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by Travis Wayne Goodsell

9 September 2000
2nd printing 2004
3rd printing 15 September 2015

Table of Contents
Comparison chart..5
Single letter words7
Two-letter words...9
Three-letter words...32
Four + letter words.85


This dictionary is a reconstruction from the Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and
English Lexicon, first printing March 1996. The Masoretic (Jewish scholars) marks
(vowels) are removed from each of the words as well as other known vowel additions,
thus returning the vocabulary as closely as possible to its original consonantal form.
Also the block Aramaic script is transliterated back into Paleo-Hebrew, and the
vocabulary is then combined and alphabetized. The resulting dictionary produces
sections for two-letter, three-letter, and words with other sized amounts.
This process provides an assistance in going back to the beginning of the
decipherment of the Hebrew language as the archaeological evidence presents it. This
allows ancient and Biblical texts to be checked against alternative translations in
verification of accuracy. And this also provides a base from which to perform testing
within the vocabulary itself for correctness, consistency and identification of foreign
influences imposed upon and added throughout the course of history.
The transliteration from Aramaic to Hebrew allows a view of what each word means
in its potential ideographic context. The star of David is then recognized from the
name of David in its ancient spelling dwd as one of the more popular examples.
The Hebrew vocabulary is recognized as being incomplete and in an imperfect
condition. Yet this reconstruction provides a foundation from which to initiate a
restoration of its full potential. And this in turn will lead to a re-evaluation of textual
translation and interpretation.

This edition was preserved, but not the Paleo-Hebrew font. As a result there are
other characters in place of some letters. A conversion chart is provided to help with
the confusion until I can fully restore the manuscript.


Single Letter

Single letter words:

a - or; if perchance; coast, region; will; jackal, howler; Alas!; not; befit, be befitting
b - in, with, among, at, by; when; I pray, excuse me; son, child
g - suffer; thrust away
d - hand; throw, cast
h - the; feminine singular ending; direct question prefixed to first word of a sentence: Shall?,
Will?, Am?; indirect interrogation prefixed to the first word of a sentence: Whether...;
interjection: Ah!; lamentation, wailing
w - and, so, then; that, so that
iz - this, here
Y - Yah; plural indicator; he; my; old feminine ending
k - like, as; thus; here; burning, branding; that, for, when, because, since; Aku: moon god
l - to, for, in regard to; if, O that; r
M - masculine plural indicator; sea, water; what? How? Aught; Who?, who(m); out of, from, on
account of, off, on the side of, since, above, than, so that not ; M when at the beginning of a two
or three letter word referring to a place or object of the two or three letter word
n - our, us; place, city, district, territory, kingdom, etc. (at end of word); suppress, oppress,
maltreat; wail; n when at the end of a two or three letter word referring to a place of the two or
three letter word
s - (test, try, prove, standard, ensign, signal, sign, miracle); f
i[ - sweep together; ruin, heap of ruins
p - be fair, beautiful; mouth; here, hither; house
c - ship; wild beast or cat, desert-dweller or crier, yelper
r - throw, shoot; l; moisture
f - being, substance, existence; what; s; one of a flock, a sheep or goat
t - I (at end of word); feminine plural ending


Two-letter words:
Ba - freshness, fresh green; father, he who decides, head of household,
producer/generator/originator; skin-bottle; necromancer, ghost, necromancy; long, desire
Da - distress, calamity; mist; a cause or circumstance; curved, bent; brand, fire-brand
5a - where
6a - desire, incline, will; to sign, to mark, describe with a mark
Za - at that time, then, in that case, in time past, thereupon
8a - brother; surround, protect; reeds, rushes; jackal; fire-pot, brasier; ah! Alas!
fa - mutter, mutterer; gentleness
Ya - woe!; hawk, falcon, kite; Where?
ka - surely
la - God; leading man, noble; infront of, precede, lead, body, belly; peradventure, perhaps;
terebinth-a deciduous tree with pinnate leaves & red berries; negation: no, not; to, toward; these;
strength, power; swear, curse, oath; to wail; if, though; an oak tree; be foolish; shew willingness,
be pleased, determine, undertake to do anything and do it
Ma - if; maid, handmaid; mother; mother-city, metropolis; cubit (long = 525m, short = 450m),
ell; foundation; tribe, people
na - vigour, wealth, strength; Egyption On (Heliopolis); Where?, Whither?; sorrow, mourn, sigh,
groan, lament; vessel, utensil; ships, fleet; opportune, meet, encounter opportunely; I, we
sa - heal; sorrow, distress
pa - ephah - grain-measure; nostril, nose, face; anger; bake; then; also, yea
ja - to press, make haste
qa - wild goat
ra - light, illuminate; herb; flame, burn; Ur-seat of moon-god worship; lion; pluck, gather;
stream of the Nile, stream, canal
xa - man; person; woman, wife, female; fire, flame, offering made by fire; strong; bestow;
ta - sign, mark, pledge, token, omen; concent, agree; to come; thou; direct object indicator; with,
together with; cutting instrument of iron, ploughshare, axe


aB - come in, go in, come, go; entrance, entry
BB - pupil of eye; cry shrilly
DB - white linen/garment; separation; empty or idle talk; servant
5B - emptiness; ox
ZB - despise, contempt; spoil, rob, booty, plunder
fB - speak rashly, thoughtlessly
YB - entreat
kB - perplex, confuse; weep, bewail
lB - Bul-8th month; product, produce, outgrowth; Bel; become old and worn out; not; conduct,
bear along; watercourse, stream, conduit for irrigation; running, suppurating;
MB - high place; husband's brother, a brother-in-law's office
nB - intelligent; intelligence; discern; between; understanding; son, child; to build
sB - tread-down, trample
iB - inquire; cause to swell or boil up
jB - whiteness; egg; byssus; mire, swamp
qB - emptiness, to empty; test, prove
rB - pit, cistern, well, hole or hollow for cooking; cleaness, make clear, clear up, explain; castle,
palace; ford; son; corn, grain; pure; eat; treaty, covenant; field; lye, potash, alkali
xB - to be ashamed; be dry, dried up, withered; dry land, dry ground
tB - house, palace, temple; daughter; worshipper; bath measurement; man; precipice, steep; end,


ag - pride, proud, rise up, boastful, be lifted up, exalted
Bg - anything convex, curved, or gibbous: back, mound, boss of shield, eye brow, rim of wheel;
to collect, a collection; locust, locusts, swarm; to dig; pit, ditch, trench; beam, rafter; till, be
husbandman; field
gg - roof, top
Dg - Gad; god of fortune, fortune; coriander; cut, cut or tear away; kid; bank of a river; invade,
attack; sinew
5g - to depart, be freed from guilt, pain, disease, etc.; cure, heal
6g - pride, lifted up, Up!; back; midst, interior; nation, people
Zg - pass over, away; to cut, sever, cut off, shear, mow; fleece
8g - to burst forth; a spring
Yg - nation, people
lg - rejoice; circle, age; uncover, remove; exile; heap, wave, billow; spring; dung; basin, bowl
Mg - denoting addition, also, more-over, yea
ng - garden; enclosure; grief, sorrow
i[g - low of cattle; toil, grow or be weary; gain from labor
pg - to shut, close; body, corpse; self; height, elevation
rg - sojourn; stir up strife, quarrel; gather together; whelp; to dread; boil, boil up; chalk, lime;
engage in strife; cud; a weight-20th part of shekel: Gerah; be afraid, fear
xg - clod, lump
t3 - wine-press


aD - fly swiftly, dart through the air; bird of prey - kite

BD - bear; whispering, defamation, evil report; dung; pine away
3D - fish; multiply, increase; fish for, catch; fishery
DD - love, beloved; breast, teat, nipple; move slowly; uncle, aunt; pot, jar; cast a lot
5D - rinse, cleanse away by rinsing, washing
6D - ill, unwell, sorrowful, miserable, faint
8D - push, thrust; stumbling
YD - ink; sufficiency, enough
kD - pound, beat; crush, break down, contrite, sink down, crouch, dashing, crashing, oppress
lD - draw water, bucket; door, gate; low, weak, poor, thin; hair, thrum
MD - blood; silence, whisper; spread slander; be like, likeness, resemble; to cease, cause to cease,
cut off, destroy, cessation, pause, quiet, rest; one silenced, brought to silence
nD - judge, a judge, judgment; Dan
i - knowledge, know, opinion, judgment; to call
pD - blemish, fault
jD - spring, leap, dance, be joyous
qD - thin, small, fine; veil, curtain
rD - heap up, pile, circle, ball; dwell; move in a circle, go about, surround; period, generation,
dwelling; pearl
xD - tread, thresh
tD - decree, law, edict, commission, usage


a5 - he, she; interjection: Lo! Behold!
B5 - give
35 - moan, groan, utter, speak, rumbling, muse, meditate; to remove
D5 - majesty, splendour, vigour; joyous shout; to stretch out; lead, guide; India
55 - Alas! Expressing woe
65 - to become; desire; chasm, figurative of destruction, ruin, disaster
Z5 - dream, rave
Y5 - destruction; interjection: Ah, Alas, Ha!; come to pass, fall out, become, to be
k5 - how?
M5 - murmur, roar, growl, be boisterous, discomfit; moaning, wailing; moon, month; they, them masculine
n5 - be easy; wealth, sufficiency; hin: a liquid measurement; they, them - feminine; Lo! Behold!;
s5 - hush! Keep silence! Shut up!
j5 - break, split
r5 - majesty; mountain, hill, hill-country; conceive, become pregnant, pregnant; proud, haughty
t5 - shout at, threaten, be frantic against


66 - hook, peg, pin
n6 - Ionia, Greece


BZ - flow, gush, issue
3Z - be clear, bright, transparent; name of some comparatively insignificant product of vine, the
eating of which was prohibited to the Nazarite, skin of grape
DZ - boil up, seethe, act proudly, presumptuously, rebelliously, insolent
5Z - this, here; (sprinkle? See ZY)
6Z - 2nd month: April-May, beginning of temple building; put aside or away, draw together,
ZZ - to move, moving things, abundance, fulness
kZ - be clear, justified; clean, pure morally
lZ - to remove, removal, with removal of, except, only, besides; lavish; feed
MZ - plan, device of wickedness
nZ - kind, sort; commit fornication, be a harlot
iZ - tremble, quake; sweat
qZ - missle, spark; fetter
rZ - be a stranger, foreigner; be loathsome; press down and out; circlet, border; scatter, fan,


