trinity college Tt has ‘got some old books 2 Dl lin was got some great ShOPS: | go te Gratton street for Ttment stores Clothes shops | arte cia ge od. they, are, expensive. go fe | Ie warkots for Cheap Clothes ¢ and CDS set earite area is called, |? Ghote Bar. Zh has got cafée Tectaurants a cipema ard 2 | theatre. Lt is fantastic ; | 4 The area near my house has 9e some shops it hasn't got any banks 2 Read the text again, Answer these questions. 1s Danny English? 1s Dublin an old city? Where are the big shops in Dublin? What has Temple Bar got? 3 Punctuation: capital letters and full stops Correct the text. Put capital Letters and full stops (.) where necessary. itis the capital city. itis not very big { 4 Punctuation: commas Gorrete CSS tea me cote () Whateinacneeery, “qos Grafton Street for department stores: | dothes shopsand shoe shops. : & 5 Linking with but Look at these sentences. Link them with but. Change the capital letters where necessary. 1 It is not very big. It is beautiful. tis not very big but it s beautiful. | 2 These shops are good. They are expensive. 3 The area near my house has got some shops. It hasn't got any banks. 4 Our town has got some interesting statues. Tt hasn't got any museums. 5. Visit the main square, Dor't go to the museums. || —_____§j 6 This area has got some cafés. It hasn't got any | restaurants. : 1 1 6 in your notebook, write five sentences with but ] about your town or city. : My town has got park but i le i Review 5 GRAMMAR 1 Imperatives Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. 1 the museum. It’s very interesting. 2 the coffee, Its terrible, 3. Dinner is at 7.00. late. 4 to that clothes shop. It's got great T-shirts, 5 This isa test. ‘to other students. ‘ (Ds at the market. Theyre very cheap. 2 seme/any Complete the sentences with some or any. Tye got new CDs. Have you got envelopes? She hasn't got brothers or sisters. The newsagent’s has got interesting magazines. Have they got orange juice? ‘The shop hasn't got mineral water, The shops have got Has this café got 3(Gircle)the correct word. My town isnt very big but (1) its/it’s very interesting. ‘The centre and the main square (2) is/are old and very beautiful. The main square (3) have/has got @ church and (4) o/an statue. The statue is of a famous doctor from (5) our/we city. We (6) have/has got three museums, two theatres and five cinemas. (7) You visit/Vist the City Museum. got (8) Some/any fantastic paintings and statues. Modern Art Museum is (9) at/near the main square. 0) This/These museum is very interesting (11) and/but expensive, too. Ny local area has got a market, three small shops ‘a bank. It hasn't got (12) some/any big shops or egartment stores. (13) That/These shops are in (14) centre. Has your city got (15) some/any resting places? nice postcards. sandwiches? F Going mat VOCABULARY 4 Places and objects Match the objects with the places. 1 food acinema 2) Tshirt ‘b disco 3. film c newsagent’s 4 magazine d café 5. football shirt, f clothes shop 6 music f sports shop 5 Adjectives Choose the correct word. 1. That shop isn't cheap/new. It's very expensive. 2 Watch this video. It’s really good/bad. Don't go to that restaurant. The food is famtastic/ terrible. 4 The town isn't boring. Its very interesting/small. 6 Food and drink Write the words with the pictures. Cy > 6” A Warm-up 1 Complete the sports crossword with the names of the sports. sees 0 b laying eport 16 GRAMMAR 1 & con Write sentences. 1 T/play basketball Lcan play basketball 2 He/play football 3. Gabriela/speak English 4 We/dive 2 & can't Write negative sentences. 1 T/not/dive Leantt dive. 2 You/not/play basketball 3 She/not/speak Spanish 4 4 My friends/not swim 3 & can/can't Look at the table at the top of the page 35 and sentences, 1. Nicola/ski and do the high jump Nicola can ski and do the high jump. 2 Nicola and Simon/play tennis 3. Andy and Teresa/swim 4 Simon/ski and swim 5. Andy and Simon/do the high jump 4 4c can/can't in questions and answers Look at the table above. Write questions and short answers. 1. Simon/ski an Simon skit Yes, he can. 2 Nicola/swim Can Nicola swimt No, 3 Nicola and Teresa/tdo the high jump 4% Simon/swim? 5 Nicola and Simon/play tennis? 5 4k can/can't in questions and answers Look at the table above. Write questions with (question words and answers. 41. Who/play tennis Who can play tennis? 2 What sports/Andy do What sports can Andy do? 3 Who/do the high jump —Andy and Teresa can. 4 What sports/Simon do 5, Who/do all four sports 6 Playing port VOCABULARY 6 sports Write the words in the correct list. play do run jump 7 Adverbs Look at the table and complete the sentences. G2) = not very well, SRE aot Dh - rt at GD =e Dever vet GD -nivonty 1. The Canadian and the American teams can _ run —fast__- 2 The American team can't _ play football _very well. The French team 3 play football : 4 The British team swim z 5 The Australian and Canadian teams play basketball 6 The American team play basketball 7 The British, French and Australian teams run 8 The British team football «2 17 GRAMMAR 1 + Affirmative: there is/there are Look at the list and write sentences with full forms. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ‘There isa gym. There are two swimming pools. 2. Affirmative: there is/there are ‘Look at Exercise 1. Write the sentences with the short forms of there is in your notebook. 3 4 Negative The City Sports Centre hasn't got the things in the box. Write negative sentences with short forms. 1 2 3 4 4 kc& Affirmative and negative Write sentences with short forms. 1a café (¥) a restaurant (X) courts, 3a jacuzzi (V) a sauna (X) 4 a football pitch (#) football classes (x) 5 a gym (v/) aerobics classes (x) 6 two swimming pools (¥) a children’s pool (x) 5 4x Questions and short answers Look at Exercise 1. Write questions and short answers about the City Sports Centre. 1 agym 2 tennis courts 3. a restaurant 4 swimming classes 5 aerobics classes 6 a jacuzzi 6 kx there is/there are, have/has got, can/can't Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Tom: (1) _1s_ there a sports centre near here? Andy: Yes, there's a new place in Cambridge Street. It @_ a fantastic pool. Tom: But I (3) swim, ‘Andy: Don't worry. There (4) ‘swimming classes and the sports centre (5) a small pool for beginners. ‘Tom: Great! (6) there tennis courts? I'm good at tennis and I (7) a new racket. ‘andy: 1 (8) play tennis, too! Tom: Good. Come to the sports centre with me! VOCABULARY 7 Word pairs Match the words (1-6) with (af). 1 swimming a courts 2 sports b pitch 3° football c centre 4 tennis d pool 5 aerobics e courts 6 basketball. F classes 8 Write six sentences about your town/city in your ‘otebook. Use the words in Exercise 1 and there ‘s/there are, there isn't/there aren’t. | there is one swinuming pool 9 Times Match the times in numbers (1-6) with the times in words (2-f). 1 4.15pm. >. a six o'clock in the evening 2 6.00 p.m. seven forty-five in the evening 3 730am. | ¢ two thirty in the afternoon 4 2.30pm. | d_ six o'clock in the moming 5 7.45pm. \e four fifteen in the afternoon 6 6.00am, seven thirty in the morning 6 Playing sport 10 write the times. HE stone, 11 Prepositions Complete the sentences with at or in. 1. Dinner is _at____ seven o'clock. 2 My aerobics class is ‘the morning. 3. Maths is ten fifteen, 4 Artis the afternoon. 5 The sports centre is open 9.30 am. 6 Our tennis class is the evening. 12 write five sentences about your lessons and classes in your notebook. Use at and in. There's a big sofa in my sitting room. 18 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read the text and complete the form. \. i Ym from ard, Im eighteen and I'm fi ca nstadent in cambridge and sports. | can swim ‘un fast. | can't play rac yy “e My tennis classes 2 See 00 am. an 30 pm. Mr Cooper. He can play tennis k tngsh and French. | can speak Montreal in Canada. ‘My interests are art, history | well and | can but I've got a go lay will Sports Centre are at 9. | tim Miss Ellen How. Play Wel | My teacher's name is brilliantly! ean spea Talian, to0, but not very we — © rl, © Sports Centre {© Surname: () __Howard __- ome oer © Notional: (5) © Home foun: (6) ———————— 2 © spt 0) O iss: (0) _ Tine of classes ll) _— ©) Name of teacher: (12) 2 Read the text again, Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Ellen is good at swimming. 2. Ellen's racket isn't very good. 3. Ellen's classes are in the morning and in the afternoon, 3 Writing names and titles Correct these names and titles, Put capital letters. and full stops (.) where necessary. 1. miss e howard ~ Miss E. Howard 2 mr pj green ~ 3. mrs fr davies ~ 4 ms stallen - 5 mr br ellis ~ 6 miss ht williams ~ 4 Completing a form Complete the form about you. Write about a sports centre or your own school. Surname: (1) Fist name: (2) "Title: (3) Nationality: (5) Home town: (6) | Occupation: (7) Interests: (8) Be sports: (9) 4 Ellen can't speak French very well, Class: (10) 5. Ellen is very good at Italian. @ Time of classes: (11) Name of teacher: (12) Review 6 GRAMMAR Lcan/can't Complete the sentences with can or can’t. 1 She's good at sports. She play tennis and basketball. 2. Tm good at basketball but I play tennis. you ski? Yes, but not very well. My brother is good at languages. He speak French, Itatian and Spanish. 5. Are your friends good at sport? No, they swim, play tennis or basketball 6 My parents well. speak English but not very 2 there is/there are, there isn’t/there aren't Complete the sentences with the correct form. 1 a sports centre in this town. Its very good. 2 The centre has got a big pool but a children’s pool. 3 swimming classes at this sports centre? Yes, 4. This sports centre is very good. classes every day. The centre has got a gym but aerobics classes. 6 ‘a gym near here? Yes, Tes in Green Street. 3 Choose the correct word, Todd: Welcome to the Play Well Sports Centre. Sue: Thank you. (1) This/These centre is great! Is (2) it/she new? Todd: Yes, and (3) we/we've got a fantastic swimming pool, twelve tennis courts and a big gym. What's (4) you/your favourite sport? Sue: Tennis, but I (5) con/can't play very well (6) Are/Is there tennis classes at (7) a/the sports centre? Tod Yes, there (8) is/are, They're (9) at/in 10.30 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. Sue: And in the evening, too? Tedd: No, I'm sorry. There (10) are/aren‘t classes in the ‘evening. Can you (11) do/run any other sports? 4 Plajing tpt Sue: I can swim and dive. Todd: There (12) ‘s/are a fantastic pool here. (13) It’/Tts open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day. Sue: (14) What's/Where’s the time now? Todd: It’s 10.05. ‘Sue: Great! (15) What's/Where’s the pool, please? AG the comect word. My favourite sport is swim/swimming. can play/do football very well. Can you do/jump the tong jump? The basketball pitch/court is new. My school hasn't got a football court/pitch. T can speak/talk Spanish. ou nene VOCABULARY 5 Adverbs ‘Girclethe correct word or words in the second sentence. 1. Tm not very good at swimming. = Tecan swim but very wel/nat very well 2 They‘ a fantastic football team. = They can play football briliantly/fast. 3. Tm very good at English. = can speak English well/very well. 4 He's a fast athlete = He can run fast/well. 6 Times Write the times. (3) Warm-up 1 Days of the week Find the days of the week. Look [-*] and [1]. 4uromerze zr zrumzae eainzeonruvc weun% w<>r>oumean eao4r>numszo puc(esroze ,occuzo zener 19 GRAMMAR 1 ic Present Simple: /you/we/they Look at the pictures of the Davies family below. Use them to complete sentences 1-6. My sister and I/at nine o'clock T/in the morning My brothers/in the afternoon We/at seven o'clock We/in the evening My parents/at eleven thirty { On Saturdays . 2 & Present Simple: I/you/we/they Write the words in the correct order. 1 out/I/every/go/weekend. | go out every weekend. 2 friends. /your/You/play/with/tennis 3. at/shopping/They/weekends./the/do 4 on/the/go/bus./centre/We/to/the/city 5 week./cinema/I/to/every/go/the 3 & Negative Write the sentences in the negative. 1 We go to the cinema every week. We don't go to the cinema every week. 2 Thave lunch at one o'clock. 3. You play basketball at weekends. 4 We read the newspaper every morning. 5 My brother and I do our homework every evening, 4 & Negative Tick (V) the correct sentence, 1a Wernot go out at weekends. We don't go out at weekends. v 7 Every tay 5 4k Affirmative and negative Look at the pictures in Exercise 1. Write five true sentences about you in your notebook. On Saturdays ... 1 I getupat ten o'clock, . 6 && Affirmative and negative Read about Gary's weekends, Complete the text with ‘the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Myrnames Gary.1(1) tive (live) in New York. My weekends are great @ (not go) to school and | (getup) late ~ a about ten k (ovatch) TV with my sister in the morning. At two o'clock, we o) (have) lunch in a restaurant with my mum and dec. My parents ©. (do) the shopping but my sister and 1(7) (not go) with them. We (8) (meet) our friends atan Internet café in the centre. What about Your Tell me about your weekend 6) oelock 1) in | the evening Fridays Now complete the rule with in or on. 2 a Idon't have lunch at school. b Tm not have lunch at school 32 You no read the newspaper. We use with parts of days. We use with days, or days + parts of days. 8 Routines Girclathe correct word. You don't read the newspaper. 4 4 They not go to the Intemet café. b They don't go to the Internet café. 1, 1@®)/play swimming at weekends. 2 I-go/get up at seven o'clock in the morning. 3 I do/make my homework every evening. 4. You don't watch/see TV in the mornings. 5 My parents make/do the shopping on Saturdays. 6 We have/take breakfast late at weekends. @ 20 GRAMMAR ‘1 & Affirmative: Present Simple + he/she/it 5 dk Affimative and negative Use the words to write sentences, Write the he/she/it form of the verbs. 1. my father/not work in an office/work in a clinic 1 clean _dleans 5 watch My father doesn’t work in an of orks. 2 play 6 do adinic 3 teach 7 study 2 my mother/not translate texts/write computer 4 dance 8 write Programmes 2. Affirmative: Present Simple + he/she/it Read about John. Write the correct form of the verbs ‘in brackets. John (1) __gets up _ (get up) at 7.30 a.m. He @ (have) breakfast at 8.00 and then he (3) (g0) to his office on the train, He (4) (read) the newspaper. He (5)______ (work) for a big company in London. In his job, he (6) (meet) people from other companies. He (7) (travel) to the USA on business every three weeks. 3 & Negative: Present Simple + he/she/it Use the cues to write sentences. 1my friend/not play tennis/at weekends iend doesnt play tennis at weekends 2 my sister/not study/Eng 3 Julia/not go to school/on Saturdays 4 my father/not work/at home 5. Martina/not go to bed/early 6 my mother/not make lunch/at weekends 4 & Negative: Present Simple + he/she/it Tick (V/) the correct sentence. 1a Our cat doesn't sleep in the house. v b Our cat not sleep in the house. 2 a The teacher doesn't lives near school. b The teacher doesn't live near school. 3 a‘Ana don't work in an office. bb Ana doesn’t work in an office. 4 aly sister doesn't study English. b My sister not study English. 