By Zac and Brody

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How the

during The

By Zac and

Emperor Augustus
Emperor bought this peace about
by conquering all political rivals for
the leadership of Rome. He brought
peace same as God and church.

Constantine the great ( Saint Constantine)

Was a Roman emperor between 306 to
337 AD. He was the first Christian
emperor it is a significant figure in the
history of Christianity.He rebuilt the city
and renamed it comstintopl after him self.

First seven Ecumenical Councils

In the history of Christianity , the first
seven ecumenical councils, from the
fist council of Nicaea to the second
council of Nicaea. Each one
represented to reach an orthodox
consensus to establish a unified
Christendomas the state Church of
the Roman Empire.

Anti Christian policies in the Roman Empire
occurred quite frequently over a period of
time.Its ended when Emperor Comstantine
the Great and Licinius legalised Christianity in
the Roman Empire. These persecutions of the
Roman Empire were carried out by local
authorities. Often according to the whims of
the local community. During the reign of
Constantine the Great the persecution of the
pagans began.

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