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Term 1 Feedback For Courtney Holland

Tutor Teacher: Jo Spittal

Date: 18 March 2015

Focus - Relationships
I have observed you interacting with the parents from your class in a positive and genuine
manner. You are always seen to have a smile on your face and a listening ear. Whenever
you have had a concern or are unsure you have sort advice from myself and have been
keen to act and resolve issues yourself with parents.
Parents come in and chat to you and are now helping in your class. I have observed you
answering their questions and heard you giving them positive feedback about their child.
You have been very keen to participate in the school wide events offering your time.
Thank you for your help sorting the book room and organising the resources and books.
You offered your time without being asked and it was greatly appreciated. I have
observed you making an effort to interact and speak with all staff members.
Your contribution to our school and school wide events and this term include:
- Write weekly School article for Snowfed (Local Newspaper)
- Provided morning-tea for staff
- Cleared Book Room
- Sorted Book Room Resources
- Helped Organise Magenta Reading Books
- Member of the production team
- Entered Artwork into local AMP Show
- Organised Junior Swimming Sports demonstration for parents
You have made a conscious effort to get to know your class as individuals and build a
positive relationship.
I have observed you:
- Warmly greeting children as they arrive
- Making conversation and showing interest in their daily lives out of school
- Using praise and positive reinforcement
- Having a focus child whom you wanted to build a stronger relationship with.
- Participating in discussions with other staff to help build a stronger relationship with
- Giving out certificates to reward children and acknowledge effort.
-Treat children as individuals and look for ways to individualise your program to meet the
needs of all your learners.
General Comment; Courtney, in the short time you have been at Methven Primary you
have grown in confidence and have immersed your self in the school culture. You show
independence and initiative, which has made team teaching with you a fun and rewarding
experience. You are a reflective practitioner and ask relevant questions which enhance
your teaching and professional development.

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