3 she/not work in the morning/work in the afternoon 4. my brother/not study/work for a big company 5 my cat/not sleep on my bed/sleep in the kitchen 6 4k Present Simple (all forms) Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. et up) at 7.00 on schooldays, 1 (1) ae wih ma am, 1(2)__ (have (not see) mother and sister. We (3) my father in the morning (go) to work very early. re (4) — wy sister and to school on the bus. (6) __ (99) ie ne Tarvt near our house an ean “(ret go) home for lunch. In the oe 1) (watch) TV with my father but my mother (8) _ (study). eee ee | At weekends, we (9) free time. My sister arc )) (nat go) to school. My father (1) (not work) and my mother (12) a: (not study). On Saturdays, we (13) have) Lunch in a eens wale ‘na nice restaurant. On Sundays, They (15) — (visit) my grandparents, near the park ‘\v®) in a beautiful house ___ (have) more VOCABULARY 7 Routines Write the correct verb under the pictures. 7 Every day 8 Where can you do the activities 2-7 in Exercise 7? Choose a room from the box and write true sentences {in your notebook. 1 do my homework in my bedroom. 9 Jobs Complete the sentences with a or an and the words in the box. 1 A nurse looks after people in a hospital. 2 designs houses and offices. 3 brings food and drinks to people in a restaurant. 4 plays a musical instrument. 5 studies at university. 6 makes beautiful clothes. * repairs electrical machines. 8 types letters and answers the phone. | a ‘Check your answers in the Mini-dictionary. 3 I don't drink coffee. 4 Can Thave 2 drink? LJ 5 Call us soon! [| ‘Check your answers in the Min‘-dictionary. () 21 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read the text. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. Tony goes to school in Alice Springs. 2 Tomy studies for six hours every school day. Tony has lessons at the weekend, Tony watches TV in the evening. My name's Tony and I'm thirteen. | live in Alice Springs. | get up at 7.00 am. | have with us — he works on our farm. to bed at 9 pin. ~ we get up early every day. 2 Punctuation: capital letters Look at these sentences from Tony's letter. Correct the mistakes with capital letters. ‘Australia. Our farm is very far from the town of breakfast with my mother. My father doesn't eat 1 dont go out to school. From mondays to fridays | study at home. Every week, | have three radio lessons froma school in Alice Springs. | don't have a teacher at home but | study from 8 am. until 2 pm. every school day. 'use my computer and | ask my teacher questions in entails. i dont study in the afternoon, or on saturdays and sundays. After my lessons, phone my friends. | play computer games. n the evening, we eat at 7 pm. We watch TV for an hour. We go From mondays to fridays | study at home. i dont study in the afternoon, or on saturdays and sundays. 3 Linking with then Link these sentences with then in your notebook. 1. Tget up at 7.00 a.m. I have breakfast with my mother. [getup a 700 asm. Then Ihave breast with | may mother. Se 2 After my lessons, I phone my friends. T play ‘computer games. 3. In the evening, we eat at 7 p.m. We watch TV for an hour. T get up at half past eight. I have a shower. We walk to school. We see our friends. Helen goes home. She does her homework. John has dinner at 8 pum. He goes out. 4 Put these actions in the true order for you. Write sentences with then in your notebook. 1 watch TV/do my homework 2 have a shower/have breakfast 3 see your friends/do your homework 4 read a book/go to bed {1 o my homework. Then I watch TV. | See a eel 5 Spelling Correct these spelling mistakes. 1 busines business § swiming 2 Wensday 6 intresting 3° gitar 7 brekfast 4 “frend 8 fayvourite He play/plays sport every weekend. She goes/go to school at 8 a.m. We don’t/doesn’t meet friends every weekend. They don't work/not work at weekends. My Father don’t/doesn’t have lunch at work, I doesn‘t/don't drink tea. We don‘t/doesn’t like the new teacher. She study/studies art at university. 2 Present Simple Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 11 (clean) my bedroom every week. 2 My friend and I (not go) to school at weekends, 3 You (not get up) early at weekends. 4 They (do) the high jump. 5 Our cat (not sleep) in the house. 6 You (write) interesting letters. 11 (not make) breakfast. 8 My mother (read) the newspaper every morning. 9 Tom (watch) TV at night. 10 We (live) in a large house. || 3 choose the correct word. 1(1) amis a student. I (2) study/studies medicine at the university in my town. I (3) lve/tives with my parents in (4) a/the house near the city centre. I (6) have/has got a sister, but she (6) doesn’t/don't ive In (7) a/the house. She's (8) a/an architect and she (2) work/works in London. (10) His/Her job is very interesting. My parents (11) is/are teachers in the same school. My mum (12) teach/teaches French. My dad is (13) o/an art teacher and he (14) paints/paint in (15) his/her free time. 7 Every day VOCABULARY 4 Routines and activities Write the words in the box in the correct list. play 9° have do 5 Prepositions Choose the correct word. 1. Igo to the Internet café on/in Saturdays. He reads the newspaper on/in the morning, Fiona works on/in the evening. T get up early on/in schooldays. ‘Anna had a party on/in her birthday. He plays basketball on/in the afternoon, 6 Days of the week Write the letters in the correct order. Add capital letters where necessary. 1 asutedy 2 sednweday 3 ydhrtusa 4 adaustry 5 nusyad 6 ridayf Oe | Warm-up 22 GRAMMAR 1 Free time 1 & Present Simple: Yes/No questions Write the names of the activities under the pictures. Complete the questions with do or does. ‘90 dancing, draw pictues, listen to music, ter ‘ead books, go fishing, play computer games, 1 __Do__I speak English well? 2 you collect things? she surf the Internet? your parents go dancing? ‘Ana do her homework every evening? we buy clothes every week? Cs iy GB wo ‘s Andy listen to soul? 8 they go out every evening? 2 kkk Yes/No questions and short answers Look at the table. Write questions and short ans ‘Jane/take photos? Does Jane take photos? 1 ‘4 2 Jane and Paul/play the piano? Do Jane and Paul play the piano? Ee Check your answers in the Mini-dictionary, ° 3 Paul/use a computer? 2 What are your five favourite activities in 4 Jane/collect stamps? Exercise 1? Number them (1 = your favourite). Q 5) Wick and Paul/take photos? 6 Rachel/collect stamps? 7 Nick and Rachel/play the piano? 4 Jane, Nick, Rachel and Paul/use a computer? 3 & Wh- questions Complete the questions with the question words. 1 What films do you watch? Action films, 2 does he play the guitar? Inhis bedroom. 3 ___ sports do you play? Basketball and tennis. 4 do they go swimming? ‘Once a week, 5 does Emma go dancing? On Friday evenings. 4 ick Present Simple + Wh- questions ‘Write questions for these answers. 2 & Free time 5 tokk Yes/No and Wh- questions Write questions for the survey. 6 sic Answer the survey questions in your notebook. 1 How often do you go fishing? VOCABULARY 90 fishing twice a month. 7 Frequency Look at the table and complete the sentences. They play football at school. “ata & , rare 190 to bed at 10.30. 1 read the newspaper 1 We listen to heavy metal and soul. 2 goto the cinema 1 3 _ play tennis 2 They eat sandwiches for lunch. @nnay z 5 gotoa museum 3 ‘She does her homework in the sitting room. 1. Anita reads the newspaper once aday, ie watches TV every day. 2 Se 3° She a ‘She gets up at 7.30. 4 She a 5 She Q 6 My parents/ 77 2 + don't/doesn't like + noun Complete the sentences. I ___don't like 2 My sister fiction films. 3. My friends and T history lessons. 4 You coffee. 5 They 6 He dogs. science soul music, ‘American films. 3 & Yes/No and Wh- questions Write questions. 1 you/schoot? Do you li te 2 What/lessons/you? What lessons do you liket 3. your friend/sport? 4 your parents/the cinema? 5. What films/you? 6 your friends computer games? 4 & All forms Complete the text with the correct form of like or short answers. Oh, no! I (5) heavy metal. It's terible! But my brother (6) it. He listens to heavy metal every day. ‘Adam: (7) ‘your parents heavy metal? Bella: No, they (8) - They (9) classical music. 5 & -ing Write the -ing forms. Then match them with the correct rule. 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 & like + -ing Complete the sentences with the correct form of like and the form of the verbs in the box. (2) Do you _like _ music? Oh, yes, I (2) What music (3) ___you Well, I listen to Latin music and I also (4) ‘And heavy metal? soul go going 7 make dance dancing B get fun running 9 read play playing __ 10 swim write 11 take collect 12 draw Rales 11 Most verbs, verbs ending in -y/w: going — playing ___ 2 Verbs ending in one -e: ¢ + -ing dancing ing 3 One syllable verbs with one vowel + one consonant: ‘consonant x 2 + -ing stunning 1___like playing _sport. My friends and I at the disco. He letters to his penfriend, My brother stamps. My parents lunch fn a restaurant at weekends, You action films. 1 4 like/don't like + -ing Write sentences. & Free time 10 like, Jove, don't like, hate Write sentences with the correct form of the verbs. 1. Ifike/swim (VW) /I/like/play tennis (x) Like swimming but Ldon‘t tke ten 2 Weflike/listen to music (7) /we/like/watch TV (X) 3. He/lke/use his computer (v/) /he/like/sutf the Internet (X) 4 They/like/watch videos (¥) /they/like/go to the cinema (X) 4 They x 5. My sister/like/swim (W) /she/Like/dive (X) 6 Youy/like/draw (¥) /you/like/paint (x) » Touran 6 Sueswy 8 4 Questions and answers Write questions and true short answers. 1 you/tike/study? a Prices | Doyou like studying? Yes, 1do./ No. idont, sore ten 2. your friend/like/go to museums eee 3 your parents/like/watch DVDs Boe pele ify pene ‘one pound fifty —_____—! 5 seventeen pounds thirty-ive/ Be you/tike buy clothes seventy pounds thirty-five ———_—— ? 7“, fomy-eight pounds fifteen/ 5 you and your friends like/do athletics forty-efght pounds fifty —?—___________ 5 ninety-nine pounds/ 5 you/like/draw ninety-nine pounds ninety-nine VOCABULARY 4 Prepositions Complete the sentences with to, to the or no me is Beschicn. 2 There isa new cinema and a fantastic sports 1 Iwant to go tothe ‘museum, 2 We don't go bed early. 4 My dad goes fishing every week. ming once a week, i —oe ‘your answers in the Mini-dictionary. 5 My friends go city centre on Saturdays. isi 24 READING AND WRITING 1 Letter layout Write the numbers on the correct part of the letter. Pes things you ke Oo scons o - My nae ls Mark from Bingham = a o city in the centre of England. I'm sixteen yearo o old. My mother is a computer programmer and my father an olactrlen. ve got a brother o called Andy and a sister called Diane. o I ta a PIO AE: Mark a Elmer | Oo | love football. My favourite team Is Aeton Vila, goto football matches every weekend - - with my frends and I ke paying football at — Peace Shed ga Ra ati se action Dear Antonio, j | Bireasehert action films and my favourite actor is Bruce demas UK Wills, | hate westerns! Do you lke westerns? MA tah gh 2 Read the letter in the correct order and answer these questions in your notebook. 1. Where is Mark from? 2. How old is he? 3. How many children are there in his family? 4 What does Mark like doing? 5 What does he hate? {6 Do you like the same things as Mark? 3 Punctuation: addresses ‘Add punctuation to the address in Mark’s letter. 4 Put the correct punctuation in these addresses, 1 21 Church Street Manchester England 2 16 Green Road Cambridge UK 1eIosyo2 a write to me and tall me about the 5 Spelling Correct the spelling mistakes. 1 foto 2 sandwitch 3 arcitect 4 chower 5 graf 6 kithen: 7 booksop 8 tunsh 9 alfabet 10 Techirt 6 Write the words from Exercise 5 in the correct list Review 8 GRAMMAR ‘1 Present Simple questions Complete the questions. 1 How often (you/a0) to the cinema? : _— (they/get up) early at weekends? 3 What (Simon/study) at university? 4 When: (we/have) lunch? 5 = (she/use) a computer at school? 2 fike/don't like + -ing Complete the sentences with the correct form of the snrbs in brackets. she assical music? (tke) 21 basketball. (not ike) 3 We love + (dance) 4 Do you like to the theatre? (go) 5 The children hate early. (get up) 3 Frequency Rewrite the expressions. 1 one day in a week = 2 two times in a month 3 all the days in a week = 4 allthe months in a year = AGircl@)the correct word in Dialogues 1 and 2. Dialogue 1 My name's Paula. I'm (1) a/the student at the niversity. nhn: Oh, I (2) goes/go to the university, too. My rame's John. aula: (3) What/Where do you study? ‘Jon: Maths. And you? ula: English literature. My brother (4) study/studies maths. ohn: Oh, what's (5) her/his name? ula: Richard Evans. & Fees tine Dialogue 2 John: T want to buy (6) any/some books. (7) Are/Is ‘there any good bookshops (8) near/to the university? Pauila: Yes. Simpsons Bookshop is very good. It (9) has/have got hundreds of new books and (10) theiy/they/re all cheap. ‘ohn: Great! Is (11) it/she open now? Paula: Yes. It’s open (12) once/every day from 9.00 to 6.00. What books do you want to buy? John: Books about the cinema. I love (13) watch/ watching films. Do you (14) like/tiking the cinema? Paula: Oh, yes. (25) It's/lts great! VOCABULARY 5 Free time Match the verbs and the nouns in the box. Some verbs have more than one noun. 90 take watch Olay, collect listen to 6 Prices Write these prices in words. £1.75 £15.99 £34.68 £50.27 7 Prepositions Complete the sentences with to, to the or no preposition, 1°Tgo home at 4.30. 2 They go cinema every week. 3. What time do you go school? 4 She goes dancing after school. Ed Warm-up 1 Places Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1A castle 2 There are paintings in an 3. People relax on the 4 ‘A king or queen lives in a People go shopping at a _ : 6 There are statues and interesting objects in a 7 Animals tive ina 2 Transport Match the words (1~6) with the pictures (a-f). plane x a tm \ 3 taxi \ c 5 coach 9 Exeurgiong is a very big, strong building. in| ce 2 25 GRAMMAR 1 & Present Continuous: affirmative Write the verbs. Use full forms. 1 T__amuwatching (watch) a video 2 You (study). 3. They (sim) in the pool. 4 My sister (write) to her penfriend. 5 My friends and 1 (40) our homework. 6 The children (dance) to the 7 dames ___ (listen to) a C0, 8 The dog (eat) in the kitche 2 x Present Continuous: affirmative Write the sentences in Exercise 1 with short forms where possible, in your notebook. 1 Vm watching a video. ‘ 3 x Present Continuous: negative Write the sentences in the negative. Use short forms, 1 He is eating a sandwich, He isn't eating a sandwich 2 Lam doing my homework. 3. You are running fast. 4 We are playing basketball. 5 Helen is having a shower, 6 My mother is using the computer. 7 My parents are making lunch. 8 The cat is sleeping. 4 k& Affirmative and negative look at the picture. Correct the information in the sentences (1-7) and write them in your notebook. 41 Sue and Dan are watching TV. 2 Tom is eating. 3 lynn is watching TV. 4 John and Andy are talking to friends. 4 Exoureions 5 dane is listening to music. 6 Pete is watching a video. 7. The cats are eating. 5 x Affirmative and negative Put the verbs in the Present Continuous. Use short forms. ‘Tim: Hi, Julia! It’s Tim here. Where are you? Julia: I'm at my grandmothers house. (1) I imdoing (do) my homework. Where are you? Tim: I'm at the Internet café with Simon. (2) We —_____(surf) the Internet. ‘Julia: Lucky you! Is Helen with you? Tim: No, (3) she (play) tennis. Julia: Is she with Diana? Tim: No, (4) Diana (not play) tennis today. (5) She (sit) her family. ula: All my friends (6) (relax) today and (7) 1 (study)! VOCABULARY 6 Prepositions ircle)the correct word. We're sitting inYat/on a taxi(nyon/ot Manchester. They are in/at/on home in/at/on their bedroom. She isn't in/at/on the bus. She's in/at/on the train. My sister fs in/at/on school in/ot/an her classroom. He isn’t in/at/on bed. He's watching TV. 7 Activities In your notebook, write eight sentences about the people in the picture below, Use the words in the box. 26 GRAMMAR 1 & Present Continuous: Yes/No questions Write questions. 