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Alege adjectivul sau adverbul din paranteza pentru a completa corect fiecare pereche de propozitii:
a. It's an easy question. You should be able to answer it quite easily.
b. I can type a bit but I'm very slow. I'm afraid I can only type very slowly.
c. Mr. Robbins shouted angrily at the children. The children made Mr. Robbins very angry.
d. Mary sang beautifully at the concert last night. She sang a beautiful song at the concert last night.
e. What was wrong with Bill? He looked very sad. Bill shook his head sadly.
2. Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii cu ago, since, sau for:
a. Columbus discovered America about six hundred years ago.
b. Ghana has been an independent country since 1957.
c. Russia has been a republic for over seventy years.
d. Oxford has been a center of learning for more than a thousand years.
e. Most British universities were founded less than fifty years ago.
3. Completeaza urmatoarele propozitii cu: still, yet, already, any longer, any more.
a. John doesn't live in London any more. He's moved to Bristol.
b. The children haven't gone to bed yet. They're still watching television.
c. - Is Anne still here? - No, she has already left.
d. Becky hasn't gone to university yet. She's still at school.
e. Have you started your new job already or are you still working in London?
f. Thanks for your help. I won't trouble you any longer.

Adăugat de: Vasile (Echipa 3828) Data: 04 iunie 2003, ora 14:46

eu....dupa a mea umila parere sper sa te pot incuraja cu raspunsul:e corecta rezolvarea!!eu asa cred din cate am citit!
Adăugat de: Geanina (Echipa 4573) Data: 20 iunie 2003, ora 12:11

Corect. Felicitari! Adăugat de: Cristina (Tutor) Data: 20 iunie 2003, ora 17:41

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