ERP Blog 9

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The department forms consist of 3 masters, 9 data entry forms, 1 processing
activity and 8 reports.
1. Maintenance code
2. Employee weekly off days
3. Activities master
Data entry:

Machine service request

Machine service details
Power consumption
Purchase indent
Material requisition
Calibration data entry
Shift employee list
Activity list

1. Stores requisitions of stock items
2. Preventive maintenance schedule

Calibration due dates

Machine breakdown history reasonwise
Equipment list
Employee list tradewise
Activities due
Activities overdue
Monthly report

1 Maintenance code Various faults or servicing required are given specific
code numbers in this master. These codes are useful for analyzing the data about
maintenance work carried out.

2 Employee weekly off days Since maintenance dept. has to work all 7
days in a week, the employees in the dept. have staggered weekly off days. The list
of weekly offs for all the employees in the dept. is given in this master.
3 Activities master - A list of activities which are to be monitored (and can
be) in the department are listed in this master; e.g. preventive maintenance
activities in the various cost centers, putting lubricating oil in machines, checking of
certain type (e.g. fire fighting) equipments for proper functioning etc.

Data entry
1 Machine service request When a machine is under breakdown or
requires service, this request is raised by the cost center supervisor. He is expected
to give the details such as whether the fault is electrical, mechanical or some other
and the possible cause for the fault developed. Though all the forms in the system
are visible to others (except the originator and the approver) only after they are
approved, this form is an exception and is visible to maintenance person as soon as
it is raised by the supervisor.
2 Machine service details After the service request is received by
maintenance dept., the job is allocated to employee/s and entry is made in this form
giving details of request number, employee attending and starting time of work on
the job. Once the job is completed satisfactorily, finishing time of the work, spares
used, if any, and the remarks of the maintenance supervisor are entered against the
original entry and got this checked by the originating cost center supervisor. In case
there is any delay in performing the job, it is mentioned in the form alongwith the
reason/s for delay.
3 Power consumption The daily power consumption figure for the factory
(and if possible, cost centerwise break up) is given in this form. At the bottom of the
form, total consumption for the month is given.
4 Purchase indent Purchase indents are raised for the items required for
the maintenance of the machines/ equipment. Guidance from design dept. is taken
for preparing item master for new item. Requirement of the stock items for every
quarter (based on past data and expected consumption) is given to planning which
raises stock items indents for all the departments together. The maintenance dept.
is informed the frequency and days/dates of receipts of various stock items.
5 Material requisition Maintenance dept. gives stores requisition to draw
non-stock items from stores. For stock items, planning prepares (in the system)
table for stock items requisitions according to arrival days/dates for the items for all
the cost centers and maintenance draws the material as per these requisitions. In
case the consumption of item/s is more or less than the quantity received, the dept.
discusses that with planning and the if necessary, quantity in the schedule given to
supplier is modified (through materials dept.).
6 Calibration data entry Similar to production dept. maintenance dept.
also makes entry when any of the equipment is calibrated.
7 Shift Employee List Change in shift duty in maintenance may be or may
not be the same as in production. Before the last day of change in shift duty, the

present shift employee list is opened, new record in menu bar is clicked. The
period for the next shift duties is changed to new period, existing list remains
displayed and new column is added for new shift duty. New shift are allocated
against each name, checked for accuracy and the list is saved. Once the list is
saved, the existing shift duty column is wiped out. While approving the list also,
both existing and new shift duty columns are shown and once approved, the
existing shift duty column is wiped out.
8 Reminder An employee can add reminders for the things he wants to
carry out at particular time on a specific day. He has to enter date, time and action
required in brief.
9 Activity list - There are some activities which cannot be captured in the
system when completed. The list of such activities is given in this form. Entry of
completion of such activity has to be done manually in the form. Once this entry is
done, the activity would not be shown as due/overdue activity.

1 Stores requisitions of stock items - Process for stock item requisition is
to be carried out daily by maintenance personnel. The system would copy item list
from table for stock items requisitions (prepared by planning dept.) which are given
in the table.
2 Preventive maintenance schedule This may not be possible in the
initial stages of the project since there is not sufficient data. But after some period
when lot of data is gathered in the system, it can suggest preventive maintenance
on some machines which require regular maintenance for breakdown. The system
locates the common reason for breakdown of a machine frequently and suggests
the preventive maintenance on the machine.

1 Calibration due dates Similar to production dept. the next due dates for
calibration of the equipment in the dept. are given in this report.
2 Machine breakdown history reasonwise Based on machine service
details entries, the reasonwise breakdown history is listed in this report for all the
machines, equipment those are serviced by the dept.
3 Equipment list in Maintenance This report gives the list of all
equipment that belongs to maintenance dept.
4 Employee list tradewise The list of all the employees in the dept. is
given in this list. The information about trade of the employee is also shown.
5 Reminder The reminder an employee has set would be shown at that
time as a small window irrespective of what he is doing. He can also see the list of
future reminders he has entered as a report.

6 Activities due Activities expected to be completed within next 7 days as

per schedule of maintenance prepared by dept. head are given in this report for the
7 Activities overdue - The activities which are not completed as per the
requirement are listed in this report.

8 Monthly report The number of breakdowns in a month, tradewise manhours spent on these, the recurring breakdowns on a machine are listed in the
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