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The Little Black Book Of Mind Power Secrets Of Instant Manifestation

by Michael Selim

Copyright 2013
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of author and
publisher. contact :

All the material contained in this book is provided for educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility can be taken
for any results or outcomes resulting from the use of this material.
While every attempt has been made to provide information that is both accurate and effective, the author does not assume any
responsibility for the accuracy or use/misuse of this information.

Table of Contents
The Key
Mind Shifters
Free Will Power
Subliminal Perception
Thought Forms

In this book, we will continue to discover the mysteries of the human mind, its hidden powers
and amazing abilities. The best part here is not that those powers and abilities do exist, but that
anyone can have access to them, and use them in his or her daily life.
The most valuable information is the one that adds more experience to us and allows us not
only to look at things and understand reality differently, but one that truly brings change or complete
transformation to our inner and outer world. That's why you will find this book very practical, with
techniques and practices that you can instantly try and see for yourself how everything works.
I truly believe that, until now we are only using a very small percentage of what we can really
do, spiritually and physically, because both sides affect and reflect each other. Modern technology,
with all its glory and huge positive impact, intentionally or unintentionally, damaged our spiritual
Today it's much harder to restore the missing balance within, as it was hundreds of years ago.
Because it became tougher to motivate people to even try Why practice telepathic communication
techniques when I can simply pick up my cell phone or laptop and not only talk to anyone, but visually
communicate with anyone, instantly!...The only thing left that could motivate most of us to do such a
thing and keep looking, learning and practicing, is the feel/need of personal self-power, which is
something that no one or anything cannot take away from us.
That's enough to start the first step, but it should not last long, because there are much more
important and more beautiful gains in learning and practicing spiritual/mind power techniques.
In this book, you will read different kinds of mind power techniques; some of them may sound
familiar to you, while others may be entirely unknown or even weird! What I am trying to do here is
to take you away, step by step, from the common mind power practices and invite you to experience
and discover unknown territories. At the same time, I am not going to cut the way back entirely. You
still can use the techniques that you feel more comfortable with, and simply ignore anything that your
mind cannot accept for any reason.
You will find techniques that require only one word to be done effectively, and you will also
find complicated techniques that need practice and time.
In both cases, if you understand the core principles of any one of them, and followed the simple
steps as explained, you are almost 100% guaranteed to achieve the results that you want. Regardless
of your personal preferences or convictions.
Last step is up to you. The law of action and re-action is a universal law that we all have to
respect. If you take action, a re-action must happen. However, if you do not, nothing will change. You
can blame anything or anyone you wish to feel better for a while, but unfortunately eventually; you
will have to face your demons and take a step forward.
And just in case you are asking, the answer is:"Now" is the best time to take that step!

The Key
What is consciousness? Consciousness simply means being aware of self and/or the
surrounding environment. Consciousness is not one level or a single state of awareness.
There are different levels of consciousness as there are many levels and states of mind. The
key to mind power abilities is to learn how to alter your state of consciousness at will, to achieve a
specific result.
For example, when you completely relax your mind and body to do visualization techniques,
you are altering/changing your state of mind or altering your consciousness to get access to or contact
or communicate with the subconscious mind. Altering your state of mind, at will, is the key to all
mind power abilities and the one thing that you need to master, to get any mind power technique to
The state of mind that occurs when this mental transformation happens, is known by many
different names. Let's just call it the state of no-mind. Because at this state, or this middle step
between the full and complete conscious level, and the subconscious state that's required to create all
mind power effects.
Altering or changing states of mind or levels of consciousness can be achieved by two ways:
First way, is by using internal action. That simply means to use the mind itself to create the required
change. For example, by changing the subject of attention, or raising emotions. Second way, is by
using external methods, like using medicine or extreme physical activities.
In this book, we will explain the most effective techniques to achieve altered states of
consciousness by using the mind itself without any external efforts. Using the mind itself, provides
you with short and long-term control. It allows you to enter the required state of consciousness at
will, without being limited to specific impractical external methods that would not be useful for
example in urgent situations that need instant action.
However, using the mind itself is the most difficult for many people. That's because sometimes
you will be using the mind against itself. And for that to be achieved, you must completely understand
how the "trick" works, and how to mentally sense and understand that it did not work properly.
It also requires temporary isolation of the inner world of thought and imagination, from the
outer world of physical reality, until the results are achieved. In other words, it requires turning your
complete attention inwards. Sometimes that's hard to do, especially when you're strongly attached mentally and emotionally - to what you want.
What will you need to achieve success with the techniques that you will learn in this book?
Three simple steps: 1 - Open mind and complete understanding 2 - Practice, practice and practice 3 Trial and error.
All techniques are extremely practical and powerful, but because they work with your inner
world, you must understand how each one work very well, try it for as long as it takes until you
master It, and most importantly, you need to realize that once you try it, you should record your
experience with it, think and learn from your success as well as your mistakes. Until you believe that
you mastered the technique and can use it without even thinking about it.
If you read any of my books, you will understand that I prefer being as practical as possible, no
fluff or fillers. I know that there are tons of resources out there, with enough information to keep you

