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W etla n ds.

B u i ld i n g To g et h er.

table of contents
Executive Summary
Company History & Industry Profile
Competitive Analysis
Target Audience
Key Brand Issues
Timing Considerations
Web Presence Audit & SWOT
Marketing Goal
Advertising Goal
New Media Goals
Media Mix
Direct Mail Marketing
Special Event
Content Marketing
Email Marketing
New Media Vehicles
Campaign Blogs
Google Hangout
Wetlands Website
New Media Measurements
Budget Breakdown
Direct Mail
Special Event
Email Marketing
Flow Chart
JAG Communications


Executive Summary
The Building Together campaign aims to create a widespread
dialogue about the importance of wetlands conservation in Panama.
By engaging commercial real estate executives with a unique
content marketing strategy, Wetlands International will inspire
organizational culture change across the commercial real estate
sector as firms recognize the value and importance of wetland
areas. Building Together willll feature a campaign blog on Wetlands
Internationals website, which will share expertise and insight
focused in three areas: the current work of Wetlands International,
wetlands and sustainable property development and wetlands
benefits to society. These focus areas will provide the commercial
real estate sector with valuable information and recommendations
regarding the importance of wetlands conservation and sustainable
property development.
Recognizing the power of engagement in developing a successful
campaign, Wetlands International will host quarterly Google
Hangouts to update the commercial real estate sector on current
initiatives and discuss content shared on the campaign blog. During
the course of the campaign year, Building Together will create
valuable opportunities for conservation groups and commercial
real estate firms to work together in protecting wetlands for future
generations in Panama.

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Company History
Wetlands International is a global non-governmental organization (NGO)
dedicated to the conservation of wetlands. Founded in 1937 as the International
Wildfowl Inquiry, Wetlands International has more than a half-century of
experience protecting wetlands and the diversity of wildlife that calls these vital
habitats home. With 16 offices across Africa, Asia, Oceania and Latin America,
Wetlands International works to provide scientific research and tools that
assist in the implementation of government policies, agreements and treaties
promoting wetlands conservation. The work of Wetlands Internationals 150
employees worldwide is financed on a project basis by governments and private

Industry Profile
The Global Architectural Services industry includes companies involved in
the planning and development of residential, institutional, commercial, and
industrial buildings (Morea, 2015). In 2010, the industry quickly rebounded from
a brief decline and demand increased for architectural services, supported by
government-funded projects in emerging economies. This is a highly important
industry for Wetlands International to be studying and to have background
information on, because this is the audience that the new media plan will be
Wetlands International should be placed in an industry profile category related
towards conservation and non-profits. According to IBIS, the revenue in the

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Global Architectural services is expected to improve over the next five years.
Industry revenue is forecast to grow an average 3.1% per year in the five years
to 2020, reaching $241.4 billion.

Competitive Analysis
When evaluating the competitors of Wetlands International, its important to
identify those conservation organizations that are targeting similar target
audiences of eco-conscious individuals/corporations who have a vested interest
in protecting the environment. These target audiences care about protecting
natural habitats and the animal life that depends on these areas. The following
are examples of competitors in the environmental conservation space.

The panama Audubon society

Founded in 1983, The Panama Audubon Society leads education and conservation
programs aimed at protecting important bird habitats, particularly along the
upper coast of the Bay of Panama and the El Chorogo forest in Chiriqui. Working
with local public schools and rural communities, The Panama Audubon Society
organizes more than 20 birdwatching tours annually throughout the country
and partners with various organizations to support conservation efforts (Nalley,

Association for the Conservation of Nature (ANCON)

ANCON was founded in 1985, and is an organization made up of prominent
scientists, community leaders and business professionals in Panama who share
a vested interest in environmental conservation. The mission of ANCON is to

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protect and conserve Panamas natural resources and biodiversity for present
and future generations of Panamanians. By partnering with public and
private organizations, universities, local businesses and communities , ANCON
works to protect more than 2,200,000 acres of threatened natural spaces
(Travelers Conservation, 2003).

Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation

Founded in 1996, the Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation is a nonprofit made up of conservationists, researchers and professors who operate
a research facility in Boca Del Toro, Panama. This facility offers classes and
biological research opportunities for students at the undergraduate and
graduate levels, in addition to offering conservation workshops for the local
community. The focus of the Institute is more academic and research-based
than other competitors identified above (Institute for Tropical Ecology and
Conservation, 2015).

