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Programming the Web

Dr. Kavi Mahesh,
PESIT, Bangalore

Textbook: Programming the World Wide Web

Robert W. Sebesta
4th Edition
Pearson Education


Internet and World-Wide Web

Internet History
Internet Protocols
Toolkit for Web Programming

Internet History:
The Internet originated in the form of ARPAnet in the late 1960s and early 1970s
primarily for ARPA-funded research organizations. Later, BITnet and CSnet came up in
the late 1970s and early 1980s. Email and file transfer for other institutions started with
NSFnet in 1986 which initially connected five supercomputer centers. By 1990, it had
replaced ARPAnet for non-military uses and became the network for all (by the early
1990s). NSFnet eventually became known as the Internet.
What is the Internet
A world-wide network of computer networks
At the lowest level, since 1982, all connections use TCP/IP
TCP/IP hides the differences among devices connected to the Internet
Internet Protocols:
Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses
Every node has a unique numeric address
Form: 32-bit binary number
New standard, IPv6, has 128 bits (1998)
Problem: By the mid-1980s, several different protocols had been invented (Telnet,
FTP, Usenet, mailto, )
IP Addresses:

IP Addresses consist of four 8 bit numbers separated by periods. Organizations are

assigned blocks of IPs which in turn assign to machines that need internet access.
Eg: to
Internet Protocols:
Domain names
Server-name portion of the URL is resolved into an IP address using the global,
distributed Internet DB known as the domain name system, or DNS
First domain is the smallest; last domain is the largest.
The second domain name gives the domain of which the first domain is a
Last domain specifies the type of organization
DNS servers or name servers - convert fully qualified domain names to
vtu is hostname, which is a part of ac (academic) domain, which is a part of .in
(India) domain.
All document requests from browsers are routed to the nearest name server.
Fully qualified domain names must be unique.
The hostname is the name of the server computer that stores the document. Note: URLs
can never have embedded spaces. Eg: If San Jose is a domain name, it must be typed as
The World Wide Web:

A possible solution to the proliferation of different protocols being used on the

Tim Berners-Lee at CERN proposed the Web in 1989
Purpose: to allow scientists to have access to many databases of
scientific work
Document form: hypertext
Pages? Documents? Resources?
Well call them documents
Hypermedia more than just text images, sound, etc.

Web or Internet:
The Web uses one of the protocols, http, that runs on the Internet--there are several others
(telnet, mailto, etc.).


Clients and Servers are programs that communicate with each other over the
A Server runs continuously, waiting to be contacted by a Client
Each Server provides certain services
Services include providing web pages
A Client will send a message to a Server requesting the service provided by that
The client will usually provide some information, parameters, with the

Web-based systems:



Web server
E.g., Apache or IIS
Web browser
E.g., IE, FireFox,

Web Browser:

Browsers are clients - always initiate, servers react (although sometimes servers
require responses)
Mosaic - NCSA (Univ. of Illinois), in early 1993
First to use a GUI, led to explosion of Web use
Initially for X-Windows, under UNIX, but was ported to other platforms
by late 1993
Most requests are for existing documents, using HyperText Transfer Protocol
But some requests are for program execution, with the output being
returned as a document

Web Server:

Provide responses to browser requests, either existing documents or dynamically

built documents
Browser-server connection is now maintained through more than one requestresponse cycle
All communications between browsers and servers use Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP)


Web servers run as background processes in the operating system.

Monitor a communications port on the host, accepting HTTP messages
when they appear
Note: Default port is 80

Web servers have two main directories:

1. Document root (servable documents)
2. Server root (server system software)
Document root is accessed indirectly by clients
Its actual location is set by the server configuration file
Requests are mapped to the actual location
Virtual document trees, Virtual hosts, Proxy servers
Web servers now support other Internet protocols
Apache (open source, fast, reliable)
Directives (operation control):
Proxy Server

The file structure of web server has 2 directives

Document root and server root.
The secondary areas from which documents can be served are called Virtual
document trees.
Secondary hosts are called virtual hosts.
Some servers can serve documents that are in the document root of other
machines called as PROXY SERVER.

Internet Information Server:


Operation is maintained through a program with a GUI interface

General form:
The scheme is often a communications protocol, such as telnet or ftp
For the http protocol, the object-address is:

fully qualified domain name/doc path

For the file protocol, only the doc path is needed

Host name may include a port number, as in zeppo:80 (80 is the default)
URLs cannot include spaces or any of a collection of other special characters
(semicolons, colons, ...)
The doc path may be abbreviated as a partial path
The rest is furnished by the server configuration
If the doc path ends with a slash, it means it is a directory

HyperText Transfer Protocol:

The protocol used by ALL Web communications. It has a Request Phase with a Form:
HTTP method domain part of URL HTTP ver.
Header fields
blank line
Message body
An example of the first line of a request:
GET /degrees.html HTTP/1.1

HTTP Methods:
GET - Fetch a document
POST - Execute the document, using the data in body
HEAD - Fetch just the header of the document
PUT - Store a new document on the server
DELETE - Remove a document from the server
HTTP Headers:
There are four categories of header fields: General, request, response and entity.
Common request fields: Accept: text/plain, Accept: text/*,
If-Modified_since: date
Common response fields: Content-length: 488, Content-type: text/html
- Can communicate with HTTP without a browser
- > telnet http
GET /respond.html HTTP/1.1

HTTP Response
Status line
Response header fields
blank line
Response body

Status line format:

HTTP version status code explanation
Example: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
(Current version is 1.1)
Status code is a three-digit number; first digit specifies the general status
Status Code
1 => Informational
2 => Success
3 => Redirection
4 => Client error
5 => Server error
HTTP Response: Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tues, 18 May 2004 16:45:13 GMT
Server: Apache (Red-Hat/Linux)
Last-modified: Tues, 18 May 2004 16:38:38 GMT
Accept-ranges: bytes
Content-length: 364
Connection: close
Content-type: text/html, charset=ISO-8859-1
Note: Both request headers and response headers must be followed by a blank line
Web Programmers Toolbox
Document languages and programming languages:
Java, Perl, Ruby, PHP


To describe the general form and layout of documents

XHTML document is a mix of content and controls
Controls are tags and their attributes
Tags often delimit content and specify something about how the
content should be arranged in the document
Attributes provide additional information about the content of a tag

Creating XHTML Documents

XHTML editors - make document creation easier

Shortcuts to typing tag names, spell-checker,
Need not know XHTML to create XHTML documents

Plugins and Filters

Plug ins
Integrated into tools like word processors, effectively converting them to
Convert documents in other formats to XHTML
Advantages of both filters and plug-ins:
Existing documents produced with other tools can be converted to
XHTML documents
Use a tool you already know to produce XHTML
Disadvantages of both filters and plug-ins:
XHTML output of both is not perfect - must be fine tuned
XHTML may be non-standard
You have 2 versions of the doc: difficult to synchronize

Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME)

Originally developed for email

Used to specify to the browser the form of a file returned by the server (attached
by the server to the beginning of the document)
Type specifications
Examples: text/plain, text/html, image/gif,
MIME was developed to allow different kinds of documents to be sent using
internet mail.

Server gets type from the requested file names suffix (.html implies text/html)
Browser gets the type explicitly from the server.
Type/subtype. A list of MIME specifications is stored in the configuration files of
every web server.

Overview of Toolkit

TCL, JSP, ASP.Net, etc.


A meta-markup language
Used to create a new markup language for a particular purpose or area
Because the tags are designed for a specific area, they can be meaningful
No presentation details
A simple and universal way of representing data of any textual kind


A client-side HTML-embedded scripting language

Only related to Java through syntax
Dynamically typed and not object-oriented
Provides a way to access elements of HTML documents and dynamically change



General purpose object-oriented programming language

Based on C++, but simpler and safer
Our focus is on applets, servlets, and JSP

Provides server-side computation for HTML documents, through CGI

Perl is good for CGI programming because:
Direct access to operating systems functions
Powerful character string pattern-matching operations
Access to database systems
Perl is highly platform independent
Perl is not just for CGI


A server-side scripting language

An alternative to CGI
Similar to JavaScript
Great for form processing and database access through the Web

Web Programming

How is it different from regular programming?

Client-Server architecture
Browser is the client
Server may be remote
Stateless programming
Event-driven programming

Client-Server Systems


Stores data, files, content

Takes input and requests from client
Applies business logic to compute
Sends results to client
But, cannot contact client!


Interacts with user

Provides a GUI
Accepts user input
Validates input
Displays results
Interacts with server using a protocol

Program context in two possible parts
Client-side and server-side
Link may be broken
Response may be delayed
world wide wait
Different platforms, etc.

Browser as GUI
Limited graphic abilities
Easy to build GUI
Many browsers
Many versions
Many idiosyncratic extensions

Implications of Remote Server

Cost of server loop
E.g., validation of user input
Client-side validation
Populating lists, menus, etc. in browser
E.g., auto-completion
Pre-fetching of data: AJAX

Implications of Stateless Programming

Server does not maintain status
Server cannot contact client!
Session maintenance
Session expired
Client-side session data: unsafe!

Implications of Event-Driven Programming

Server cannot wait in a loop
User may not respond as expected
User may navigate out at any point!
No well-defined control structure
User events trigger requests to servers
Button click, menu selection, on-load, on-unload, etc.

Enterprise Web Applications

3-tier/4-tier architecture
Web server
Browser client
Database server


Applications server
Provides scalability by performing computations, data validations,
session maintenance, etc.

Security in Web Applications

Cookies, history, etc.
Virtual keyboards
Data security
Security issues in B2B

Server-Side Programming


Perl and CGI
Java Server Pages/Servlets
ASP.Net / C#.Net /

Running Server-Side Programs

CGI: one process per request

Containers and components
COM objects
.Net Run-time
Java Servlets
Java Beans / EJBs
Application Servers

Client-Side Programming

Flash, etc.


