Past Continuous: Affirmative Form Negative Form

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The Past Continuous Tense is formed by the verb To Be in the past + a verb in the ING form:





I was woking

I wasnt working

Was I working?

Yes, I was.
No, I wasnt.

You were working

You werent working

Were you working?

Yes, I was.
No, I wasnt.

He was working

He wasnt working

Was he working?

Yes, he was.
No, he wasnt.

She was working

She wasnt working

Was she working?

Yes, she was.

No, she wasnt.

It was working

It wasnt working

Was it working?

Yes, it was.
No, it wasnt.

We were working

We werent working

Were we working?

Yes, we were.
No, we werent.

You were working

You werent working

Were you working?

Yes, we were.
No, we werent.

They were working

They werent working

Were they working?

Yes, they were.

No, they werent.

What o que, qual

Who quem

Where onde

What time que horas

When quando

Why por que

What were you doing yesterday?

I was playing volleyball.

Where were you playing volleyball?

I was playing volleyball at the club.

When were you playing volleyball?

I was playing volleyball in the afternoon.

Who were you playing volleyball with?

I was playing volleyball with my friends.

What time were you and your friends We were playing volleyball at 4 p.m.

playing volleyball?
Why were you playing volleyball?

We were playing volleyball because well

have a competition next Saturday.


1) Verbs ending in E- drop the E and add ING:

take taking

write writing

make making

live living

organize organizing

give giving

2) Verbs ended in CVC (consonant + vowel + consonant), double the last consonant and
add ING:

get getting

stop stopping

run running

jog jogging

set setting
4) Verbs ended in IE, change the IE by Y and add ING:

lie lying

die dying

5) Other verbs, add ING.

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