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Amber Johnson

RtI Process and Reflection

Determining whether the RtI process/framework is consistent across
individual school buildings. Where are we going and what is our intended

Patterns of Behavior
Current framework has raised questions that need additional professional
development to build a consistent approach.

Progress monitoring assessment tools are being looked upon to determine
intervention/extension approach.

Instructional minutes are being looked at to build a consistent approach for
grade level teachers. This model will assist in building additional time for RtI
Intervention/Extension time.

Systematic System
- Build on the current framework and add specific detailed processes to assist
teachers and administrators with the RtI process within the school district.
- Determine specific assessment processes to utilize with students who need
additional intervention or extension.
- Create common scheduling with all grade levels specifically in Reading and

- Our teachers have an overall belief that all students can learn and specific
students need additional time to provide additional support to remediate or
expand skills.
- Identify a specific framework and include a systematic approach for staff to
learn, understand, and apply within their individual classroonms.
- Professional development to continue understanding the RtI process and
- Consider providing additional professional development in the area of data
analysis and interpretation to further assist teachers and specialists to
strengthen and increase their understanding of student progress and

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