HTML: The Mother Tongue of the Web

Standard formatting language

Very simple
Highly portable
Learn HTML in 21 Minutes
Need not know syntax
Simplification of SGML

Not extensible (only predefined tags)

Very forgiving: e.g., missing closing tags
No separation between data and rendering
Text structure:
<h1>, <table>, <p>,
<b>, <em>, <style>,
Inconsistent syntax?
<br> for new line
&nbsp; for space character

Database Access

Embed SQL statements in server-side code
DB login / connect string: security issue
Safer option: exec stored procedures


JavaScript and XHTML

Prof. D. Krupesha,
PESIT, Bangalore

Why is JavaScript Important?

It is simple and lots of scripts available in public domain and easy to use. It is used
for client-side scripting. It is important for web because it can promptly validate user
input. It can update the web page without post back to server. It allows page to react
to user actions other than pushing a submit button more interactively.
It increases Server efficiency. Since the client processes the script, which saves
internet time and server time. Web pages can contain JavaScript programs executed
inside the browser.
It is supported by all major browsers. User may disable JavaScript due to security
What is JavaScript?
An interpreted scripting language for web. It was introduced by Netscape with
Netscape 2.0 in 1995. Microsoft version is called Jscript. Language is casesensitive.
It can be embedded within HTML tags or separately. Tightly integrated with browser.
It can handle many types of events generated by the normal interaction between user
and browser.
When not to use JavaScript?
When you need to access other resources such as:
- Files
- Programs
- Databases.
When you are using sensitive or copyrighted data or algorithms.
Java versus JavaScript
Java supports OOP. JavaScript does not support OO software development paradigm
Java is strongly-typed. JavaScript is dynamically-typed.
JavaScript syntax is same as java. Constructs like expressions, assign statements and
control statements are same as in Java.
Where to place JavaScript code?
1. Inline JavaScript
It can be placed on the event handler attributes of input controls of a form.

2. Internal / Embedded JavaScript

It can be enclosed in script tags either in the header or the document body.
3. External JavaScript
It can be placed in a separate file. Enclosed in script tags in the header with src
attribute. This method is good for maintenance due to modularization.
How is JavaScript executed?
It is almost always executed at client-side. Script tags in the header are executed in
the order in which they appear, before any of the body is processed.
Script tags in the body are executed as the body is rendered.
Script in the event handlers are executed whenever the appropriate event occurs.
Script in functions executed triggered by browser events.
- built-in java script
- user-defined functions (declared in the header)

All properties are visible to all scripts ( no information hiding). Global variables are
properties of the Window object. There can be more than one Window object.
Global variables depend on which Window is the context. The Document object
represents the document displayed.

Why DOM?
Portability is the major issue while using the JavaScript. The standard DOM has to
provide a specification that would make Java programs and JavaScript scripts that deal
with XHTML documents portable among various browsers.
DOM Levels
DOM 0: informal, early browsers
DOM 1: XHTML/XML structure
DOM 2: event model, style interface, traversal
DOM 3: content model, validation
DOM specifications describe an abstract model of a document.
Interfaces describe methods and properties
The interfaces describe a tree structure
Different languages will bind the interfaces to specific implementations
The internal representation may not be tree-like. In JavaScript, data are represented as
properties and operations as methods. Nodes of the tree will be JavaScript objects.
Attributes of elements become named properties of element node objects.
<input type=text name=address>
The object representing this node will have two properties. Type property will have
value text and name property will have value address.


The following XHTML document and its corresponding DOM tree illustrate the
relationship between them.
<html xmlns =>
<head> <title> A simple document</title>
<th> Breakfast</th>
<td>0 </td>
<td>1 </td>
<th> Lunch</th>
<td>1 </td >
<td> 0 </td>
Elements in XHTML document correspond to objects in JavaScript. Objects can be
addressed in several ways:
1. forms and elements array defined in DOM 0.
Individual elements are specified by index.
The index may change when the form changes.
2. Using the name attributes for form and form elements
A name on the form element causes validation problems.
Names are required on form elements providing data to the server.
3. Using getElementById with id attributes.
id attribute value must be unique for an element.
Consider this simple form:
<form action = "">
<input type ="button name = pushMe">
The input element can be referenced as document.forms[0].element[0].

All elements from the reference element up to, but not including, the body must
have a name attribute.
This violates XHTML standards in some cases.
<form name = "myForm" action = "">
<input type ="button name="pushMe">


Referencing the input

Set the id attribute of the input element
<form action = "">
<input type="button" id=turnItOn">
Then use getElementById
Event-driven Programming involves execution based on users action. (ex: Users
selection in a web page.)
Event-driven Programming: Instead of user synchronizing with the program, the
program synchronizes with, or reacts to, the user. All communication from user occurs
via events. An event is an action that happens in the system. For example,
- A mouse button pressed or released
- A keyboard key is hit
- A window is moved, resized, closed, etc.
Event-driven Programming: Typically two different classes of events.
1. User-initiated events
Events that result directly from a user action.
e.g., mouse click, button press, move mouse.
2. System-initiated events
Events created by the system, as it responds to a user action
e.g., scrolling text, re-drawing a window.
There is no top-down flow of control, i.e., Main program defining the sequential
Flow. Code fragments are associated with events and invoked when events occur.
The order of execution is decoupled with the code. Dont have to deal with order of
events. This is especially helpful when the order is unknown!
Event-driven programming is a style of programming in which pieces of code, event
handlers, are written to be activated when certain events occur.
Events represent activity in the environment including, especially, user actions such
as moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard.
An event handler is a program segment designed to execute when a certain event
occurs. Events are represented by JavaScript objects. Registration is the activity of
connecting a script to a type of event. Assign an event attribute an event handler.
Assign a DOM node an event handler.

Tag Attribute



Particular events are associated to certain attributes. The attribute for one kind of
event may appear on different tags allowing the program to react to events affecting
different components. A text element gets focus in three ways:
When the user puts the mouse cursor over it and presses the left button
When the user tabs to the element
By executing the focus method
Losing the focus is blurring.
Using an attribute, a JavaScript command can be specified:
<input type=button name=myButton
onclick= alert(You clicked the button!)/>
A function call can be used if the handler is longer than a single statement.
<input type=button name=myButton
An event can be registered for this tag in two ways:
<input type=button name=freeOffer
Using an event attribute
<input type=button name=freeOffer
Assigning to a property of the element node
document.getElementById(freeButton).onclick = freeButtonHandler
Note that the function name, a reference to the function, is assigned.
Writing freeButtonHandler() would assign the return value of the function
call as the handler (possible, but unlikely).
Note that the no parameters are passed to the function when called by the JavaScript
System. The handler code must identify the element that caused the call.


The handler call can be enclosed in an anonymous function

dom.elements[0].onclick = function() {planeChoice(152)};
Assigning to an attribute is more flexible, allowing passing parameters without
having to create an anonymous function. Assigning to a node property helps separate
HTML and code. Assigning to a node property allows reassignment later if the
handler needs to be changed.

By manipulating the focus event the user can be prevented from changing the amount
in a text input field.
This is possible to work around:
Copy the page but leave out the validation code.
Simulate an HTTP request directly with socket-level programming.
If the validity of data is important, the server needs to check it.
Validating data using JavaScript provides quicker interaction for the user. Validity
checking on the server requires a round-trip for the server to check the data and then
to respond with an appropriate error page.
Handling a data validity error:
Put the focus in the field in question
Highlight the text for easier editing
If an event handler returns false, default actions are not taken by the browser. This
can be used in a Submit button event handler to check validity and not submit if there
are problems.
The name is First, Last, Middle-Initial, each part capitalized.
/^[A-Z][a-z]+, ?[A-Z][a-z]+, ?[A-Z]\.?$/
The phone is ddd-ddd-dddd where d is a digit.
Each pattern uses the ^ and $ anchors to make sure the entire string matches.
DOM 2 is defined in modules.
The Events module defines several sub modules.
HTML Events and Mouse Events are common.
An event object is passed as a parameter to an event handler.
Properties of this object provide information about the event.
Some event types will extend the interface to include information relevant
to the subtype. For example, a mouse event will include the location of
the mouse at the time of the event.
DOM 2 defines a process for determining which handlers to execute for a particular
The process has three phases:
The event object representing the event is created at a particular node called the target
In the capturing phase each node from the document root to the target node, in order,
is examined.


If the node is not the target node and there is a handler for that event at the
node and the handler is enabled for capture for the node, the handler is
Then all handlers registered for the target node, if any, are executed.
In the bubbling phase each node from the parent of the target node to the root node, in
order, is examined.
If there is a handler for that event at the node and the handler is not
enabled for capture for the node, the handler is executed.
Some event types are not allowed to bubble: load, unload, blur and focus
among the HTML event types.
As each handler is executed, properties of the event provide context.
The currentTarget property is the node to which the handler is registered.
The target property is the node to which the event was originally directed.
One major advantage of this scheme over DOM 0 is that event handling can be
centralized in an ancestor node.
For example, a calculator keyboard will have a number of digit buttons.
In some GUI frameworks, a handler must be added to each button
In DOM 2, the buttons could be organized under a single node and the
handler placed on the node.
As each handler is executed, properties of the event provide context.
The currentTarget property is the node to which the handler is registered
The target property is the node to which the event was originally directed
Handlers are called listeners in DOM 2.
addEventListener is used to register a handler, it takes three parameters.
A string naming the event type,
The handler,
A Boolean specifying whether the handler is enabled for the capture phase
or not.