busy for several life times. Only few are providing practicable techniques that anyone can easily
understand, practice and enjoy transforming information into personal real-life experience.
So without further ado, let's get started.

Mind Shifters
This technique is truly easy and extremely effective. Actually, it's one of my favorites! That's
why I am going to start with it and hope that you will experience great results from it.
First of all, this technique works for anything and everything, but you will get faster and more
impressive effects if you use it for simple but urgent/emergency matters. In other words, use it when
you need fast almost instant effects to solve short-term problems, not for long-term goals.
For example, recently I used to get away from a huge traffic jam in the city, and it worked like
magic. Instant result and exactly as I wanted. That's simply how it works, all the time.
All you need to do is to imagine exactly what you want your subconscious mind to create. Be
creative and use your imagination.
Once that's done, you should pick a word that represents what you want. For example, when I
used it for traffic jam, I used the word "push" because I imagined that my subconscious mind is
pushing all cars away, and the road was getting empty!
Last step, is to repeat that word until the desired effect is manifested. You do not have to say it
out loud, you can repeat it in your mind if that's more comfortable for you. The most important thing is
to keep repeating that word.
Another example, let's say that it's cloudy and raining outside, and you want the weather to get
better ... imagine that you can see the view of your area from above, and imagine that rain stopped and
all clouds are started to disappear or move to a different area. After that, you can repeat a word like
... "clear."
When you repeat the word, try to say it in an order-form or voice. It's not a request, or a belief;
it's an order. This specific detail is the core principle behind the technique. So it's critical that you
understand it and do it exactly as I am suggesting.
The reason that it works is simply because: any thought or idea or image in your mind, if/when
you attach your will to it, it will eventually happen.
Your imagination, is like the screen of your computer. All ideas, thoughts and images are like
all applications that you have installed on your computer. When you recall this specific idea or
thought or image, you are running this application or program. How you think/feel about that image or
idea, is the order/click that you give to your mind's processor or the subconscious mind.Your order or
will does not have to be verbal.
You do not have to express it in any form, your imagination already done that. Words are not
necessary at all. We use words to make it easier for us to understand each step in the process,
but not to start it or add any effectiveness to it. It sure helps, especially when your mind is distracted
by too many thoughts or different emotions.
If you're not good at visualization, you can skip that part, but you have to form a very specific
idea about exactly what you want your subconscious mind to do. Afterwards go on with the rest of the
steps and create or pick a word, after that repeat it.
For people with creative imagination and some experience with visualization ... you can use
symbols in your visualization.
Let's say that you have a headache, and you want the pain to stop. You can visualize that this
headache or that pain is like a dark cloud or smoke hovering around your head, then imagine that light

comes from within you light that represents peace, joy and health afterwards visualize that light
gets stronger, and the pain/headache/dark cloud gets weak and starts to disappear. Then repeat a
word like "Gone."
Try not to use negative words and focus on positive words only, words that represent what you
want positively. Do not say words like "Pain stopped" or "Headache Gone" ... because there is
negativity within those words that will keep reminding you of what you do not want. Therefore, it
will create a resistance that you can easily avoid.
It is also equally important if you do not focus your attention on reality, the situation you are
trying to change or the problem that you want to solve. This would kill the effect. Totally ignore
everything and only focus all your attention on what you imagined and what you are saying.
Both should be linked in a way that can keep your mind wondering/swinging between them
whenever you feel that your mind is trying to resist or starting any kind of argument. You are simply
describing what you see in your mind's eye. That's how you should think about it.
When you believe that your repetition is not effective no results yet then remember the
imagined scene or the idea or thought that you first used, imagine the effect taking place and
happening, afterwards hold it in your mind while repeating your power word. Keep that for few
seconds then start repeating the word again.
Do-not compare the image in your mind and reality, for any reason. It's natural that you may be
in the middle of the situation, and you have to pay attention to it...just become a watcher. Forget that
you have-to or that you are performing mind power technique to change it.
Whenever you feel that the required change is slower than you want, focus your attention on
your imagination, then repeat the power word. This mind-shift process is a great example of altered
states of consciousness at will.
This is as easy and as simple as it sounds, no need to make it more complicated just to fill the
pages of this book!
One last thing,
Just do it. Try it now. It works regardless of your beliefs. You do not have to "believe"
anything at all. Follow the steps as explained in this chapter, and results will happen. When? That
depends on what is your goal is. Most of the time, you will see instant results.