B8 - bosom; withdraw, hide; be guilty, debt
38 - fetival-gathering, feast, pilgrim-feast, festal; draw round, make a circle; vault
D8 - sharp; rejoice; riddle, enigmatic, perlexing saying or question, propound a riddle; be united,
only, only one, solitary, together
68 - life; tent-village, villager; tell, declare
Z8 - seer, to see, behold; breast of animals; opposite
88 - brier, bramble; hook, ring, fetter
f8 - thread, cord, line; wheat
Y8 - live, alive, living, kinsfolk, living thing, animal, community, having the vigour of life, lively
k8 - wait, await; palate, roof of mouth, gums; hook fastened in jaw, fish-hook
l8 - whirl, dance; writhe, anguish; sand; rampart, fortress, surrounding wall; be firm, strong; be
weak, sick; ornament; mollify, appease, entreat the favour of, make the face of any one sweet or
pleasant; a perforated cake; profaneness, commonness; await
M8 - darkened, dark brown or black; Ham; husband's father; warm, hot; protect, guard, wall;
wrath; sun; conceive
n8 - decline, bend down, encamp; grace, favor
s8 - pity, look upon with compassion; seek refuge
p8 - cover; shore, coast; canopy, chamber; clean; barefoot
j8 - outside; divide; half; arrow
q8 - bosom, breast; cut in, carve, represent, imitate; something prescribed, a statute or due,
r8 - white stuff; white bread or cake; hollow, depressed ground between hills (ahket); noble;
hole; dung; burn, be kindled, of anger; cave-dweller
x8 - haste, make haste, quickly; feel, enjoy; be silent, inactive, still; genealogy
t8 - Hittite; snatch up; terror, fear, shattered, dismayed


B9 - good, goodness; wise; pleasing, agreeable, a good thing, benefit, welfare
6f - spin
8f - over-spread, over-lay, coat, besmear, a coating; hurl, shoot
ff - mud, mire, clay
l9 - dew, night-mist; lamb; hurl, cast
Mf - stopped up, stupid
if - wander, stray
pf - children
rf - a row; encampment, battlement; fresh, juicy, moist
xf - rush, dart


aY - befit, be befitting
3Y - suffer; thrust away
DY - hand; throw, cast
5Y - Yah
ZY - sprinkle
MY - day, sea, west, westward, sea-ward
nY - dove; suppress, oppress, maltreat; wine
iY - sweep together, a shovel
pY - fair, beautiful; Joppa: seaport town of Palestine
qY - be pious, careful of one's religious duties
rY - throw, shoot; early rain; founded
xY - being, substance, existence, is, am, was, were; Jesse


ak - be disheartened, cowed
Bk - be quenched, extinguished, go out, of fire or lamp
Dk - jar
5k - be ro grow dim, faint, dull, dimming, lessening, alleviation; rebuke
6k - burn, scorch, brand
8k - decide, adjudge, prove; a small reptile or lizard; strength, power
kk - thus
lk - comprehend, contain, sustain, support, endure; be able, have power, prevail; be complete, at
an end, finished, accomplished, spent, perfect; complete destruction, annihilation, consumption;
article, utensil, vessel; whole, all; daughter-in-law; bride; failing with desire, longing; knave
Mk - like, as, when, the like of what; Pleiades or Sirius
nk - be firm; right, veritable, honest, establish; so; betitle, title, give an epithet or cognomen;
base, pedestal, office; gnat or lice; support
sk - cup; a kind of owl; bag, purse; throne, seat of honour; cover; bind
pk - rock; palm branch, frond; hollow or flat of the hand, palm, sole of foot, pan; subdue,
overturn, hold under, compel
rk - lamb; basket-saddle; smelting-pot, cooking furnace; bore, dig, hew; kor: a measurement;
pasture; cistern, well; get by trade, trade; give a feast, bring, invite, feast; Carian; battering ram
xk - Cush; be sated, gorged with food
tk - Cypriotes, Grecian ships


al - not; be weary, impatient; Leah, wild cow; if, O that
Bl - lion; inner man, mind, will, heart; Lybia(n)
3l - a liquid measure: 1/12 hin
Dl - child; Lydda, Lud
5l - languish, faint
6l - join, be joined; borrow; Levi, Levite
Zl - turn aside, depart; almond-tree, almond-wood; Luz: former name of Bethel
8l - tablet, board or plank, plate; jaw, cheek; moist, moisture, fresh, new
fl - wrap closely, tightly, enwrap, envelope; secrecy, mystery; covering; myrrh
Yl - wreath
ll - howl, make a howling; shaft or enclosed space with steps or ladder; loop
nl - lodge, pass the night, abide; murmur
il - swallow, swallow down, throat, neck; talk wildly
pl - accretion
jl - scorn
ql - a kind of locust
xl - knead


aM - hundred
3M - soothsayer, magian; melt
DM - measure, measurement; cloth garment, carpet; stature, size; tribute; Media, a Mede
5M - what, who
ZM - garner; sucked out, empty
8M - wipe, wipe out; strike; fatling, marrow
fM - totter, shake, slip; pole, bar of yoke; downwards; staff, rod, shaft; branch; tribe; couch, bed;
spreading, outspreading; that which is perverted, perverted justice
YM - water
kM - be low, depressed, grow poor; blow, wound, slaughter
lM - circumcise; front, in front of; word, speech, utterance
MM - blemish, defect
nM - gift; right hand, go to or choose the right, use the right hand; kind, species (family); manna;
What is it? String of harp; out of, from, on account of, off, on the side of, since, above, than, so
that not; count, number, reckon, assign; part, portion; maneh, mina, a weight, time; Meni: god of
sM - body of forced labourers, task-workers, labour-band or gang, forced service, task-work,
serfdom; melt, dissolve, be liquefied; despair, fail; test, trial, proving
iM - internal organs, inward parts: intestines, bowels; belly, womb, source of procreation, seat of
emotions; grain of sand, seed; coin
pM - Memphis
jM - chaff; squeezing, pressing, writing, squeezer: ie. Extortioner or oppressor; drain, drain out;
strife, contention
qM - mock, deride; decay, rottenness
rM - early rain; teacher; change; razor; contentious, refractory; rebellion; bitter, bitterness; drop
xM - touch, feel; depart, remove; draw, wash; Moses, child, son; costly material, silk; loan
tM - death, die; male, man; water


an - I or we pray, now; Thebes: No; be comely, befitting; hinder, restrain, frustrate; raw
Bn - ancient priestly city; Nebo: Babylonian god; bear fruit, fruit
Dn - impurity; heap of waters; put away, exclude; gift; move to and fro, wander; flutter; shew
grief; quivering motion of lips
5n - wail, lament, mourning song; eminency, distinction
6n - beautify; abode of shepherd or flocks, habitation, dwell, pasture, meadow
Zn - spurt, spatter, sprinkle; spring, leap
8n - Noah; rest; lead, guide
fn - dangle, shake; stretch out, spread out, extend, incline, bend
kn - smite; Necho II: king of Egypt around 600BCE
Mn - be drowsy, slumber, somnolence, indolence
nn - propagate, increase, offspring, posterity
sn - flee, escape; test, try; standard, ensign, signal, sign, flag, miracle
in - quiver, wave, waver, tremble, totter
pn - move to and fro, wave, besprinkle; sieve or other winnowing implement; elevation, height
jn - fly; plumage; struggle; fall in ruins; blossom; bird of prey: hawk, falcon, ect.
qn - suck, suckle, nurse; be empty, clean, free from, exempt
rn - lamp; break up, freshly till, the tillable, untilled or fallow ground; the system of heddles or
apparatus of small cords with loops, or eyes by which the threads of the warp are raised and
lowered to make an opening for the passing of the woof
xn - be sick; lend, become a creditor, debt; forget; a vein or nerve in the thigh


as - a measure of flour or grain
Bs - turn of affairs
3s - move away, backslide, a moving back; dross; fence about
Ds - establish, found, fix, foundation, beginning; stocks; council, counsel
6s - curtain, veil
8s - offal; scrape; offscouring
fs - swerver, revolter, deeds that swerve
ks - pour in anointing, anoint; hedge or fence about, shut in; throng, an interwoven mass; thicket,
covert, lair, booth
ls - weigh, balance; make light of toss aside; lift up; basket
Ms - spice used in incense
ns - Sin: Egyptian city; Sinai; thorny bush: blackberry bush; thorny
ss - swallow or swift; horse, mare; moth
is - to rush
ps - reed, add, increase; come to an end, cease; storm, wind; sweep or snatch away, catch up;
basin, goblet; threshold, sill
rs - discipline, chasten, admonish; one who reproves, faultfinder; turn aside, defection, apostasy,
withdrawal; pot; thorn, hook; stubborn, resentful, sullen, implacable
ts - vesture; incite, allure, instigate


Bi - architectural term: projecting roof or landing; be thick, fat, gross; dark cloud, cloud-mass,
thicket, becloud
3i - disc, cake of bread, bake, make a cake of
Di - witness; testify; adorn; congregation assembled by an appointed time, appoint; menstruation,
time, period; pass on, advance; perpetuity, advancing time; booty, prey; as far as, even to, up to,
until, while; ornament, deck oneself; return, go about, repeat, do again, a going round,
continuance; still, yet, again, besides; testimony, bear witness
6i - bend, twist; distortion, ruin; commit iniquity, do wrong
Zi - strength, mighty, fierce; sign or nod; take or seek refuge; Gaza; she-goat
fi - cover; stylus, reed pen; wrap oneself, enwrap, envelop oneself; grasp; scream, shriek; dart
li - to ascend, go up, climb, upper, ascent, stairway; avail, profit, benefit; mountain-goat; female;
give suck, sucking child, suckling; leaf, leafage; pestle as rising before the blow; whole burnt
offering; upon, on the ground of, according to, on account of, on behalf of, concerning, beside, in
addition to, together with, beyond, above, over, by, on to, towards, to, against, because; yoke
Mi - people, kinsman; Pleiades; the god Amm; with, close by, side by side with, parallel to,
agreeing with, corresponding to
ni - ostrich; greed; iniquity, guilt, punishment of iniquity; dwell; eye; answer, respond;
cohabitation; be occupied, busied with; be bowed down, afflicted, poor, humble; sing
pi - be weary, faint; fly, flying creatures, fowl, insects; be dark, darkness
ji - counsel, advice, plan; shut; tree, wood; either spine or os sacrum, bone close to fat-tail
qi - pressure
ri - wood, forest, thicket; honeycomb; awake, rouse oneself; excitement; be exposed, bare, naked,
bare place; skin, (flesh); city, town
xi - to make, do (fulfill); aid, lend aid, come to help; press, squeeze; moth, waster, consumer
ti - time; now; timely, ready


ap - cleave in pieces; corner, side; here, hither
3p - early fig; grow numb
Dp - ransom; ruin, disaster
Zp - fine gold, refined, pure
8p - breathe, puff, blow; soot; bird-trap; plate of metal
fp - Libyan or Libyan tribe
kp - antimony, stibium; vial, flask; trickle
lp - to judge; to distinguish, discern; beans; be separated, distinct
Mp - superabundance
np - lest; turn; face, presence, before; corner
sp - flat of hand or foot, palm or sole; abundance, plenty
ip - shine out or forth, send out beams, cause to shine, brightness, splendour; groan
jp - be dispersed, scattered; flow, overflow
qp - reel, totter, stagger; bring out, furnish, promote
rp - lot; wine-press; fruit, bear fruit, be fruitful; young bull, steer, heifer, cow
xp - spring about, be scattered; spread; folly
tp - be spacious, wide, open; simple, open-minded; the sockets above and below in which the
door-pivots turned; fragment, bit, morsel of bread