1. you/clean/your room? ‘Are you cleaning your rome 2 your brother/use/his computer? 3 she/wear/jeans and a T-shirt? 4 they/sightsee in the city? 5 it/rain? 6 we/go home/now? 2 + * Present Continuous: Yes/No questions Complete the questions and write true short answers. 1 _Are you sitting in your bedroom? (sit) Yess 1am,/No. in 2 you jeans? (wear) 3 ____your friends basketball? (play) 4 you ‘a pen? (use) 5 your friend with you? (study) 3 x Present Continuous: Wh- questions Write questions for the answers. 1 Q: What are you studying? ‘A: We're studying science, 20 ? ‘A: Tim wearing jeans and a T-shirt. ‘A: My sister is talking to her friend, 4 2 My fiend is reading a magazine. 5a 2 ‘A: My parents are eating sandwiches. 6a z ‘A: Tim sitting on the bed in my bedroom. Anne In my garden. (7) We 4 dk Yes/No and Wh- questions Write questions. Then match the answers (a-f). Questions 1 What/he/éo What is he doing? 2 How/she/travel 3. they/sightsee/in the city 4 What/the dog/do 5. your sister/wear/new clothes 5 Who/you/write to Answers. a He's watching a video. Yes, they are. No, she isn't. @ Its sleeping in the © My penfriend in Canada. garden, F By train, 5 4k Present Continuous: all forms Complete the dialogue with the verbs in the box. wk i mm a ‘Ann: I've got some new photos here. Ben: Great! ‘Ann: This is our school excursion to the museum, (1) I imlooking at __ some ancient objects. a this is our teacher. (2) She guidebook about the museum. Ben: Who are the people near your teacher? ‘Ann: I don't know. I think they're tourists ~ (3) they photos. And this is my party. Ben: What (4) karen in this photo? ‘Anni She's dancing to heavy metal music! Ben: She's crazy! And (5) you 2 hat in this photo? ‘Anns Yes, I'am! I tike my hat! Ben: Where (6) you fn this photo? at my mum here. (8) She Bens And who's this? I can't see very well. (9) It and very cold. ‘Ann: That's yo! ‘mountains! (10) You in the VOCABULARY 7 Put the words in the correct list. 6 clothes ‘T-shirt, jeans, trainers, dress, trousers, socks, shirt, sandals, jacket, hat Write the names of the clothes. a+ noun noun B Use your Mini-dictionary. a Tshirt jeans 1 2 ie ea = + —___— 8 correct the descriptions of Emma, Joe and Kim below and write a description of Matt and Sue. 1 Emma is wearing jeans, a shirt, shoes and a hat Emma is wearing jeans, a T-shirt, trainers and a hat: a Emma 2 Joe is wearing jeans, a shirt and boots. ‘ = 5 3. Kim is wearing a shir, @ jumper and shoes. 6 & May =" ore 5 Sue 9 What clothes do you like? P Write sentences with like, don’t like, love and hate in your aa notebook. _ - * ° a : ne 1 ike jeans and T-shirts | ae Serres the types of word (2-). a noun b adjective 3 Do you like museums? ——¢ verb 4 Tcan run fast. inking word 5 Go to the market but don't go to the shops. e preposition 16 Is there a bank near here? f adverb ary. What type of word 27 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading What do you know about Edinburgh? Answer these questions before you read the text. Write T (true) or F (false). 1 Edinburgh is the capital of Wales. 2 Edinburgh hasn't got a castle, 3. There isa festival in Edinburgh. 2 Read In the city and check your answers. . Edinburgh In the city Edinburgh, capital city of Scotland, is fantastic for sightseeing, «© Walk around the streets and see the different styles of architecture. Don't mies the historic Old Town with ite castle museums cathedral and arts centre. * The New Town is the place for shopping, Buy clothes food presents and souvenirs in the modern shops. «Edinburgh is famous for ite festival. Every year people see shows plays and films and listen to different ‘types of music — pop folk jazz and rock. Excursions + Visit the small town of North Berwick near Edinburgh. It’s ‘on the coast and it’s got fantastic beaches with plante birds and animals. Don't miss the ancient ruins of Tantallon Castle. i . © Relax in the quiet villages along the coast (e.g, Dirleton 6 Write sentences in your notebook: and Gullane). Go walking sightseeing play golf or visit the about the places to see in your to gardons. city, Put commas where necessary. My city has got a nature reserve, an ancient cathedral 3 Read the rest of the text and choose the best picture a, b, c ord arbaccasle. for In the city: Picture| | Excursfons: Picture ot 4 Read the text again and answer the questions. 7 Spelling 1 Where is the castle in Edinburgh? Write vowels (2, €, i, , u) to 2. Are there shops in the Old Town? complete the names of the cities. 3. How often is the Edinburgh Festival? 4 Whereis North Berwick? Eieakue 5 Is Tantallon Castle very old? 2 Wois_w 6 Are Dilton and Gullane towns? £2 Bina 5 Punctuation: commas 4 Wisc_w Correct the text. Put commas where necessary. 5 ‘Donit miss the historic Old Town with its castle, } 6 museums, cathedral and arts centre. — ; & Review 9 GRAMMAR 1 Present Continuous ‘Write the verbs with short forms. att (not rain) now. 2 1____ (phone) my parents. (not go) to bed now, (run) along the road. You (not eat) very much. Present Continuous questions te questions. Where/she/travel? your parents/work/today? ‘Who/you/write to? 5 he/take/a shower? 9 Exeurcions VOCABULARY 4 Clothes, places and transport Write the words in the correct list. Clothes Places Transport 5 Activities Choose the correct word. 1 Do you like taking/making photos? 2 They/te saying/talking on the phone. 3. T'm looking/seeing at a map. 4 She's drinking/eating a sandwich, 6 Prepositions Complete the sentences with by, on, at or in. 11 My mum goes to work foot. 2. Is your brother home? 3. We're sitting a coach. 4 Do you go to school bus? 5 The family is the garden, 6 I don't tike going train, 8 0 wilde Find eleven animals in the box. Look [-»] and [|]. What are the people saying? Match the sentences with the pictures. YWUWOLFLIOA 1. You must buy some new clothes. Hr P(P)O KO ATS D 2 You must do your homework. ¢eyvlje|e rt tm 3. You must eat your dinner. ERA\N/\S HH TK MZ 4 You must clean the kitchen. KANG AROOYXE 5 You must go to bed. OE DU FVINELB AX T|I}GERKMOR LGI\NMOPANDA AGVELEPHANT 2 wete the animals in the plural tn your notebook. Which word is irregular? 2 ee must Write instructions with must about an animal project. Then put the sentences in the correct order (1-4). Then you/write notes/about the animal jout the animal. Then you must write notes. lly, you/check/your spelling and punctuation, Then you/write/your description. First, you/choose/an animal 3 + mustn't Look at the signs. Write sentences with mustn't and the verbs in the box. 4p Utes, go near the dog, take photos, smake, swim rm You mustn't drop litter. +4 — 4 -& must/mustn't Write sentences about the rules for an English exam in your notebook. re Use a dictionary. x ey on ee rs & 1 You must write your name on the paper. 2 You mustn't copy from ather students (0 wildlge VOCABULARY 5 Adjectives Match the adjectives (1-5) with the definitions (ae). 1 friendly e 4 lovely 2 huge 5 rare 3. interesting £) describes animals that are very difficult to see or hear describes something that makes xyou want to listen or watch ] describes something very big describes something very pleasant or enjoyable 2] describes someone who is kind and pleasant 6 Complete the sentences with the adjectives from Exercise 5. 1. Animals aren't boring. 1 think they are very — interesting 2 Elephants aren't big ~ they are 3 Are tigers many tigers in the world now. 4 Golden eagles aren't horrible. I think they're 2 Yes, there aren't 5. Chimps live in families and they are very 7 Propositions Write three sentences about the ani notebook. Use next to or near. x RH 6 The camel is next tothe elephant. } 8 Gircld)the correct word. We go(@yat the wildlife park every year. \We'te going to the z00 in/by coach. Look at the hippo. Its in/on the water. Koalas lve in/to Australia. The wildlife park has got animals at/from different countries. You must go to the forest on/by foot. 29 GRAMMAR 1 & Subject and object pronouns Complete the table. ‘Subject pronouns “Object pronouns 1 me you he as her it we them 2:4 ject pronouns Complete the sentences. 1 My brother is doing his homework. I'm helping him. 2 Dogs are horrible. I don't like 3. Twant to call my friend. Pass the Phone, please. 4 Mum is making lunch. You must help “ My grandfather knows about other countries. Ask about Australia, 6 You are very nice. I like 7 Our teacher gives homework every day. 8 The cat is hungry. You must feed 3 & Subject and object pronouns Gircle}the correct word. Give 1/(m@)your phone number. That house is fantastic. Look at it/him! ve got two cats. They/Them are lovely. Tell we/us about those animals. My sister is twelve. Her/She likes animals. Pass he/him the guidebook, please. We/Us want to go to the wildlife park. These books are new. Put they/them on the shelf. 4 eek Object pronouns Write sentences in your notebook. Add the correct object pronoun. history ~ interesting. I/tike computers ~ great. I/love football - boring. I/hate exams - terrible. I/hate swimming ~ fantastic. I/love 200s ~ boring. I/not like 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 && Object pronouns Write your opinion about the things using the adjectives in the box. Write another sentence with like/don’t like and an object pronoun. ‘great, interesting, boring, horeible 1 geography Geography is interesting Hike it. 2 dogs ‘Dogs are horrible. 1 dont like them. 3 jeans 4 art 5 action movies 6 literature 7 museums 6 x Subject/object pronoun or possessive adjective? rela) the correct word. (1) /@D)/Me name's Leo and I love animals. I think (2) them/they/their are very interesting. My favourite animals are tigers. I love (3) them/they/their colours. (4) They/Them/Their are very rare now but there are some tigers in the wildife park near my town. T like visiting (5) them/they/their every week. My favourite is the baby. (6) 11/Its/Its is about two years old and (7) its/it's/it eyes are lovely. My gitfiend likes animals, too, (8) Her/She/tis favourite animals ae dolphins. She loves (9) their/them/they — and she loves (10) me/l/my, too! MO Wildlies 7 4% Write the description again with pronouns 9 Match the descriptions and the pictures. Then write the names of the animals. and possessive adjectives instead of the undertined a It’s grey. It lives in Africa. It can swim. It’s got a words. Ay brother Tom, and | ae doing a project. ur dad huge body. Its got small eyes and ears. ss me) b It's got a tong body and a small head, It hasn't got ta legs. I is very intelligent and friendly r Tt can swim briliantly, I's black and white. It lives in Africa, Its got a tail. It can run fast. d_ It eats leaves. It has got a very long neck and four long legs. It can run fast. My brother Tom ana | are doing a projec, Toms and my dad is helping Tom atid me. The Project is about animals ar male and the project is very Interesting, Tom and | ike an Land dr wy mca animals, Dad is a teacher and Dad knows | 2¥0vE rare animals. Tom and | ask Dad ‘tuestions and Dad aves Tom and me information. Dad Tom and | make notes and ‘then write descriptions of the animale. Jong | “mls and my sister, kes art and we put, Jentle ravings wth Toms and my descriptions, oO 4 3 VOCABULARY 10 Write a description of your favourite animal in | 8 Parts of an anim: Label the animals. Use the words in the box. your notebook. (x2), head, ear, eye, leg, neck, tail, foot. an a a Use your Mini-dictionary to help you. 5 We don't know the answer. Please tell us. 6 This is a koala. It’s from Australia. Take a photo of it 2 Write the nouns in brackets in the plural. 30 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read the text. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. European bison live in all parts of Europe. 2. Baby bison live with the females. 3. Males and females live in the same group. 4 Wolves eat bison. European Bison (bison bonasus) european bison are rare now. Where do (I) they live, What colour are they. What: do they eat. European bieon live in forests in poland. (2) They are brown they are big animals (2.9 m long and 800-1000 kg) they have got big bodies short necks and long tails, They havent got very long legs. European bison cant run fast. They can jump. 2 Look at the underlined words. What nouns do they refer to? 1 European bison 2 | European bieon in the wid live to about 27 years. | old. (3) They eat grase and leaves. They feed | about five times a day. They leep or play. The females live in groups of about 20. The babies live with (4) them. The males live alone or in small groups. wolves live near the bison and sometimes hunt (5) them. 5 go/often/how/you/z00/do/the/to 6 animal/are/what/you/at/looking 3 4 5 3 Punctuation: question marks Correct the text. Add question marks (?) where necessary. 4 Write the words in the correct order to make questions, Add capital letters and question marks (?). 1. pumas/do/what/eat What do pumaseatt 2 Africa/tigers/tive/in/do 3 do/where/from/come/eagles 4 park/the/you/are/to/going/witdlife 5 Punctuation: review Correct the text. Add capital letters, apostrophes (’) commas (,) and full stops (.) where necessary. 6 Linking with but and then Link these sentences with but or then. 1. European bison can't run fast. They can jump. European bison can't run fast but they can jump. They feed every day. They sleep or play. Finish your description. Check it. Its a small animal. It’s very strong. Look at the birds. Don’t touch them. 6 You must finish the test. Give it to your teacher @ MO Wildlife Review 10 GRAMMAR VOCABULARY 1 must/musta't 4 Write the words in the correct list. Complete the sentences with must or mustn't. 1. I'm studying. You play music. , 2. It's very late. You go to bed. a 3. People are watching a film. You use your mobile phone. Animals Parts of animals 4 The baby is sleeping. You _____ touch her. 5 Today is a schoolday, You____ get up early. 5 This is atest. You copy. 7 It's very cold. You ‘wear a jumper. 8. The dog is hungry. You feed it. 2 object pronouns Complete the sentences with an object pronoun. You area very interesting person. We like My brother is an actor. Do you know 1 2 Adjectives 3. We don't understand. Please help___. 4 Tve got a guitar but 1 cant play very well. 5. She loves her grandparents. She visits every week. That panda fs a female. Look at 7. Tove your letters. Please write to soon. 3Gieid\the correct word, Hila: What are you (1) do/doing? Pete: I (2) is/am looking at (3) this/these pandas. (4) They‘re/Their from China. Ela: Are (5) they/them rare? Fete Yes. There (6) ist/aren’t many pandas in the wild now. Bla: Look at (7) that/those koala. It (8) is/are eating leaves. I think i's hungry. Give (9) it/t’s a sandwich, fete: No! You (10) must/mustn’t feed the animals. fila OK. I'm sorry. Are there (12) some/any birds in this park? Pete: Yes. Theré is (12) a/an eagle (13) next/next to the llamas, Hila: Oh, yes, I can see it. It’s fantastic. It's opening (14) its/its wings. Look at (15) they/them. They're huge. Oe lf Memories Warm-up 31 GRAMMAR 1 Months 1 & Affirmative: was/were Complete the months and write them in the correct Complete the sentences. oder. May APR SEPT | Novy JON SAN rep MAR AUG pec Jol ocr 1 My brother wast the cinema, 1 ___January 7 B (Check your answers in the Mini-dictionary. 2 Dates and ordinal numbers Match the dates (1-6) with the months (af). Then write the dates in full. the __thirtith of March b the ‘of December (Te the of January 4 the of February Cle the of Sptunber Et the of May 2 & Affirmative: was/were Write the words in the correct order. 1 for/late/I/was/school ALwas late for school, 2 was/It/yesterday/hot 3. exam/before/were/We/nervous/our 4 good/DVD/The/was/very 5. in/They/asleep/were/the/theatre 5 for/school/You/late/were/the/bus 3 & Negative: was/were Complete the sentences with wasn’t or weren't. 1 The food wasnt very good, Bx asleep on the sofa. 3 We at school on Friday. 