Your subconscious mind connects objects to meanings, and then sends the whole coded
package to the memory. Once the object is consciously remembered for any reason, the relevant
code object/meaning - will also be recalled.
In other words, the subconscious mind doesnt care about the object itself, but it only cares
about what it means to you. Based on your past beliefs, experiences, thoughts etc.
Question: Where I can find this language so I can understand it better? The answer : Dreams.
A dream, is a message from your subconscious mind to your conscious mind using nothing but
symbols and codes, most of them collected during your conscious mental activity.
What were going to do, is that were going to reverse this process and will be using the same
symbolic language of dreams to send messages back to the subconscious mind.Before we do that, we
should understand why this is much more powerful than sending direct message such as affirmations
or visualizing what we want.
The reason for that, is that we must get the conscious mind out of-the-way first, before we try to
communicate with the subconscious. Using any kind of direct desires, consciously, would generate
mixed thoughts and feelings unconsciously from your mind. For example, fear of failure and lust for a
specific result.
Those negative thoughts and emotions unconsciously could not only destroy the desired
effect, they can actually reverse it and generate the exact opposite of what you want.
Why do you think you should relax your mind and body completely before you perform any
kind of affirmations or visualizations? Because only in this relaxed-sleepy state, the conscious mind
cant be hyper active enough to interfere with the message that you want to send to your subconscious.
Creative visualization is going to be used with this method so you need to know at least some
basics about it. Visualization is simply the process of using your imagination to visualize specific
scene or event.
With the usual visualization technique you must relax your mind and body and enter a sleepy
state of mind without actually falling into sleep. But in this case, you shouldnt be bothering yourself
about that, but if course if you can then it would be even better.
Next step is to imagine what you want exactly the way you want it as if its happening to you
now. The more senses you use and the more powerful your senses are, the best results you would get.
Dont get this too complicated that it should. What you want is already there. You know it
before you even start the visualization process. The goal of visualization is actually to allow you to
realize that there is nothing missing and the message is delivered as it should to the subconscious or
the higher self.
Another thing to remember is that were not going to use the common visualization process, but
only the basic process of using imagination. And when youll get used to it, you will be able to use it
even when your eyes are wide open! But for now, lets focus on what we already know.
Ok, so now you know that youll visualize it. How this is done exactly? How do you know
what you should visualize? First of all you need to have access to a dreams dictionary. Here are
some resources and you can get many more online easily from any search engine:
You can also use any other resources, such as, a book that you have. The most important thing,
is that you know that this is the most accurate resource based on your own experience or others.
You should also understand that some symbols, could mean different things in different
cultures.For example, in the western or European cultures, the owl is a symbol of wisdom or good
luck. In other cultures, like in the middle eastern societies, its a symbol of bad luck and sometimes
So the trick here, is that you become fully aware of the meaning of each symbol that youre
going to use. Do some basic research and focus on it for a while and try to feel or remember what it
means to YOU.
If youre going to use the wrong symbol doesnt matter what you think or believe you will
get the wrong results. Try to use general symbols when youre just starting and if you dont know or
not sure about any symbol.. simply dont use it.You will find tons of other symbols for the same
desired meaning.
Next step, is to create a dream!
Thats right, you will create a dream.How to do that? Its very easy and should only take few
minutes max. Find a place where you wont be disturbed. And use your imagination.
For example, lets say that your goal is happiness, peace and prosperity.Simply imagine
yourself in day light, NOT at night - swimming in a beautiful ocean, where you can clearly see a
beautiful beach and wonderful blue sky above you.
Try to feel and sense the water, smell the air ... hear the birds.In other words, try to use as
many senses as possible. Keep that image in your mind for few minutes then suddenly open your eyes
and go on with your normal daily life. Like what you usually do when you wake up from a dream.
Lets say, for example, that you have a problem with expressing yourself or your emotions. All
you need to do is to imagine or visualize that youre sailing in a boat! Because from the dreams'
dictionary we learn that boat means: To dream that you are in or see a boat signify your ability to
cope with and express your emotions.
Another symbol that could be used for the same previous goal is wet suit! When you
visualize yourself wearing a wet suit actually means that: you are slowly and safely exploring your
inner feelings and emotions. You are at a point where you are comfortable in acknowledging your
vulnerabilities and feelings.
Once you get more experienced in this, you can use more than one symbol at the same time. For
example, visualizing yourself wearing a wet suit and sailing in a boat.
You may be laughing at this image now but isnt that how most our dreams look like? Lets say
that you want other to know and understand your true power, or that youre in authority. Lets see
what weight lifting means:to dream that you are lifting weights represents your strength and power.
Do not underestimate what one person can do.Alternatively, the dream is a metaphor that you are
flexing your muscle. You want others to know that you are in command.
When you visualize yourself doing weight lifting your telling that exact message to your
subconscious, and thats what your subconscious will reflect on your life.
Remember when I told you that when you say: a car, your subconscious understands something
totally different? Lets see what exactly it understands from this symbol:to dream that you are driving
a car denotes your ambition, your drive and your ability to navigate from one stage of your life to

