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[NIV] 1 Thessalonians
4:1 As for other
matters, brothers and
sisters, we instructed
you how to live in order
to please God, as in fact
you are living. Now we
ask you and urge you in
the Lord Jesus to do this
more and more.

love is williNg to wait
lust is not willing to wait
resasons for purity:
1. GOd's pleasure
always aim to please Him in
everything, everywhere and every

2. GOD'S Will
[NIV] 1 Thessalonians 4:3 It is Gods
will that you should be sanctified:
that you should avoid sexual
[NIV] 1 Thessalonians 4:4 that each of
you should learn to control your own
body in a way that is holy and

always speak life

always speak hope
always speak positive
there's honor in virginity

why is the rear mirror is smaller than

the wind shield? past is just for a
glance, focus more in the future.

love desires to benefit others at the

expense of self, because love desires
to give. lust desires to benefit self at
the expense of others because lust
desires to get.
- Edwin.louis cole

[NIV] 1 Thessalonians 4:7 For God did

not call us to be impure, but to live a
holy life.
3ways to respond in a guy:
1. a very big slap coming from your
2. if u love me, y r u doing this to me?

single: this is ur season to be be

very strong in characharacter with
Christ. make ur relationship very
strong with him.never give in to the
temptation. get the wisdom, learn
ffrom the failures and successes of
those people ahead of u.
his amazing grace is sustaining us.

grace changes everything by Victory


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