The navigator object indicates which browser is being used to view the XHTML
document. The appName property of the navigator object gives the name of the
browser. The appVersion property of the navigator object gives the browser version.
Each element in an XHTML document has a corresponding ELEMENT object in the
DOM representation. The ELEMENT object has methods to support.
Traversing the document, that is, visiting each of the document nodes.
Modifying the document.
For example, removing and inserting child nodes. Various properties of Element
objects are related nodes. parentNode references the parent node of the Element.
previousSibling and nextSibling connect the children of a node into a list.
firstChild and lastChild reference children of an Element. These would be text nodes
or element nodes contained in the Element.


The insertBefore(newChild, refChild) method places the newChild node before the
refChild node.
The replaceChild(newChild, oldChild)method places the oldChild node with the
newChild node.

The removeChild(oldChild) method removes oldChild node from the DOM structure.
The appendChild(newChild) method adds the given node to the end of the list of the
siblings of the node through which it is called.
The highest levels of the execution environment of client-side JavaScript are
represented with the Window and Document objects.
The Document object includes a forms array property, which includes references to
all forms in the document. Each element of the forms array has an elements array,
which includes references to all elements in the form.
The DOM is an abstract interface whose purpose is to provide language independent
way to access the elements of an XHTML document.
XHTML tags are represented in JavaScript as objects, tag attributes are represented as


Dynamic Documents wih JavaScript

Dynamic XHTML is not a technology in and of itself, but rather is a combination
of three technologies: XHTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Scripting. It usually
involves using scripting like JavaScript to change tag attribute, tag contents or CSS
property of an XHTML element . In modern browsers, most CSS properties can be
modified dynamically ie changes can be made after the document has been and is still
being displayed . This can be done by changing an individual style of element (using the
style property of the element) or by changing the class name assigned to the element
(using the className property).
Advantages of Dynamic XHTML
(1) Dynamic XHTML makes documents dynamic. Dynamic documents :
o Allow the designer to control how the HTML displays Web pages content.
o React and change with the actions of the visitor.
o Can exactly position any element in the window, and change that position after
the document has loaded.
o Can hide and show content as needed.
(2) Dynamic XHTML allows any HTML element (any object on the screen that can
be controlled independently using JavaScript) to be manipulated at any time,
turning plain HTML into dynamic HTML
(3) With DHTML, changes occur entirely on the client-side
(4) Using DHTML gives the author more control over how the page is formatted and
how content is positioned on the page..

Positioning Elements
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Positioning defines the placement of elements on a
page and is an extension of cascading style sheets as specified in the W3C on Positioning
HTML with CSS. By default, elements flow one after another in the same order as they
appear in the HTML source, with each element having a size and position that depends
on the type of element, the contents of the element, and the display context for the
element as it will render on the page. This default flow model for HTML layout doesn't
allow a high level of control over the placement of elements on the page. By applying a
small set of CSS attributes to the elements that are defined for the page, CSS can control
the precise position of elements by giving exact coordinates. It is also possible to specify
placement relative to the position of other objects on the page.
Just like any other HTML or CSS attribute, the CSS attributes used to control an
element's position are available for scripting. The position of these elements on the page
can thus be dynamically changed with script. As a result, the position of these elements


can be recalculated and redrawn after the document is loaded without reloading the page
from the server.
It usually involves using JavaScript to change a positioning style properties of an
HTML elements. position, top, left are the three properties that dictate the position of
the elements. position specifies the reference point for the placement of the elements.
top and left specify the distance from top and left of reference point where element is
to appear. absolute, relative and static are the three possible values for the position

Absolute Positioning
A element can be placed at specific position in the document using absolute
value for the position styling property. Absolute positioning defines the x and y
coordinates of an element with reference to the top left corner of the browser page or the
containing block and the position attribute is set to absolute. With absolute positioning
elements are placed without regard to the positions of other elements. For example, if you
want place an image 100 pixels from the top and 100 pixels from the left of the document
display window, it can be placed as following statements:
<img src="earth.jpg" style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:100px" />
Use of Absolute positioning
Places elements at specific position in the document display.
Can be used superimpose text over the ordinary text to create effect similar that
watermark on page.
The following example illustrates the usage of absolute positioning to position five
elements at specific different positions in the document display.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<! - - abpos.html - - >
<html xmlns = "">
<title> Absolute positioning </title>
<style type = "text/css">
.s1 {position: absolute; top: 45px; left: 50px; }
.s2 {position: absolute; top: 45px; left: 300px; }
.s3 {position: absolute; top: 175px; left: 50px; }
.s4 {position: absolute; top: 175px; left: 300px; }
.s5 {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 175px; }
<p>Positioning 5 instances same image at 5 different positions
<img class="s1" src="smiley.gif" />
<img class="s2" src="smiley.gif" />
<img class="s3" src="smiley.gif" />
<img class="s4" src="smiley.gif" />
<img class="s5" src="smiley.gif" />
</body> </html>

When an element is absolutely positioned inside another positioned element, the

top and left property values are measured from the upper-left corner of the enclosing
The following example illustrate the nested element placement. When an element
is absolutely positioned inside another positioned element, the top and left property
values are measured from the upper-left corner of the enclosing element.
The following example illustrate the nested element placement


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
< -- nestedap.html -->
<div id="someDiv" style="position:absolute; left:100px; top:50px">
<span id="someSpan" style="position:absolute; left:10px; top:30px">
Hello, again!!!!!.
And now it's time to say goodbye.
Hello. And now it's time to say goodbye
Hello, again!!!!!.
In the above example we insert a span element inside the div element.
Positioning attributes for the span element place it 10 pixels in from the left and 30 pixels
down from the top of its positioning contextthe div element in this case.

Relative Positioning
Relative positioning means an element is placed relative to its natural position in the
document's flow. When you use relative positioning, an element is positioned relative to
where it would regularly be. If the top and left properties are given, then relative
positioning displace the element by the specified amount from the natural position.
The top property defines how far from the
top of its usual position we want the top of
element to appear. If we use a positive value,
then our element is moved down from the usual
position, whereas a negative value would move
our element up from the usual position.

The left property defines how far

from its usual position we want the left of
our element to appear. Positive values
will move the element right, and negative
values will move it left the usual

If the top and left properties are not specified then element is positioned as if like
the it is statically positioned. However, such an element can be moved later.
Relative positioning is used for creating different effects in the document. It can be
used to highlight the special words in the text. The following example highlight the word
red in line of text.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<!relative.html -- >
<html xmlns = "">
<body style = "font-family: Times; font-size: 24pt;">
Roses are <span style =
"position: relative; top: 10px;
font-family: Times; font-size: 48pt;
font-style: italic; color: red;">
red </span> in color.
Roses are

red in color.

Relative positioning can be used to create superscripts. For example the following can be
used to place xyz 10 pixels above the natural baseline of the text.
<p> The superscript in this name<span style=position: relative;
top:-3px > xyz </span> is xyz.</p>

Static Positioning
'Static' positioning is identical to normally rendered HTML. These elements
cannot be positioned or repositioned, nor do they define a coordinate system for child
elements. This is the default value for 'position', except for the <BODY> element, which,
while it cannot be positioned, does define a coordinate system for child elements.

Moving Elements
Dynamic movement of 'relative'ly /absolutely positioned elements can provide
animation effects in scripting environments. Element position is going to be changed by
modifying the left and top properties of the element's style property. If position is set to
absolute, the element moves to the new values of top and left, if its position is set to
relative, it moves from its original position by distances given by the new values of top
and left. The following example demonstrates this


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<! move.html -- >
<style type="text/css">
#divBlock {
<script type="text/javascript">
function init(){
document.getElementById("divBlock") = "100px";
document.getElementById("divBlock").style.left = "100px";
function moveH(elem, distance){
var objElem = document.getElementById(elem);
var curLeft = parseInt(; = (curLeft + distance) + "px";
function moveV(elem, distance){
var objElem = document.getElementById(elem);
var curTop = parseInt(; = (curTop + distance) + "px";
<body onload="init();">
<input type="button" value="Left" onclick="moveH('divBlock',-10);">
<input type="button" value="Right" onclick="moveH('divBlock',10);">
<input type="button" value="Up" onclick="moveV('divBlock',-10);">
<input type="button" value="Down" onclick="moveV('divBlock',10);">
<div id="divBlock"></div>



In the output user can move the square in the 4 different directions by clicking the
appropriate button.
The init() function set the top and left properties of the divBlock div, thus making
the properties accessible to JavaScript.
The moveH() function uses parseInt() to cut off the units (e.g, px) from the value of
the left property of the div and assign the resulting integer to the curLeft variable. It then
modifies the left property of the element by adding the value passed in for distance.
The moveV() function does the same thing, but it modifies the top property rather
than the left property.The functions are triggered with onclick event handlers.

Element Visibility
Document elements can be specified to be visible or hidden with the values if their
visibility property. The two possible values for the visibility are visible and hidden.
The following example displays the 4 table elements and allows the user to toggle
each table element causing the element to appear and disappear in the document display.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<title>Showing and Hiding Elements with JavaScript</title>
<!vis.html -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeVisibility(TR){
if (document.getElementById(TR).style.visibility=="hidden") {
document.getElementById(TR).style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
document.getElementById(TR).style.visibility = "hidden";
<h1>Hiding and Showing Elements</h1>
<table >
<tr id="tr1"><td>tableElem Row 1</td></tr>
<tr id="tr2"><td>tableElem Row 2</td></tr>
<tr id="tr3"><td>tableElem Row 3</td></tr>
<tr id="tr4"><td>tableElem Row 4</td></tr>
<input type="button" onclick="changeVisibility('tr1')" value="TR1">
<input type="button" onclick="changeVisibility('tr2')" value="TR2">
<input type="button" onclick="changeVisibility('tr3')" value="TR3">
<input type="button" onclick="changeVisibility('tr4')" value="TR4">



Changing Colors and Fonts

The background and foreground colors of the document display and font properties
of the text can be changed dynamically.