4 My grandparents at the restaurant. 5 Mike nervous about the test. 5 You late for school. 4 k& Affirmative and negative Write pairs of sentences, 1 Charlie Chaplin/American (x). He/English (7) Charlie Chaplin wasn't American. He was English. _ 2 Marie Curie/French (X). She/Polish (+7). 3 James Dean and Marilyn Monroe/pop stars (X). They/actors (v7). 4 Salvador Dali/an architect (X). He/an artist (¥). '5 Agatha Christie/an artist (X). She/a writer ().. Mt Memories 1 Tewas hot. wasnt hot. Tt was cold, 2 The nurse was early. ae ee Ls, 3. The little boy was happy. He 4 The baby was awake. - She 5 The man was nervous. He J 6 Prepositions Write the words in the correct list. Now complete the rule with in, on or a. We use ‘with months. We use with days, days + parts of days, and dates. We use 32 GRAMMAR 1 + was/were + Yes/No questions Write questions. 1 it/hot/yesterday? Was it hot yesterday? 2 I/late/for school? 3. the play/interesting? 4 your friends/on hotiday/in August? 5. your teacher/at school/yesterday? 6 you/at the cinema/yesterday? 2 ek was/were + Yes/No questions and answers Complete the questions and write true short answers in your notebook. 1 __Were __ you at school at twelve o'ctock yesterday? Yess was. /NoLwasnt, your friend at your house yesterday? ‘your parents on holiday in June? you happy yesterday? it cold yesterday? you and your friend at the cinema last weekend? 3 & was/were + Wh- questions Write the words in the correct order. Add capital letters and question marks. 1._at/were/seven/where/you/o'clock 2 wallet 3 cinema/at/you/what time/were/the 4 with/were/who/you/yesterday 5 party/was/where/Anna’s 6 teacher's/your/what/was/first/name 4: tok was/were + Wh questions Complete the questions for the answers, 1 Where were you at five thirty? was at the cinema, 2 in this photo? He was six years old. 3 yesterday? We were at the Internet café. 4 the film Te was interesting but very long. 6 ___your favourite film when you ‘were young? Te was Star Wars. 5 sek was/were + Yes/No and Wh- questions Tick (V) the correct questions. Correct the mi in the other questions. 1. Were you asleep on the sofa?__ 2 Where was you in June? _were 3. What do the weather like yesterday? 4 Were we on holiday on the sixth of May? 5 Were the cat asleep in the kitchen? 6 Who was you with yesterday? 6 k& was/wasn't, were/weren't Complete the dialogue. What's your fist memory? with my mother and my you? five. you? ‘on the beach in Spain, ‘your dad with you? He (8) Tom: (6) Rosa: No, he (7) ‘in London ~ at work! Tom: What (9) Rosa: It (10) the weather like? hot and sunny, Katie qa) asleep. Tom: (12) you happy? Rosa: Yes, I (13) Tt (14) lovely day. | Match the words (1-8) with the pictures (a-h). Min-dictionary to help you 1 foggy 2 sunny 3. snowy 4 windy 5 rainy 6 hot 7 cold & cloudy 8 Write the answers to the questions in your totebook. 1 Is it sunny today? |) Yes; it i/o, itis _ \ pet nett 2 What was the weather like yesterday? 3 Is it hot in July in your country? 4 When is it rainy in your country? 5 Isit cold in December in your country? 6 What was the weather like last weekend? ‘Times ‘Watch the times (1-6) and (a-f). twenty-five to three five past two quarter to three ‘two o'clock five to three half past two | in the city centre this afternoon. Mt Memoriee 10 past and to for time Write the times, using past and to, | ee to help you. 2 4 ; oo Po 1 _it’sten past four. at 7 sightseeing /saitsisy/ noun the activity of |je] visiting famous buildings and places when you are on holiday: Ler go sightseeing |) 1 word <) 6 example 2 pronunciation 5 definition 3. word type 6 stress mark [_ ] (2) 33 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading My fret holiday — Read the text and complete the table with Patiel Fisher, 10 information about Daniel. vet ° 10) February, 2002 Paris Pet MY Fest hol Very wef ws Was Orebe We rt? HE Year ou, ype Where? Paris in France from 3 Maren ts HEE With cur pan eet When? 0 te ma’ rainy oe Weather was How ald? ine ye to of raat Aa He Who with? boring, T° ANd museums thay we, PP Weather? On 4. a Om, Ny Desta® bith wae ay , Pisneviand al aaa fa? et: We were ay 2 Read the text again and correct the information in taste, ri At The characters yor, these sentences. Write them in your notebook. Oia "food wae ni “= Apri 1 Daniel was in Paris with his grandparents, Le Oe 2 Pin. we were on the p 2. Daniel was boring on the first four days. relaxed, My 224 8 nervous, My mee or 3. Daniel was asleep at 6 a.m. on his birthday. a fantastic siete I were very hana? 4 Daniel was sad on his birthday. olldey, PY. Ie was, 5. Daniel's parents were nervous on the plane. 3 Punctuation: dates 5 Write these dates as numbers. Conect the dates in tha tat 1. the twenty-eighth of June two thousand _28/6/00 say iat ody ~ Dail Foes the fifth of November two thousand and Five | to February 2002 2 3. the first of February nineteen ninety-eight 4 the twenty-second of May two thousand 5. the fourteenth of August two thousand and two 6 the third of January nineteen ninety-seven 4 Answer these questions with dates in numbers and words in your notebook. 1 What's today's date? 6 Kinkina is esa Link these sentences with and or but. - a - 1 Twas eight years old. My sister was twelve. 17 March " was eight years old and my sister was twelve. ee 2 The weather was cold. It wasn't rainy. 2 What was yesterday's date? 3. What's the date of your 3 The characters were fantastic. The food was nice. birthday? 4 What's the date of your best friend's birthday? 4 My dad was nervous. My mum was relaxed. 5 What was the date of your last exam? 5 The beach was nice. Tie weather was good. 6 Our coach was late. The trip was interesting. Review 11 1 was/were Complete the sentences with was/were or wasn’t/ weren't. 11 at the cinema yesterday. The film was good, 2 My friends fon the beach last weekend, ‘They enjoyed the sunny weather. 3. My mother at home at one o'clock. ‘She was at work. 4 you and your friends late for school? No, we 2 wiite questions with was/were. 41 where/the children/at five o'clock? 2 you/at school/this morning? 3 when/she/in London? 4 what time/Dave/at the sports centre? 5 what/weather/like/yesterday? 3GRIthe corect wor. ices My favourite house (1) was/were our (2) once/ first house, Sonia: What (3) does/was it like? Alice: Not very big but it (4) wasm'’/was lovely. Sonia: Where was (5) the/a house? Alice It was (6) near/next the beach. (7) In/On July and August, my friends and I (8) was/were on the beach every weekend. Sonia: (9) Who/How old (10) was/were you? Mice: I (11) was/were fifteen. “Sonia: Where is your new house? Ace: In the town centre. There (12) is/are nice shops and cafés but I (13) not/don't go to (14) they/them very often. Sonia: Where do you like (15) going/go? ‘ice: To the beach ~ it’s lovely and quiet there. I Memories VOCABULARY 4 Ordinal numbers Write the numbers as ordinals. Example: 5 - fifth aie Ry ai Ye 5 Re a $e ee : 5 Opposites Write the opposites of these adjectives. 1 asleep 4 happy 2 cold 5 late = 3 relaxed 6 bad 6 Weather Write adjectives under the pictures. 7 Prepositions Complete the sentences with the correct preposition: in, on oF at. 11.0 swimming Mondays is your birthday 2 April? 3. The film started 4 half past seven. We played tennis Friday morning. @) (2 At night Warm-up 34 GRAMMAR 1 Prepositions 1 & yesterday or last? Complete the second sentence with before or after. Write the words in the correct list. 1 Thave a shower. Then I have breakfast. = Thave a shower __before_ breakfast. 2 They do their homework. Then they have dinner. yesterday last = They do their homework dinner. i morning year 3. She has dinner, Then she sees her friends. = She sees her friends dinner. 4 You do your homework. Then you go to school. = You do your homework school. 5. We have lunch. Then we play tennis. = We play tennis lunch, 2 & was/were + time expressions Write the words in the correct order. Add capital 2 Write five true sentences about what you do on letters and full stops (.). school days. Use the words in the box. 1. last/on/were/we/holiday/month ‘We were on holiday last month. 2 morning/school/were/they/at/yesterday 1 3 yesterday /town/in/was/she/the/centre/ afternoon 2 4 last/were/in/you/Ttaly/month % 5 the/were/the/students/in/library/yesterday 4 6 last/at/my/was/grandmother/home/night 5 3 wasn't/weren't + time expressions Write negative sentences. 1 He/at home/last night He wasn't at home last night. 2” Helen/at the cinema/yesterday afternoon 3 My parents/at work/last week 4 Tate for school/yesterday morning 5 You/in the coffee bar/yesterday {6 We/on holiday/last month 4 ick Yes/No questions and short answers Write questions and true short answers in your notebook. 1 you/at school/yesterday? | [Were you at school yesterday? | Yes; was L/Mo, wasn't. Lett ceetentenet your teacher/on hotiday/last week? your parents/at home/last night? you and your family/in the same town/last year? your best friend/at your schooV/last year? Yyou/with your friends/yesterday evening? 5 4k Wh- questions Write questions for the answers. 1 Where were you last night? Iwas at home last night 2 oo? John was with hhis parents yesterday. es cls oe My parents were on hotiday in June. _——____—— 2 We were with our grandparents last week. 5 2 Fiona was in the coffee bar yesterday morning. 6 2 They were in New York last year. 6% All forms Complete the dialogue with the correct form of as/were or a time expression. Faula: Is your memory good? Sam: I don't know realy. aula: Well, where (1) _were _ you (2) yesterday. morning? Sam: That's easy. I (3) town. Fala: OK. Where (4) this day (5) with my friends in you and your friends on year? (At rigkt ‘Sam: Oh, I'm not sure. T think we (6) school. Paula: OK. How old (7) birthday? Sam: Forty-two! Paula: Very good. Now, what (8) (9) __ evening? Sam: I don’t know. I (10) at home, My friends and I (11) at a coffee bar Paula: OK. How much (12)____the drinks and sandwiches? Sam: My coffee (13) £1.50 and my cheese sandwich (14) £2.80. Paula: Your memory is brilliant! at your mum on her last on VOCABULARY 7 Places Match the objects (1-8) with the places (2h). cinema bowing allay \__-f fast-food restaurant, concert (2) Library Internet café coffee bar amusement arcade 8] =) , Ny 8 What are your favourite places in Exercise 7? (number 1 = your favourite). ~ 35 GRAMMAR 1 & Affirmative: there was/there were Look at the list of activities at the city festival last week. Write sentences. 4 kx Questions and short answers Look at the list in Exercise 1. Write questions and short answers about the city festival, 1 adisco Was there a discon ‘Yes, there was, 2 pop stars Were there any pop stars! __ No, there werent 3 a street party 4 art classes 1 2 3 ‘4 5 6 7 8 2 & Negative: there wasn't/there weren't The things in the box weren't at the city festival last week. Write negative sentences with a or any. ‘There wasn'ta classical concert 5 a classical concert 6 film stars 5 kk was/were, there was/there were Complete the dialogue. Sally: (1) _Were_ you at the festival last week? Clara: Yes, I (2) . Sally: What (3) it Like? ‘Clara: Great! There (4) __ lots of people and the weather (5) “Affirm: egative _—____ good. ia Sally: (6) there any pop stan? " Clara: No, there (7) but there 1a disco (V)/a concert (X) @) 4 famtasBorok conceit ‘There was a disco but there wasn't a concert. ‘And there (9) a street 2. sandwiches (¥)/pizzas (x) party on the lastnight. All my friends Q me sandwi (10) there, Where (11) 3. a coffee bar (¥)/a restaurant —___ ou? MK “ Sally: We (12) at home. We (13) ‘on holiday in Spain. 4. photos (7)/paintings (x) nA “a 5. library (#)/sports centre (x) 6 kk was/were, there was/there were In your notebook, write sentences about these things. * the last festival in your town/city * your last holiday * your last party * your last trip inmy town wasnt very good. heat esta ‘There wasrit any pop muse Ce a ane —— | pet a es VOCABULARY 7 TV programmes Complete the TV guide with the words in the box. BBC 1 6.00 Today (1) _News and weather from around the world. 7.00 Win! Win! Win! Big money prizes in this new (2) ann BBC 2 6.00 Mickey and Donald A classic Disney 3) 7.00 Animal habitat (2) _ on the rare European bison. 6.00 Life and love 175th episode of this ‘American (5) ; 7.00 The Bob Banks Show Very funny (6) 6.00 Team time US (7) with ‘American football and basketball 7.00 (8) : Texas Star Black and white western. Wet rele 8 put the dialogue in the correct order. Number ‘the boxes. 1] Andy: What was on TV last night? I was out. Bella: Fun Festival. ‘Andy: Was it good? Bella: Don't worry. 've got the match on video for you. ‘Andy: Was there a football match on? Bella: Yes, it was very interesting. And after the ‘documentary, there was an American comedy, but it wasn't very funny. ‘Andy: What was it called? Bella: No, but there was a great tennis match. Pete Sampras was the winner, ‘Andy: Oh, I really ike him. Bell here was a documentary on life in Africa. 9 Girclathe adjectives in the box that can describe TV programmes. ‘people in cars people in buses Your clothes, books and CDs are on the floor. ‘You must tidy your bedroom. b people on foot Check your answers in the Mini-dictionary @ 36 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Look at the TV guide quickly and find the answers. 1. What time is Disneytime on? 2 Which programmes are new? 3. What time are the tennis matches on? ‘4 What types of film are on? Etc 2 Read the TV guide more slowly. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1 [_] The film is on after the sport on BBC1. 2 [_] There isnt a soap on. 3. [_] The news on BBC 2 fs on after the news on BBC 1. 4 [_] There is more comedy on BBC 2 than BBC 1. 5 [_] There is a western on 6 [__] The game show is on before the documentary on BBC 2, O) 3 Punctuation: capital letters Correct these sentences. Write capital letters where necessary. 1. My favourite film is the matrix. 2 Do you like shakespeare's romeo and juliet? 3. A: Who's your favourite actor? B: bruce willis. 4 There was a good film on last night ~ mickey blue eyes. 5 My favourite game show is the alphabet game. 4A personal email ‘Are these adjectives positive or negative? Which one isn't positive or negative? 5 Re-write the email message in full sentences in your notebook. Use the key on page 94 of the Students’ Book to help you. Dear Nicola Thank u 4 your message. I’m very :-' It was my birthday yesterday and there was a party. I was very 80o. I’ve got @ new DVD - it’s very :-DI Ru OK? Don’t be <:-o about your exans. Ur a good student. My girlfriend is :-C. Her piano exam was very difficult yesterday but her teacher ‘isn’t >-(. I must do my homework b4 t. Say hi 2 your mum and dad. Cu soon Lol ‘Adam | Dear Nicola, | Thank you for your message. Review 12 GRAMMAR 1 was/were, wasn't/weren't + time expressions Complete the sentences. 1 Twas on holiday week. 2 Were they at home afternoon? 3 We with our friends yesterday. 4 at school yesterday. It was a holiday, 5. The weather sunny yesterday. 2 there was/were Write affirmative/negative sentences or questions. 