Target Audience
In an effort to increase awareness of the work of Wetlands International
among corporations in Panama, the campaign will target the executives in the
real estate industry with strategic messaging that communicates the value
of protecting wetlands areas. By targeting decision-making individuals in
management positions, the hope is to impact organizational beliefs about the
wetlands as information from the campaign is diffused by influencers at the
top of the organizations down through the ranks. Ultimately, the campaign

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aims to impact the strategic planning of commercial real estate firms as these
organizations become more conscious of the importance of wetlands.
The target audience of decision-makers includes middle-aged business
professionals who are actively engaged in social media who are also invested
in the success of their respective organizations. With this in mind, these
individuals are regularly following trends among stakeholders to align the
values of their organizations with what matters to their consumers. Outside of
work, these business leaders are stakeholders in the community with a vested
interest in the prosperity of local areas.

Key BRand Issues

> Wetlands International is a global non-profit organization, so many of the
projects managed and put on by the organization are financed by donors and
occasionally governments. With this, it is important to keep in mind that there is
not a lot of funds laying around to help generate awareness, knowledge, brand
recognition and to help develop and input a new media strategy plan.
> With 16 different offices, Wetlands International is balancing between the
Panama branch, as well as the other offices. This campaign is solely focused on
the Panama branch, but it still needs the backing, support and resources from
the brand at large.
> This new media plan and campaign only has a budget of $10,000 for a 12
month time frame. Any strategies implemented need to fit within this budget, or
use this budget to generate more donations and support.

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Timing Considerations
In order to carry out the campaign in the most efficient and successful way, it is
crucial for the campaign to follow a specific time frame, considering Panamas
unique weather and seasonal patterns. Panama is faced with several ENSO
events, including El Nio and La Nia. These events strongly affect weather
patterns and temperatures for the people of Panama and they have a huge
impact on the wetlands. Based on research, El Nio results in a wetter than
normal dry season, and La Nia results in a dryer than normal dry season
(Panama Guide). During the rainy season, mornings are exceptionally bright
and sunny, temperatures are in the mid 80s with light breezes and afternoon
thundershowers. Similar temperatures in the wet and rainy season, the dry
season results in no rain.
The dry season in Panama, which locals call summer, is during mid December
to mid April. These months are when tourism is high, and the wetlands are
essentially very dry. The rest of the calendar year is the winter season from
mid April through the middle of the following December. This is when Panama
receives the most rainfall and reaches some lower temperatures. Throughout
the year Panama, especially Panama City, doesnt have much fluctuation in
temperatures, but there are still some seasonal patterns. The months of
March - May have a high of 89 and a low of 88 degrees fahrenheit. The months of
June - August have a high of 87 and a low of 76 degrees fahrenheit. The months
of September - November have a high of high of 85 and a low of 76 degrees
fahrenheit, and November is known to be one of the wettest months. Lastly,
the months of December - February typically have a high of 88 and a low of
75 degrees fahrenheit, and are usually the most sun filled months (The Lonely
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Web Presence Audit

See appendices for images.



> A global conservation organization with offices

around the world - substantial resources and preexisting network of wetlands experts

> Homepage of website is overpopulated with

content, causing confusion for audiences trying to
navigate the page

> Solid web presence - website, accounts across

social media platforms (i.e. Facebook and Twitter)

> Minimal awareness of brand nationally outside of

affected areas

> Good overall branding - including, color scheme

(blues, greens and whites) which support natural,
green brand, company name, company mission

> Mission and Vision statements are too general

without explicitly describe why wetlands and the
work of Wetlands International are so important

> Long terms objectives & goals for the next 10

years are set out in The Strategic Intent (2010-2020)
which is clear direction for the work of Wetlands



> Expand international awareness of the work

of the Wetlands International Panama office,
particularly in nearby countries such as the U.S.

> Other conservation groups such as the Panama

Audubon Society and the Panama Wildlife
Conservation are competing for funding and
support from similar target audiences
> Political corruption in Panama creates a lack of
transparency among government officials

> Create additional partnerships with corporations

in Panama
> Highlight stories of the work specific to Panama
office on website and social media
> Growth with media and technology provides
more promotion

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Marketing goal
> Increase revenue by 15% from corporate donors over the campaign year, using
Wetlands Internationals unique brand positioning / thought leadership

Advertising goal
> Increase brand awareness amongst commercial real estate firms in Panama
by positioning Wetlands International as a thought leader in wetlands
education and conservation

new media goals

> Increase social media engagements by 20% to drive conversations about
wetlands and the mission of the organization.
> Gain three partnering conservation groups as contributors to the campaign
> Generate 15% more traffic to Wetlands International website, using the blog to
peak readers interest in the work of the organization
> Include three participants in first quarter Hangout, six participants in second
quarter, nine participants in the third quarter and 12 participants in the fourth

