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Budget 2015-16

Total outlay 4451.3 billion, 3.5% higher than previous budget

Resources available during the year 4168 billion which is 4073 billion in previous

Net Revenue receipt 2463.4 billion and increase of 10.7% from previous year.
Provincial share in federal taxes is Rs.1849.4 billion which is 7% increase from

previous year.
Capital Receipt has been estimated 606.3 billion which is 12.2% drease from

previous year.
External Receipt Rs.751.5 billion an increase of 12.1% from previous budget.
Current Expenditure 3482.2 billion, which is 78.2% of total budget.
Development Expenditure 969 billion, which is 21.8% of total budget.
To meet expenditure bank borrowing 282.9 billion which is low from previous

Net revenue receipt

Tax revenue receipt 3418221 million which is in previous year 2910180 million.
Non Tax Revenue 894524 million which is in previous year 1042292 million.
Gross Revenue Receipt 4312745 million, in previous year 3952472 million.
Net Revenue Receipt 2643351 million, in previous year 2377763 million.

Capital Receipt:

Recovery of loans and advances 89860 million in previous year 75613 million.
Public Debt 395208 million, in previous year 317298 million.
Disbursement 133035 million, in previous year 77536 million.
Net Capital Receipt 606303 million, in previous year 602954 million.

External Resources: (in million)

External loans 727533 in previous year 662357.

External grants 23978 in previous year 30331

Total External Resources 751511 in previous year 692587.

Distribution of Revenues:
Tax sources for federal are following:

Taxes on Income
Wealth Tax
Capital Value Tax
Tax on sale, Purchase, Imports & Exports
Export duty on cotton
Custom Duties
Federal Excise Duty
Any other taxes which may be levied by the Federal Government

1% of total revenue is given to KPK Govt for War.

Allocation of Shares for Provincial Government:

The province wise ratio of Pool Taxes are based on these indicators and their respective

Population 82%
Poverty and Backwardness 10.3%
Revenue collection or generation 5%
Inverse Population density 2.7%

Percentage Distribution of amount among Provinces:

Baluchistan 9.09%
KPK 14.62%
Punjab 51.74%
Sindh 24.55%

Provincial sharing in Federal Tax: (In million)

Devisable Pool Taxes 1746239, in previous year 1476554

Straight transfers 102379, in previous year 97415.
GST on services 777, in previous year 740.
Total amount is 1849394 in previous 1574709.

Detail of Current Expenditure: (In million)

Markup Payment 1279895, in previous 1270037.

Pension 231000 in previous 219958.
Defense Affairs and Services 781162, in previous 720002.
Grant and transfer 409875 in previous 418665.
Subsidies 137603 in previous 243248.
Running of civil Govt 326332 in previous 313294
Salary 193850, previous 175928
Non Salary 129481, previous 137366
Others 3000, previous 3000.
Foreign loan repayment 316373, previous 295586

Total Current Expenditure 3482239, in previous 3480790.

Public orders and safety affairs: (in million)

Law courts 4396 in previous 4024.

Fire protection 171, in previous 155.
Prison administration and operation 36 in previous 33.
R&D public order and safety 29, in previous 25.
Administration of public order 2754, in previous 2619.
Total 94899, in previous 87598.

Growth Rate:

Current growth rate is 4.24% which is 4.03% in previous year that show increase
in growth of economy 0.21%.

Per Capita Income:

Current per capita income is 1512$ in previous year 1384 that show increase

Inflation Rate:

Current inflation rate is 4.6% which is at minimum level in last decade.

Fiscal Deficit:

Fiscal Deficit in current budget is 5% that is 5.5% in previous year.

Interest Rate:

Policy Rate of SBP was 10% in November 2013, which has now been cut to 7%
during the current fiscal year. This is the lowest policy rate in decades. This policy
is develop to enhance the investment in business.


Current Exports are $20.18 billion, in previous year exports are $20.83 billion,
show decrease 3.2% in exports. This decrease due the fall in prices of goods,
Quantity wise exports are large.


Imports in this year are $34.09 billion in previous year $34.65 billion which show
a decline 1.61%. But Machinery imports are increased 10%.