41. there/a jazz concert (-) (At naght Harry: Yes, there (12) was/wasn't - Manchester United and Leeds. ‘Alex: Great! (13) Have/Do you got (14) a/an video of the match? Harry: Yes. Come and watch (15) it/him later. Alex: OK, thanks. VOCABULARY 4 Word groups Write the words in the correct list. 2 tees pay?) Meals Places Adjectives. abies ee 4 there/any tourists (-) 3ircle)the correct word. Hay: Where (1) was/were you (2) yestenday/tost night? You (3) weren't/wasn't at football practice. ‘lex: I (4) was/am out with my parents. (6) Were/Was there alot of people at football practice? Harry: No, there (6) weren'/wasn't and the teacher (7) was/were angry. ‘Nex: Sorry. What was on TV (8) aftemoon/after the practice? Harry: There (9) was/were a good western and a funny comedy show. ‘ex: Oh, I (10) not/don't Like westerns much. (22) Was/Were there a football match on? Complete the second sentence with before or after. 1 Thave a shower. Then I clean my teeth. Idlean my teeth my shower. 2 Tread a book. Then I go to bed. Tread a book bedtime. 3. I feed my dog. Then T have breakfast. 1 feed my dog breakfast. 4 have my aerobics class. Then I have a shower. Thave a shower ‘my aerobics class. Warm-up 1 Accidents, fire and crime Look at the pictures and write the jobs (1-5). BP Use the Mini-dictionary to help you. EAE 1 fire fighter | G3 5 on 2 Put the words in the correct list. ‘ve brigade, pice station, hospital, police, ambulance, fire engine Group __fire brigade Place ‘Transport wd 3 Accinents 37 GRAMMAR 1 & Past Simple: regular verbs Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. ask, play, rain, watch, cook, anive a 1 The teacher __asked us some difficult questions, 2 We a great video last night. ! 3. She late for the party. | 4 The weather was very bad yesterday, It all day. 5 You tennis very well. 61 dinner for my parents. | 2 dee Past Simple: regular verbs Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. so sedan dy eer otal, be es cyoetomesnd \@—— rer) my favourite backeta Seam on TV They weren't very goodl In he with a car driver and @ girl on 8 bicycle. oe) arkey ee (eta) Tac arver an ate ‘The ambulance (6) ——— (arrve) in mrnates and then the plice (7) ——— the driver some questions. The get (2) __(etay) in " \ woop \ | dmenesesor AN l weve Her byl helmet (10) __—— (save) her. | 3 & Regular and irregular verbs Write the verbs in the correct part of the table. Then write the irregular verbs in the Past Simple. * S si =» = 4 4 dc Irregular verbs Write sentences in the Past Simple. Add capital Letters and full stops (.). 1. Ihave lunch/at one o'clock had lunch at one o'clock 2 we/leave school/at four thirty 3 my parents/go/to town/by taxi 4 she/see/her friends/last night 5 my mother/take/my friend/home the doctor/give/me some medicine 7. my brother fall off/his bicycle (3 Accidente 5 de% Regular and irregular verbs Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Yesterday was Friday and my friend, Gina, (1) _stayed (stay) the night at our house. After dinner, we were in imy bedroom. I (2) (have) some new posters and Gina (3) (ask), ‘Why aren't they on the walls? Gina (4) (get up) on the chair and (5) (put) one poster on the wall. Then she © (tum) and (7) (fall off) the chair, She (8) (hit) her head on the cupboard. My parents were out and I was very worried. I () (phone) the ambulance and Gina's parents. They all (10) {atrive) in five minutes. The ambulance (11) (take) Gina to hospital and her parents (12) (g0), too. Gina (13) (wake up) in hospital and she was very surprised. The nurses (14) (Give) her some medicine. (15) (see) her this morning and she wasn't angry with me. I'm very lucky! 6 #-& Regular and irregular verbs Tick (V) the correct sentences and correct the mistakes in the other sentences. 1 Twent to school by bus last Monday, __ 2 We stay at home last night. stayed _ 3 She fall off her bicycle yesterday, 4 The police asked me some questions after the accident. He wake up late yesterday morning. 6 We phoned our friends yesterday. 7 You leave at 7.30 a.m. yesterday. VOCABULARY 7 Words that go together ircle)the word/words that go with the verbs. GarlyyGte) to school, your house a commer, a question, a game a question, for help, an answer a chair, the floor, a bicycle the house, at 8 a.m., from a room well, in the morning, late your clothes, a hat, an umbrella a present, some medicine, a question 2 person, a car, an accident 2 person, a helmet 38 GRAMMAR 1 & Past Simple: negative Write negative sentences. 1 [got up early yesterday. 2 The driver stopped after the accident, 3. You arrived late, 4 She put on her helmet. 5 We left the house at seven thirty. 6 He phoned his girlfriend last night. 2 & Affirmative and negative These people did a motorbike test. Write sentences. about the results. 1 Mike/stop at the junction 2 Angela/put on a helmet Angela didn’ 3. Mike and Richard/see the pedestrian 4 Mike and Kim/turn comers fast 5 kim and Richard/stop at the junction 6 Angela/turn corners fast 7 Angela and Mike/stop at the junction 8 Kim/see the pedestrian 3 & Affirmative and negative Look at the picture. Write sentences about what Dave ddid and didn’t do in his bedroom yesterday. Use the verbs in the box. Dave played the guitar. ‘He didn’t watch Ty 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 kk Affirmative and negative In your notebook, write true sentences about what: you did and didn’t do yesterday. 5 d& Affirmative and negative Complete the text with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. 1 (1) had __ (have) a bicycle accident when I was thirteen, (2) (take) risks in those days. For example, 1 (3) (not wear) a helmet and I (4) (not stop) at junctions. One Sunday morning, T (5) (go) to my friend's house by bicycle. I was late and I (6) (have to) go fast. After ten minutes, 1 (7) (turn) right but T (8) (not took) first. 109) (not see) a motorcyclist and he (20) (hit) me, We both (11) (fall off) our bikes. I was unconscious but the motorcyclist was OK. He (12) (phone) for an ambulance and I (13) (wake up) in hospital, I wear my helmet now and I don’t take risks. VOCABULARY 6 Road safety Look at the picture on the right. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 The ___ovdist isn't wearing a 2 The car __ is wearing a 3 The is walking on the 7 4 The is near the police car. 5 The cyclist is near the Look at the picture again. Who is taking arisk? In your notebook, copy and complete the word map with the words in the box. pedestrian 8 Prepositions Complete the sentences with the correct preposition, a, b or c. 1 Twoke _up in hospital after the accident. aon b off c up 2 Put your jumper, Its cold. ato bon © off 3. They phoned an ambulance. a for b at c to 4. He went to schoot taxi, a by bin © on 5 Watch ! That car isn't stopping. ain b out © off © You must stop__ the junction. a to bat ¢ in ‘was bored. a people who watch a football match b people who watch a play or show 39 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Put the pictures in the correct order. Then read the story and check your answer. 1 2 3 4 2 Read the story again, Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 1. The girl and her mother had an accident yesterday. ‘The motorcyclist crashed into the woman. The gir's mother called for an ambulance. 2 3 4. The motorcyclist was unconscious after the accident. 5 The motorcyclist didn’t go to the hospital. 3 Linking with and then Look at this example of and then from the story. Underline the ‘other examples in the story. My mum stopped our car at the zebra crossing and then the wortan. walked into the road. 4 Now write these sentences with and then in your notebook. 1. last Sunday I got up late/had a big breakfast rn thad a big breakfast. Last Sunday | got up late and the | T went swimming/saw my friends ‘we went to the amusement arcade/went to the coffee bar ‘we had some sandwiches/had some cake ‘we went to my house at 5 p.m./watched a video mmy friends went home at 7 p.m./I did my homework Kb wncun 5 Punctuation: review Correct the text. Add capital letters, full stops (.), apostrophes (’), commas (,) and question marks (?) where necessary +4 There was 4 woman in the | street near the zebra crossing 6 Spelting Correct these spelling mistakes. 1 hospitall hospital 2 polise A fe 3 teatre 4 tenis 5 futball 6 vidio 7. telefone 8 casette Review 13 GRAMMAR 1 Past Simple Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. 4 The cyclist (not wear) a helmet. 21 (leave) home at 7 p.m. yesterday evening. 3He (not stop) at the junction. 4 My friends and I (see) an accident last night. 5 The driver (turn) the corner fast. 6 The survey (not show) any interesting results. 7 The accident (happen) in the town centre, ait (not rain) last week. 9 The tony (hit) the car at the Junction. 10 My mum (take) us to school by car. 411 The police (not ask) us any questions 21 — (go) to hospital last night. 2Gireld the correct word, Lisa: There (1) is/was an accident (2) near/next our school yesterday. Ross: Really? I didn’t (3) see/sow it. Lisa: A man in (4) a/an car (5) hits/hit a gitl. She was on (6) his/her bike and she (7) fell/fal off. She (8) don't/didn’t have a helmet. Ross: That's very silly. You must (9) wear/wore a helmet ‘on your bike. (10) Were/Was the girl OK? Lisa: I don’t know. A teacher phoned (11) to/for an ambulance (12) before/after the accident. (13) An/The ambulance arrived very quickly and (14) tool/take the girl to hospital. oss: And the car driver? Lisa: He (15) were/was OK. (3 Accidente VOCABULARY 3 Accidents and road safety Girclo the correct word. 1 The ambulance fighter/driver took the boy to hospital. 2 There's a fire! Phone the fire brigade/offce. 3 The fire lory/engine arrived in five minutes. 4 The police fighter/officer asked us some questions. 5 The nurses gave Adam some medicine/doctor. 6 You must stop at a zebra junction/crossing 7 Wear your drive/seat belt in the car. 8 Gyclists/Pedestrians mustn't walk in the road. 9 Don't take/make risks on the road. 10 A helmet saves/protects your head. 11 The police officer/fighter asked the woman some questions. 12 I woke up in medicine/hospital after the accident. ss 4 Verbs and prepositions Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 1 Watch There's a dog in the road. 2 The boy didn't put his helmet. 3. Twoke early yesterday morning. 4 The motorcyclist fell his bike, 5. We didntt get at 7.30 a.m. @! Warm-up 1 Word groups Add three words to each group. father family cheese game show Vv programmes kitten rainy. ff weather (4 Migeing home 40 GRAMMAR 1 & Comparative adjectives Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in the box. 1 We've got a new car. Its faster than our old 2 like my new teacher, She's ____than my ‘old teacher, 3 Put on your jumper. It's today than yesterday. 4 Tm worried. That test was than our last test. 5 Tm fifteen but my sister is than me. 6 Our new flat is very small. Our old flat was 2 & Comparatives with to be Write sentences, Use the correct form of to be. ‘Add capital letters and full stops (.). 1 London/big/Oxford London is bigger than Oxford. 2 Turkey/hot/England 3 my brothers/old/me 4. the weather today/bad/the weather yesterday 5 those computers/small/these computers 6 my team/good/your team motorbikes /noisy/cars 3 & Comparing people Look at the adjectives and read the information about John and David. ft tall short heavy light slow fast TT years 2 months 18 metres Tiles ‘wo sisters anda brother hriliant at maths ann 100 min seconds DAVID COOPER Hears mons UBsmetes Silos ; the brothers anda sister at maths eet in eons Now correct the information about John and David. Write the sentences in your notebook. 1. David is younger than John. avid solder than Jo 2 John is shorter than David. 3 John is lighter than David. 4 Davids family is smaller than John’s family. 5 John is worse at maths than David. 6 David is slower than John. (4 Micting home 4 x Comparatives with to be Write sentences that are true for you. Write the sentences in your notebook. Use the correct form of to be. 1 T/old/my best friend im older et friend. fm older than my best frie tim younger thar my best rien English/easy/maths this week/cold/last week rock groups/good/heavy metal groups Y/small/my mum my friends/noisy/me ounun VOCABULARY 5 Adjectives Match the sentences (1-6) with the reasons (a-f). 1. miss the food from home. c We miss the TV programmes, He misses his home town. oO They miss the people. ‘She misses the trains. I miss the weather. It’s smaller than London. Theyre friendlier than in England, It’s better than in England. They're faster than in England. It’s sunnier than in England. They're better than in England. 6 Prepositions Choose the correct word. 1. We go on holiday in/at August. 2 Iwas at home in/at seven thirty. We go swimming in/at summer Her birthday is in/at June, We went shopping in/at the weekend. I get up in/at seven o'clock. 41 GRAMMAR 1 & Comparative forms Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives in the box. 1. Those jeans are cheap. Your jeans were more expensive : 2 Today's homework was easy. Yesterday's was 3 His last book was funny. His new book is 4. My friend was relaxed before the exam, but I was 5 The first film was boring, but the second was 2 & Comparatives with to be Write sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives. Use the correct form of to be. 1. my picture/colourful/your picture -My picture is more colourful than your picture. _ 2. art galleries interesting/churches 3 rock music/exciting/classical music 4 my sister/intelligent/my brother 5 your story/realistic/my story 3 se Comparative forms Look at the information about the cafés. Complete the sentences, using the adjectives in the box. 1 Blueline is __bigger than Joe's. 2 The coffee at Joe's is than at Blueline, 3 The sandwiches at Blueline are than at Joe's. 4 Blueline is than Joe's because they don't play music. 5 Joe's is to school than Bluetine. 6 The waiters are at Joe's than at Blueline, 4 tok Comparative forms Complete the text with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. | Dear Gam, | a hea a Ws great. it's ig 7g) than my hi | andmuctte) (ecg) ee or ote of modern galleries and museume, I fink thay () (interesting) in the historic places. The weather toda much (4) (good) than ” esterday When Ie rained, There oft and the streeta are (6) | (Colourful) than they usually are eye 0 Problems, toc The food (bad) than at home and everything is (7) (expensive), ‘The shops close (8) here than at: home, tool Lots of love, (early) 5 kk-& Comparing cities In your notebook, write sentences comparing two cities in your country. Use the adjectives in the box. city is more expensive than my cy. | | the capital VOCABULARY 6 Seasons, months and weather Look at the seasons column. Write the letters in the correct order. Then complete the table with ‘information for your country. ‘ismmpg ~ eumsmr — ruuatm ~ (6 Mier home 8 Write true answers to these questions in your notebook. 1. What's your favourite season? 2 Why do you like it? 3. What do you do in that season? 4 What is your town like in that season? present: I/yowwe/they Qos he/she/iroesy past: /yow/he/she/it/werthey wendy ——{e] ———{7] Let's go fo the cinema Does this bus go to the stadium? 7 Likes and dislikes Match the questions (1-5) and answers (a-e). What's your favourite season? é What do you do in summer? What is your town like in winter? When is your town busy? Do you like winter? a No, T don't like cold weather. ‘In summer. There are lots of tourists then. ¢ Hy favourite season is spring. Wes very quiet. 1190 to the beach with my friends, 1 word a] 5 -ing forms 2 definition 6 past form 3 word type 7, pronunciation -your answers in the Mini-dictionary. @) 42 READING AND WRITING 1 Postcard layout Witerthe inmbess an/thcicarrers RELORANE ROARS: iBT anaes 2 in Rome last weeke rdf re Wh a ey ne tay an sing my Itallan, Eve | BOK bu mibe ou very meee | [esterday was our fot day at the (5 dr and tre pr ohnson GF) ear Murs ana Dad, } | renew street am) oxford UK | 2 Read the postcard in the correct order and circle the correct 5 choose the correct word. ieformation, 1 I'm tired because/then 1 got up very 1 Kate is Engish/Ttaion, early. 