aj - go or come out; filth, human excrement, filthy
Bj - set or station oneself, take one's stand; litter, litter-wagon, covered-wagon; unclean lizard;
swell, swell up; beauty, honour; gazelle
gj - set, place
Dj - side; lie in wait; lay waste; hunt; supply oneself with provisions, take as one's provision
6j - lay charge upon, give charge to, charge, command, order; ordinance
8j - parched; dazzling, glowing, clear
Yj - dryness, drought
lj - shadow, figurative of protection; ocean deep; roast, roasted, roast flesh
Mj - abstain from food, fast; woman's veil
nj - flocks; thorn, barb, hook of fishing spear; large shield
ij - lay, spread; couch, bed, flat surface of projecting story of temple; thing formed, image; stoop,
bend, incline
pj - flow, overflow, float; honeycomb; look out or about, spy, keep watch; lay out, lay over
jj - blossom, flower; shine, sparkle; gaze, peep; wing, fin
qj - pour, cast, flow; constrain, bring into straits, press upon, distress, pressure, constraint; pour
out; melt
rj - rock, cliff, rock wall; form, fashion, delineate; confine, bind, besiege; envoy, messenger;
pivot of door, hinge; pang, writhing; Tyre; a kind of balsam, gum of mastic tree; narrow, tight;
straits, distress; adversary, foe; vexer, rival-wife; hard pebble, flint
tj - kindle, burn


aq - vomit up, spue out, disgorge, what is vomited up, vomit
Bq - Kab: a measure of dry capacity; large vaulted tent; stomach, belly
Dq - be kindled, burn; a spice: cassia
5q - obedience; be blunt, dull
6q - line; collect
8q - wide or complete opening; take (impregnate or buy)
fq - feel a loathing; break, snap
Yq - vomit
lq - sound, voice; roast, parch, parched grain - a common food; be lightly esteemed,
dishonoured; lightness, frivolity; light, swift, fleet
Mq - to arise, stand up, stand; height; standing grain; adversary, uprising, insurgent; rising up;
nq - to create; take possession; elegy, dirge; get, acquire; stalk, reed; unit of measure: 6 cubits;
iq - be dislocated, alienated
pq - ape; go around
jq - awake; feel a loathing, abhorrence, sickening dread; thornbush, thorn; cut off, separate; end,
extremity; boundary
rq - be precious, prized, appraised; rare, splendid, weighty, costly; bore, dig; thread, film; wall;
cold, cool; encounter, meet, befall; chance, accident; opposition, contrariness
xq - lay a bait or lure, lay snares, bait-layer, fowler; rafter, beam, a thing meeting, fitting into
another; lay the beams of, furnish with beams; be hard, severe, fierce, stubbornness; stubble,


ar - Seer, to see, vision; mirror; awe, fear, reverence, honour; shoot, pour
Br - multitude, abundance, greatness; much, many, great; chief, myriad; ten thousand; archer,
shoot, (shooter); contend, strive, strife, dispute
Dr - come or go down, descend; have dominion, rule, dominate; scrape out; wander restlessly,
5r - fear
6r - be saturated, drink one's fill; watered
Zr - be or grow lean, leanness, wasting
8r - moon, month; breath, wind, spirit, scent, odour, perceive; mill-stone, hand-mill
fr - be precipitate, precipitate; wring out
kr - thigh, loin, side, base; flank, side, extreme parts, recesses; tender, delicate, soft
Mr - exalted; lofty, be high, rise, height, haughtiness, on high; cast, shoot; beguile, deal
treacherously with; loosened; worm
nr - overcome; rattle
ir - friend, attendant, associate with, companion, fellow; evil, badness, distress, misery, injury,
calamity; shepherd; Re-Egyptian sun-God; quiver; raise a shout, give a blast with clarion or horn,
shouting, roar; pasture, tend, graze; purpose, aim
pr - some grain or fruit such as was spread out to dry and also pounded; sink, relax, slack
jr - run; be pleased with, accept favourably; piece, bar
qr - green, greenness, herbs, berbage; spit; make empty, empty out, vain; thin; only, altogether,
surely; the temple of the head; spittle
rr - flow like slime, slimy juice, spittle
xr - take possession of, inherit, dispossess; a bitter and poisonous herb; venom of serpent,
poison; be in want, poor, poverty; to permit
tr - Ruth; friendship


ax - loftiness, pride; make a din or crash, crash into ruins, devastating storm; gaze; ravage, waste
Bx - sojourn; sit, remain, dwell; be hoary, hoary head, old age; take captive; a precious stone;
turn back, return; retirement, withdrawal; restoration
3x - wanderer; move away, backslide; dross; fence about; grow, increase; go astray, err
Dx - field, land; lime, whitewash; breast; demon; violence, havoc, devastation, ruin
6x - be even, smooth; agree with, be like, resemble; level plain; set, place
8x - emptiness; swim; complaint, musing; thought; bush, shrub, plant; sink down; pit; bow
down; low, lowly
fx - acacia tree or wood; extend, hold out; swerve, fall away, revolter, deeds that swerve; turn
aside; go or rove about; row; treat with despite
Yx - gift offered as homage
kx - hedge or fence up, about; branch or brushwood; booth, pavilion; thorn; barb, spear; growing
lx - request, thing asked for; skirt of robe; be quiet, at ease, prosperity; draw out, extract
Mx - be desolate; put, place, set; token of unluckiness, scowl; garlic; name; there, thither; waste,
nx - sleep; old, withered, flabby; change; year; scarlet; repeat, do again, second; tooth, ivory
sx - spoil, plunder
ix - to rescue, save, salvation, deliver, deliverance, safety, welfare; opulence, free, independent,
noble; gaze
px - lip, speech, edge; bruise; sweep bare; bareness, smooth or bare, treeless, height
qx - sack, sackcloth; leg; street; be abundant; cause to drink water, give to drink
rx - wall; song, to sing; smooth, straight, right, uprightness; turn aside; to saw; persist, exert
oneself, persevere; chieftain, chief, ruler, official, captain, prince, princess, noble lady; wife of
Abraham: Sarah; travel, journey; behold, regard; a head of cattle; row of olives or vines; let
loose; bracelet; navel string
xx - aged, decrepit; exult, rejoice; six, sixth, give the sixth part; byssus
tv - foundation, stay of society; put, set; garment; drink; seat of body, buttocks; warp


at - chamber; antelope; mark out
Bt - ark, chest, box, coffin
3t - grief
Dt - thanksgiving; peg, pin
5t - formlessness, confusion, unreality, emptiness
6t - mark, make or set a mark; pain, wound
8t - beat with a club, chastise
kt - midst; injury, oppression; led or assembled
lt - hang, dangle, let down; quiver with its arrows; mound
Mt - perfect, complete, finished, integrity, morally innocent; be alone, bereaved, orphan;
Egyptian god Atum
nt - perpetual, never-failing, permanent; hire; recount, rehearse; jackal
it - err; wandering, error in morals and religion, confusion, disturbance
pt - return; timbrel, tambourine
rt - direction, instruction, law; remain over, remainder, excellence; seek out, spy out, explore;
plait, turn; turtle-dove




Three-letter words:
BB1 - fresh, bright; young ears (of barley); Abib: 1st month
DB1 - perish, die, ruined, destroyed, lost
5B1 - to be willing, consent; reed, papyrus
8B1 - torment, slaughter
YB1 - exclamation of pain; Oh!
kB1 - to turn, roll, roll up
lB1 - to mourn; grow green (ie. Withstand scorching sun); meadow; verily, nay but; camel,
camel-driver; Abel son of Adam; stream, river
nB1 - poor, needy; stone, potter's wheel, wheel
sB1 - feed, fatten; feeding trough
qB1 - dust, powder, scented powder; run away; wrestle, get dusty
rB1 - firm, strong, pinion; fly; valiant, mighty
tB1 - water-skins
131 - fugitive, flee
331 - violent
D31 - bind, band, thong, fastening ox-bow
Z31 - nuts
l31 - (dew) drop; collection, reserve-supply
M31 - troubled, sad; troubled/muddy pool, marsh
n31 - circular, round; bowl, basin
p31 - band, army; wing
r31 - to gather food; pay, payment, hire, hireling
BD1 - to grieve
DD1 - strength
MD1 - man, mankind; ground, soil, land; red; Edom; Adam; god Edom
nD1 - base, pedestal; lord, master; ruled over, servant
rD1 - wide, great; glory, magnificence, majestic; Adar, 12th Babylonian month
B51 - to love
551 - alas!
Y51 - Yahweh
l51 - tent, settle down, settlement, dwelling; to be clear, shine; aloe
l61 - foolish, fool
n61 - trouble, sorrow, wickedness; iniquity, idolatry
BZ1 - hyssop-herb
lZ1 - to go
nZ1 - ear, hear, listen, give ear; impliments, tools; weigh, test, prove
qZ1 - manacle
rZ1 - gird, encompass, equip, waistcloth
D81 - union; one
681 - declaration
Z81 - to grasp, take hold, take possession; a possession
l81 - "O! Would that!", Ah that!, I wish that!

r81 - to remain behind, tarry, delay; behind, after, afterwards; another, other
t81 - sister
Df1 - bramble, buck-thorn
ff1 - to moan or creak
n91 - thread, yarn
r91 - shut-up, close, bind
BY1 - to be hostile to, enmity; Job
kY1 - How?, In what manner?; Where?
lY1 - ram; projecting pillar, pillaster; leader, chief; pominent, lofty tree; hart, stag, deer,
hind, doe; help
MY1 - terror, terrible, dread
nY1 - Whence?; nought
pY1 - Where?
Dk1 - Akkad-in northern Babylonia
lk1 - to eat, food
nk1 - surely
pk1 - to press, urge
rk1 - ploughman, husbandman
5l1 - God, divine or divine representative ruler or judge, angel
8l1 - morally corrupt; tainted
Yl1 - fat tail of sheep
ll1 - 6th month; weak, insufficent, worthless; alas! Woe!
Ml1 - porch; but, but indeed; bind, to be dumb; sheaf of reeds; silence
nl1 - terebinth, tall tree; oak
pl1 - to learn; thousand; tame; cattle; chief, chiliarch
jl1 - to urge
tl1 - lofty trees, grove of lofty trees
lM1 - weak, languish
MM1 - wide, roomy
nM1 - Amon-Egyptian God; confirm, support, faith, faithful, verily, truly, trusting, firmness,
steadfastness, fidelity; master-workman, artist, artificer, architect
jM1 - stout, strong, bold, alert
rM1 - to say, utter, declare, speech, word; top, summit of tree; Amorite; promise
xM1 - yesterday, last night
tM1 - truth, faithfulness, firmness
1n1 - Ah, now! I (We) beseech thee!
Bn1 - spring, leap
8n1 - sighing, groaning
Yn1 - mourning; a ship
kn1 - I; plummet
nn1 - complain, murmur
sn1 - compel, constrain
pn1 - anger; an unclean bird
qn1 - cry, groan; ferret or shrew-mouse
xn1 - be weak, sick; friendly, social; man, mankind
1s1 - heal