Guess what you should visualize when you want to tell your subconscious that youre in
control, and you have the ability to navigate from one stage of your life to another?
Exactly! Simply visualize yourself driving a car. Just be careful with how the road and
everything else looks like! Repeat this visualized image/dream as much as you like. For example,
once per day until you see results.
Now you know that you can instantly use this amazing language and hidden code to directly and
easily talk to your subconscious mind, the same way it talks to you!
I can go on and on with hundreds of examples, but Im sure that you understand the idea by
now.Whats the difference between dreams and visions? A dream is a symbolic message. That means,
what you actually see in the dream the objects and events is not the real message, the meaning
behind the symbols is the real message.
And as we know now, we can use the same code to generate our own secret messages to the
subconscious mind.On the other hand, a vision is similar message but without the symbolic part. What
you see and experience in a vision is exactly what it means.
How you can create a vision?
This is the normal visualization process. Relax your mind and body, and then imagine what you
want to happen as if its already happening now. However, in this case, the vision should be
relatively short. For best results, it should only last for few SECONDS.
The trick here is to focus on your senses and emotions, not on the event or the experience
itself.Unlike the dreaming method, you should try to remember this vision from time to time without
thinking about it or trying to force yourself to believe it.
When is the best time to remember your visions, and how to remember it exactly? Answer:
Anytime! You can remember it anytime anywhere. The most important thing here is NOT to focus on
it for too long. Just bring it to your attention for a second then let it go.
If youll allow it to stay for long time, your mind will start to think about it. Usually, your
mind will bring to your attention all kinds of negative thoughts about this vision. Dont blame it, thats
simply how it works.
Your conscious minds job is to let you know, everything. Especially the opposites. For
example, if youre focusing on a positive thought, it will keep throwing negative thoughts at you just
to remind you of it so you could keep it in mind when you make any decisions.
The problem is, it cant stop! It will do that when you actually dont want it to. Even when
youll try to force it to stop, it will fight back and instead of focusing on what youre trying to
visualize you will get distracted and waste your energy trying to keep your mind out-of-the-way.
And that would instantly kill any effect and could even produce the opposite result because
your subconscious mind is watching!
So to avoid all that, simply dont allow it to happen. Remember your vision for a second then
let it go. Repeat that few times during the day and youre done.
Alternative or additional technique:
This technique is even easier, and it's also very effective. In this case, we're going to take
advantage of how the subconscious mind works, and we're going to use this knowledge to send direct
orders to the subconscious, that it can't resist.
How it works? As we explained before, the subconscious mind recalls the connections
between objects and what they mean to you, then reacts to them according to this stored information.
What we're going to do is that we will re-create this connection, and provide the subconscious with a

secret code, once we use this code consciously, the subconscious mind will do whatever we program
it to do.
Let's say that you want a new house. Visualize the ideal house - imagine it, feel it, use as much
senses as you can while you visualize it - then affirm what this house means to you, and what the
subconscious mind should do about it. For example: this beautiful house is my dream house; it's
exactly what I want.
Next, give this dream house a code name! Let's say, for example: X.V.301 or any other code
that you prefer. The only condition is that this code name should be easy to remember and
meaningless. For example, it shouldn't be something like: my dream house, avoid using any
meaningful words or phrases.
Now, visualize yourself saying that code name, and once you said it, visualize the
subconscious mind bringing this dream house to you.
Imagine several situations, that would allow you to have it. Like, for example, finding it for
sale in a newspaper, a friend telling you that you can have it, extra money from work that would
allow you to buy it...etc. Imagine the ideal situation for you whatever it is.
This affirms clearly that the subconscious mind knows how to bring that dream house to you,
and it will do it in divine order.All that you need to do now, is to repeat this code-name consciously
whenever you can. You can say it loudly, repeat it in your mind, use it a subliminal message or simply
keep it visible to you as much as possible.
This code will work as a reminder for your subconscious mind, once you say it, the
subconscious mind will remember the whole process and work on creating the desired effect, without
any need to actually the repeat the same steps again.
However, for best results, you should repeat the actual process and go through the main steps
from time to time. For example, once per week or per month.

