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Alpha Particle Scattering

1. The diagram shows the paths of three -particles moving towards a thin gold foil.

Particle A is moving directly towards a gold nucleus.

Particle B is moving along a line which passes close to a gold nucleus. Particle C is
moving along a line which does not pass close to a gold nucleus.
(a) On the diagram, complete the paths of the -particles A, B and C.
(b) State how the results of such an experiment, using large numbers of -particles,
provides evidence for the existence of nuclei in gold atoms.
2. In Geiger and Marsdens -particle scattering experiment, a-particles were directed
at a very thin gold foil.
The diagram shows five of the nuclei of the atoms in one layer in the gold foil. Also
shown are the paths of three a-particles directed at the foil.

(a) On the diagram, complete the paths of the three -particles.

(b) (i) What result of the experiment confirmed that an atom consisted of a very tiny
charged core, containing almost all the mass of the atom?
(ii) What is the sign of the charge on this core?
(iii) What occupies the space between these charged cores?
3. In a famous experiment, carried out in a vacuum, a very thin sheet of gold was
placed in the path of alpha particles.
It was found that a large number of the alpha particles passed through the sheet with
little or no deflection from their original path. A very small number of the alpha
particles were reflected back towards the source.
(a) Explain, in terms of the force acting, why the direction of motion of an alpha
particle changes when it comes close to the nucleus of a gold atom.
(b) State two conclusions, about the nuclei of atoms, that were made from the results
of this experiment.
4. The diagram shows the -particles from the uranium source being directed at a very
thin gold foil, in a vacuum.

To investigate the scattering of -particles, a detector is moved to different positions

around the very thin gold foil and measurements are recorded.
Describe the results from this scattering experiment and explain what they show about
the structure of atoms.

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