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Passage Master

Name: ___Myriam Karina Bustillo Rubio____

Book: The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower
- by Robert Baer
Chapters: ______1. The Iranian Paradox______________
Locate 3 passages of the story that your group should reread, discuss, and think about.
Passages should be important things for everyone to notice, remember, or think
Choose a variety of passages, not all the same type--here are suggestions:

confusing (something you wonder if other people understood)
descriptive writing: figurative language, strong verbs, etc. (identify literary devices) important
(maybe a clue? foreshadowing?)
event (elicits different opinions from group members)

During Your Group Meeting, Do the Following:

Make sure everyone opens to the right page and help them find where the passage begins.
Either read it aloud yourself, have everyone read it silently, or ask someone to read it
Tell your reasons for selecting each passage; ask for comments. Do they agree with your choices?
Page 11 Paragraph(s)


4 The first 3 words of the paragraph are: _A misconception Americans

This is interesting (or puzzling) because:

Because I believe it is a common misconception that not only Americans have, but the whole world. Most
people think that Iranians hate Americans, but they dont. What they truly hate is the fact that the
Americans are occupying the Middle East when it isnt their direct business. Im guessing they dont like it
when others meddle in their fight.
Thats one part of the paragraph that is interesting, but the other part that caught my eye was the second
part that mentions a documentarys testimony of a Hezbollah, who invited the author to go see the next
generation of Allahs little soldiers. It makes one think about the comfortable and safe life one has while
in other countries there are kids fighting for their country at a young age.
An interpretation that can be made from ANOTHER PASSAGE, found on Page _11_, Paragraph _2_ is
interesting (or puzzling) because:
Its interesting because it perfectly states in one sentence what Iran is trying to do, which is to modernize
itself (in comparison to another misconception which is people that think that its already modernized).
In today's reading, a CONNECTION to my personal experience and/or my knowledge appears on Page
_____9___, Paragraph ___1___ and is

And unlike in The Sudan, there are no arrests in Iran for the grave offense of naming a teddy bear
Mohammed I can relate to this quotation from the book because I have a plush dog (not a teddy bear,
but close enough). I cant even begin to imagine how traumatic it mustve been to grow up in a harsh
environment where a little kid could be punished just for naming his/her doll after Mohammed. Its not as if
the kids were laughing at Mohammed, it could be considered more as an admiration stunt.

My comment or question about this story is:

My question about this story is what is needed to stop the war? Im guessing that if this answer were
simple everything wouldve already been resolved, nevertheless, Its a question I think some people dont
ask to avoid the trouble of thinking of a solution.

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