Free Will Power

Focused attention is the key to success with this technique. It's very simple, but it could be very
tricky; that's why we will explain it in detail in this chapter.
If you are familiar with Yoga and meditation systems, then you already know the critical factor
of living in the "now" or present consciousness, and how it's the point that connects and unites past
and future, and that you should prevent your life from being a reaction of a past memory or imagined
future, because both do not exist. All that exists is "now.""
If you are not familiar with all that, then I suggest that you start and practice simple meditation
for few minutes a day.
Meditation simply means to stop all thinking and focus your attention on one specific point or
idea or thought. Its like, forgetting everything in the room and start focusing all your attention on one
single dot on the wall, without any additional effort.
You simply throw all attention on it. Just look at it. Touch it with your mind. Feel it with
your eyes. Even when your eyes closed, you keep looking at it, and feel its existence. Until you
become one with it, without trying, without effort, without doing anything, except being there with
You can also practice meditation by relaxing your mind and body, then start "watching" all
thoughts and ideas that your conscious mind will come up with. With this practice, you will start to
realize that you are not your mind, and become completely aware of the thoughts and ideas which
your mind is automatically generating, and the thoughts and ideas you are creating.
It's similar experience to dream and starting to realize and being aware that you are dreaming,
then trying to control your dream instead of letting the dream control you.
Another thing that you can try, is to focus on an object, any meaningless object, while ignoring
all distracting thoughts and ideas. Focus on it, the same way you would do if you are trying to paint it.
Try that for few minutes at a time.
The point from all those practices is to train yourself to understand what is going on within
your own mind, keep your attention on what you really want, and avoid or ignore anything else.
Keep in mind that you should only focus your attention on exactly what you want to happen. Not
your desired belief.For example, let's say that you want a new job. Then what you should focus on
mentally is "new job." Without wanting, needing or any kind of forced emotions. At the same time,
you should also avoid turning that idea into a belief by focusing on thoughts like, "I have a new job."
You must direct attention on the idea in its simple form. No positives and no negatives. "I want
or I need a new job" is a negative form that actually means "I do not have that job," while "I have a
new job" is the positive form.
Keep your main desired thought in a simple form that does not reflect any positive or negative
sides. That's all, it's as easy as that.
Any idea or thought contains two opposite possibilities. Positive and negative. Unless both are
accepted mentally, you cannot consciously generate or release your will power.
The fact that anything is possible, means that both positive and negative scenarios of any idea
are equally true. Consciously adopting a single possibility - as a belief - would instantly raise the
opposite as a subconscious resistance. That is enough to destroy the desired effect.

Alternatively, you should keep both possibilities in your mind as equally true. This will
neutralize them, but the mental struggle will not stop! Your mind will still seek an answer; it will
keep wondering and swinging between the two opposites. And that's exactly what we want.
When you feel that the mental struggle is started, keep it for a while until you feel that your
emotions started to raise.Then you must end it with the conclusion that: anything is possible. This
conclusion will release the energy that was previously generated from the mental struggle.
When energy is released, it will be targeted towards the most stable thought or idea in your
mind, which is your targeted desire in its simple form.
Let's say, for example, that you want to receive a new car. The first step is to focus on the idea
of "a new car" Instantly; a desire will be created, and your mind will think about the two opposite
possibilities: it's possible that you receive the car, and it's also possible that you don't.
Eliminating belief means not to focus on the positive side that you would naturally and
logically prefer but instead, keep and accept both possibilities : you may get it, and you may not.
Next step is to think about those possibilities until you feel the rise of emotions. Sometimes, a
rise in body temperature could also be noticed.
Now it's time to end this mental "fight" between the two opposite thoughts, by suggesting that:
anything is possible. This thought will come as a relief and comfort, plus ... a feeling of complete
When I say, "a feeling of complete freedom" that means a free energy is released, this energy
will be directed by the core thought that you had in mind or the simple desired idea.
Let's visualize this process.