Changing the Color

Document colors can be set dynamically, although it is questionable whether this is
a good idea. Your colors were chosen because they best presented your page contents. If,
though, you wish to provide color alternatives, you can make these colors user
selectable. In the following example, a range of background and foreground colors can
be chosen by clicking radio buttons.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<!color.html -- >
<script type="text/javascript">
function ChangeBackground(Color) { = Color
function ChangeForeground(Color) { = Color
<P class=head2>Scripting Document Colors</P>
<P>Some of these document properties have style sheet equivalents. For instance,the
<SPAN class=code><B>bgColor</B></SPAN> and <SPAN
class=code><B>fgColor</B></SPAN> properties are equivalent to the <SPAN
class=code>background-color</SPAN> and <SPAN class=code>color</SPAN> style
properties, respectively. Still, it is always preferable to use CSS style properties when
scripting style changes for compatibility with standards.</P><P>Document colors can be
set dynamically, although it is questionable whether this is a good idea. Supposedly, your
colors were chosen because they best presented your page contents. If, though, you wish
to provide color alternatives, you can make these colors user selectable. In the following
example, a range of background and foreground colors can be chosen by clicking radio
(continued on next page)


<b>Background Color:</b><br/>
<input type="radio" name="BG" onclick="ChangeBackground('red')"/>Red
<input type="radio" name="BG" onclick="ChangeBackground('green')"/>Green
<input type="radio" name="BG" onclick="ChangeBackground('blue')"/>Blue
<input type="radio" name="BG" onclick="ChangeBackground('black')"/>Black
<input type="radio" name="BG" onclick="ChangeBackground('white')"/>White
<b>Foreground Color:</b><br/>
<input type="radio" name="FG" onclick="ChangeForeground('red')"/>Red
<input type="radio" name="FG" onclick="ChangeForeground('green')"/>Green
<input type="radio" name="FG" onclick="ChangeForeground('blue')"/>Blue
<input type="radio" name="FG" onclick="ChangeForeground('black')"/>Black
<input type="radio" name="FG" onclick="ChangeForeground('white')"/>White
In the above example functions ChangeBackground( ) and ChangeForeground( ) are
called whenever user clicks the radio buttons of different colors to change the
background and foreground color of the document respectively.

Changing font
Web users are accustomed to having links in documents change color when the cursor
is placed over them. Any property of a link can be changed by using the mouse event,
mouseover to trigger JavaScript event handlers. Thus the font style and font size, as
well as the color, can be changed when the cursor is placed over a link. The link can be
changed back to its original form when an event handler is triggered with the mouseout
event. In the following example, the only element is a sentence with an embedded link.
The foreground color for the document is the default black. The link is presented in blue.
When the mouse cursor is placed over the link, its color changes to red and its font style
changes to italic.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<!-- link.html -->
<html xmlns = "">
<title> Dynamic fonts for links </title>
<style type = "text/css"> .regText {font: Times; font-size: 16pt;} </style>
<p class = "regText">The subject <a style = "color: blue;"
onmouseover = " = 'red'; = 'italic 16pt Times';"
onmouseout = " = 'blue'; = 'normal 16pt
Times';"> Web Programming </a> is very interesting

Display of link,html with the cursor not over the link

The subject Web Programming Is very interesting

Display of link,html with the cursor over the link

The subject Web Programming Is very interesting

Dynamic Content
Using JavaScript we can change the content of the different document elements
like contents of text box, document title , table contents dynamically. In the following
example HTML tables can be created and manipulated dynamically with JavaScript.
Each table element contains a rows array and methods for inserting and deleting rows:
insertRow() and deleteRow(). Each tr element contains a cells array and methods for
inserting and deleting cells: insertCell() and deleteCell(). The following example shows
how these objects can be used to dynamically create HTML tables.
The body of the page contains a table with an id of formName. The table contains a
single row of headers.
Below the table is a form that allows the user to enter a first and last name. When
the "Add Name" button is clicked, the addRow() function is called and passed in the id of
the table (tblPeople) and a new array containing the user-entered values.
The addRow() function uses the insertRow() method of the table to add a new row
at the end of the table and then loops through the passed-in array, creating and populating
one cell for each item. The function also returns the new row. Although the returned
value isn't used in this example, it can be useful if you then want to manipulate the new
row further.
The above example display the document with empty table. Whenever user press the
Add Name button a new row is added to the table.



<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
< ! -- dynamic.html -- >
<html xmlns = "">
<title>Manipulating Tables</title>
<script type="text/javascript">
function addRow(tableId, cells){
var tableElem = document.getElementById(tableId);
var newRow = tableElem.insertRow(tableElem.rows.length);
var newCell;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++) {
newCell = newRow.insertCell(newRow.cells.length);
newCell.innerHTML = cells[i];
return newRow;
<table id="tblPeople" border="1">
<th>First Name</th>
<th>Middle Name</th>
<th>Last Name</th>
<form name="formName">
First Name: <input type="text" name="FirstName">
Middle Name: <input type="text" name="MiddleName">
Last Name: <input type="text" name="LastName">
<br />
<br />
<center><input type="button" value="Add Name"
[this.form.FirstName.value,this.form.MiddleName.value, this.form.LastName.value]
);"> </center>

Stacking Elements
The multiple elements can occupy the same space in the document, one is
considered to be on top and is displayed. The top element hides the parts of the lower
elements on which it is imposed. When multiple elements occupy the same space on the
document, then comes the question of which element is to be placed on the top of other
elements. So for this we have to consider the third dimension of the document. Although
the display is restricted to two dimensions, the effect of the third dimension is possible
through the concept of stacked element. The placement of element in this third dimension
is controlled by the z-index attribute of element. An element whose z-index is greater
than that of element in the same space will be displayed over the other element,
effectively hiding the element with smaller z-index value. The JavaScript property
associated with the z-index attribute is zIndex.
In the following example, three images are placed on the display so that they
overlap. In XHTML description of this, each image tag includes an onclick attribute,
which is used to trigger the execution of JavaScript handler function. First the function
defines DOM addresses the last top element and the new top element. Then the function
sets the zIndex value of the two elements so that the old top element has the value of 0
and the new top element has the value 10, effectively putting it at the top. The script
keeps track of which image is currently on top with the global variable top, which is
changed every time a new element is moved to the top with the toTop function.
This example displays all 3 overlapping images. Whenever user clicks on the
particular image,that image will be displayed on top of other two images.
<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<html xmlns = "">
<! satck.html -->
<title> Dynamic stacking of images </title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
var top = "i1";
function toTop(newTop) {
domTop = document.getElementById(top).style;
domNew = document.getElementById(newTop).style;
domTop.zIndex = "0";
domNew.zIndex = "10";
top = newTop;


<style type = "text/css">

.img1 {position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 0;}
.img2 {position: absolute; top: 50px; left: 110px; z-index: 0;}
.img3 {position: absolute; top: 100px; left: 220px; z-index: 0;} </style>
<img class = "img1" id = "i1" src = "image1.jpg" onclick =
"toTop('i1')" />
<img class = "img2" id = "i2" src = "image2.jpg" onclick =
"toTop('i2')" />
<img class = "img3" id = "i3" src = "image3.jpg" onclick =
"toTop('i3')" />

Locating the Mouse Cursor

An event is a notification about something specific that has occurred because of
browser user action, such as mouse click on a form button, radio button etc. Strictly
speaking event is an object that is implicitly created by the browser and the JavaScript
system in response to something happened. Event object includes information about the
event. For example mouse-click is one such event. Whenever user mouse-click on the
document, event object is created which includes information like where and on which
element event has occurred. A mouse-click event defines two pairs of properties that give
geometric coordinates of the position of the element in the display that created the event.
One pair of the coordinates, clientX and clientY gives the coordinates of the document
display relative to the upper-left corner of the browser display window, in pixels. The
other pair, screen and screenY gives coordinates of the element but relative client
computers screen.
In the following example, every time user clicks the mouse button an alter box
displays the clientX, clientY, screenX and screen coordinates. The handler show_coords
with event as parameter is triggred by the onclick attribute of the body element.


<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<!mouse.html -- >
<html xmlns = "">
<script type="text/javascript">
function show_coords(event)
alert("ClientX coords: " + x + ", ClientY coords: " + y + ",ScreenX coords:
" + x1 + ", ScreenY coords: " + y1);
<body onclick="show_coords(event)">
<p>Click in the document. An alert box will alert the x and y coordinates of
the cursor.</p>

Reacting to a Mouse Click

In the following example mousedown and mouseup events are used to show and
hide the image on the display under the mouse cursor whenever the mouse button is
clicked. Whenever user clicks the mouse button ie. onmousedown event handler
displayIt( ) is called with event as parameter and whenever user leaves the mouse button
ie. onmouseup event handler hideIt() is called.

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
Display a image when the mouse button is pressed,
<html xmlns = "">
<title> Sense events anywhere </title>

<script type = "text/javascript">

function displayIt(evt) {
var dom = document.getElementById("image"); = (evt.clientX - 30) + "px"; = (evt.clientY - 25) + "px"; = "visible";
function hideIt() {
document.getElementById("image").style.visibility =
<body onmousedown="displayIt(event);"
onmouseup = "hideIt();">
<div id= "image"
style = " visibility: hidden; position: relative">
<img src = "smiley.gif" />

Slow Movements of Elements

With JavaScript we can not only move the elements instantly, we can also move
element slowly from one place to another. The one way to move an element slowly is to
move it by small amount many times, with moves separated by small amounts of time.
Such slow movement of elements is accomplished by using two window methods
available in JavaScript: setTimeout and setInterval.
The setTimeout method has two parameters -- first one is string of JavaScript code to
be executed and second parameter is number of mseconds of delay before executing the
given script.
The setInterval method has two forms. One takes two parameter with first specifying
the script code to be executed and second specifying the interval in mseconds between
executions. The second form takes variable number of parameters. First one is the name
of the function to be called, the second is the interval in mseconds between the calls to
the function and remaining parameter are used as actual parameters to the function being
In the following example, image is moved slowly from position(50,100) to a new
position (700,100). The move is accomplished by using the setTimeout method to call a


move function every msecond until the final position is reached. Example includes
separate html file and JavaScript file.