2 Kate misses Italy/her parents. 2 We went shopping. But/Then we had 3. Kate is a student/teacher at a language school. lunch. 4 Kate went shopping/sightseeing in Rome, 3> I like summer but/and I don’t like 5 The weather is hotter/colder in Italy than in England. winter. 4 I did my homework at nine o'clock. 3 Punctuation: titles and addresses Then/Because I went to bed. Write the title and address with the correct punctuation. 5 Why are you late? Because/But the bus Add capital letters where necessary. didn’t arrive. 6 The party was good but/and the food wasn't very nice. 4 Linking with because, and, but, then ‘Match the lines in columns A ar Look at the linking words (in bold) and match the meanings (a-d) to the sentences 1-4. a reason Then we went on a trip. because we saw some beautiful places. and I'm practising my Italian. but I miss you very much. 1 Tim staying with a very nice family 2. Everything is OK 3 We had lessons in the morning. 4 Lwas very happy more information Review 14 GRAMMAR 1 Comparatives Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjectives in brackets. 1 The maths results were the science results (bad) than 2 My friend was the exams than me. 3 L think British TV is than American TV. 4 I think English is (nervous) about _ (serious) (easy) than German. 5 You are _ (intelligent) than me. 6 Books are _ ____ (expensive) than CDs. 7 This summer is (hot) than last summer. 8 You are (good) at art than T am. 9 Skiing is (exciting) than swimming. 10 My bedroom is brother's bedroom. 2Gieiothe correct word. Sue: Where (1) am/are you from? ‘Ana: I'm from Spain but I (2) lve/tived in London now. Sue: (3) Do/Are you miss Spain? Ana: I (4) am mviss/miss my family and my home town in spring Sue: Why? ‘Ana: There (5) is/are a festival every year in Apri Sue: Did you (6) went/go to (7) a/the festival last year? Ana: Yes, I did. It (8) is/was fantastic. There (9) was/were hundreds of people in the streets, and food, music, and dancing Sue: What (10) was/did the weather ike? ‘Ana: Sunny and hot. The weather in Spain is usually (11) good/better than in England. Sue: How often do you (12) go/going to Spain? Ana: (13) Twice/Two a year. Sue: You speak English very (14) good/well. ‘Ana: You must learn Spanish. It’s very (15) easy/easier! (big) than my 14 Ming home VOCABULARY 3 Word groups irl the odd one out autumn, wate, soap, rainy summer, weather spaghetti, sandwich, cake game show, news, video noisy, snowy, windy spring, 4 Opposites Write the opposites. 1 big cold late friendly _ funny 6 dificult 7 bad 8 expensive 9 boring 5 Prepositions Complete the sentences with at or in. 1 We went skiing T had lunch winter. cone thirty August. 2 3° We don't go to school 4 the weekend? Do you go swimming Warm-up 1 Find six nouns and six adjectives in the box. Look [-+] and [1]. Bx 00 F TT Wee HARDENJAGKK uTRCHTIKLNN WDANGEROUSO oRMPMLQSS VW REN YELU ¢ KD RLEZMIMNSOE TARHOGIQPROD EXVSRETUEVG DEOQAYNETEOE TDOUBCCAYODS P SGSTRENGTHD 2 Prepositions: review Complete the sentences with the prepositions in the box. at (x2), i, on (x2), to, next to, before ace Time 1 get up___at __ half past seven. 2 We're going to buy a new computer Saturday, 3. don't watch TV the afternoon, 4 Talways have a shower I go to bed. Place 5 Put these books the shelf, please. 6 Isit mmy friend in class. Movement 7 Tarrived ___ the party early 8 They went London last month, (9 Tests 43 GRAMMAR 1 & going to for future plans Complete the sentences with the full forms of going to and the verb in brackets. 1 [am going to see __ (see) my friends tomorrow. 2 She (do) her homework later. 3. My friends (have) a party this weekend, 4 We (Visit) our grandparents this afternoon. 5 You (study) for the exams. 2 4c going to for future plans Complete the diary days with your plans for next week. Then write five sentences in your notebook. Use short forms. Monday _ football s pm. ‘Twesday Tim going to play football on Monday afernoon j 3 & Negative: going to Write negative sentences. Use short forms. 41. We/not/play tennis/tomorrow ‘We aren't going to play tennis tomorrow. 2 I/not/use my computer/this evening 3. You/not/come/to the party 4 She/not/wear/her new dress 5. They/not/get up/earty/tomorrow 6 My teacher/not/give us a test/next week 0 Teste 4. tek Affirmative and negative 5% Yes/No questions Write pairs of sentences. Use short forms. Write questions and short answers. 1 you/study for the exam? (yes) ‘Are you going to study for the exam? Yes, Lam. 2. he/come to the party? (no) 3. they/stay in tonight? (yes) 1. the children ~ play football The children arent going to play football. 4 it/rain at the weekend? (no) 5 Ana/watch TV tonight? (yes) 6 you/phone your friend later? (no) 2 the motorcyclist ~ put on his hat 6 4% Wh- questions and answers Write questions and true answers in your notebook. seem Se 1 what/you/do tonight? | what are you going to do tonight? | Th going to play computer games. what/you/do next weekend? ‘when/you/study for the exams? what time/you/get up tomorrow? when/your teacher/give you a test? what/your parents/do next weekend? VOCABULARY 7 Exams and revision Gircla the correct word. Where do youCfeis® revision? We're going to make/do an exam next week. Make/Do some physical exercise when you revise. It’s a good idea to make a revision timetable/ 4 the businesswoman — use her mobile phone worktable. 5. Wotk with your friends and test/exam their knowledge. 6 Physical exercise is rlaxing/relax when you do exams. 44 GRAMMAR 4. Yes/No questions Write questions. 1 & have/has to Complete the sentences with have/has to and the verbs in A yuan to bed ony ‘the box. Do we have to go to bed early? ST | * hey tnen on 1 We _have to study — for the English test. 2 My sister had an accident yesterday. She in hospital for a week. 3 My parents work at weekends and I the shopping. 4 James to bed early before exams, 5 6 3 she/wear a uniform at school You__a letter to your grandparents. 4 you/wear a helmet on your bike ii a uniform at school. (Girele)the correct form. 5. Mike/work at weekends 1 I doesn'/@orDhave to go to school today. 2 You doesn’/don't have to answer all the questions. 3 He doesn’t/don't have to leave early. a PARE 4 We doesn’t/don't have to walk to school. they/answer questions about pop music 5. My friends doesn’¢/don't have to do the test. 6 Diana doesn't/don't have to work today. 3 i Affirmative and negative Read the messages and write sentences. 1 Sally and Chris/do their homework sally and chris have to do their homework. 2 Chris/clean the kitchen Chris doesnt have to lean the kitchen. Dear Sally 4 the hospital with we pa Alas cana t0 3. Sally/buy a newspaper feed the dog buy @ newspaper Gamasaymawimk TT | etn the Kitchen 4 Chris and Sally/make lunch do your Dear Chris 5 Chris/clean his football boots See you later. nm at the su ‘mark as faermar Love Mun and Dod ‘6 Chris and Sally/feed their pets 7 Sally/write a letter 8 Chris/phone his dad 5 & Wh- questions Complete the questions with have to and the verbs in brackets. 41 Where does the driver have togo _? (go) 2 What time we 2 (get up) 3 How long ‘my composition 2 (be) 4 What___she in the game show? (do) 5. Where I 2 (sit) 6 What the children 2 (wear) 7) How often _you (do) exams? 6 ket All forms Complete the dialogue with the correct form of ‘has/have to. Teacher: We'e going on a trip tomorrow, Alice: (1) _Do we have to leave early? 5 Tete VOCABULARY 7 Helping at home Match the pictures with the words in the box. Teacher: Yes, we do. We (2) leave at seven thirty. Tom: And (3) __we wear our uniform? Teacher: No, you (4) : 3 ‘ Atice: Great! What clothes (5) we wear? Teacher: You (6) wear jeans, a jumper and trainers. We are going to be in the countryside. oF Sara: (7) I bring sandwiches from home? Teacher: Good question. Yes, each student ee on Ie @) bring sandwiches and a drink from home. And bring pens and your notebooks 5 6 because you (9) do a project on the area. 8 Feelings Tom: How long (10) the project be? Teacher: About four pages. raining. Put your 3. What time do you get down/up in the morning? 4 Twas nervous and I woke up/off three times Check your answers in the Mini-dictionary. Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box. trees 1 The new game show wasn't very interesting. We were bored when we watched it 2 We were very when we didn't win the big prize. 3 My mum was on a TV game show. I was very when I saw her, 4 Twas very worried before the exam, but now I'm more 5 ‘Don't be “The questions are very easy: the presenter said. 45 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read and answer the questions in the quiz. 2 Punctuation: apostrophes 5 Spelling Correct the quiz. Write apostrophes where necessary. Correct the spelling mistakes in these words. Trevize revise 2 frendly | 3 earlyer 3 Now correct these sentences, Write apostrophes where heter! — necessary. Sautum 1. You dont have to answer all the questions. 6 cotourfull 2 Im going to watch Who wants to be a Millionaire? + woclai 3. She isnt going to revise this evening, nowledge = ——__ 4 re you going to clean the car? No, Im not. 8 strenth 5 My friend doesnt tidy her room. 6 The presenters name is Johnny Star. ON 10 milionaire 4 Punctuation: commas Correct these sentences. Write commas (,) where necessary. 1. Like game shows films and cartoons. 2 He has to clean the car feed the cat and tidy his room, 3. We're going to finish our project have dinner and then watch TV. 4 You have to read a text answer some questions and then write a” composition. 5 Do we have to do a listening speaking or writing test? 6 planned my revision revised every day and got good results. @ Review 15 GRAMMAR 1 going to Complete the sentences with going to and the verbs ‘in brackets. Where it is possible, use short forms. 1 I1_____ (finish) my homework. 2 you (watch) the football match? 3 He (visit) his penfriend this summer. 4 My parents 5 Ws very cold, it (snow) later? (buy) a new car. 2Girclo the correct word. Dear Richard, (iter the exame, | (7) going tolam going to relax My Family and | (8) area going to vote my grandparents in the United States (9) infon Hust. Use (10) hinthem, because we don't (M) @olgoing to the United States very often Ms 2) dt igo (2) am sumo ou (mse tac here in Rome soon, ees Ws revision time again! Best wishes, Daniele 5 tet 3 have/has to Complete the sentences with the correct form of have/has to. 1 We because its a holiday, 40 to school tomorrow 2 tiny work this evening? Yes, they a she study every day? 4 She do all the exercises. VOCABULARY 4 Exams and revision Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. 1 Its important to before exams. 2 How often do you exams? 3 a revision timetable before you start. 4 These exams general knowledge. 5 some physical exercise when you revise, 5 Helping at home Choose the correct word. 1 T look at/after my brother when my parents 90 out. Do you have to wash/clean the dishes? Remember to tole/make the dog for a walk. We have to wash/tidy our room once a week. Jn my house my dad cleans/tidies the car. T help/go my parents with the shopping. 6 Prepositions review Correct the underlined prepositions. 1 I don't work in Saturdays. 2 We play basketball on weekends. 3 Our next test is at the 24th May. 4 Thave a shower after I leave home. auswn 2 & Why don't/doesn't ...? Write the words in the correct order. Add capital letters and question marks. 1. the/he/why/doesn’t/see/doctor Why doesn't he see the doctor? 2 go/why/we/don't/fishing 3 teacher/they/don't/the/why/ask 4 you/don't/help/why/T 5. the/she/doesn’t/why/surf/Internet 6 down/don't/why/you/sit/ 3 tek Why don't ...? and Let's .. Complete the dialogues with Why don’t/doesn’t + pronoun, or Let's. 1A: Tim hungry. B:_Why don't you make a sandwich? 2 A: Its our teacher’ last day at school today. B: buy her a cake to say “Thank you 3. A: He doesn't understand his homework. 8: ask his teacher for help? 4A: This isa lovely park. 8: take a photo of it. 5 A: We can't play tennis - it's cold and rainy. play on an indoor court. 6 A; They want information for their project. Bs surf the Internet? 4 i Why don't ..? and Let's... In your notebook, write the dialogue in complete sentences. Add capital letters, question marks (?) and full stops (.) where necessary. ‘lan: let/g0 out/tonight Bob: OK. where/you/want/go Alan: why/we/not/go/Internet café Bob: it/not open today Alan: OK. let/play/tennis Bob: Good idea. what time/you/want/to play ‘Man: at half past seven. why/you/not/have dinner/at our house init - ae } \ alan: Lets go out tonight. haga (6 omoabye 5 kk Why don't...? and Let's... Write your suggestions for these situations in your notebook. 1. Your parents want to go out. [why dow you go t a restaurant { It's your best friend's birthday. Your friend is nervous before an exam. Your grandparents want to go on holiday. Your father wants to learn English. VOCABULARY 6 Complete the dialogues with the words in the box. Formal Mr Jones: (1) Goodbye. Dr Brown: (2) ——_—_— ‘Mr Jones: Yes, you (4) Informal ‘simon: (5) Emma: (6) me a call, ‘Simon: OK. (8) ___ you. It was nice to — you. Emma, ‘Simon. (7) 7 Propositions ‘Gircla the correct word. Do you live at/(ia)a big house? Were you at/in the festival Last month? Don't stay in/at bed very late. My patents are in/at the United States. Let’s have a party in/at home. The children are playing in/at the street. 2 47 GRAMMAR 1 & All verb forms: (Giel®)the correct verb form. 1. Write to me soon. Linperative/Present Simple 2 Ym not nervous. to be: present/past 3 He's playing the guitar. Present Simple/Present Continuous 4 We weren't at home at 5 p.m. to be: present/past 5 Iget up late at weekends, Present Simple/Present Continuous 2 & to be (Present Simple) Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be. 1 T_am_ Polish. 2 Where ___ they from? 3 He a singer. He's an actor. 4 ____you hungry? No, 1_. 5. Mum and Dad ___at home. They'e at the cinema, 6 You___late. You're early. 3 4 Imperatives and has got Write sentences in your notebook. 1. go/bookshop/great books Goto that bookshop, its got great books, _ 2. eat in/café/horrible food Dont eatin that café. Its got horrible food. g0/gallery/fantastic paintings visit/wildlife park/boring animals take photos in/the city centre/lovely places go/Intemnet café/old computers 4 & Present Simple (affirmative and negative) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 [getup (get up) early every day. 2 She (watch) TV in the evening, 3 My brother _ (go) to school on foot. 4 He (not tive) near me. 5. My friend (not study) German. 6 T____(not like) dogs very much. a 5 & Present Simple questions Write questions in your notebook. 1 you/go/to bed/at eleven o'clock? ‘Do you go to bed at eleven o'clock? 2 where/he/tive? Where does he live? they/like/westerns? James/play football/or basketball? what/you/wear/at school? hhow often/your parents/go/to the theatre? where/you and your friends/play basketball? saune 6 & Present Continuous Write questions and answers in your notebook. 1 she/study? ~ yes 1s she studying? Yes she is 2 what/they/do? ~ they/play football What ae they doing? They're playing football. you/do/your homework? ~ no where/your brother/go? ~ he/go/to school they/make/lunch? ~ yes Helen/listen/to music? ~ no who/he/phone? ~ he/phone/is penfriend 7 4x Present Simple or Continuous? (Girelo>the correct verb. 1GEEDD/om getting up at 7 a.m. every day. What are you doing/do you do at the moment? They use/are using the computer at the moment. io you tike/Are you like swimming? Listen! The teacher is tatking/talk. How often is he going/does he go on holiday? 