ks1 - flask
Ms1 - to gather, store
ns1 - mischief, evil, harm; thorn-bush
ps1 - to gather, collect, remove, ingathering, harvest, the store
rs1 - tie, bind, imprison, band, bond, prisoner, bondman, binding obligation
Dp1 - ephod; gird
lp1 - disappear, depart, sunset; darkness, gloom, calamity
np1 - wheel, turn; circumstance, condition
sp1 - cease, fail, come to an end
pp1 - surround, encompass
qp1 - to hold, be strong; water channel; enclosure, fortress
rp1 - fine gold; Ophir; ash; covering, bandage
tp1 - wonder, portent
lj1 - conjunction, proximity, joining, joint, elbow; lay aside, set apart, reserve; side, corner,
chief, noble
Mj1 - to be angry
rj1 - lay up, store up, treasure, storehouse, treasury
1r1 - lion
Br1 - to lie in wait, ambush; covert, lair; ambuscade; artifice; lattice, window, sluice; a kind of
3r1 - weave; loom
Zr1 - cedar; firm; withdraw, retreat
8r1 - wander, journey, traveller; way, path; caravan; meal, allowance of food
Yr1 - manger, crib; lion
kr1 - to be long, prolong; length, measurement, forbearance, self-restraint; healing, restoration of
a wound
Mr1 - Urim; lights; region of light, East
nr1 - fir, cedar; chest, ark
jr1 - earth, land
rr1 - curse
xr1 - betroth; desire, request
Dx1 - foundation, bottom, lower part, mountain-slope
Yx1 - buttress, column, support
kx1 - testicle
lx1 - firm, firmly rooted; tamarisk-tree
Mx1 - offence, guilt, tresspass, fault, tresspass offering
nx1 - pupil of eye; be hard, firm
px1 - conjurer, necromancer; quiver for arrows
rx1 - Asshur, Assyria; Osiris; Asher; happy, blessed; go staight, advance; pronounce
happy/blessed; be made happy/blessed; footstep; Ashera-Canaanite goddess, sacred trees or
poles; which
xx1 - found, establish; pressed raisin-cake
Mt1 - you (masculine)
nt1 - you (feminine); entrance; she-ass; perennial, ever-flowing, permanent, steady flow; hire of
a harlot
qt1 - gallery, porch

r1B - well, pit; make distinct, plain
x1B - stink, bad smell
t1B - lionesses (or see t1Bl)
lBB - Babel, Babylon
D3B - act or deal treacherously; garment, covering, clothing, robe
63B - happy
1DB - devise or invent evil
DDB - be separate, isolated; talk idly
lDB - be divided, separate, piece, separated piece; alloy, tin, dross
qDB - penetrate, split; fissure, rent, breach; mend, repair
f5B - porphyry-costly stone
l5B - disturbed, dismayed, terrified; ruin; hasten
M5B - beast, animal, cattle, hippopotamus, water ox; tongue-tied, dumb, impeded speech
n5B - shut, cover, closing; thumb, big toe
q5B - eruption, eruption on skin
r5B - bright, shine, brilliant
1ZB - divide, cut through
ZZB - spoil, plunder
qZB - scatter; sunrise; lightning flash
rZB - scatter
l8B - feel loathing
n8B - test, try, prove, examine; watch-tower; assayer-one who tries metals
r8B - to choose; young man; chosen, elect
1fB - speak rashly, thoughtlessly
8fB - trust; security
lfB - to cease
nfB - belly, body, womb, breast or bosom; pistachio
nYB - in the midst of, in between; amongst
tYB - house
1kB - balsam-tree
rkB - first-born, rise early, virgin, woman with first child, bear early, first-fruit; young camel,
dromedary; right of the first-born; first ripe fig, early fig
tkB - weeping
1lB - rags, things worn out
3lB - gleam, smile, cheerfulness
5lB - trouble, terror, dreadful event, calamity, destruction
llB - mingle, mix, confuse, confound; fodder; to give provender
MlB - nothingness; to curb, hold in
slB - to gather figs
ilB - swallow down, swallow up, engulf, devour
qlB - waste, lay waste, devastate
tlB - not, except
YnB - structure, building
rsB - too early, unripe or sour grapes

tsB - Bast: Egyptian god

DiB - remote, distant, separation; away from, behind, about, on behalf of
ZiB - quick, swift
fiB - to kick
liB - to marry, rule over; owner, lord, husband; Baal; mistress
riB - to burn, consume; beasts, cattle; brutish, dull-hearted
tiB - to fall upon, startle, terrify
ljB - strip, strip off; onion
ijB - cut off, break off; gain or profit by violence
jjB - soft, tender, impressible in body
qjB - swell; dough
rjB - cut off, make inaccessible, enclose; fortress, sheep-fold; precious ore, gold, ring-gold;
dearth, destitution; vintage
iqB - cleave, break open or through; fraction, half, shekel; valley, plain; fissure, breach
qqB - be luxuriant; empty
rqB - inquire, seek; cattle, herd, ox, herdsman; morning, dawn
xqB - to seek, request, entreat
1rB - to create, form, fashion, shape (always divine activity); a creation; fat
DrB - cold; hail; spotted, marked
ZrB - bore, pierce, appear
8rB - go through, flee; bar, shaft, spear
YrB - food
krB - kneel, knee; bless; pond, pool
MrB - twist a rope of two stands
qrB - flash, lightning
rrB - purify, select, cleanse; test, prove
xrB - cypress or fir
trB - food; covenant; lye, alkali, potash, soap
lxB - boil, seethe, grow ripe; cooked, boiled
MxB - sweet, pleasant; spice, balsam, balsam-tree
nxB - shame; smooth, fertile; Bashan
rxB - bear tidings; flesh, phallus
txB - shame
ltB - virgin; sever, separate
ntB - house, palace
qtB - cut, cut off, cut down
rtB - cut in two, part, piece
ttB - cut off, sever


613 - majesty, pride
l13 - redeem, redemption; kin, act as kinsman; defile
n13 - exaltation, majesty, excellence
t13 - majesty
1B3 - cistern, pool, marsh
BB3 - curved, convex, elevated
5B3 - high, exalted, lofty, tall
8B3 - giant; bald forehead
YB3 - locusts, swarm
lB3 - border, boundary, territory
nB3 - curved, contracted, coagulated, crook-backed, hump-backed; curd, cheese
iB3 - convex, projectiong, high, hill; cup, bowl
rB3 - strong, mighty, valiant; man, lord, lady, queen-mother
xB3 - firm, massive; crystal
DD3 - penetrate, cut; band, troop; furrow, cutting
lD3 - to grow up; become great
i 3 - to hew, hew down or off
pD3 - revile, blaspheme, taunt
rD3 - wall; to build a wall, hedge up
xD3 - heap, stack; tomb
r53 - bend, crouch
Y63 - body, corpse, nation, people
n63 - reddish black
ZZ3 - to shear
lZ3 - to tear away, seize, rob, robbery, plunder, spoil; young of birds
MZ3 - locusts; head of a family of returned exiles
iZ3 - to cut off; stem, stock
rZ3 - to cut, divide, portion, separation
tZ3 - a cutting, hewing
l83 - kindle, burn
M83 - flame
n83 - belly of reptiles; curve, bend; a bursting forth
r83 - retire, retreat; head of a family of returned exiles
1Y3 - valley
lY3 - joy
rY3 - to proselyte
Bl3 - shear, shave, barber
Dl3 - skin
8l3 - be bald, shave, shave off
ll3 - be great in rank or dignity; account, on account of; roll, roll away; dung; turning, folding;
cylinder, rod, circuit, district; idols
Ml3 - wrap up, fold, fold together, wrapping, garment; embryo
nl3 - go about, around, circuit
il3 - expose, lay bare, disclose oneself, break out

xl3 - to sit, sit up

tl3 - exile
1M3 - swallow; rush, reed, papyrus
DM3 - cubit; become solid, hard, stern
lM3 - recompense, dealing, benefit, reward; wean; ripen; deal fully or adequately with, deal out
to; camel
MM3 - abundance, much
jM3 - dig, pit
rM3 - to end, come to an end, complete, accomplished
Bn3 - to steal, a thing stolen, thief
Zn3 - to cover up, hide; chest for treasure or cloth
nn3 - to cover, surround, defend
tn3 - wine-press
li3 - abhor, loathe
ri3 - rebuke
xi3 - shake, quake
np3 - vine
rp3 - gopher wood
Br3 - itch, scab
Dr3 - scrape, scratch
Zr3 - to cut, cut off
lr3 - stone, stony, lot, to cast lots, a lot cast
Mr3 - lay aside, leave, save; bone; strength; self; break bones, break
nr3 - neck, throat; threshing-floor
sr3 - to be crushed
ir3 - diminish, restrain, withdraw
pr3 - sweep, shovel, or scoop up or away
rr3 - drag, drag away
xr3 - crush; drive or cast out, thing thrust or put forth; yield; expulsion, violence
tr3 - lodging-place
Mx3 - bulky, massive; rain, shower
nx3 - Goshen
rx3 - strengthen, make firm; bridge
xx3 - stroke, feel, feel with the hand


B1D - become faint, languish, failure of mental energy, dismay

31D - be anxious, concerned, fear; fish
1BD - rest
BBD - move gently, glide, glide over
lBD - lump of pressed figs; pressed fig-cake
qBD - cling, cleave, keep close; joining, soldering, appendage
rBD - to speak, word, speech; pestilence; pasture; float, raft; cause, reason, manner; bee;
hindmost chamber, innermost room of the temple, holy of holies, most holy place, the throneroom of Yahweh
xBD - honey; become black or brown
l3D - look, behold; standard, banner, carry or set up standard or banner
n3D - Dagan: god and idol of Phillistines; corn, grain
r3D - gather together as a brood
YDD - mandrake, sexual desire
M5D - astonish, astound
r5D - rush, dash; endure
D6D - David; sun-god worship
n8D - become dusky, dingy, inclining to black; millet
p8D - to drive, hasten
q8D - thrust, crowd, oppress
3YD - fisher, fisherman
nYD - judge
qYD - bulwark, siege-wall
xYD - threshing
1kD - to crush; contrite; dust, pulverized
3lD - leap
8lD - make turbid
llD - to hang, be low, languish; Delila
plD - drop, drip; weep
qlD - to burn, hotly pursue
tlD - branch, bough; door, doors
YMD - silence, still waiting, repose
MMD - silence, silently; be or grow dumb, still, whisper; wail, groan, lament
nMD - likeness; dung
iMD - weep, tears; juice: wine &/or oil
tMD - likeness, similitude
3nD - wax
kiD - to go out, be extinguished
tiD - knowledge, discernment, understanding, wisdom
qpD - beat, knock
lqD - date-tree, palm
qqD - crush, pulverise, thresh, be fine
rqD - to pierce, pierce through
1rD - repel
BrD - be sharp, penetrating