Foreign Remittances:

Remittances were recorded at $12.89 billion during Jul-Apr 2013-14, rose to

$14.97 billion for the same period this year, showing an increase of 16.14%.

Exchange Rate:

Exchange Rate has shown remarkable stability in the last more than a year, rate
is normally remain round about 100.

Foreign Exchange Reserves:

The State Bank reserves were at $6 billion, of which $2 billion were due to a
swap that was payable in August and nearly $3.2 billion were falling due for
repayments to IMF during the year, bulk of which in the first half. On 10th
February 2014, SBPs reserves had further declined to $2.7 billion. Resultantly,
the overall reserves, including those held by commercial banks, were $7.7 billion.

Stock Exchange Index:

Previous Govt 19,916 points and now 34,000 points show increase of 70%.
Market Capitalization increase 40%.

Incorporation of new companies:

In previous era 3664 companies are registered current 4100 companies are
newly registered that show increase 11.9%.

Health affairs and services:

For health affairs and services expenditures projected expenditures are RS

11,010 million from 2015-16 against RS 10,124 million for 2014-15. It means they

are 9.9% higher as compare to budget for 2014-15.

Major portion in health affairs and services is of hospital services as RS 9,133
million are estimated for this as compared to RS 8,296 million of budget 2014-15

(10.08% higher as compared to budget 2014-15).

For health administration estimated amount is RS 1,426 million and it was RS 1,345
million in previous year budget (6.02% higher than budget 2014-15).

Benazir Income Support Program (BISP):

In June 2013 size of Benazir Income Support Program is Rs. 40 billion, during
this year size is Rs. 97 billion and further enhance the allocation in future to

Rs. 102 billion which show that an increase of 155% since 2012-13.
In 2012-13 the cash transfer program was covering 4.1 million families, which
would be taken to 5.0 million during the current year. By end of next financial
year the number of beneficiary families would increase to 5.3 million, showing
an increase of 29% since 2012-13.

Development & Promotion of ICT Sector:

Project for Universal Telecasters with an investment of Rs.12 billion.

500 telecenters are established in all provinces

For this purpose 217 land sites across Pakistan are selected
Govt has decide to connect with remote area with Optic Fiber Cables.
For Optic Fiber Cables Govt invest 2.8 billion.

Govt invest Rs.31 billion for water projects in different parts of country.
For Diamir Bhasha Dam that store 4.7MAF of water and generate electricity
of 4500 MW, provide Rs.15 billion for land acquisition and Rs.6 billion for
Dasu is another hydrpowr project that generate 2160 MW.

For power Govt allocate Rs 248 billion that was last year Rs.200 billion and Govt aimed
is that they finished the Load Shedding in 2017.

Other Projects:
Rs.52 billion have been allocated for Dasu Hydro Power Project which will
produce 2160 MW of power.
Rs.21 billion have been allocated for land acquisition and construction of DiamirBhasha Dam.
Rs.11 billion have been allocated for Neelum Jhelum Hydro Power Project having
a capacity of 969 MW.
Rs.11 billion have been allocated for completion of Tarbela-IV Extension Hydro
Power Project with a capacity of 1410 MW.
Rs.5 billion have been allocated for Up-gradation of Guddu Power Project having
a capacity of 747 MW.

Govt allocated Rs.185 billion for construction of roads, highways and bridges,
compared to last year allocation of Rs.112 billion, which is an increase of 65%.

In this budget, we have allocated Rs.78 billion, of which Rs.41 billion are in PSDP
for 52 development schemes and Rs.37 billion for pay & pensions of railway
Some others development in Railway:

Works on doubleing the Tracks

159 weak briges will be completed in June 2017
170 new engines
100 old engines are repaired
1500 new bogies

Development of Gawadar:
Rs.3 billion are being allocated in 2015-16 for New Gawadar International Airport
A provision of Rs.2 billion has been made for Gawadar Development Authority in
next budget, and
For necessary facilities of water treatment, supply its distribution in Gawadar, we
are making a substantial allocation of Rs.3 billion.

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