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The overarching goal of the campaign is to create a movement around
wetlands conservation in Panama, pooling the people and resources of existing
conservation groups to create an important dialogue discussing the current
status of wetlands in the country. In this way, Wetlands Internationals campaign
will feature the organization as a thought leader in conservation around the
country, while utilizing the unique insights from various influencers to reach
a larger audience. Across the campaign blog, email marketing and Google
Hangouts, Wetlands International will use its expertise in wetlands conservation
to provide commercial real estate firms with recommendations on developing
properties that are environmentally responsible. In turn, Wetlands International
will use its thought leadership to communicate the importance of wetlands
in Panama and encourage commercial real estate firms to partner with and
donate to the organization. In order to keep the campaign fresh in the minds of
commercial real estate professionals, Wetlands International will promote the
blog through social media channels such as LinkedIn and Twitter. By promoting
the blog on these channels, the campaign will achieve its objective of increasing
social media engagement while also encouraging more traffic to visit the
Wetlands website.

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Media Mix
direct mail marketing
In January of 2016, Wetlands International will launch the Building Together
campaign by mailing deliverables to the executives of commercial real estate
firms that currently manage properties in or near Panama City. Targeting
executives in corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability
capacities, Wetlands International will use these deliverables to introduce
the Building Together campaign and educate individuals about the work of
Wetlands International. In February, Wetlands International will mail a second
round of deliverables to real estate executives inviting them to join Wetlands
International at a cocktail hour celebrating the campaign launch. The final
round of direct mail will be sent in June to update individuals about the
campaign progress to that point.

Special event
The kick-off event for the Building Together campaign will provide a unique
opportunity to bring together various influencers across the commercial
real estate industry at a fun, casual cocktail hour. In addition to sharing
information about Wetlands Internationals campaign blog, the organization
will also introduce the Google Hangouts that will be taking place at the end of
each quarter. At the event, commercial real estate professionals will be able
to voluntarily join Wetlands Internationals emailing list to receive campaign
updates during the course of the year. The primary purpose of this event is
to build excitement around the Building Together campaign and encourage
engagement with the commercial real estate sector.
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Content marketing
Content marketing via the campaign blog is strategic because the channel
serves dual purposes. While sharing information related to the three campaign
focus areas (Current Work of Wetlands International, Wetlands and Sustainable
Property Development and Wetlands Benefits to Society) it will also drive
traffic to other content available on Wetlands Internationals website as curious
readers will be inclined to explore additional Wetlands International content
available online.

email marketing
Using the email addresses collected from the campaign kick-off event and B2B
email lists, Wetlands International will provide updates about the campaign
blog at the end of each month in addition to information regarding the Google
Hangouts. Email marketing will allow Wetlands International to increase
commercial real estate professionals engagement with campaign messaging.

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New Media vehicles

campaign blog
To create this dialogue, the campaign will use content marketing via a blog
on the Wetlands International website that will feature new blog posts on a
bi-weekly basis. These posts will be organized into three focus areas including
Current Work of Wetlands International, Wetlands and Sustainable Property
Development and Wetlands Benefits to Society, and will feature a variety of
content including infographics, Q&A interviews with experts and feature stories.
During the 2016 calendar year, there will be 24 total blog posts, featuring at
least one post from a partnering conservation group every two months (there
will be 6 blog posts from partners). Posts from partnering organizations such
as The Panama Audubon Society and the Association for the Conservation of
Nature will present information relevant to the three focus areas, in order to
create a consistent conversation.

google hangout
In an effort to increase engagement beyond content marketing, the campaign
will utilize Google Hangouts at the end of each quarter to provide a forum
for commercial real estate professionals and Wetlands International
representatives to discuss current wetlands issues. Additionally, these Google
Hangouts will allow Wetlands International the opportunity to brief the
commercial real estate sector on ways in which companies can promote and
support conservation efforts. These discussions will be invaluable in creating
partnerships between Wetlands International and commercial real estate firms
developing properties in Panama. Google Hangout will be an invaluable tool
in bringing campaign stakeholders together because it allows for individuals

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in different locations to connect with one another in real time. In hosting a

virtual meeting, there are no travel expenses, venue considerations or meeting
logistics that will hinder individuals from attending.

wetlands website
The Wetlands International website will host the campaign blog so that all
blog and general site traffic is directed to web pages owned by Wetlands versus
third party sites. To encourage commercial real estate professionals to explore
content outside of the Wetlands International blog, each post will include
embedded links to other online resources offered by the organization.

The Wetlands International website will host the campaign blog so that all
blog and general site traffic is directed to web pages owned by Wetlands versus
third party sites. To encourage commercial real estate professionals to explore
content outside of the Wetlands International blog, each post will include
embedded links to other online resources offered by the organization.