3rD - be high, lift

krD - tread, march; road, way, distance, journey, manner, path
MrD - south
irD - arm
qrD - walk rapidly, hasten; shield
rrD - stream, flow abundantly, free run, liberty; swallow
xrD - seek, resort to
1xD - sprout, shoot, grow green, grass
nxD - a clean animal: antelope or gazelle, mountain-goat; be fat, grow fat, fertility
1tD - to give


815 - Ahah! Expressing joy
lB5 - vapour, breath; vanity, act emptily, become vain; Abel
nB5 - ebony
rB5 - to divide
335 - murmuring, whisper, musing
n35 - appropriate, suitable
r35 - forsake, retire; emigration; Hagar
t35 - meditation, musing
DD5 - shout, shouting, cheer; Hadad
kD5 - cast or tread down
MD5 - stool, footstool; overthrow, overturn, cast down
sD5 - myrtle tree
pD5 - thrust, push, drive
rD5 - swell, honour, adorn; ornament, splendour, glory
165 - to fall
lk5 - temple, palace
rk5 - to wrong, detract from; a look or expression
1l5 - out there; onwards, further, beyond, removed far off
Zl5 - this
kl5 - to go, come, walk; traveller
ll5 - shine; be boastful; praise, rejoicing; madness
Ml5 - smite, hammer, strike down; hither, thither
YM5 - sound, music of instruments
lM5 - rain-storm; rushing or roaring sound; sound of a storm
MM5 - make a noise, move noisily, confuse, discomfit
nM5 - sound, murmur, roar, crowd, abundance; rage, turbulent; Haman
sM5 - brushwood
rM5 - pour, pour out
kp5 - turn, overturn; the contrary, contrariness, perversity; overthrow
3r5 - to kill, slay, slaughter by ruthless violence, massacre
Yr5 - pregnant
nr5 - mountaineer
sr5 - throw down, break or tear down; overthrow, destruction, ruin
rr5 - mountain-dweller
ix5 - salvation
kt5 - a melting
lt5 - deceive, mock
rt5 - abundance, superabundance


rZ6 - guilty, criminal
Dl6 - offspring, child
Di6 - perpetuity, advancing time


B1Z - wolf; drive or frighten away
t1Z - this
BBZ - to fly, move to and fro
DBZ - to give, bestow, endow, endowment, gift
8BZ - to slaughter for sacrifice, a sacrifice
lBZ - exalt, honour; elevation, height, lofty abode, temple
nDZ - insolence, presumptuousness
B5Z - gold
M5Z - be foul, loathsome
r5Z - be light, shining; admonish, warn
t6Z - corner
88Z - remove, displace
l8Z - shrink back, crawl away, fear
tYZ - olive, olive tree
kkZ - be bright, shining; pure, clean
rkZ - remember, memorial; male
3lZ - glide, slip, slide
llZ - shake; be light, worthless; make light of
plZ - drop, drip
tlZ - worthlessness
MMZ - consider, purpose, devise, plan
nMZ - be fixed, appointed, appointed time
rMZ - make music, melody, song; trime, prune; branch, twig, shoot; wonder at, admire; choice
product; a certain animal allowed as food: mountain-sheep or goat
BnZ - tail, end, stump; cut off, smite in rear
8nZ - reject, spurn, stink, emit stench
qnZ - leap
tnZ - fornication
kiZ - extinguish
MiZ - be indignant, indignation
piZ - out of humour, vexed, be enraged, storming
qiZ - cry, cry out, call
riZ - a little
tpZ - pitch
nqZ - chin, beard; be or become old, old age
pqZ - raise up
qqZ - refine, purify; bind, fetter, restraint
1rZ - loathsome thing
BrZ - be burnt, scorched
8rZ - to rise, come forth, dawning, shining
MrZ - pour forth in floods, flood away, issue
irZ - seed, sow, scatter seed, fructified, flow of semen, offspring, vegetable; arm, shoulder,
prZ - drip

qrZ - to toss or throw in volume, scatter abundantly

rrZ - sneeze
trZ - span
rtZ - conqueror


1B8 - to hide, withdraw; draw together, thicken, harden, of water becoming ice; bosom
BB8 - love
fB8 - beat off or out
lB8 - bind, pledge; cord, band, territory; pain, pang; mast (corded or roped in place), sailor (one
who cords or ropes in place); act ruinously or corruptly, destruction
nB8 - hiding, hiding-place; veil, envelope
qB8 - clasp, embrace, folding of the hands
rB8 - unite, be joined, tie a magic knot or spell, charm; company, association, partner,
companion; stripe, blow
xB8 - bind, bind on or up
tB8 - be lowly, submissive
138 - reeling
B38 - veil, conceil; locust, grasshopper
338 - make a pilgimage, keep a pilgrim-feast
638 - concealment, retreats
l38 - partridge
r38 - gird, gird on, gird oneself; belt, girdle, loin-covering
t38 - festal
DD8 - be sharp, keen, pointed
6D8 - joy
lD8 - cease, forbearing, lacking, cessation
qD8 - press or thrust in; brier
rD8 - surround, enclose, chamber, room
xD8 - renew, repair, new, new moon, month
r68 - be or grow white, pale
1Z8 - to see, preceive with the eyes
ZZ8 - thunder-bolt, lightning-flash
nZ8 - vision
qZ8 - be or grow firm, strong, strengthen, stout; force, violence
rZ8 - narrow-eyed; swine, boar
tZ8 - vision, conspicuousness
1f8 - sin, go wrong, miss a goal or way; sin-offering
Bf8 - cut or gather wood; turbid, dusky, mixed with yellowish red
ff8 - line, streak, stripe, furrow, trench
lf8 - be tall, long, quivering, be light, quick
Mf8 - hold in, restrain
pf8 - catch, seize
rf8 - sceptre, branch, twig, rod
lY8 - might, strength; efficiency, wealth; army
MY8 - life(s; not just at the moment, but perpetually throughout the day)
jY8 - party-wall
tY8 - living
lk8 - dark
Mk8 - wise, wisdom

1l8 - be sick, diseased; defiled, rust

Bl8 - milk; fat
Dl8 - duration, world; creep, crawl, weasel
Yl8 - jewelry
kl8 - hapless, unfortunate
ll8 - bore, pierce; flute, pipe; play the pipe; pollute, defile, profane; begin, untie, loosen, open;
far be it!
Ml8 - be healthy, strong; dream, emission of the seminal fluid, attain to puberty
nl8 - window
pl8 - pass on or away or through; exchange, vanishing, change, replace, substitute
jl8 - draw off or out, withdraw; what is stripped off a person as plunder in war; equip for war;
loins; vigour
ql8 - divide, share; portion, tract, territory; smooth, slippery; flattery, slipperiness or
seductiveness of speech, fine promises
xl8 - be weak, prostrate, disable
1M8 - curd; heat, rage
DM8 - desire, take pleasure in, delight, preciousness
fM8 - sink or fall to the ground, kneel; lizard: unclean animal
lM8 - spare, compassion, mercy
MM8 - be or become warm
nM8 - sun-pillar; hot-spring
sM8 - treat violently, wrong; men of a tribe who can bear arms
jM8 - be sour, leavened, that which is leavened; vinegar; seasoned; be red; ruthless
qM8 - turn away, curving, curve
rM8 - ferment, boil or foam up; wine; bitumen, asphalt; cement, mortar, clay; cover or smear
with asphalt; heap; homer: a dry measure; be red; he-ass
xM8 - five, fifth; belly; army
tM8 - husband's mother; hot-spring; waterskin; fortress
8n8 - giving of rest, holiday-making
fn8 - spice, make spicy, embalm
kn8 - train up, dedicate, trained, tried, experienced; dedication, consecration
Mn8 - out of favour
nn8 - gracious, shew favour; be loathsome
pn8 - be polluted, profane; irreligious, heathen, apostate
qn8 - strangle
tn8 - vaulted room; spear
Ds8 - mercy, good, kind, pious; stork; shame, reproach
ls8 - finish off, consume; a kind of locust
Ms8 - stop up, muzzle
ns8 - wealth, treasure; strong
rs8 - lack, need, decrease, poverty
ts8 - refuge
1p8 - do secretly
Zp8 - be in trepidation, hurry, or alarm
np8 - hollow of hand
pp8 - enclose, surround, cover

jp8 - delight, pleasure; bend down

rp8 - dig, search for; be abashed, ashamed
xp8 - search; freedom, be free; a shrewd device, plot
Bj8 - hew, hew out, cleave; wine-vat
nj8 - bosom, bosom of a garment; outer, external
jj8 - divide; gravel; archer
rj8 - enclosure, court; settled abode, settlement, village, haunt; green grass, herbage
tj8 - division, middle
qq8 - cut in, inscribe, decree
rq8 - search
1r8 - dung
Br8 - be dry, dried up, drought, heat, dry ground; be waste, desolate; Horeb; attack, smite down;
3r8 - quake
Dr8 - tremble, be terrified, fear, anxiety
Zr8 - string together, string of beads
fr8 - cut, scratch, tear; graving-tool, stylus; bag, purse
kr8 - set in motion, start
lr8 - a kind of weed, possibly chickpea
Mr8 - King Hiram of Tyre; ban, devote, exterminate, excommunicate, anathematize; sacred,
consecrated; asylum; slit or mutilate, pierce, perforate esp. the face, net (perforated)
nr8 - hole or hollow; burning of anger; cave, ravine
sr8 - sun; an eruptive disease, itch
ir8 - originate, invent
pr8 - Autumn; reproach, taunt, be sharp against, slander; harvest time; acquire
jr8 - cut, sharpen, decide, sharp; diligent, strict decision; trench, moat; a thing cut, a sharp
instrument, a cut; be yellow, gold
qr8 - gnash or grind the teeth
rr8 - be hot, scorched, burn, thirst, parched place; be or become free, freeman, noble; bore,
pierce, a hole
xr8 - earthenware, earthen vessel, sherd, potsherd; cut in, engrave, plough, devise; graver,
artificer; be silent, dumb, speechless, deaf, silent, secret; wood, wooded height; magic art or
magic drug
tr8 - grave, engrave
Bx8 - think, account; ingenious work; consideration, considerate
kx8 - withhold, refrain; be, grow dark, darkness, obscurity, low
lx8 - shatter
nx8 - the breast-piece or sacred pouch containing the Urim and Thummim
px8 - strip off, strip, make bare
qx8 - be attached to, love, desire; fillet or ring clasping a pillar of the tabernacle; furnish with
fillets or rings; spoke of a wheel
rx8 - collection, mass; nave, hub of a wheel
xx8 - chaff
kt8 - divide, determine
lt8 - entwine, enwrap; swaddling-band, bandage
Mt8 - seal, affix seal, seal up, signet-ring

nt8 - circumcise; wife's father; daughter's husband, bridegroom; make oneself a daughter's
husband; marriage, wedding
pt8 - seize, snatch away; prey
rt8 - dig, row (dig in water)
tt8 - be shattered, dismayed; terror