1 - The dot in the middle of the circle represents your targeted desire or thought. With both
opposite possibilities contained within it, but they are not "visible" to your mind yet.
2 - The second step, is when both opposite ideas are created and started to struggle, creating
mental movement, and rising energy. Which is represented here by the "yin and yang" and yang"
3 - Last step in the process, is when free energy will power is released.
In the first step, only your conscious mind is active. Your thought is just an idea in your
conscious mind. In the next step, your mental struggle created a subconscious awareness of the idea,
while the conscious mind is neutralized and not affecting the process.
By the last step, your thought of desire is released to the super conscious mind, and that's when
it's instantly created.
What is the difference between that, and simply jumping from step one to step three, by
focusing on your desired thought, while also thinking that "anything/everything is possible"?
The difference is that in this case, it's only a wish. It's an idea like any other idea in your

conscious mind. When you release it at this point, you are releasing it within. Nothing will happen.
That's why it must be charged with will power or Chi energy, and that only happen when you
accept its opposite possibilities, allow your mind to swing between them until enough energy is
created, then at the end, releasing this energy with complete freedom.

Subliminal Perception
We are going to pass hidden messages or order to the subconscious mind within an unrelated
context. These messages could be visual or audio messages as well.
This method is not new at all, in fact; it's been used heavily by advertisement designers and can
be found in almost all ads around you. Especially visual ads. like banners and video ads.
The key to success with this technique, is to mask the message in a way that always keeps it
hidden from the conscious mind. That's the whole trick behind this method. With some creativity and
imagination, you can create hundreds of ways to deliver any message to your subconscious without
activating conscious awareness.
Here are the easiest and most effective techniques that you can instantly copy.
1 - Add the message that you want, in a text format, to the wallpaper that you're currently using
on your computer. You can use any photo editor for that. Freeware or commercial. The important
thing is to be able to change the visibility of the text to a lower level, that makes the text invisible to
your eyes. However, don't use the same color of the background image.
While the conscious mind wouldn't be able to "see" the text and the message, the subconscious
mind will easily see it. And that's all we want.
You can use the same technique with Audio files, if you have the skills and equipment to add
very faint voice to the original tape. This could be added to music tapes, educational tapes or audio
book files.
The most important thing in this case, is to make sure that consciously, you can't recognize or
hear the hidden message. If you can, then do it again with a lower voice level. Obviously, the level
shouldn't be completely mute! However, at the same time, unrecognizable by the conscious mind.
2 - Use Sigils. Sigils are encrypted messages created to hide the original intent or the meaning
of the message, by transforming the words into individual letters or images.
What you need to do is to write the message for example God is attracting the best lover for
me right now." And copy the first letter of each word then delete all repeated letters.
So the statement would be something like this Giatblfmrn.
Next step, is to draw an image by using these letters. Here is an example:

Consciously, it's totally unrecognizable and meaningless, right? That means it will work. Next
step, is to charge the sigil with emotions/energy by looking at it while visualizing the desired result.
After that, keep the sigil with you, and take a look at it from time to time. However, don't try to
remember why you created it. It would help if you made 3 or 4 sigils for different goals and create

them all at the same time. This way, it will be harder for you to remember the true purpose or reason
of creating each one.
3 - Another similar technique, is to use a mantra. Mantra is very similar to sigils, but the final
letters will be used to form a meaningless word or words that could be used as a chant.
From the previous example, we can use the letters Giatblfmrn to form something like this:
Gia Tib Gia Lim Gia Firn.
Now all that you need to do, is to say this chant or mantra while visualizing the desired result.
After that, you can chant it anytime, anywhere, without visualizing anything. And again, don't try to
remind yourself with the reason of creating this mantra.
4 - Implement the message, while your conscious mind is hyper-active. This method is
extremely effective, but it's harder to do, because it requires a specific state of mind.
What you need to do, is to raise your conscious activity to the higher level possible. Examples
of things that will allow you to experience that: Dancing with loud emotional music - Orgasm - Fear Anger - Laughter.
At these moments, you can implement or pass any message - Sigil or Mantra, for example - as
fast as possible. without allowing the mind to stop and think about it. It requires some practice and
slight of mind, but it's extremely powerful.
5 - This technique is the best, and it's very easy to do. First, you need to prepare the message.
And break it down into separated letters. Next, is to use a copy of a book that you read regularly.
Smaller books work best.
Next step, is to add each letter from the message of desire, to last words in the last sentences of
the paragraphs of your book.
Try to add the letters by using a similar color. And use a pen or pencil, it doesn't matter, as
long as the color and writing is similar to the text of the original.
Your conscious mind will pass those additional letters and only read the original word, but the
subconscious mind will receive those additional letters and understand the meaning of the
implemented words and sentences.
You can use the same technique, but this time, write the litters - best if it's one or two short
words - on your computer's keyboard. Write smaller letters next to the original letters of the
keyboard. Try to make them as small as possible and not easily seen.
All those methods and techniques would work great with most people, so I highly recommend
that you start with them first, before trying this technique.
The technique itself, can be done in many different ways. I will explain here different methods
to do it.
For the first method, you need to relax your mind and body, and visualize or imagine yourself
writing the desired message on a piece of paper. Visualize the complete scene with us much distracting - details as possible. For example, visualize yourself writing that message, while watching
a movie that you like. or while talking to a friend about an important subject. Or writing with one
hand, and doing something else with the other hand.
Second method, is to visualize a complete dream. With all events, details, characters. Pick the
most interesting theme for your dream. For example, if you like sports, then visualize yourself playing
your favorite game.
Next, add the desired message - better if it's a simple word or sentence - in a hidden place
within that dream. A place that's not easily noticed. For example, if you're visualizing yourself
playing a football match, imagine that this message is written on a piece of paper, and you put it in