8 tek was/were Write the sentences and questions in the past in your notebook. Add a time expression. 1 They are at the cinema, “They were at the cinema yesterday. 2 What is the weather like? is rl Z Tm in the garden with my friends. We aren't hungry. Is he in the town centre? Where are your parents? You arer't late for school. 9 ek Past Simple Complete the sentences with the past form of the verbs in brackets, There are regular and irregular verbs. 1. The police __arrived (arrive) in five minutes. 2 She ___ (wake up) early yesterday. 3 The driver (top) at the zebra crossing. 4 Cars (not have) seat belts in 1850. 5 The doctor (Give) me some medicine. 6 James (not put on) his helmet 10 dx All verb forms Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets, ‘Ann: Hello? Tina: Hello, its Tina here. I'm in town. ‘Ann: What (1) are you doing (do) in town? Tina: I (2) (buy) some new clothes. 00 you want to meet me here? Well, my sister and I (3) homework at the moment. Tina: OK. Why don’t we go to the cinema this evening? The Matrix is on. (4) you (Cike) science fiction films? (g0) to the cinema (not want) to ‘Ann: (do) our ‘Ann: Yes, but I (5) twice last week. I (6) {90 again. Let’s go to a disco. Tina: OK. Where (7) you (want) to go? ‘Ann: Well, Star Disco (8) Friday. Let’s go to Central tonight. Tinas OK. What time (9) it (open)? At nine o'clock. (10) (meet) me at quarter to nine near the clock tower. Tina: OK. See you tonight. (be) boring last (6 Goodbye 11 sete All verb forms Tick (V) the correct sentences, Correct the mistakes ‘in the other sentences. 1 Tuse my computer every day. 2 We aren't study at the moment, studying 3 They are students from Manchester. 4 She likes write letters. 5 What time are you have lunch every day? 6 T were at work yesterday. _ 7 Not go out. Its raining. 8 She take the boy to hospital yesterday. 9 Dad is watching TV at the moment. 10 Ate you a doctor? No, I don't VOCABULARY 12 Word groups ‘Circl®the odd one out. 1 grandmother sister wife 2 sofa TV cooker video 3 small grey green pink 4 camera board ruler calculator 5 lunch food breakfast dinner 6 pitch court racket pool T plane coach tourist train B jeans skirt T-shirt wear 9 male puma chimp eagle 10 first once third second ‘the fifth of May. 2 My birthday is 3 I do my homework the evening. 4 Does he go to work bus? 48 READING AND WRITING 1 Reading Read the text quickly. Tick (¥) the activities that the text describes. cinema theatre. classical music dancing shopping traveling eating in a restaurant: going to an Internet café 2 Read the text again. Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? 41. The Party Club plays American music. 2 The Party Club is open every day. 3 Dotcom isn’t open at weekends. 4 There are a lat of people at Roma on Saturdays and Sundays. 5 There isa film on three times a day at the Film Centre. O 3 Punctuation: question marks and exclamation marks ‘Add question marks and exclamation marks to these — {_Deyoute woven (computer escone tart today | (§]_Bo you ealect COs] 4 Punctuation: review Correct these sentences. Add capital letters, full stops (.), apostrophes (’) and commas(,). That club plays rap techno and jazz. we're open on mondays, wednesdays and fridays. The new arts centre is fantastic It's open every day Dont forget to visit the towns new galery. The café has got friendly waiters great food and wonderful coffee. Saturday, 9p, 3 Do you like pizza’ Bina yur thence AP toRome fer the best 4 Now opent Pizza The Film Centre - ine cys intown ‘ew as cinema ~is now oer ene to See new fins in is ntact 2 Go surfing! You dont needa home to suf he eet mam, os Sate com modem building. Vis 5 Linking: and, but, then and because Choose the correct word in brackets to link the sentences. Change capital letters where necessary. 1. The film was interesting. The café was nice. (and/but) the film was interesting and the café was nce. 2. Find the phone number. Cal the restaurant. (because/then) 3 [want to surf the Intemet. I haven't got a computer. (but/because) 4 Twas late for school. I didn't get up on time. (because/then) 5. The pizzas are great. They aren't very expensive. (but/and) 6 They went to the Intemet café. They went to the disco. (but/then) 6 Spelting Correct the spelting mistakes. Add capital letters, where necessary. 1 forteen —_fourteen _ 6 —sanwich 2 Shelfs 7 3 magasine 8 4 swiming 9 5 fotography Review 16 GRAMMAR 1 Suggestions Write these sentences correctly. 1. Lets go to the cinema. 2 Why don't he go to the dentist? Let’s to watch a video. Why we don't have a sandwich? Let's having a party. 2 Verb forms Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. 41. Its very cold in here (not open) the (6 Goodbye VOCABULARY 4 Saying goodbye Match the words with the pictures. ss oy hug shake hands window. My friends yesterday. Diane (go) to school at half past eight. We (do) our homework at the moment. T don't understand this word. the dictionary, please. (not be) at the sports centre (pass) me 3 Choose the correct word. Dear Alison, . 10 rn re a) soa Wu (4) wasiwere fantastic. You Sr ey ry) a ‘to (7) them/their from (8) my/me. | 8) baal wees a (12) not/don't you come to Toruh this summer? | tc encom a ee ero mum and dad about (15) it/ite. Write soon! Best wishes, Maria 5 Food, drink and music Write the words in the correct list. Food and drink Music 6 Prepositions Complete the sentences with at or in. 1 Theyre on holiday Italy. 2 There's a party school on Friday. My parents aren't __ home, There's a big dog __ the street. They live __a house near the beach. Twas the theatre yesterday evening, Colour the four flags. Paola Rossi ‘Add the information. aoa is from in Mauricio (40) Pia (38) Paola (16) Cristina (__) Susana (_ ON PAGE Her father is scents. 12 Paola meets Mrs Faniyy,» Se Her mother is a ‘She has got. sisters. a0. cshestalis. fo, ‘and —______ 30 She writes about her ideal i 7 sie tikes music. 35° She talks to and Wise) S she plays the _ 4 about going out. She doesn't ike music. 42. She talks to oh erm cow She has got a sek 7 seat 5 De came 116 She and____ talk about the ta liege Hes tevcurte sport e__ 123 She talks to at the party. Adam Nowak |__| ‘Adam is from in Tomasz (....) HB Anna...) Mirek (__) ‘Adam (__) his father isan ON PAGE Pigs is mother isa 10 Adam writes to ~ His brother is a at 14 He describes his in 36 He buys twenty _ er 42 He talks to about : ‘omplete the boxes: ne a 58 He asks Gabriela to go to the ‘Adam tines [7] 840m, Adom doesn't tke %) doesn't say 68 He shows some to the students stftaties footba [0] noctey 98 He falls off his and goes to the art English science [ classical heat music metal LL techno Kostas Dimitriou Kostas is from in Nikos (40) $3 Katerina (__) Lo Kostas (__ Maria (__ Eleni (10) His mother is a ON PAGE... Wiiap Her father is a lawyer. 12 Gabriela meets Mrs - Her sister is at 20 She talks to and 7 Her favourite film star is 22 She writes to her penftiend, OSs. p> Her favourite sports staris gg, ‘She goes to the with Her favourite pop star is Rigg SS bas ot two __ {62 She goes sightseeing in . Tuegraecaled, and = ‘84 She talks to. about first sy c& 129 She dances with 5 1 Bihepats: “a —— > getting up (KT Un 4 Match the underlined words (1-7) to the types of words (a-g). 1 Look at your Mini-dictionary, Write the correct, 1 That’ a Lovely painting. z picture page numbers. wasnlt nervous before the exam. Its Mum's birthday. Let’s buy her a present. Shopping ~ pages 1 like football but I don't like tennis. Pinter page. yy 5 My first school was near my house. 6 You play brilianty. CO & Sports - pages 7 Ave there animals in these forests? Time - page a pena = 9 wileane adver’ b verb f pronoun qd 2 Write these words in alphabetical order. Then write the correct page numbers from the A~Z section. business a /kabod/ } 5 ! 2 elephant (Pewest{n/ 4 cupboard d fsartsian/ a a question ‘sus —alrport___- page sightseeing felfon ~ page = 6 Write the plurals of these nouns. = page 1 businessman businessmen a 2 child ~ page i 3. tooth a 4 foot as 5 wife E 6 wolf =e 7 sheep ~ page 3 Add three words to each group. Then check your Cb > answers on the picture pages. aaa a. eg a ru Word Bank 1 HELO Adjectives: great Asking for personal information: Where are you from? What's your name? Who's your favourite (music/film) star? Classroom language: learn about, listen to, read dialogues, talk about, write sentences, What’ ... in English? What's... in Polish? Countries: Argentina, Australia, Britain, Canada, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey, the United States Email messages: penfriend, write soon My name's... Hello, my name's... Music: heavy metal, soul Nationalities: American, Argentinian, Australian, British, Canadian, German, Greek, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Turkish Talking about favourites: my favourite film/sports star/music is.» 2 MEET THE FAMILY ‘Asking about age: How old are you? I'm fifteen./I'm fifteen years old. Classroom languag please? Families: daughter/son, father/mother, grandfather/grandmother (grandparents), husband/wife, sister/brother, parents/children (kids), sumame ‘Jobs: actor/actress, architect, businessman/woman, computer programmer, doctor, electrician, engineer, housewife, model, scientist, secretary, student, teacher Numbers: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sirteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty- one, twenty-two/-three/-four/-Five/-six/-seven/-eight/ , thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, ‘one hundred Prepositions: at, (My brother) is at (university/school/the cinema). 3 AT HOME Adjectives: bad, big, boring, good, interesting, new, old, small Animals: cat, dog sorry? Can you repeat that, ‘At home: bath, bathroom, bed, bedroom, carpet, cooker, door, fridge, garden, kitchen, lamp, (sitting) room, shelf, shower, sofa, table, toilet, wall, window Colours: black, blue, green, orange, pink, red, white, yellow Homes: cottage, (block of) flats, house Home/school objects: book, camera, cassette player, CD player, computer (game), desk, DVD player, poster, report, television (TV) On the phone: Give me a call. What's your (home) phone number? Talking about home: I've got a (small) bedroom. It's got a (big) window and a (red) carpet. 4 AT SCHOOL Describing things: What's this/that? It’s a photo of my brother. What are these/those? They're my favourite CDs. In the classroom: board, box, chair, clock, cupboard, desk, dictionary, floor, map, paintbrush, pen, poster, ruler, shelf, video Lessons: art, computer studies, English, geography, history, literature, maths, music, science, sport Objects: bag, ball, calculator, cassette, computer, dictionary, encyclopedia, graph, guitar, magazine, map, paintbrush, pen, pencil, photo, piece of paper, rubber, ruler, watch Plurals: bags, boxes, dictionaries, pens, shelves, watches 5 GOING OuT Adjectives: beautiful, cheap, expensive, famous, fantastic, historic, terible Classroom instructions: ask and answer (the questions), complete (the crossword/table), don’t be late (for your lesson), open/close your (books), put your (pencil/pen/books) on the (desk/fioor), read (the dialogue on page 40), listen to (the cassette), look at (the photos on page 32), stand up, sit down, work (in pairs/groups), write (a sentence/your name) Expressions: (Three stamps,) please. Here you are, (Brown's is an expensive bookshop.) Don't go there. Food and drink: (cheese/salad/tomato) sandwich, coffee, orange juice, mineral water, tea Linking: but Places: bank, bookshop, café, church, cinema, disco, hotel, main square, market, mosque, museum, rewsagent’s, park, post office, railway station, statue, restaurant, shop, street, supermarket, town hall Prepositions: near, (Trinity College) is near (the town centre). Shopping: CD, envelope, newspaper, postcard, stamp, Tshirt Sizes: large (L), extra large (KL) ‘Things to see: films, paintings Verbs: buy, go to (school/the cinema), take (an umbrella) 6 PLAYING SPORT Abilities: I can speak French. I can't play tennis, Can you swim? Asking for information: Is there a swimming pool? No there isn't. Are there aerobics classes? Yes, there are. ‘Asking for permission: Can I open a window, please? Can T go to the toilet, please? ‘Adverbs: briliantly, fast, well, very well/not very well Classes: aerobics, swimming, tennis Places: basketball court, football pitch, aym, jacuzzi, sauna, sports centre, (indoor/outdoor) swimming pool, tennis court Sports: athletics, basketball, diving, football, skiing, swimming, tennis Times: 11.00/eleven o'clock, 06.10/six ten, 11.15/eleven fifteen, 06.20/six twenty, 11.25/eleven twenty-five, 06.30/six thirty, 11.35/eleven thirty-five, 06.40/six forty, 11.45/eleven forty-five, 06.50/six fifty, 11.55/eleven fifty-five Titles: Mr Jones, Mr'S.F. Smith, Ms Edwards, Ms B. Hardy, Mrs Thomas, Mrs J. Brown, Miss James, Miss J.8. Andrews Verbs: dive, do (the long jump/high jump), jump (three metres), play (basketball/football/tennis), run (the 100 metres in 15 seconds), ski, swim 7 EVERY DAY Activities: dance, play (computer games/the guitar/ basketball), travel Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, weekend Prepositions: at the weekend, on (Fridays), in (the morning/aftemnoon/evening) Routines: clean (your teeth), do (your homework/ the shopping), get up, go swimming, go (home/to bed/ to school/to a disco), have (breakfast/lunch/dinner/ a shower), make (breakfast/ unch/dinner) meet (friends/people), read (the newspaper), sleep, study, work 8 FREE TIME Activities: collect things, go dancing/fishing, go to the cinema, listen to music, play computer games/football/ the piano, read books, surf the Internet, take photos, watch videos: Asking about free time activities: Do you play tennis? Yes, I do/No, I don't. What sport do you play? Where do you go swimming? How often do you go dancing? Films: action film, comedy film, science fiction film, western Frequency: once a week/month, twice a week/month, three times a week/month, every day/week/month, twice a year Verbs: like/dor't like, love/hate 9 EXCURSIONS ‘Activities: eating (a sandwich), looking at (2 map) taking (photos), reading (a book), sightseeing, sitting ‘on (a bus), talking on the phone, walking around (a museum) ‘Adjectives: ancient, magnificent, modern Clothes: dress, hat, jacket, jeans, jumper, sandals, shit, shoes, shorts, skirt, T-shirt, trainers ! Places: at galery, beach, cate cathedral cottage, | nature reserve, palace, theatre Prepositions with transport: in a car/taxi, on a bus/train/plane, (We go) to (the city) by (bus/car/train). Sightseeing: see (buildings/statues), visit collections oF paintings/collections of art Transport: bus, car, coach, plane, train, taxi Verbs: dance (with a person), kiss, wear (clothes), visit (@ place), show (a photo) 10 Witbure Adjectives: common, dangerous, friendly, huge, hungry, intelligent, interesting, lovely, rare, small ‘Animals and birds: bison, camel, chimp, dolphin, elephant, (golden imperial) eagle, hippo, kangaroo, koala, lion, lama, panda, penguin, puma, rabbit, sheep, tiger, wolf, zebra Expressions: It's time to ... You mustn't feed the animals. Parts of the body (animals and birds): ears, eyes, foot (Feet), head, legs, neck, wings Places: Africa, Asia, America (North and South), Australia, Europe, forest, mountains, wildlife park, 200, Prepositions: near, next to 11 MEMORIES Adjectives: asleep/awake, cold/hot, happy/sad, late/early, nervous/relaxed Dates: the nineteenth of February, the second of May Expressions: Do you remember? Linkings and, but Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Ordinal numbers: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twentieth, twenty- first, twenty-second ... thirtieth, thirty-first Prepositions: (My birthday is) on (the twelfth of April). (My exams are) in (uly). Questions (past): What was the weather like? Who were you with? How old were you? Times: five past/ten past/quarter past/twenty past,‘twenty-five past/half past (eleven) past ‘twenty-five to/twenty to/quarter to/ten to/five to (twelve) Weather: cloudy, foggy, rainy, snowy, sunny, windy 12 AT NIGHT ‘Adjectives: angry, bored, funny, happy, nervous, sad, surprised, tired, worried Expressions: Don't be silly. Guess who (was at the disco). Iwas out. You mean ... This is getting (interesting). Meals: breakfast (7.30-9.00 a.m.), lunch (12.00 am.