Initial position of the element is set with initImage( ) function. The onload attribute of
the body element is used to call this function.
The moveImage( ) function is used to move the image. It moves the image 1 pixel
towards the final position and then calls itself with the new coordinates using the
/* moveImage.js JavaScript to move image*/
var dom, x, y, finalx = 700;
function initImage() {
dom = document.getElementById('image').style;
/* Get the current position of the image */
var x = parseInt(dom.left);
var y = parseInt(;
/* Call the function that moves it */
moveImage(x, y);
// A function to move the text from its original
// position to (x, finaly)
function moveImage(x, y) {
/* If the x coordinates are not equal, move
x toward finalx */
if (x != finalx)
if ((x != finalx) ) {
dom.left = x + "px"; = y + "px";
/* Recursive call, after a 1-millisecond delay */
setTimeout("moveImage(" + x + "," + y + ")", 1);

<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
<!-- Illustrates a moving image from one position to another
Uses the JavaScript from file moveimage.js
<html xmlns = "">
<title> Moving Image </title>
<script type = "text/javascript" src = "moveimage.js">
<body onload = "initImage()">
<span id = 'image' style = "position: absolute; left: 50px; top: 100px">
<img src = "smiley.gif" />

Dragging and Dropping Elements

One of more powerful effects of event handling is allowing the user to drag and drop
elements around the display screen. The mouseup, mousedown and mousemove events
can be used implement this. By changing the left and top properties, element can be move
from one place to another.
To illustrate drag and drop, we develop an example that allows the user to drag and
drop a rectangle box. In this first we create a box that is to be moved around in document
display. There three different handlers for mouseup, mousedown and mousemove events.
The mousedown event handler mouseD, takes the event as its parameter. It gets the
element to be moved and puts it in global variable so that it is available to the other
handlers. Then it determines the coordinates of the current position of the element to be
moved and computes the difference between them and the coordinates of the position of
the mouse cursor. These two differences , which are used by the handler for mousemove
to actually move the element.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Drag and drop</title>
<style type="text/css">
body {
background-color: #fff;
margin: 0;
margin: 80px 0 0 100px;
#dObject {
border: 2px solid;
border-color: #6c0 #170 #170 #6c0;
background-color: red;
width: 40px;
height: 40px;
padding: 0.5em 0.8em;
position: absolute;
text-align: center;
display: none;
cursor: default;
<script type="text/javascript">
var dragObject, offsetX, offsetY, isDragging=false;
window.onload = init;
document.onmousemove = mouseM;
document.onmouseup = mouseU;
function init() {
var ob = document.getElementById("dObject");"100px";"100px";"block";


function mouseD(ob,e) {
dragObject = ob;
if (window.event) e=window.event;
var dragX = parseInt(;
var dragY = parseInt(;
var mouseX = e.clientX;
var mouseY = e.clientY;
offsetX = mouseX - dragX;
offsetY = mouseY - dragY;
isDragging = true;
return false;
function mouseU() {
if (!isDragging) return;
isDragging = false;
return false;
function mouseM(e) {
if (!isDragging) return;
if (window.event) e=window.event;
var newX = e.clientX - offsetX;
var newY = e.clientY - offsetY; = newX + "px"; = newY + "px";
return false;
<p style="position:absolute;left:300px"> Drag and Drop the Box </p>
<div id="dObject" onmousedown="mouseD(this,event)"></div>


PERL is acronym for Practical Extraction and Report Language. It is
developed by Larry Wall in 1987. It is similar to Shell script but lot easier and more
akin to the high end programming. It is originally intended to combine and extend the
processing functions of several UNIX utilities including awk, sed, grep and sh.
Applications of PERL: PERL can be used anywhere you parse or manipulate text
like web servers (CGI scripts), database access and processing. It can also be used
anywhere you want to automate file handling and organization. It is generally not the
first choice for numeric calculations.
PERL is a semi-interpreted scripting language. Because it uses byte-code
representation like Java. But it doesn't store byte code for later re-use.
Advantages: No need to compile and make files.
Disadvantages: It can be slower running, not type-safe.
Features of PERL: PERL enables quick development of programs.
no need to define variable types
extensible (module import/export mechanism)
powerful "regular expression" capabilities
simple I/O model
many modules
support for static scoping
built-in debugger
Basics of PERL: PERL files use extension .pl. It can create self executing scripts. It
uses system commands. Every statement must end with a semicolon ;.
Comments are prefixed at the start of the line with hash # symbol. The PERL
variables are assigned a value using the operator =. PERL variables are not statically
typed, i.e., you do not have to declare what type of data you want to hold in them.
PERL variables are declared the first time you initialized them and they can be
anywhere in the program. They are interpreted at the point of execution. They do not
necessarily have a particular file extension although the .pl extension is used
commonly. PERL script starts with the line !/usr/bin/perl .
Perl Types: It has three categories of variables/values: scalars, arrays and hashes.
Variables for each category are distinguished by the first symbol in the variable name
$ for scalar
@ for array
% for hash
Scalar variables are of three types: numbers, character strings and references.
Numbers are stored internally as double-precision floating point numbers.


Note that strings are considered scalars in PERL.

Integer literals are a string of digits. Integer literals can be written in hexadecimal,
base 16, but beginning the number with 0x or 0X.
Floating-point literals have either decimal point or exponent or both like C language.
String literals can be delimited by single or double quotes.
Single quote delimiters do not allow any substitutions: no escape characters (other
than \ or \), no variable interpolation
Double quote delimiters allow substitutions for escape characters and for variable
The letter q is used to introduce a literal, single quoted string, bounded by an arbitrary
character like q$abcdef$.
The letter pair qq is used to introduce a literal, double quoted string, bounded by an
arbitrary character like qq#abcdef#. If the beginning delimiter is one of (< [{then the
matching delimiter must be ) >]}, respectively. Null string is denoted by either or
Scalar variable names begin with $, followed by letters, digits and/or underscores. It
is case sensitive. Conventionally, programmer defined names do not use upper case
letters. Scalar variable values are interpolated into double quoted strings. If $x has the
value 3 then Value of x is $x becomes Value of x is 3. Unassigned variables have
the value undef. The value undef converts to 0 as a number and the null string as a
PERL has a large number of predefined variables. Many are named with special
characters, such as $_ and $^.
PERL has arithmetic operators such as +, -, *, and /. Note that 5/2 is 2.5.
Other arithmetic operators such as % (Modulus operator), ** (exponentiation), -and ++.
A string is a single unit, a scalar. The period, ., is used as the concatenation operator.
PERL does not overload operators. If $a is cant then $a . aloupe is cantaloupe.
The x operator indicates repetition, so * x 4 is ****.
Predefined unary operators can be used as functions by simply parenthesizing the
operand. Be aware of precedence changes since parentheses are the highest
The assignment operator, =, assigns a value to a variable.The result returned is a
reference to the assigned variable. Compound assignment operators are similar to C,
C++ and Java. $x *= 3 multiplies the value of $x by 3.


Precedence Table:

PERL treats all input and output as file input and output. Physical files have external
names, but all files are referred to by internal names called filehandles.
Certain filehandles are predefined
STDIN is console input, usually the keyboard
STDOUT is console output, usually the screen
STDERR is console error output, usually the screen
The execution environment of the PERL script may redirect these predefined handles
to take input from other sources (such as a physical file) or put output to other targets.
The line input operator, <> reads a line of input (including a new line character)
from the filehandle. For example, $line = <STDIN> will read one line from standard
input and assign it to $line.
Since in most cases the terminating new line character is not desired, the chomp
operator is used to remove it:
$x = <STDIN>;
This is often abbreviated as chomp($x = <STDIN>);
The assignment operator returns a reference to $x which is passed to chomp.
Using <> without a filehandle has a special meaning in PERL.


Each argument on the command line is interpreted as a file name.

The lines are read from these files in succession. Standard input can be included by
using a single hyphen as an argument: -. The print function takes as an operand a
list of one or more strings separated by commas.
There is no new line character provided automatically, it must be literally included. A Cstyle printf function is available. PERL programs will run independently of browser or
server. For example, it could be run from the command line.
Perl programs are run from the command line by using the perl interpreter perl
Command flags can be added:
-w asks that warnings be reported for problematic programming
-c asks for compilation without running
Control statements depend on the value of control expressions to determine execution
flow. Control expressions are, conceptually, either true or false.

The first six operators produce +1 if true or if false. The last operator produces -1
if the first operand is less than the second, +1 if the first operand is greater than the
second and 0 if the two operands are the same.