8Bf - slaughter, butcher, slay, thing slaughtered, slaughtered meat, cook, guardsman
lBf - dip; turban
iBf - sink, sink down
rBf - highest part, center
tBf - 10th month: Dec.-Jan.: month of sinking in or the muddy month
r5f - clean, pure, clearness, lustre, purifying, cleansing
88f - be besmeared
n8f - grind, ginding-mill, hand-mill, mill
r8f - tumours, result of dysentery
t8f - inward parts
pff - surround, encircle
1lf - patch, spot
llf - fine rain; cover over, roof
Mlf - oppress, injure
1Mf - be or become unclean
nMf - hide, conceal, esp. in the earth
1nf - basket, a receptacle for products of soil
pnf - soil, defile
Mif - taste, perceive, judgement, discernment, discretion
nif - load, pierce
8pf - extend, spread, a span, hand-breadth
lpf - smear or plaster, stick, glue
ppf - trip, take quick little steps
xpf - be gross
Drf - pursue, chase, be continuous
8rf - toil, be burdened
Mrf - of time, not yet, ere, before that
prf - tear, rned, pluck, fresh-plucked, prey, food, leaf, torn animal, torn flesh


B1Y - long, desire
l1Y - be foolish; shew willingness, be pleased, determine, undertake to do anything and do it
r1Y - stream of the Nile, stream, canal, watercourse
x1Y - despair
BBY - cry shrilly
lBY - conduct, bear along, esp. in procession; watercourse, stream, conduit in irrigating; produce
of soil; ram, ram's horn, cornet; running suppurating
MBY - husband's brother; a brother-in-law's office
nBY - one who is intelligent, discerning; to build
sBY - Jebusite; Jerusalem
xBY - be dry, dried up, withered, dry land, dry ground
B3Y - till, be husbandman; field
n3Y - grief, sorrow
i3Y - toil, grow or be weary; gain as a product of labour, a product of labour
r3Y - be afraid, fear
DDY - beloved; cast a lot
i Y - knowledge, to know
B5Y - give; lot, what is given
D5Y - Judah, Jewish, become a Jew
65Y - Yahweh
k5Y - break, split
r5Y - proud, haughty
n6Y - mire; Greece (Ionia)
iZY - sweat
D8Y - joy; united, only, only one, solitary, together
l8Y - await
M8Y - be hot, conceive, breeding heat
p8Y - barefoot
j8Y - divideth, apportioneth
x8Y - genealogy
BfY - be good, well, glad, pleasing
nYY - wine
8kY - decide, adjudge, prove
lkY - endure, be able, have power, prevail
nkY - appoint
DlY - bear, bring forth, beget, child, son, boy, youth, girl, damsel, born
llY - howl, make a howling
plY - accretion
qlY - a kind of locust
MMY - daytime, by day
nMY - right hand, go to or choose the right, use the right hand
xMY - touch
qnY - suck; young plant, sapling
DsY - establish, found, fix, beginning

psY - Joseph; to add, increase;

rsY - discipline, chasten, admonish; one who reproves, faultfinder
DiY - appoint
ZiY - nodding, making signs
fiY - cover
liY - profit, avail, benefit; mountain-goat; female
niY - ostrich; greed; purpose, intention; on account of, because
piY - be weary, faint
jiY - advise, counsel
riY - wood, forest, thicket; honeycomb
1pY - Joppa: Seaport town of Palestine
8pY - breathe, puff
ipY - shine out or forth, send out beams, cause to shine, brightness, splendour
1jY - to go or come out
BjY - set or station oneself, take one's stand
3jY - set, place
ijY - lay, spread, couch, bed; flat surface of lower projecting story of temple
qjY - pour, cast, flow; a casting of metal
rjY - form, fashion, framing, purpose
tjY - kindle, burn
BqY - wine vat
DqY - be kindled, burn
5qY - obedience
MqY - to set up, raise up, arise, erect; substance, existence
iqY - be dislocated, alienated
jqY - awake
rqY - be precious, prized, appraised, rare, splendid, weighty, costly
xqY - lay a bait or lure, lay snares; bait-layer, fowler
1rY - fear, reverence, honour, awe; shoot, pour
BrY - plead, contend; increase; opponent, adversary
DrY - come or go down, descend
8rY - moon, new moon, month; Jericho
frY - be precipitate, precipitate
krY - thigh, loin, side, base, flank, extreme parts, recesses
irY - quiver, curtain
qrY - green, greenness, herbs, herbage; split
xrY - take possession of, inherit, dispossess
BxY - to restore; sit, remain, dwell
8xY - emptiness of hunger
fxY - extend, hold out
MxY - be desolate; establish
nxY - sleep, old
ixY - deliver, deliverance, rescue, salvation, safety, welfare, Jesus/Joshua, salutary
pxY - jasper
rxY - Jasher, be smooth, straight, right, uprightness
vvY - aged, decrepit

tY - peg, pin
8tY - beat with a club, chastise
MtY - orphan, be alone, bereaved
ntY - perpetual, never-failing, permanent
rtY - great; remain over, remainder, excellence, cord, tendon, sinew; abundance, riches;
superiority, advantage, excess; a searching


B1k - be in mental or physical pain
DBk - he heavy, weighty, burdensome, honoured; liver; abundance, glory, riches
lBk - fetter, bind
nBk - wrap up, wrap round
sBk - tread, wash
iBk - helmet
rBk - be much, many, great, mighty; distance; already; a quilt or fly-net spread over the face
while sleeping; a sieve
xBk - lamb, ewe-lamb; footstool; subdue, bring into bondage
DDk - spark
nDk - dart, javelin
rDk - onset; ball, circle, cordon
n5k - priest; priesthood; act or minister as a priest
n6k - cake, sacrificial cake
BZk - lie, be a liar, falsehood, deceptive thing
D8k - hide, efface
l8k - paint eyes
x8k - be disappointing, deceive, deceptive, false, lying; leanness
rYk - pot, basin
Bkk - star
rkk - a round, a round district, a round loaf, a round weight, talent
1lk - shut up, restrain, withhold, confinement, restraint, imprisonment
Blk - dog; basket, cage
8lk - firm or rugged strength
Ylk - kidneys
llk - complete, perfect; entire, whole, holocaust; closed bridal chamber, closed chamber, one
closed in or reserved; betrothal
Mlk - be humiliated, humiliate; insult, reproach, ignominy
5Mk - faint
nMk - be hidden; Cummin: plant grown as a condiment
sMk - store up
rMk - grow warm and tender, be or grow hot; dark, gloomy, sad; overthrow, lay prostrate; (idol-)
xMk - Chemosh
snk - gather, collect
ink - be humble; bundle, pack
pnk - wing, extremity; be cornered, thrust into a corner, or aside
rnk - lyre
tnk - associate, colleague
1sk - full moon; throne, seat of honour
8sk - cut off or away
Ysk - covering
lsk - be or become stupid, stupidity; loins; confidence; Orion
Msk - shear, clip

ssk - compute; divide up, make small, fine

psk - long, long for; silver, money
tsk - covering; band, fillet
sik - be vexed, angry
lpk - double, double over, the double
npk - be hungry, hunger, hungrily desire, famine
spk - bind, fasten; rafter or girder
ppk - bend, dend down, be bent, bowed
rpk - atone, atonement, ransom, the price of a life, cover over, pacify, make propitiation, atone
for sin; pitch; young lion; plant: shrub or low tree with fragrant whitish flowers growing in
clusters like grapes.; village; bowl; hoar frost
xpk - make bent, press or bend together
Brk - cherub
krk - enwrap, surround
Mrk - vineyard; tend vineyards, dress vines
irk - leg; bow down
rrk - use circumlocution
xrk - Cyrus; belly
trk - cut off, cut down; Kerethites, a name for Philistines of a part of them, poss. Cretans
lxk - stumble, stagger, totter; axe
pxk - to cut oneself; sorcery, practice sorcery, sorcerer
rxk - be advantageous, proper, suitable, succeed, prosperity; distaff
Btk - write
ltk - make into firm lumps or blocks, make compact; wall of house
Mtk - gold; stained
ntk - clothe
ptk - shoulder, shoulder-blade, side
rtk - surround; crown
xtk - pound, pound fine, bray
ttk - beat, crush by beating, beaten


B1l - thirsty
f1l - cover; gently; secrecy, mystery
k1l - messenger
M1l - reconcile, bring together; people
1Bl - lion, lioness
BBl - inner man, mind, will, heart; get a mind; cakes, make cakes
DBl - alone
fBl - thrust down, out, or away
nBl - be white; moon; frankincense; poplar; brick, tile, make brick
xBl - put on a garment, clothe, wear, be clothed, garment, clothing, raiment
B5l - flame; blade
35l - study, devotion to books
f5l - blaze up, flame
M5l - swallow greedily
n5l - on this account, therefore
q5l - band, company
Y6l - wreath
tZl - deviation, crookedness
k8l - lick
M8l - bread, food, use as food, eat; fight, do battle; intestines, bowels
j8l - squeeze, press; oppress, oppression, distress
x8l - whisper; charm, amulet, to charm (a serpent)
1fl - a kind of lizard
xfl - hammer, sharpen, whet
lYl - night
xYl - strength; lion
Dkl - capture, seize, take by lot
1ll - if not, unless
tll - Lilith: night demon
DMl - exercise in, learn, taught
Bil - jest
3il - mock, deride; stammer
Zil - talk indistinctly, unintelligibly
fil - swallow greedily
nil - wormwood, bitterness, result of intercourse with strange woman
il - talk wildly; swallow, swallow down
Dpl - torch
npl - anterior
tpl - twist, turn, grasp with a twisting motion
njl - scorning
8ql - take; teaching, learning, what is received
fql - pick or gather up, glean
qql - lap, lick
xql - after-growth, after-math, spring crop

xl - juice, juicy or dainty bit, dainty

kxl - room, chamber, hall, cell, lishka
Mxl - a precious stone in high priest's breast-plate
nxl - lick, tongue, use the tongue; slander, (double-talk)
8tl - spread out, spread out garment
ktl - a barley-measure


B1M - Moab
D1M - muchness, force, abundance, exceedingly
61M - desire
l1M - front, in front of
M1M - blemish, defect; anything
n1M - refuse
s1M - reject; flow, run
p1M - baked object
j1M - a kind of white camel
r1M - luminary; prick, pain
1BM - entrance, entering
fBM - expectation, object of hope or confidence, thing looked to
kBM - confusion, confounding
lBM - flood
nBM - structure
sBM - down-treading, subjugation
iBM - spring of water
xBM - privates that excite shame
D3M - excellence
l3M - roll of writing, book; sickle
n3M - shield, covering; deliver up, deliver
p3M - blow, slaughter, plague, pestilence
r3M - sojourning-place, dwelling-place, store-house, granary; fear, terror; a cutting saw;
cast, throw, toss
DDM - measure
6DM - sickness
8DM - means or occasion of stumbling; a thing to draw aside
kDM - mortar
nDM - strife, contention; province, district
i M - kinsman; knowledge, thought; wherefore?
rDM - pile of wood
xDM - that which is threshed
55M - linger, tarry
l5M - circumcision; weaken; dilute
M5M - tumult, confusion, disquietude, discomfiture
r5M - hasten, speedy, swift, quickly, prompt, ready; purchase-price of wife, acquire by paying
3ZM - mixture; mixed wine
ZZM - door-post, gate-post
8ZM - girdle
MZM - purpose, discretion, device
nZM - food, sustenance
rZM - wound; six pronged pitch-fork used in winnowing; bad egg or seed; net, extended
18M - strike, clap the hand