your pocket before the game starts.

Another example if you'll visualize that you're dancing in a night club and having fun with
friends, you can visualize the message or the word, written on a poster or as a picture on one of the
walls next to where you are, or written in the background.
Third method, is to visualize that you're receiving that message by someone else in the dream.
For example, imagine that you're getting back home after work, and someone left that message to you
on the phone, and you listened to it while you're checking your phone messages.
Another way to it, is by visualizing a conversation between you and someone whom you trust
and believe, like a close friend, member of your family, or a teacher, or a loved one. Visualize that
you, and this person are having a conversation about the same subject and within this conversation,
the person delivered this message to you. It would be even better, if that person tried to convince you
that it's true.
While you're completely focused, listening, but not emotionally involved. Simply listening to
him or her while the message is delivered. You can then move on with the conversation to a different
topic without thinking.
Last method, requires advanced visualization skills and focus, but if you're used to
visualization, you will be able to do it easily.
Before sleeping, allow your mind and body to be relaxed. Then visualize the message written
clearly. You can visualize it being written, if you can.
Then visualize it disappear, or being erased ...then visualize it being written again.
Repeat the same process several times, until you feel that your mind became very exhausted.
Then sleep normally.
Do that for several days or until you start to see the result that you wanted.
While the concept of this method is based on the connection between the conscious mind and
the subconscious mind, we shouldnt forget about the source of all consciousness and all power.
The subconscious mind in itself, is nothing more than a personal link or messenger between
you your conscious mind and the super conscious mind.
The super conscious mind, or the supreme intelligence, or God, or the universal
consciousness is the real source of all spiritual powers/energy, as well as all visible physical
Why its important to understand the connection between the conscious, subconscious and
super conscious levels of your mind?
Simply, because when thats done, your own awareness and perception will be expanded and
will reach unlimited levels that you didnt even imagine.
When we start any act, the first thing that comes to our mind is our limits and our probabilities.
Whats the maximum that we can achieve from this? Is it even possible? is it logical? And many
more questions. The answers to those questions would later, form our beliefs regarding this action.
This belief would eventually lead to the image that we conceive in our imagination regarding the
outcome or result.
We analyze the given information, form a basic conclusion or belief, then based on that belief,
we create an image that reflects what we believe regarding the expected result from our actions.
For example, if we are standing on the roof of 10 floors tall building, and I tell you to jump and
fly to the roof of another building. You will simply not be going to listen until I complete my
suggestion, and would either laugh and take it as a bad joke, or run away in fear!
The reason for that is because once I finished my suggestion, your mind checked the stored

information and used logic to conclude that what Im telling you is physically impossible. This belief,
created an image of you, falling from the building. And this image would generate one of two
emotions: Laughter, or fear.
The whole mental process, started with checking the possibility first, and from that point, your
mind moved on to the next steps until the final logical and emotional conclusion was created and
What if, I explained to you logically and scientifically, that you can actually fly. In this case,
your mind will start to re-evaluate the information and check the possibility of that, being true or
Your mind, always starts with a possibility. If something is proven to be possible to your
mind it will be automatically accepted, until its proven wrong for any other reason, or not.
Why this is important to understand while performing any mind-power technique? Because if
you consciously or unconsciously believe that the concept or the technique is impossible. Its not
going to work.
And thats why being aware of the existence of the super conscious mind is extremely
important. Because for you, YOUR super conscious mind means that, anything is possible. The super
conscious mind is infinite in nature. Its limitless, timeless and for it, the term impossible simply
doesnt exist and cant exist.
This understanding should allow you to remove any limitations from your mind, especially
from your imagination. Imagination is where your creativity is. And if its limited for any reason, that
means your creativity is suspended.
Every conceivable outcome, exists in the super conscious mind And because all three levels of
consciousness are connected, this limitless creativity also exists with you and can be accessed by
both the conscious and subconscious, as well as the super conscious mind
Thats why when youre about to start practicing any technique, its very important that you
have a totally and absolutely free-mind. Dont limit yourself for any reason.
Whatever you want to achieve; it can be done. Its that simple.
Free your mind, and use your imagination. Your free will, cant be free if your mind is adding
all kinds of metal blocks in its way.
Remove all mental blocks, and enjoy absolute mental and spiritual freedom. When you do, you
will start to see and experience all kinds of real miracles in your life.