Wetlands International will also post a more in-depth summary of the blog post
to the organizations LinkedIn page, encouraging business professionals to visit
the blog and read the entirety of the post. Four to five sentences in length, these
posts will briefly explain why blog posts are relevant to commercial real estate
professionals and why they should click on the embedded links to read the entire
blog on Wetlands Internationals website.

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campaign blog
> Page Views
> Number of Subscribers
> Number of Comments / Feedback

google hangouts
> Number of Attendees

wetlands website
> Website Traffic
> Different Page Views / Top Pages
> Duration of Stay on Website
> Number of Unique Visitors
> Geographic Location of Visitors

> Number of Retweets
> Number of Favorites
> Number of Followers

> Number of Connections
> Number of Followers
> Number of Post Likes
> Number of Post Shares
> Number / Content of Post Comments

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Direct Mail ($500)



Email Marketing ($1,500)

Special Event ($4,000)

budget breakdown
direct mail
With each round of direct mail, Wetlands International will be sending between
50 and 75 deliverables to commercial real estate professionals in Panama.
Stamps cost 49 cents each, so total postage will cost approximately $75 and
$115. The remaining budget will be used for envelopes, cardstock, production
and printing.

special event
To celebrate the launch of Building Together, Wetlands International will host
a cocktail hour for commercial real estate executives in Panama City. The
allocated budget includes the venue rental and hors doeuvres.

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email marketing
To maximize the reach of Wetlands Internationals email marketing efforts
among commercial real estate professionals, the organization will purchase
B2B email lists at an approximate cost of $.50 per contact, or $500 CPM. This
will provide Wetlands International with 3,000 names of commercial real
estate professionals in Panama to target with email marketing at the end of
each month during the campaign.

Flow chart

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Plan limitations
There are a couple of potential limitations that could hinder the success of
the campaign, although they are not likely to occur. First, if commercial real
estate professionals disregard the direct mail marketing, they will be unaware
of the campaign as well as the special event to mark its launch. Secondly,
campaign success depends on the ability of Wetlands International to establish
meaningful two-way dialogue with commercial real estate professionals in
Panama. As a result, low participation and attendance in the Google Hangouts
could be detrimental to Wetlands Internationals efforts in building personal
relationships with the commercial real estate sector.

Future strategy / plans

Following the Building Together campaign, Wetlands International will be able
to expand the campaign blog to include original content from commercial real
estate firms describing the manner in which their business practices promote
wetlands conservation. In this way, Wetlands International will be pushing
less of its own content into the public sphere, while encouraging third parties
to join the conversation. The content created by commercial real estate firms
will likely come out of insights gained during the Building Together campaign.
Additionally, Wetlands International will ultimately expand the number of
partnering conservation organizations contributing content to the blog. While
the campaign aims to include three contributors in 2016, this number will be
doubled or even tripled in coming years. Similarly, the Google Hangouts will

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be expanded to include commercial real estate professionals, government

officials and members of the general public. Using the existing global network
of Wetlands International, the Panama office will ultimately expand both
the blog and the Google Hangouts to include members of the international
community discussing conservation issues as they relate to countries around
the world.

synopsis plan / call to action for client

The Building Together campaign uses content marketing via a campaign blog
on Wetlands Internationals website to create a dialogue with commercial
real estate executives in Panama. By featuring information outlining the
importance and benefits of wetlands and sustainable development, Wetlands
International will use the campaign blog as a means of increasing corporate
donations and establishing strategic partnerships with commercial real estate
firms in Panama. Building Together features a robust media mix to promote
the campaign blog across direct mail, email and social networks.
In order for wetlands conservation to become a priority across the commercial
real estate sector, Wetlands international must create a movement of
conservation experts, commercial real estate professionals, government
officials and members of the general public sharing information and best
practices for future development. Building Together is an important first step
in connecting individuals and organizations with the ability and resources to
make a lasting impact on Panamas wetlands.

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About Us. Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation. N.d. Web.


About Us. Audubon Panama. N.d. Web.
Association for the Conservation of Nature. Travelers Conservation Trust.

N.d. Web.

Essential Information. The Lonely Planet. N.d. Web.
Morea, Stephen. IBISWorld Industry Report 31134. Global Architectural

Services. Jan.2015. Web. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.

Nalley, J.H. Environmental Organizations in Panama. Made in Central

America. N.p., 1 Aug. 2011. Web.


Weather, Wind and Rain. Panama N.d. Web.


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web presence audit

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web presence audit

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web presence audit

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