38M - circle-instrument, compass

Z8M - vision; light, place of seeing; window; city
Y8M - preservation of life, sustenance, reviving
l8M - dance; sickness, disease, suffering caused by wounds; hole
n8M - encampment, camp
s8M - refuge, shelter
j8M - half; smite through, wound severely, severe wound, shatter
q8M - utterly destroy, annihilate
r8M - tomorrow, in time to come; price, hire
t8M - thing seized; fire-holder, censer, snuff dish; terror, destruction, ruin
BfM - the best
6fM - that which is spun, yarn
lfM - wrought-metal rod
ifM - place or act of planting, plantation
rfM - rain; guard, ward, prison; target, mark, kept in the eye, watched
MYM - waters
6kM - burnt-spot, scar of a burn
kkM - be low, humiliated
lkM - enclosure, fold; completeness, perfection; brook, stream
nkM - fixed or established place or resting place, base, foundation
skM - covering; computation, portion to be paid, tax
rkM - origin; pit; sell, merchandise, value; acquaintance, friend
tkM - the crushed or pulverized, crushed fragments
1lM - be full, fill, plentitude; setting, installation
8lM - tear away, dissipate; rag; salt, season, barrenness; mallow: plant growing in salt-marsh;
flM - slip away; mortar, cement; delivered
klM - king, queen, counselor, be or become king, reign, kingship, royalty; Molech; counsel,
llM - speak, utter, say; rub, scrape; ear of wheat; languish, wither, fade; circumcise
nlM - lodging-place, inn, khan
jlM - satire, mocking-poem; smooth, slippery, agreeable, pleasant
qlM - nip, nip off
DMM - measurement
rMM - bitterness
tMM - death
DnM - shaking, wagging
8nM - gift, tribute, offering; resting-place, state, or condition of rest
lnM - gain, acquisition
snM - flight, place of escape, refuge
inM - withhold, hold back
rnM - lamp stand - seven branched: Menorah; beam carrying the heddles in loom
xnM - Mannasseh
tnM - portion
BsM - that which surrounds or is round, encompassing
DsM - foundation, foundation-laying

6sM - veil
ksM - mix, produce by mixing; woven stuff, web, esp. as covering; molten metal or image;
libation; covering, screen; architectural term
lsM - highway, raised way
ssM - dissolve, melt; is born, Moses: xM
isM - pulling up, breaking camp, setting out, journey; quarry or quarrying; missile, dart
rsM - band, bond; moral discipline, chastening, correction; deliver up, offer
tsM - sufficiency
BiM - thickness, compactness
3iM - cake
DiM - appointed time, place, meeting, slip, slide, totter, shake
ZiM - place or means of safety, protection
fiM - be or become small, diminished, few, a little; wrap, mantle
kiM - press, squeeze
liM - act unfaithfully, treacherously; robe; lifting, ascent, higher part, above, upwards, what
comes up, step, stair
niM - dwelling, habitation; answer, response; purpose; place for task, field for ploughing
piM - gloom
jiM - wrath; counsel, plan, principle
qiM - compression, distress; parapet
riM - nakedness, pudendum, bare, naked-place; cave
xiM - deed, work
8pM - breathing out; bellows
lpM - refuse, hanging parts; a ruin
jpM - shattering; a war-club, a shatterer; scatterer, disperser
tpM - wonder, sign, portent
1jM - place or act of going forth, issue, export, source, spring; attain to find
BjM - standing-place, station, garrison; palisade or intrenchment; guard, watch; pillar, masseba,
DjM - fastness, stronghold, hunting-place, siege works, hunting implement, net, prey
6jM - commandment
8jM - brow, forehead; a greave
ljM - depth, deep
ijM - couch, bed
pjM - watch-tower, outlook-point
jjM - drain out
qjM - a casting of metal, molten support, pillar; constraint, distress, straitness, straits, stress
rjM - Egyptian; siege-enclosure, siege, entrenchment, siege-works, rampart
DqM - a burning mass, hearth
6qM - hope; collection, collected mass; reservoir
8qM - a taking, receiving; ware
lqM - rod, staff
MqM - standing-place, place, station, post, office
nqM - cattle; purchase; possession
qqM - decay, rot, fester, pine away
rqM - spring, fountain; figurative of eye; source of menstrous blood, flow of blood after child60

birth; accident, chance, fortune; beam-work; coolness

xqM - a bait or lure, snare; place, field, of cucumbers; hammered work of metal
1rM - fear; beat the air, or flay the wings; fatling; crop or alimentary canal; vision, sight,
BrM - abundance, increase, much; strife, contention, place of strife; advocate
3rM - threshing-sledge
DrM - descent, slope; rebel, revolt; dominion; restlessness, straying
8rM - rub, rub away; roomy, enlarge, enlargement
frM - make smooth, bare, bald; scour, polish
krM - weakness
MrM - height; deceit, treachery
irM - pasturage, pasture; friend, companion
prM - healing, cure, health
jrM - be sick; race, running; course of life; crushing, oppression
qrM - scour, polish; a scraping, rubbing; juice stewed out of meat, broth
rrM - be bitter, bitter thing, bitter herb, gall, poison; flow
xrM - a possession
1xM - load, burden, lifting, bearing, tribute; utterance, oracle; lifting up; the uplifting cloud;
lending on interest or usury, loan; desolation
BxM - seat, assembly, dwelling-place, dwelling, dwellers; turning back, apostasy
3xM - mistake, error
8xM - anoint, anointed, smear, ointment, consecrated portion; Messiah
fxM - oar
kxM - draw, drag; trail; hedge; butler, cup-bearer; irrigation, drink
lxM - represent, be like, likeness; proverb, parable, parallelism, sentences of poetry; rule, have
dominion, reign; by-word
MxM - devastation, waste
nxM - double, copy, second
sxM - booty, plunder
ixM - deliverance; cleansing
qxM - acquisition, possession; running, rushing
rxM - evenness, uprightness, level place; measure of water ; a saw; rule, dominion; juice
xxM - feel, grope; exultation
txM - feast, drink
3tM - bridle
8tM - spread out
YtM - when?
MtM - soundness
ntM - stout, firm; gift(s)
qtM - be or become sweet or pleasant
rtM - abundance, pre-eminence; cord, string
ttM - gift, reward


1n - skin-bottle, skin
61n - comely, seemly
M1n - utterance, utter a prophesy, speak as a prophet
p1n - commit adultery, adultery
q1n - groan
r1n - abhor, spurn
1Bn - prophet, spokesman, speaker, prophesy, prophetess; Nebo: Babylonian god
BBn - hollow out
8Bn - bark of dogs
fBn - look
kBn - spring
lBn - skin-bottle, skin; jar, pitcher; harp, or lute, guitar; senseless, foolish; sink or drop down,
languish, wither and fall, fade; carcass, corpse
iBn - flow, spring, bubble up
Bgn - south-country, Negeb, south
D3n - be conspicuous; in front of , in sight of, opposite to, leader
53n - shine, brightness
83n - push, thrust, gore, addicted to goring
n3n - touch strings, play a stringed instrument, music
i3n - touch, reach, strike; stroke, plague, mark
p3n - strike, smite, blow
r3n - pour, flow, run
x3n - press, drive, oppress, exact; draw near, approach, sexual intercourse
1Dn - drive away, thrust aside
BDn - noble, generous; liberal, voluntariness, freewill-offering; impelled, incite
DDn - retreat, flee, depart, stray, wander, flutter; toss and turn; earth-heap, sand-heap
8Dn - impel, thrust, banish
nDn - gift; sheath
pDn - drive, drive asunder
rDn - vow
35n - drive, conduct; moan, lament
l5n - lead, guide to a watering-place or station, and cause to rest there, bring to a station or place
of rest, lead, guide, refresh
M5n - growl, groan
q5n - bray, cry
r5n - flow, stream, river; shine, beam, light, daylight
t6n - habitations
DZn - thing sodden or boiled, pottage
lZn - flow, trickle, drop, distil
MZn - gold ring
qZn - injury, damage
rZn - dedicate, consecrate, separate, consecration, crown, Naziriteship, Nazirite, one
consecrated, devoted
88n - a quieting, soothing, tranquillizing


l8n - possession, property, inheritance; flute; torrent, torrent-valley, wady; palm-tree

M8n - be sorry, console oneself, comfort, sorrow, repentance
n8n - we
j8n - urge, urgent
r8n - a snorting, nostril
x8n - serpent; practice divination, divine, observe signs, divination, enchantment; copper, bronze
t8n - quietness, rest; go down, descend, descent
lfn - lift, bear, burden, weight, laden
ifn - plant, plantation, planting
pfn - drop, drip; discourse; an odorif. Gum used in sacred incense; pendant or ornament or pearl
in drop shape
rfn - keep
xfn - leave, forsake, permit; twig, tendril of vine
1kn - smite, scourge, stricken
Dkn - progeny, posterity
8kn - front; straight, right, straightness, true
lkn - be crafty, deceitful, knavish, wiliness
nkn - blow
skn - riches, treasures
rkn - regard, recognize; misfortune, calamity, that which is foreign, foreignness, alien, act or
treat as foreign or strange, disguise, misconstrue
tkn - treasure
lMn - ant
rMn - leopard
6nn - Nineveh
Bsn - turn of affairs
8sn - pull or tear away
ksn - pour out; libation, molten image or metal; weave; set, install; prince
nsn - 1st month
ssn - be sick; be high or conspicuous, prominent
isn - pull out or up, set out, journey; throw, puncture, wound
Din - meeting
lin - bar, bolt, look; sandal, shoe; furnish with sandals
Min - delight, pleasant, lovely; singing, sweetly sounding, musical
jin - prick, stick or thrust in, wedge in
rin - growl; shake, shake out or off; scattering; boy, lad, youth, early life, girl, damsel, not yet
weaned or just weaned; retainer
8pn - breathe, blow
kpn - a precious stone
lpn - fall, lie; untimely birth, abortion; giant
jpn - shatter; driving storm, bursting of clouds; disperse, be scattered
xpn - soul, living being, life, self, person, desire, appetite, emotion, passion
tpn - flowing honey, honey from the comb
1jn - fly
Bjn - take one's stand, stand; haft, hilt of sword; pillar, prefect; garrison, post
8jn - be pre-eminent, enduring; act as overseer, superintendent, director; eminence, enduring,