Thought Forms
This chapter will explain what I call "Thought forms." It's a very interesting subject and there
are no limits to what you can do with it. All that you need is your creativity and your will.
Thought forms simply mean objects what we create or visualize in our imagination, and give
them specific task or order to do.
Most common tasks: protection - healing - Good luck and wealth - Relationships... but
basically, they can be given any kind of order for anything that you want or need.How does it work?
Example: Protection. It's starts like any other visualization technique by visualizing something
like a sphere of light or a bubble of energy around your body or your home or your loved ones, at the
same time, imagining that this sphere is protecting you from all kinds of harmful activities. mental
and/or physical. It's important that you visualize the effect taking place and happening. And it's also
equally important that you keep repeating this process or visualization as frequently as possible.
It's not as easy as it sounds, because every detail that you imagine will have a physical reaction
or effect in reality, so you must be careful and take all the time you need to "design" the imagined
scene perfectly and exactly as you want.
The more you repeat this process, the more powerful it will become.
Again, please be careful with details. For example, if you're visualizing a protective sphere,
don't visualize the energy that forms this sphere is coming from your own body. In this case, yes you'll
have protection, but you may also suffer from unexplained weakness!
You must also be aware of the power of symbols and their effect on your mind. Because
sometimes your mind may understand something completely different than what you actually
wanted.For example, pay attention to colors and what they mean or represent. If you don't know and
don't have time to research, then simply use clean/clear white color for positive effects, and
dark/black color for negative effects.
Thought forms work best with changing the course of events for long-term plans. It also works
great and fast for psychic protection, like protecting yourself or others from negative energy.
It also performs amazing results with healing. I don't like to talk much about healing techniques
because - believe it or not - some people may rely on it completely and ignore the need or necessity
of consulting a doctor!
Thought forms can be objects - like a sphere of light/energy - and they can also be visualized
"beings" with specific order/task to do for you.
In this book, I'm not going to talk about this kind of thought forms because they can do more
harm than good. Besides, it's way too complicated process even for experienced people. If you asked
me, I would recommend that you only use the type of thought forms that I already explained in this
chapter. They're more than enough for all your needs.

Mind power techniques work, when you totally forget that what you're doing is a mind power
When you have complete faith in what you know, trust yourself and the laws of the universe,
and just enjoy the ride instead of focusing on the destination.
That doesn't mean losing control, that's not even possible even if you try to do so. You're
always in control, consciously or subconsciously. What I mean is that once you decide to start, don't
try to remind yourself why you're doing it or asking yourself if you've done this step or that correctly
or not. Life is like dancing tango...yes you need to learn and understand your steps in life, but once
you started, do it with passion and enjoy every move. Even when you fall, understand that this is also
part of the big picture or the dance itself, get up and start moving again with the same love and
Don't let what you know, become a curse instead of a blessing, by worry, fear and too much
thinking about all details until you destroy any possibility of joy or progress, then blame everything
and everyone.
Knowledge is power, but it's not so until you allow it to become a life-changing experience.
And that's what this is all about, it's about creating change that starts from within, and reflects itself on
the outer world.
However, even if you reached power that allows you to move heavens and earth, it would be
meaningless of this power wouldn't open your eyes to realize and witness your true self. Spiritual
knowledge and mind power techniques, are there for you to use them for any goal, desire or wish.
While doing so, please remember - from time to time - to take a look in the mirror of your soul and
while closing your eyes, try to identify yourself, your true identity that's hiding behind that mask that
we call "face," and that beautiful form we call "body." The take another look at the world around you.
And try to do the same thing.
Try to see the source of power and life. Feel the existing and living connection within you, and
around you.
And always remember, whatever you want to achieve; the journey towards that goal starts with
one step and one step only. Once the journey started, nothing should stop you from reaching your
goals and attracting your dreams and desires.
It's your life, your mind and your power.

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