Relational operators are non associative. That is, $a < $b < $c is not syntactically valid in
PERL. PERL provides two forms of boolean operators
! (not), && (and) and || (or) have precendence above the assignment operators but
below other operators
and, or and not have precedence below any other operators
$a = <> or die no input parses as ($a = <>) or (die no input).
This causes the program to terminate if no input is read from <>
If there is input, the next line is assigned to $a
$a = <> || die not input; parses as $a = (<> || (die no input));
This causes the program to terminate if no input is read from <>
This causes $a to be assigned +1 if there is input.
A block of statements in PERL is a sequence of statements enclosed in a pair of curly
braces: { }. Control statements in PERL require blocks of statements as components
rather than allowing single statements without the braces.
The if statement syntax
if (control-expression)
[ elsif( control-expression )
... Repeated elsif clauses ]
[ else
block ]
[ ] indicates optional parts. The elsif part may appear 0 or more times. The until statement
reverses the sense of the if. An until has neither elsif nor else parts.
The basic repetition uses while:
while ( control-expression )
The while executes the block as long as the control-expression is true
The until reverses the sense of the while
until ( control-expression )
The until executes as long as the control-expression is false
Syntax of the for statement:
for (initial-expression; control-expression; increment-expression )
The initial and increment expressions can be multiple expressions separated by commas.
The last operator causes the loop to exit immediately. A loop may be provided a label by
prefixing a name and a colon to the beginning of the loop.
A last operator can have a loop label as an operand.


In this case, the operator will cause exit from the loop with the given label
even if it is not the smallest loop containing the statement executing last
The variable $_ is often an implicit operand for operators in PERL. The statement print;
will print the value of $_. The statement chomp; will chomp the value of $_. Using the
<STDIN> input without assigning explicitly to a variable causes the value to be assigned
to $_. Be aware that overuse of $_ can make programs difficult to follow.
An array holds a list of scalar values. Note that an array holds scalars, not other arrays or
hashes. Different types of scalar data can be in the same array. Arrays have dynamic size,
that is, they can increase and decrease in size as a program executes.
A list literal is given as a pair of parentheses enclosing a list of values separated by
commas. Note that if a sub-list is include as in (a, (b, c), d), then the list is
flattened to (a, b, c, d). References are used to include arrays as elements in arrays.
An array is a variable that stores a list. The name of an array variable begins with the
character @. An array variable may be assigned a literal list value. @a = (1, 2, three,
An array assignment creates a new array as a copy of the original. @b = @a;
An expression in Perl is evaluated in a context. For example in the assignment
$a = expression; The expression on the right is evaluated in a scalar context, On the
other hand, in @a = expression; The expression on the right is evaluated in a list
context. An array or list evaluated in a scalar context evaluates to the length of the list.
A list of values can be assigned to a list of variables.
($a, $b, $c) = (1, 2, iii); causes $a to get the value 1, $b to get the value of 2 and
$c to get the value iii.
Note that the right side expression is evaluated before the assignment, so that
($x, $y) = ($y, $x) actually swaps the values of the two variables.
If the target includes an array variable, all remaining values in the expression list are
assigned to the list variable.
The elements in an array are indexed by integers, beginning with 0. Element with index
1 of list @alist is accessed as $alist[1]. Note that $ is used since the element is a scalar.
Note also that there is not relationship between the scalar variable $alist and the list
element $alist[1]. Assigning to an array element may cause the array to expand to
accommodate the element.
@a = (a, b, c);
$a[20] = outfield; Causes the array @a to expand to size 21.
The last subscript in the array @a is $#a. The foreach allows convenient iterating
through the elements of an array or list. The loop foreach executes the body of the loop
for each element of the array @a. In each iteration, $x is an alias for the element. That is,
if $x is changed, the corresponding element of the array is changed.


Four functions are provided by PERL to support stack and queue operations on arrays
are: push @a, $x; inserts the value $x at the end of the array @a.
pop @a; removes the last value of @a and returns it.
shift @a; removes the first value of @a and returns it. All the remaining elements of
@a are shifted down one index, hence the name.
unshift @a, $x; inserts the value $x at the beginning of the array @a. All the
remaining elements of @a are shifted up one index.
The split function breaks strings into parts using a character to separate the parts. The
sort function sorts a list using string comparison. A more general usage is presented later.
sort does not alter the parameter but returns a new list.
The qw (quote words) function creates a list of words from a string. The die operator
displays its list operand and then terminates the program execution.

An associative array uses general data, often strings, as indexes.

The index is referred to as a key, the corresponding element as a value.
Since a hash table is often used to implement an associative array, these structures are
known as hashes in PERL. Elements in a Perl hash do not have a natural ordering.
When a list of keys is retrieved from a hash there is no definite relationship between
the order of the keys and either the values of the keys or the order in which they were
entered into the hash.
Hash variables are named beginning with the character %. If an array is assigned to a
hash, the even index elements become keys and the odd index elements are the
corresponding values. Assigning an odd length array to a hash causes an error. Curly
braces are used to subscript a hash. If %h is a hash, then the element corresponding
to four is referenced as $h{four}. Values can be assigned to a hash reference to
insert a new key/value relation or to change the value related to a key.
A key/value relation can be removed from a hash with the delete operator. The undef
operator will delete all the contents of a hash. The exists operator checks if a key is
related to any value in a hash. Just check $h{something} doesnt work since the
related value may be the empty string or 0, both of which count as false.
A hash variable embedded in a string is not interpolated. However, a reference to a
hash element is interpolated. The keys operator returns a list of the keys in a hash.
The sort operator can also be applied to iterate through the keys in order.
The %ENV variable is defined to be the key/value pairs defined in the environment of
the running PERL process. Many of these are inherited from the run-time
environment. In Microsoft Windows, environment variables can be set through the
command-line set command. In Unix Bourne shell, environment variables may be set
by a simple assignment.


A reference is a scalar value giving the address of another value in memory. A

reference to an existing variable is created by using the backslash operator.
References to literal structures can be created
A reference to a list is created by enclosing a list in square brackets, [].
A reference to a hash is created by enclosing a list in curly braces {}.
For example $a = [1, 2, 3, 4]
For example $h = {i => 1, v => 5, x => 10};
Notice the assignment is to a scalar variable. Since the literal value is a reference.
To access the value pointed to by a reference, the programmer must explicitly
dereference the reference an extra $ sign can be used.
If $a = 5 and $b = \$a then $$b is 5
$$b = 7 changes the value of $a to 7
In a reference to an array, -> can be used between the reference and the index to
indicate a dereference.
If $r = \@list then $$r[3] is the element at index 3 of @list
$r->[3] is also the element at index 3 of @list
$r[3] is the element at index 3 of @r, completely unrelated
Function: A function definition consists of a function header and the body. The body
is a block of code that executes when the function is called. The header contains the
keyword sub and the name of the function. A function declaration consists of the
keyword sub and the function name. A declaration promises a full definition
somewhere else.
A function call can be part of an expression. In this case the function must return a
value that is used in the expression. A function call can be a standalone statement. In
this case a return value is not required. If there is one, it is discarded. When a
function is called, the body begins executing at the first statement.
A return statement in a function body causes the function body to immediately cease
executing. If the return statement also has an expression, the value is returned as the
value of the function. Otherwise, the function returns no value. If execution of a
function reaches the end of the body without encountering a return statement, the
return value is the value of the last expression evaluated in the function.
Variables that are not declared explicitly but simply assigned to have global scope.
The my declaration is used to declare a variable in a function body to be local to the
function. If a local variable has the same name as a global variable, the global
variable is not visible within the function body. PERL also supports a form of
dynamic scoping using the local declaration. A my declaration has lexical scope
which works like scope rules in C, C++ and Java.
Parameters used in a function call are called actual parameters. Formal parameters
are the names used in the function body to refer to the actual parameters. In Perl,
formal parameters are not named in the function header.


PERL supports both pass-by-value and pass-by-reference. The array @_ is initialized

in a function body to the list of actual parameters. An element of this array is a
reference to the corresponding parameter. Changing an element of the array changes
the corresponding actual parameter. Often, values of @_ are assigned to local
variables which corresponds to pass-by-value.
This code causes the variable $a to change.
sub plus10 {
$_[0] += 10;
The first line of this function copies actual parameter to local variable.
Sub f {
my($x, $y) = @_;
The sort function can be called with the first parameter being a block which returns a
numeric value based on the comparison of two variables $a and $b.This parameter is
not followed by a comma.
For example, using
sort{$a <=> $b} @num
will sort the array @num using numerical comparison.
sort{$b <= > $a} @num
will sort in reverse order.

Perl has powerful pattern matching facilities built in. These have been imitated in a
number of other systems. The m operator indicates a pattern matching.
This is used with delimiters like q and qq but the enclosed characters form
a pattern
If the delimiter is / then the m is not required
A match is indicated by the =~ operator with a string on the left and a pattern on the
right. A pattern alone is matched by default to $_.
The split function can take a pattern as the first argument rather than a character.
The pattern specifies the pattern of characters used to split the string apart.
The s operator specifies a substitution.
The new-string will replace the part of a string matched by the pattern. The =~
operator is used to apply the substitution to a string. If the operator is not used, $_ is
operated on by default. A g modifier on the substitution causes all substrings
matching the pattern to be replaced, otherwise only the first match is changed.
The modifier i cause the pattern match to be case insensitive.


tr command: This is written as: tr/char-list1/char-list2/

When applied to a string it causes each character of the string that appears in the first
list to be replaced by the corresponding character in the second list. If the second list
is empty, the characters from the first list are deleted from the string.
The =~ operator is used to apply the transliteration. If the operator is not used, $_ is
operated on by default. To carry out file input and output, a file handle must be
created for each file. The open function is used to create a file handle. The first
parameter to open is the name of a file handle. By convention the name is all capital
letters. The second parameter to open is a string value naming the file and,
optionally, including a character to indicate the mode of opening the file.
< indicates open for input (default), > indicates open for output, deleting the content
of an existing file and >> indicates open for output, appending to a file that already
The print function is used to send output to a filehandle.
print OUTHANDLE data, more data;
Note that there is not comma after the OUTHANDLE
This is important, otherwise the value of the handle will be displayed on
the output console
The function parameters can indicate that characters are to be stored in the array
somewhere other than at the beginning. The seek function can be used to position the
filehandle cursor at a different position in the file.
CGI: (Common Gateway Interface)
CGI is a lightweight mechanism for communication between the web server and other
programs (CGI scripts) that can be run on the server. Instead of pointing to an HTML
file a URL may request that a CGI program is run on the server. CGI programs (or
scripts) are commonly written in:
Unix - Shell, Perl, Tcl, C,C++, Python, Ruby
Windows - Visual Basic, Perl
Mac - Applescript, C,C++, Perl
GET method is mainly used for short queries. Input values are part of the URL.
POST-will send data as input stream to the program. It is more secure.
Computation is required to support sophisticated web applications. Computation can
be done by the server or the client (browser) or both. The Common Gateway
interface (CGI) is a protocol describing a standard way of providing server-side
active web content. Under circumstances determined by the server, an HTTP request
will cause a program to run. The output from the program will be the response
returned to the client making the request. Data from forms will be encoded in a
request sent to the server. This data can be used by a CGI program.