-1.30 p.m.) tea (4.00-5.00 p.m.), dinner (7.00-8.00 p.m.) Places: amusement arcade, bowting alley, cinema, coffee bar, concert, fast-food restaurant, Internet café, library, police station, takeaway Time prepositions: after (six o'clock), before (dinner) 13 ACCIDENTS Adjectives: lucky, quiet, unconscious Emergency services: ambulance, fire brigade, hospital, police (station) Key Word Bank Emergency vehicles: ambulance, fire engine, police car Expressions: Watch out! Wear your helmet. Jobs: ambulance driver, fire fighter, nurse, police officer Linking: and then Transport: bicycle/bike, cyclist, driver, helmet, junction, lorry, motorcycle/motorbike, motorcyclist, pedestrian, seat belt, van, zebra crossing Verbs: arrive (at the party), ask, have (an accident), fall off, give, hit, leave, put on, save, stop, turn, wait (for a bus), wake up 14 MISSING HOME Adjectives: bad, big, easy, friendly, good, hard, old, small, unfriendly ‘American/British English: cab/taxi, candy/sweets, cookie/biscuit, elevator/lift, fall/autumn, holiday/ vacation, movie/film, store/shop, truck/lory ‘Animals at home: pet (cat/dog), owner Comparatives: better/worse, biager/smaller, colder/ hotter, easier/harder, more boring/colourful/expensive Expressions: I miss (the food/hot weather). I'm (not) homesick. Seasons: autumn, spring, summer, winter 15 Tests Adjectives: bored, disappointed, excited, nervous, relaxed, unhappy Expressions: I have to (clean the car every week). Are you going to (finish your project tonight)? Nouns for abilities: fitness, memory, speed, strength ‘School life: revision, subject, test, timetable, tip (~ advice) Verbs: do (your homework), look after (the children), help (with the shopping), take (the dog for a walk), study (for your exams), tidy (your room), wash (the dishes) 16 Goopsye Activities: crying, hugging, kissing, shaking hands, smiling, waving Expressions: Why don’t you (write to her)? Let's (watch TV). Thanks for everything. Not at all. Come again. Food and drink: cake, cola, crisps, fruit juice, nuts, sandwiches intelligence, knowledge, Linking: then, because Music: classical, heavy metal, rap, salsa, techno (108) Mini-Grammar Index {CAPITALS = main sections of the Mini-Grammar] ofan 3.4 any 3.4 BE (the verb to be) 4 bbe + going to 12.6 canfcan't 8.4 COMPARATIVES 2 DETERMINERS 3, doesn’¢/don't have to 8.3 GENITIVE ‘5 4 have/has to 8.3 HAVE/HAS GOT 5 IMPERATIVES 6 “ING FORM. 7 let's... 11 MODAL VERBS 8 ‘must/mustn’t 8.2 NOUNS 9 OBJECT PRONOUNS 10 Past of to be 1.2 Past Simple 12.3 POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 10 Present Continuous 12.2 Present of to be 1.1 Present Simple 12.1 Pronouns. 10 108) SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS 9 some 3.4 SUBJECT PRONOUNS 10 SUGGESTIONS 14 TENSES 12 the 3.2 THERE + BE 13, there is/are 13.1 there was/were 13.2 this/that/these/those 3.3 Time expressions with the Past Simple 12.3a wos/were 1.2 Why don't ...? 44 Mini-Grammar 1 BE 2 COMPARATIVES 1.1 Present of to be Use Ted oil eon a eee Eee nee, (Ds ore more expensive than cassettes. ‘Are you seventeen? Yes, I am. My teachers are great. What's the time? It's seven o'clock. ‘My name is Robert Where are the boys? There are fifteen students in my clas. Form one syllable old colder ‘one syllable ending in -€ nice ricer | fone syllable with a short Form vowel + one consonant big tigger gear erauccansy et leae = | He/she/te (3) English. to oF more syllables more colourful ye are (re) 1 ‘am not ('m not) G) some comparatives are inegular: He/She/te ‘snot (isnt) | from ly. poate You/We/They | are not (aren't) bod wee am I ‘T wont to get better marks at schoo! next year. s atl, ia? ‘He's worse at Maths than me, ca seabeiy ore tester hn we ue te oj pronoun. Short answers ‘She's older than me. Yes, am. No, 'm not es, te/she/t 15. No, he/she isnt Yes, you/we/they are. Wo, you/we/they aren't. 3 DETERMINERS 3.1 a/an 1,2 Past of to be a se We use o/an i nt of singular countable nouns We use the past of tobe to tak about a named tne in the past: 1. total about someone’ jb ‘We were on holiday last month, ‘He's @ doctor ond she's an engineer. Tewos ol ast week 2 hex a ro ei somthing fo tha ie Who were you with yesterday? (compare the} Rn Weve got anol house wit a big garden : can see eat black cat Vhe/sre/it | was Zaindncs You/We/They | were . Form ‘+ We use a in font of nouns and adjectives that start with» ‘Wie/She/Tt | was not (wasn’t) | at home last night. ‘consonant: You/We/They | were not (weren't) 1 cat, a vdeo, a blue door os Yra/sbejt late? Wie use an infront of nouns and adjectives that start with a Were 304/me/they vowel sound (8 € 1 0 a): a an actress, a orange, an old man, am umbrella Yes, /he/she/it was. No, I/he/she/it wasnt Yes you/we/they were. No, you/we/they weren't (07) 3.2 the We use the when the other person knows who or what we are talking about: The museum is very interesting. (we visited the museum) ‘My cat is in the garden. (the garden of my house) Compare these sentences: id you go to a disco? (any disco) Did you goto the disco? (the disco we usually go to) 3.3 this/that/these/those Use Wie use thi/tha/these/those when we point at something. ‘+ We use this (singular) and these (plural) for people and things that ae near us Look at this picture. (the picture near me) Do you tke these jeans? (I'm wearing/touching the jeans) ‘© We use that (singular) and those (plural) for people and ‘things that are not so near us: That boy is my friend. (I'm pointing at the boy) Those posters are great {the posters are on the opposite wall) Form © We use this/that with singular nouns: This music is great Whereis that git from? ‘+ We use these/those with plural nouns: ike these shoes. ‘Dont touch those animals 3.4 some/any We use some and any infront of plural and uncountable nouns. We usualy use some in affirmative sentences: We've got some nice cates. Pease buy some cheese. ‘We usualy use any in questions and negative sentences: ‘Have you gat any stamps? (BUT Do you want some tea?) Ther are any dics in ths town 4 GENITIVE ‘S Uses 1 We use ‘at the end of a noun to show possession: hs bike (the bike belongs to John) the teachers book the book belongs to the teacher) 2 We also use ‘swith other meanings. For example: Jane's brother (the brother of Jane) the dog's boll (the balls for the dog) Sal's eyes (the eyes of Sally) Form We add ‘to all singular nouns, and plural nouns that don't fend in (eg. men, women, children): the boy's house, Chris's birthday, the children’s pork * We add an apostrophe () to plural nouns that end in ‘my parents’ bedroom, her fends” school Compare: the student's books (= the books of one student) the students’ books (= the books of more than one student) 5 HAVE/HAS GOT Uses We use have/has got: 1 to talk about a person's family: ‘She's got two brothers. Have you goto sister? Tre got o young brother. 2 to tak about possessions: Tre got 0 new computer. He hasn't got a CD payer 3 in descriptions of people/things to talk about thelr appearance: ve got blue eves. 16 gt ong te Ferm FD rouvertey] have got (ve got) 0 garden He/she/tt | has got ('s got) FEL 1cu/ite/Tey| have not got (hever’t Got) | computer te/She | has not got (hese got) wove ‘Yrou/vethey a pono? Has ‘he/she/it [a om Short answers Yes, I/you/we/they have. No, I/you/we/they haven't. Yes he/she has Ho, he/she ase. 6 IMPERATIVES ‘+ We use the infinitive without to for affirmative commands: ‘Open the window? Stop! Hurry up! Poss me that dictionary please. ‘+ We use don't + infinitive without to for negative commands: Don’t touch the dog! Don't be nervous! Don't worry! 7 -ING FORM Use We use the -ing form of the verb tke @ noun after certain verbs: She loves reading. I hate swimming. o you tike learning English? Form ‘© Most verbs ada -ing watch - watching, see - seeing ‘Verbs ending in one -e, takeoff the -e and adding: dance ~ dancing, take ~ taking ‘Verbs with one sylable ending in one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant and add-in: ‘un — running, swim — swimming ‘© Verbs ending in -y,-w, adding: play - playing, grow ~ growing 8 MODAL VERBS 8.1 can/can’t Uses We use con + infinitive without fo: 1 to talk about ability: Team ski. She can run fost. We can’t play the guitar 2 in requests: oan 1 use your dictionary, please? Can 1 open the window, please? Form ‘1/You/He/She/te/We/They | can swim. ‘/rou/He/She/Ie/ne/They | cannot (can't) swin. Can| 1/you/he/she/it/we/they Short answers Yes, /you/he/she/it/we/they can, "No, /you/he/she/it/e/they can‘. 8.2 must/mustn’t Uses 1 We use must + infinitive without to to say that it is necessary and important to do somethi mast revise for my exams. You must go to bed now. 2 We use mustn't + infinitive without to to tell someone that it is important not to do something: You mustn't feed the oninals. We mustn't be iote Mini-Grammar Form ‘iou/He/She/It/We/They | must go. ‘Wrou/tie/She/T/We/They | must not (mustn't) go. 8.3 have/has to Use We use have/has to + infinitive without to to say that something Is necessary: T have to tidy my room. (my mother says I must) Do we have to cook Lunch today? We use dont have/doesn't have to + infinitive without to to say that something isnot necessary. She doesnt have to 90 to soo today. Form ieu/WefThey | have to inal fe/She/tt | has to Frciiiertiey | dont have Teas t/she/tt | doesn't have to 00 ‘Yyou/ne/tey Does teria | Short anawers Yes, Yyou/ne/the do. No, Uyou/ne/they don't Yes he/she des. Ne, he/she doen. 9 SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS Most nouns adds in the pla ‘phone ~ phones, pen - pens ‘© Nouns ending in -ch, sh, -5, oF, add -es inthe plural: watch ~ watches, paintbrush ~ paintbrushes, bus ~ buses, box ~ boxes ‘= Nouns ending in a consonant and -y, change -y to es city ~ cites, dictionary ~ dictionaries Most nouns ending in for fe, change ff to es: shelf - shelves, wife — wives ‘© Some plural nouns are inegular: ‘man - men tooth - teeth woman ~ women foot ~ feet child ~ children sheep ~ sheep person ~ people fish = fish 10 SUBJECT/OBJECT PRONOUNS AND POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES Use We use subject pronouns: 1 in Front of verbs: use my computer every day. 2 so we dont have to repeat a noun ‘My sister iso doctor. Shelves in the USA. * We use possessive adjectives infront of nouns: My father isan engineer ur schoo! is very big. 2 permanent situations: NOW ince Sinan ae 3 facts or things that are generally true: Pus tive in forests, {Te snows in winter in Poland. Form 1+ Wee objet pronouns afer verbs and ater Baym [en al hy bot of your schoo. oye kon im? te/Sren | works. Those antnat re lovely. Lok ot hem Eire aaa = Form Hert | dows not (dosn't) | work Subject Possessve Objet 0 ‘Yrou/ve/tay wt? ‘pronouns adjectives pronouns: ‘Does he/shefit 7 1 ” me Short answers you ‘your you Yes, Yyou/we/they do. No, I/you/we/they don't he his him ‘Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesn’t. tte ter her it its it (G) Rules for the formation ofthe he/she/it fms: “ ow ® + Most ves you eit) youn you fre tres they tne them y= ege Verbs ending n-chth, 0, a-er: watch ~ wtches 11 SUGGESTIONS wash ~ washes Use so soe We use Why don't...? and Let's... to make suggestions: do does iy dat eo mse ace tinct + et enon cont a cage ‘5 play tennis. vt we play tennis? i Lets play tenn Why dont we lay te pee | = een ae. 1 rE Wy havea pory? soeart_| haa 12.2 Present Continuous tees watch rie, a We we the Past Continous to tak about activities happen now (at or around the time of speaking): 12 TENSES fe : 12.1 Present Simple PAST<# 9. AAA AAA» FUTURE Uses We use the Present Simple to talk about: 1 things we do regularly (routines and habits): Now PAST <---> FUTURE goto school by bus. 1 play tennis on Saturdays. Jane con't go out. Shes doing her homevar. (tthe time of Speaking) Tm learning Sporish atthe moment. (nt atthe tne of peaking but around this time) Form ‘We form the Present Continuous withthe present of tobe + sing form ofthe verb. See Section 7 for notes on the formation of Mivi-Grammar 4 Verbs with one sylable ending in one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant and add -ad: stop ~ stopped 5 Some verbs have iregular Past Simple forms ‘She had breakfast and then she left the house. a ses te lke fr the tm rear ve vee re 5 ee 12.3a Time expressions with the Past T ‘am not ('m net) Simple hess — | tenet (rt) | woking You/WeThey | ar nt (art) Here are some tne exresions wth the Past Simple Bin T Twas at home yesterday. 5 heft — | waking? Yesterday Where wore you ysterdey moring/afternoon/ ae you/we/they evening? oveaiie ast She was tthe cinema ls ight ene We were in London lst week/month eo. Yes, b/s No, he/ set Hesse een orm: Me soe anita Sree: 12.4 be + going to for future plans 12.3 Past Simple Use We use the Past Simple to tlk about competed actions and situation in the pst NOW PAST <—____»__++—> FUTURE. played football yesterday. We went to Russia last year She didn’t stop. ‘Bid you see the accident? Form 1 Far regular verbs, we add to the infinitive if the verb ends ine, and -ed if it doesnt end in e: We danced for hours. ‘She watched TV lastnight 2 To form questions and negatives in the past, we use the past tense of do (= dit) + infinitive without to, Use We use be + going to + infinitive without toto talk about future plans and intentions: rm gog bo have © pry my thy Are you gol to vst your ont nr ween? rom go: Tom (ay He/Srefte | 8 (3) ee You/we/they | oe (12) E 7 am aot Cm w0t) He/Sia/Te | mot (n't) | 908 1. You/We/They | re not (arent) | ° "ON omer am T going to wotch ' hepsi the match this Are youfretvey __| afemoon? Short enevers Yes, Zam, No, Fm not. Yes, he/she/Ie i. No, he/she/it isn't Yes, we/vou/they are. No, ne/vou/they aren‘ /You/te/She/tt/We/They | worked. T/o1/te/She//We/They | did not (didn't) work Did | 1/you/he/she/it/we/they | work? Short answers Ys, Y/you/he/she/it/we/they di Ho, Yyou/he/she/it/we/they didn’ 3 Verbs that end in -y change - to -ied: cony ~ carried 13 THERE + BE 13.1 there is/are Use We use thre ot sy that something iis nat present ns parila pace: Tere’ a goed sports centre near here. There are twenty students ny cls. There fat 2 computer oom in my schoo. There reo prs rar here Form ‘sau Theres (Ther) «cafe Pou Thee are tvee dos Soeur There is not (rt) a spots centre Pum Thee are not (arent) any tenis cuts ‘eau ‘Is there a hote near hee? Pa ‘Are thor ony basal courts? Short answers Sincinat Yes, there i. No, there isn’t Pura. Yes, there are. No, there aren‘ oS 13.2 there was/were Use We use there was/were to say that something was/was not present inthe past: There was 2 good film on TV lost night. There were thity people ot his party yesterday There wasnt test lost week. There weren't any pop groups atthe festival. Form i sean Thre was oto etch etry. um There wer ot of pop. Sone Ther ws 0t (was) a fir oT una There wer not (weer) cry ren ena Swe Ws thera tis match? Panu Werther ny ren students? Short answers SINGLAL Ys, there wes, No, there wasnt Pes, thee wee. No, there were

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