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Are We

BIG or Are We SMALL?

By Ethan Montaner

In my opinion, i think were

Youll see why. ;-)

Why were small

You may be thinking, what are you talking about? We are HUGE!!!!
Well I actually agree with you, but just a little bit.
Sure, were big, but only in our world. We are in control of our entire
planet, but Im going to show you something were not in control of.
Im going to show you, the universe.

First things first

The universe is massive, and it's made of many different things. I'm just
going to show you maybe two of those things. Planets and stars.

In case you havent noticed (which you
should have), planets are HUGE and
there's WAY too many to count. According
to Wikipedia, there is at least 100 BILLION
PLANETS in our galaxy alone. (man that's
a lot)

It's not just the amount of planets either,

but the size. The most obvious example is
Jupiter and Saturn, the biggest planets in
the solar system. You could fit over 1,321
Earths IN JUPITER ALONE. Saturn is a bit
smaller, since you could only fit 764
Earths. But lets not forget, there are even
bigger planets than these. The largest
planet that we know of is called HAT-P-1,
which is 450 light years from Earth, and
is located in the constellation Lacerta. It's
radius is 1.4 times bigger than Jupiters.
Feeling small yet?

Stars are everywhere. There's one in our
solar system, and and they are spread out
throughout the galaxy. Stars come in all
kinds of sizes, and they are bigger than
nearly all the planets we know of. You may
think that our sun is huge, and it is, but
you haven't seen huge until you've seen
other stars. 2MASS J05233822-1403022
is the smallest star found, and it's called a
brown dwarf. It's only a little bit bigger
than Jupiter. In contrast, the biggest star
ever discovered is VY Canis Majoris, which
you put it in the centre of the solar
system, it would reach up to saturn, and
that's a hecka long way away.

Lastly, if you put Canis Majoris next to the

sun, you wouldn't even see our sun.
Again, it's not just the size, but the
quantity of stars in the galaxy. (according
to Wikipedia) There about 100 BILLION
STARS in the galaxy. This is only an
estimation, though, because other
estimations go up to 400 billion. FOUR.

So, now what do you think? Do you think were small? Or do you still
think were big? All the things I showed you in this presentation SHOULD
have made you feel small, even just a teeny tiny bit. But if you think
about it, we are just a small planet in this colossal, massive, and infinite

Thanks for watching

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