There are several common ways a web server can use to determine if a web request
should cause a CGI program to execute. Usually, the determination is based on the
target of the request. Certain directories can be designated as containing CGI
programs. Often cgi-bin is used. Certain file extensions can be designated as
signifying a CGI program. .pl usually identifies a Perl script. A request for a CGI
program to executed can be made with a simple link (<a> tag in HTML).
The usual way for invoking CGI programs is through the action attribute of a form.
Data from the form is then encoded and sent with the request. A request for a CGI
program to be executed can be made with a simple link (<a> tag in HTML)
This method is limited
Any data sent must be hard-coded into the link
The CGI program generally creates the response by sending output to the standard
output stream, Using print in Perl.
The CGI program will usually have to provide the content-type header.
Content-type: text/html
This will be the last line of the response headers and must be followed by a blank
The rest of the response is created by printing the HTML code desired to standard
Both GET and POST requests under HTTP can be used to carry form data from the
browser to the server. The data is formatted into a query string. Each form of request
includes the information in a different way. In a GET request, the query string is
appended to the URL of the request, with a question mark used to separate it from the
first part of the URL.
In a POST request, the query string is sent as the data part of the request. Each unit of
data sent is encoded as name = value. The name is usually the value of a name
attribute of a form widget. The value is the string representation of the widget value.
Several units are combined by separating them with ampersands, &. Special
characters in name and value are encoded. The code is a percent sign, %, followed by
the hexadecimal code for the character. A space is encoded as %20. Some browsers
will encode spaces as +.
When the POST method is used, the query string can be read from standard input
The CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable tells how many characters can be
read. When The GET method is used, the query string is given by the value of the
environment variable QUERY_STRING.
Writing a CGI program from scratch is very tedious. Creating HTML requires
numerous print statements. Retrieving data from the query strings is tricky. One of
the reasons for PERLs popularity for CGI programming is the powerful pattern
matching facilities which greatly ease the task of parsing a query string.


The Perl module provides numerous functions to help with both of these
problems. Shortcut functions return string values containing HTML code. Note, the
string must be printed out to actually become part of the response. Some functions
take no arguments. print br; puts the tag <br/> into the response.
Some functions can be given a single argument which becomes the content of the tag
print h1(A Header)
puts <h1>A Header</h1> into the response.
Attributes for tags are provided as attribute/value pairs in the argument list of the
shortcut function. The arguments are provided in the form of a literal hash. Attribute
names are preceded by a hyphen.
print textarea(-name => "Description", -rows => "2", -cols => "35");
produces this in the response:
<textarea name="Description" rows="2" cols="35">
Attributes and content can both be provided to a shortcut by giving the attributes
explicitly as a hash reference
print a({-href => "fruit.html"}, Press here for fruit descriptions");
produces this in the response:
<a href="fruit.html"> Press here for fruit descriptions </a>
If an array reference is provided for the content, a tag is created for each item, giving
the tag all the specified attributes. The head shortcut function provides a standard
header. The start_html function provides the beginning part of an HTML document,
through the <body> start tag. The function takes one argument, the document title.
The param function takes a name as an argument. The function returns the value
associated to the name, if any, in the request.
HTTP is a stateless protocol, that is, the server treats each request as completely
separate from any other. This, however, makes some applications difficult. A
shopping cart is an object that must be maintained across numerous requests and
responses. The mechanism of cookies can be used to help maintain state by storing
some information on the browser system.
A cookie is a key/value pair that is keyed to the domain of the server. This key/value
pair is sent along with any request made by the browser of the same server. A cookie
has a lifetime which specifies a time at which the cookie is deleted from the browser.
Cookies are only returned to the server that created them. Cookies can be used to
determine usage patterns that might not otherwise be ascertained by a server.
Browsers generally allow users to limit how cookies are used. Browsers usually allow
users to remove all cookies currently stored by the browser. Systems that depend on
cookies will fail if the browser refuses to store them.
The cookie function takes a hash with three keys for the name, value and expiration


time of a cookie. The cookie value produced by this function must be passed to the
header function using the cookie key.
header(-cookie => $a_cookie)
Calling the cookie function with no arguments produces a hash of all cookies from
the current request.


Programming the Web


Q1a. Explain standard XHTML Document

Q1b. What is web server? Name any three web


Q2. What is hypertext protocol? Explain the request phase and response phase in

Q3a. Explain HTML Frames with an


Q3b. List and explain the purpose of


Q4. Create and validate a XHTML document that defines a table with columns for
state, state bird, state flower and state tree. There must be at least five states as
rows in the table. You must also include alt attribute specifications. Also apply
background color and border width for the table.
Q5. Explain the usage of character entities in XHTML. List out at least 8
character entities with their meaning.

Q6a. Explain HTML Frameset. Create a HTML Program with horizontal and
vertical frameset.
Q6b.Write notes on:


Name servers
Proxy Servers

7. Explain the following tags with



Align and valign attributes

Cell padding and cell spacing attributes

8a. what is the difference in the effect of a paragraph tag and a break tag? Explain
8b. State and explain general Server

Q9a. What are CSS Style sheets? What is the advantage of document-level style
sheets over inline style sheets?
Q9b. Describe the two ways to embed a JavaScript script in an XHTML
Q10. What are the various MYSQL data types available? Explain.

Q11a. What is the purpose of a style class selector and generic class?

Q11b. Explain for-in loop used in JavaScript with an example?

Q12. Explain font and list properties used in CSS with an

Q13a. Write a note on CSS Box Model.



Q13b. Write a note on string properties and methods used in


Q14a.What are pseudo-classes? Write a CSS file that adds different colors to a
Q14b. Write notes on Object creation and Modification with suitable
15. Given the following table of data about several planets of our solar system,
create a Web page that enables users to enter a planet name and, at the click of
a button, have the distance and diameter appear either in an alert box or (as extra
credit) in separate fields of the page.

Planet Distance from the Sun Diameter

Mercury 36 million miles 3,100 miles
Venus 67 million miles 7,700 miles
Earth 93 million miles 7,920 miles
Mars 141 million miles 4,200 miles

16. Write a Perl program to change the password of user and grant him required


Q17a. What is a query string? How is a query string transmitted to the server
with the get and post method.

Q17b. Explain the three phases of event processing in the DOM 2 event


Q18. What is CGI? Write a note on CGILinkage


Q19a. What is module? Give 5 different methods which are used to
create html
output and their functions.

Q19b. What are events? What is an event handler?

Q20. List any 7 Events and their attributes.

Q21a. Write a note on Navigator


Q21b. Explain various forms of element positioning in dynamic javascript


Q22a. What is the purpose of shortcuts in

Q22b. Write a note on HTTP Cookies. Where are cookies stored?


23. Write a program in javascript to illustrate Changing of colors and fonts

24. Write a javascript program to illustrate Element visibility property


Programming the Web

1a. Every XHTML document must begin with:
<?xml version = 1.0?>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC -//w3c//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN>
<head>, <title>, and <body> are required in every document
The whole document must have <html> as its root

1b. Provide responses to browser requests, either existing documents or dynamically built
Web servers run as background processes in the operating system.

WAMP Server
Apache Server
IIS Server.

2. The protocol used by ALL Web communications

Request Phase

HTTP method domain part of URL HTTP ver.

Header fields
blank line
Message body
An example of the first line of a request:
GET /degrees.html HTTP/1.1
Status line
Response header fields
blank line
Response body
Status line format:
HTTP version status code explanation
Example: HTTP/1.1 200 OK


(Current version is 1.1)

Status code is a three-digit number; first digit specifies the general status
1 => Informational
2 => Success
3 => Redirection
4 => Client error
5 => Server error
The header field, Content-type, is required

3a. Frames are rectangular sections of the display window, each of which can display a
different document
Because frames are no longer part of XHTML, you cannot validate a document that
includes frames
The <frameset> tag specifies the number of frames and their layout in the window.
Some servers can serve documents that are in the document root of other machines
called as PROXY SERVER.
DNS servers or name servers - convert fully qualified domain names to IPs.

4. Program OUTPUT and creation of table using <table> </table> tags. Background and
fore ground color and border width using bgcolor , border-width property tags.
5. A Collection of special characters that are needed in document, but cannot be typed.

Eg: small raised circle that represents degrees.

These are names for the characters by the browser.

An entity in a document is replaced by its associated character by the browser.

