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9th March 2010

‫السلم عليكم و رحمة ا و بركاته‬

Dear parents,

Math - End of Chapter 6 Test – Tuesday 16th March 2010

We will have the end of chapter 6 math test on Tuesday, insha’ Allah. Please help your
son prepare for this by revising the skills found in the topics below with him. The
math’s homework book mirrors the lessons that we cover in class and it is sufficient to
use for preparing for the chapter test.

For the days of the week and the months of the year, he only needs to know the order
that they come in. He does not need to be able spell or read them. The questions for
these two areas will show a sequence (which will be read aloud for him) and he’ll have
to circle what day/month comes next from a choice of four.

I have put a copy of an example (not the actual test) of how the chapter test will look on
the class website in the math’s section.

Topic Page Number in Practice Book

Minutes 64
Understanding the Hour and Minute Hands 65
Telling and Writing Time to the Hour 66
Telling and Writing Time to the Half Hour 67
Act it Out 68
Ordering Events 69
Estimating Lengths of Time 70
Use Data from a Schedule 71
Days of the Week 72
Months of the Year 73

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