Entity Meaning
&amp; Ampersand
&lt; Less than
&gt; Greater than

&quot; Double quote

&apos; Single quote

One quarter

One half

Three quarters

Non-breaking space.
6a. The <frameset> tag specifies the number of frames and their layout in the window


<frameset> takes the place of <body>

An asterisk after some other specification gives the remainder of the
height of the window

<frameset rows = "150, 200, 300">

<frameset rows = "25%, 50%, 25%">
<frameset rows = "50%, 20%, *" >
<frameset rows = "50%, 25%, 25%"
cols = "40%, *">
The <frame> tag specifies the content of a frame
The first <frame> tag in a <frameset> specifies the content of the first frame, etc.
Row-major order is used
Frame content is specified with the src attribute
Without a src attribute, the frame will be empty (such a frame CANNOT
be filled later)
If <frameset> has fewer <frame> tags than frames, the extra frames are empty.
6b. The doctype declaration should be the very first thing in an HTML document,
before the <html> tag.
The doctype declaration is not an HTML tag; it is an instruction to the web
browser about what version of the markup language the page is written in.
The doctype declaration refers to a Document Type Definition (DTD). The DTD
specifies the rules for the markup language, so that the browsers can render the
content correctly.

7. The align attribute controls the horizontal placement of the contents in a table cell
Values are left, right, and center (default)
align is an attribute of <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements
The valign attribute controls the vertical placement of the contents of a table cell
Values are top, bottom, and center (default)
valign is an attribute of <th> and <td> elements
SHOW cell_align.html and display it
The cellspacing attribute of <table> is used to specify the distance between cells
in a table
The cellpadding attribute of <table> is used to specify the spacing between the
content of a cell and the inner walls of the cell

8. Paragraph in HTML doesnot insert a new blank line, whereas in XHTML a new
line is considered.
It displays the contents, whereas <br> is an empty tag.


Provide responses to browser requests, either existing documents or dynamically

built documents
Browser-server connection is now maintained through more than one requestresponse cycle
All communications between browsers and servers use Hypertext Transfer
Protocol (HTTP)
Apache (open source, fast, reliable)
Directives (operation control):

9a. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets

Styles define how to display HTML elements
An inline style loses many of the advantages of style sheets by mixing content
with presentation. Use this method sparingly!
To use inline styles you use the style attribute in the relevant tag. The style
attribute can contain any CSS property.
9b. Two locations for JavaScript server different purposes
JavaScript in the head element will react to user input and be called from
other locations
JavaScript in the body element will be executed once as the page is loaded
10. Following are the various datatypes available in MYSQL
 INTEGER same as INT
The class Selector
With the class selector you can define different styles for the same type of HTML
Say that you would like to have two types of paragraphs in your document:
one right-aligned paragraph, and one center-aligned paragraph.
Used to allow different occurrences of the same tag to use different style


A style class has a name, which is attached to a tag name

A generic class can be defined if you want a style to apply to more than one kind
of tag
A generic class must be named, and the name must begin with a period
.really-big { }
for (identifier in object)
statement or compound statement
The loop lets the identifier take on each property in turn in the object
Printing the properties in my_car:
for (var prop in my_car)
document.write("Name: ", prop, "; Value: ",
my_car[prop], "<br />");
Name: make; Value: Ford
Name: model; Value: Contour SVT
12. Font properties are:
Value is a list of font names - browser uses the first in the list it has
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, Courier
Generic fonts: serif, sans-serif, cursive, fantasy, and monospace (defined
in CSS)
Possible values: a length number or a name, such as smaller, xx-large, etc.
italic, oblique (useless), normal
font-weight - degrees of boldness
bolder, lighter, bold, normal
Could specify as a multiple of 100 (100 900)
For specifying a list of font properties
font: bolder 14pt Arial Helvetica
Order must be: style, weight, size, name(s)
List properties
Unordered lists
Bullet can be a disc (default), a square, or a circle
Set it on either the <ul> or <li> tag
On <ul>, it applies to list items
Could use an image for the bullets in an unordered list
<li style = "list-style-image:


On ordered lists - list-style-type can be used to change the sequence
13a. The CSS box model is essentially a box that wraps around HTML elements, and
consists of: margins, borders, padding, and the actual content.
The box model allows us to place a border around elements and space elements in
relation to other elements.


One property: length
Note to Java programmers, this is not a method!
Character positions in strings begin at index 0
CharAt(), indexOf(), substring,toLowercase,toUppercase are the various string
methods avaialble

14a. Pseudo classes are styles that apply when something happens, rather than because
the target element simply exists
Names begin with colons
<style type="text/css">
a:link {color:#FF0000} /* unvisited link */
a:visited {color:#00FF00} /* visited link */
a:hover {color:#FF00FF} /* mouse over link */
a:active {color:#0000FF} /* selected link */
<p><b><a href="default.asp" target="_blank">This is a link</a></b></p>
<p><b>Note:</b> a:hover MUST come after a:link and a:visited in the CSS
definition in order to be effective.</p>
<p><b>Note:</b> a:active MUST come after a:hover in the CSS definition in order
to be effective.</p>
14b. The new expression is used to create an object
This includes a call to a constructor
The new operator creates a blank object, the constructor creates and
initializes all properties of the object
Properties of an object are accessed using a dot notation:
Properties are not variables, so they are not declared


An object may be thought of as a Map/Dictionary/Associative-Storage

The number of properties of an object may vary dynamically in JavaScript
15. Use alert box, create a button and textfield and display the output using alert box()
16. Create Mysql user.
Change the MySQL root password when logging in to the server.
# mysqladmin password student
Access is now denied without password. Use p switch
Login as mysql u root p
 Also use mysql database and grant privileges for a new user.
 Mysql>USE mysql;
Database changed
 Apache user can do everything within the database, but cannot delete people
 The user apache can access people database from localhost only.
 The IDENTIFIED BY clause sets the apache users password to LampIsCool.
 Login as
 $ mysql u apache -p
17a. When the POST method is used, the query string can be read from standard
The CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable tells how many
characters can be read
When The GET method is used, the query string is given by the value of the
environment variable QUERY_STRING.
17b. Three traversal phases are defined
In the capturing phase each node from the document root to the target node,
in order, is examined.
If the node is not the target node and there is a handler for that event at the
node and
The handler is enabled for capture for the node, the handler is executed.
Then all handlers registered for the target node, if any, are executed.
In the bubbling phase each node from the parent of the target node to the root
node, in order, is examined.
18. The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a protocol describing a standard
way of providing server-side active web content
Under circumstances determined by the server, an HTTP request will
cause a program to run


The output from the program will be the response returned to the client
making the request

There are several common ways a web server can use to determine if a web
request should cause a CGI program to execute
Usually, the determination is based on the target of the request
Certain directories can be designated as containing CGI programs
Often cgi-bin is used
Certain file extensions can be designated as signifying a CGI program
.pl usually identifies a Perl script.

19a. Writing a CGI program from scratch is very tedious

Creating HTML requires numerous print statements
Retrieving data from the query strings is tricky
One of the reasons for Perls popularity for CGI programming is
the powerful pattern matching facilities which greatly ease the task
of parsing a query string
The Perl module provides numerous functions to help with both of
these problems
19b. Events represent activity in the environment including, especially, user
actions such as moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard
An event handler is a program segment designed to execute when a certain event
Events are represented by JavaScript objects
Registration is the activity of connecting a script to a type of event

20. Event
Tag Attribute
Write a note on each of these events.


21a. Properties of the navigator object allow the script to determine characteristics
of the browser in which the script is executing
The appName property gives the name of the browser
The appVersion gives the browser version.
21b. The position property specifies the position mode
Value is absolute or relative or static
Absolute position specifies where an element appears relative to the containing
In static position mode, the default, elements are placed left to right, top to bottom
The top and left properties are ignored for static positioning
Relative position mode allows changing position relative to where the element
would be with static positioning
This could be used to create superscripts or subscripts by moving text up or down
relative to its normal position.
22. Writing a CGI program from scratch is very tedious
Creating HTML requires numerous print statements
Retrieving data from the query strings is tricky
One of the reasons for Perls popularity for CGI programming is
the powerful pattern matching facilities which greatly ease the task
of parsing a query string
Shortcut functions return string values containing HTML code
Note, the string must be printed out to actually become part of the
Some functions take no arguments
print br;
puts the tag <br/> into the response
Some functions can be given a single argument which becomes the content of the
print h1(A Header)
<h1>A Header</h1>
into the response
23. <html>
<title> Dynamic colors </title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
<!-// ******************************************************** //
// The event handler function to dynamically set the


// color of background or foreground

function setColor(where, newColor) {
if (where == "background") = newColor;
else = newColor;
// ******************************************************** //
// -->
<p style = "font-family: Times; font-style: italic;
font-size: 24pt" >
This small page illustrates dynamic setting of the
foreground and background colors for a document
<form action = "">
Background color:
<input type = "text" name = "background"
size = "10"
onchange = "setColor('background',
this.value)" />
<br />
Foreground color:
<input type = "text" name = "foreground"
size = "10"
onchange = "setColor('foreground',
this.value)" />
<br />

<!-- This is dynLink.html

Illustrates dynamic font styles and colors for links
<title> Dynamic fonts for links </title>


<style type = "text/css">

.regText {font: Times; font-size: 16pt;}
<p class = "regText">
The state of
<a style = "color: blue;"
onmouseover = " = 'red'; = 'italic 26pt Times';"
onmouseout = " = 'blue'; = 'normal 26pt Times';">
Washington </a>
produces many of our nation's apples.

24. <!-- showHide.html

Illustrates visibility control of elements
<title> Visibility control </title>
<script type = "text/javascript">
<!-// ******************************************************** //
// The event handler function to toggle the visibility
// of the airplane image
function flipImag() {
dom = document.getElementById("airplane").style;
// Flip the visibility adjective to whatever it is not now
if (dom.visibility == "visible")
dom.visibility = "hidden";
dom.visibility = "visible";
// -->


<form action = "">
<div id = "airplane" style = "position: relative;
visibility: hidden;">
<img src = "../images/c172.gif"
alt = "(Picture of airplane)" />
<br />
<input type = "button" value = "Toggle airplane"
onclick = "flipImag()" />


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