everlastingness, perpetuity; juice of grapes, blood, gore

ljn - strip, plunder; deliver oneself, be delivered, snatch away, deliver
jjn - shine, sparkle; bloom, blossom
rjn - watch, guard, keep, preserved; sprout, shoot
1qn - innocent
Bqn - pierce; female; curse
Dqn - speckled; what is crumbled or easily crumbles, crumb; point or drop; sheep-raiser, -dealer,
or \tender
Mqn - avenge, take vengeance
iqn - be severed, alienated, estranged
pqn - strike off; go around; encircling rope
qqn - cleft of rock
rqn - bore, pick, dig; hole, crevice
xqn - knock, strike, bring down
Drn - an odorif. Plant from India
1xn - lift, carry, take; what is borne about; one lifted up, a chief prince; rising mist, vapour; lend
on interest or usury, be a creditory; beguile, deceive; forget
Bxn - blow
3xn - reach, overtake
Yxn - forgetfulness, oblivion
kxn - bite; interest, usury, something bitten off, pay, give interest; chamber
lxn - slip or drop off; draw off; clear away
Mxn - pant, breath
pxn - blow; twilight, twilight breeze
qxn - kiss; handle or be equipped with, equipment, weapons, armoury
rxn - griffon-vulture, eagle
txn - be dry, parched
Btn - path, pathway
Ztn - spring, spurt, out
8tn - cut up, cut in pieces, divide by joints; piece of a divided carcass
ktn - pour forth, be poured out
ntn - to give, put, set
stn - tear or break down
itn - break, break down or outspreading
jtn - pulldown, break down
qtn - pull, draw, tear away, apart, off; scab, a tearing off, what one is inclined to scratch or tear
rtn - spring or start up; be free, loose; natron or carbonate of soda, a mineral alkali
xtn - pull or pluck up, root out


n1s - sandal, boot of soldier; tread, tramp
1Bs - imbibe, drink largely, liquor
BBs - turn about, go around, surround, circuit, round about
kBs - interweave; thicket
lBs - bear a heavy load, load, burden
D3s - prostrate oneself in worship
l3s - possession, property
n3s - prefect, ruler
r3s - shut, close, enclosure, encasement, cage, prison; fill with water
MDs - Sodom
nDs - linen wrapper
rDs - arrangement, order; row, rank of soldiers in line; architectural term
r5s - roundness
n6s - 3rd month: May-June
B8s - drag; rag, clout
p8s - prostrate
r8s - go around, about, travel about in; traffic, gain; merchandise; buckler
x8s - grain that shoots up of itself in 2nd year
kks - overshadow, screen, cover; weave together; protector
lks - be foolish, a fool
nks - be of use or service, benefit; incur danger; be poor
rks - shut up, stop up; hire
tks - be silent
1ls - weigh
Dls - to spring
8ls - forgive, pardon
lls - lift up, cast up; mound
Mls - ladder
nls - brier
pls - twist, pervert, overturn, crookedness, crooked dealing
qls - ascend
tls - fine wheaten flour
kMs - to support, lean, lay, rest; sustained
lMs - image, statue
MMs - fragrant
nMs - barley in an appointed place or a determined portion
rMs - bristle up; rough
Dis - support, sustain, stay
pis - cleft; branch, bough; lop off boughs; divided, halfhearted, division, divided opinion
ris - storm, rage, tempest, sweep or whirl away
1ps - give to eat
Dps - wail, lamentation
8ps - join, attach to; outpouring; growth from spilled kernels
lps - bowl

nps - cover, cover in, panel; ceiling; vessel, ship

pps - stand at or guard the threshold
qps - slap, clap
rps - sapphire, lapis lazuli; book, missive, document, writing, count, recount, relate; enumerator,
muster-officer, secretary, scribe, enumeration, census, number
lqs - stone, put to death by stoning; free from stones
Brs - rebel
Drs - be frightened
8rs - go free, be unrestrained, overrun, exceed, excess
nrs - armour; tyrant, lord; axle
srs - eunuch
rrs - be stubborn, rebelliously
6ts - winter
Mts - stop up, shut up, keep closed
rts - hide, conceal, covering, hiding-place, secrecy, shelter, protection


Bi - work, serve,slave,servant, worshipper, labour, service
fBi - pledge, article pledged as security for debt
lBi - bulky, stout
rBi - Hebrew, Eber, pass over, through, by, pass on, region across or beyond, side, cross;
overflow, arrogance, fury, infuriate oneself; produce, yield; sake of, account of, order that,
produce or grain of
xBi - shrivel
tBi - wind, weave, leafy; twisted cord, rope, cordage, interwoven foliage
B3i - lust, have inordinate affection, sensuous love; musical instrument: reed-pipe or flute
l3i - round, roll; calf, heifer; rolling cart; hoop, ring
M3i - be grieved
n3i - shut oneself in or off
r3i - a bird
DDi - count, reckon, number, period, time; restorer, prophet
nDi - Eden, paradise, luxury, dainty, delight, voluptuous
pDi - remain over, be in excess
rDi - flock, herd; help; hoe; be lacking, fail
xDi - lentile
tDi - testimony
l6i - young boy; injustice, unrighteousness, act wrongfully
r6i - make blind, blind
t6i - be bent, crooked, subversion
BZi - leave, forsake, loose, desolation; restore, repair
ZZi - be strong, strength, might, fierceness, powerful
qZi - dig about
rZi - help, succor, assistance; enclosure
nfi - pail, bucket
pfi - turn aside; envelop oneself; be feeble, faint
rfi - surround; crown, wreath
xfi - sneeze
fYi - bird of prey; scream
MYi - glow
nYi - eye; spring of water
pYi - faint, weary
rYi - male ass, young and vigorous
xYi - Great Bear constellation
ski - anklet, bangle; shake bangles, rattle, tinkle
rki - stir up, disturb, trouble
1li - to ascend
3li - speaking inarticulately
Zli - exult, jubilant
fli - thick darkness
Yli - roof-chamber
lli - act severely; glean, wantonness, deed; child, act or play the child; insert, thrust in


Mli - conceal; young man, young woman, ripe sexually; long duration, antiquity, futurity
sli - delight, rejoice
ili - drink
pli - cover
jli - rejoice, exult
qli - leech
DMi - take one's stand, stand, standing-place, standing-ground; pillar, column
lMi - labour, toil, trouble
MMi - darken, dim
nMi - Ammon; Ammonite
sMi - load, carry a load; Amos
qMi - valley; be deep, vale, depth, unfathomable
rMi - sheaf; omer; swath, row of fallen grain; bind sheaves; deal tyrannically; Gomorrah; Omri
xMi - load, carry a load
tMi - associate, fellow, relation
1ni - distress
Bni - grape
3ni - be soft, delicate, dainty
Dni - bind around, upon
6ni - poor, afflicted, humble, meek
nni - cover; cloud-mass, cloud; practice soothsaying
pni - branches, boughs, full of branches
qni - neck, necklace, neck-pendant
xni - indemnity, fine, mulct
tni - affliction
ssi - press, crush, by treading, tread down; sweet wine, pressed out juice
lpi - swell; mound, hill; tumor; be heedless
rpi - dry earth, dust; young hart, stag
Bji - hurt, pain, grieve, toil; shape, fashion, vessel, idol
lji - be sluggish, lazy
Mji - be vast, mighty, numerous; bone, substance, self; shut the eyes; defence
rji - restrain, retain, coercion; assembly
Bqi - heel, footprint, hinder-part, follow at the heel, assail insidiously, circumvent, overreach,
deceitful, foot-tracked; steep, hilly; consequence, as a consequence of, because, reward, end
Dqi - to bind; striped, streaked
lqi - bend, twist
rqi - offshoot, member; pluck or root up; root-sinew, hamstring; barren
xqi - twist; twisted, perverted
Bri - depression; mixture, mixed company; woof; swarm; take on pledge, give in pledge, pledge,
exchange, token; be sweet, pleasing; desert-plateau, steppe, steppe-dweller, Arabian; sunset,
evening, become evening, grow dark; raven; poplar
3ri - long for; garden terrace or bed
Dri - wild ass
6ri - nakedness, pudenda
Yri - nakedness
kri - arrange or set in order, order, row, estimate; value, tax

lri - foreskin, uncircumcised

Mri - naked; heap, be heaped up; be shrewd, crafty, prudence, sensible
sri - coarse meal; kneading-trough
pri - back of neck, neck, break the neck; drip, drop; cloud
jri - cause to tremble, tremble, dreadful, awe-inspiring, terror-striking
qri - gnaw
rri - strip oneself, stripped, childless
xri - couch, divan
Bxi - herb, herbage
6xi - Esau
nxi - smoke; be wroth
qxi - contend; oppress, wrong, extort, distress
rxi - ten, take the tenth of, tithe, a ten, decade; be or become rich
xxi - waste away
txi - be smooth or shiny; plate; think; one
Dti - be ready, prepared; he-goat
lti - grow great, great, exalted
Mti - burned up
qti - move, proceed, advance; forward, arrogant of speech; valuable; advanced, eminent,
surpassing, choice; removed, old
rti - pray, supplicate always to God; worshipper; be abundant; odour


r1p - beautify, glorify; head-dress, turban, ornament; bough, go over the boughs
l3p - foul thing, refuse
i3p - meet, encounter, reach; occurrence, chance
r3p - be exhausted, faint; corpse, carcass
x3p - meet, encounter
t3p - benumbing, cessation
nDp - garden, field; yoke, span of oxen
i p - deliver
rDp - suet
tDp - ransom
ZZp - be refined; be supple, agile
rZp - scatter
D8p - dread, be in dread, in awe; thigh
Z8p - be wanton, reckless, unbridled license
88p - ensnare
M8p - coal
Dfp - topaz or chrysolite
rfp - separate, remove, set free, that which separates, first opens
xfp - forge-hammer
1lp - wonder, be surpassing, extraordinary, wonderful, incomprehensible
3lp - split, divide, division; channel, canal, stream
Dlp - iron, steel
8lp - cleave, cleavage, mill-stone
flp - to deliver, deliverance, escape, fugitive
klp - whirl of spindle; district, a circuit, circle
llp - intervene, interpose; judge, office of judge or umpire
nlp - a certain one, such a one
slp - balance, scale, weigh, make level
jlp - shudder
xlp - balance, scale; act of mourning, roll in dust
Mnp - towards the inside; within, faceward, inner
nnp - coral
qnp - indulge, pamper
3sp - pass between; cleft
8sp - pass or spring over; Passover; limp, lame
lsp - hew, hew into shape, idol, image
ssp - disappear, vanish
lip - to do, make, doing, deed, work, recompence
Mip - thrust, impel; beat
rip - open wide the mouth
8jp - part, open, cause to break or burst forth
ljp - peel
Mjp - split open
ijp - bruise, wound by bruising

jjp - dispersion; break

rjp - push, press
Dqp - attend to, visit, muster, appoint; oversight; store; commissioner, deputy, overseer; precept
8qp - open eyes and ears, seeing, hearken
1rp - wild ass
Drp - divide; grain of seed, pebble, berry; mule, she-mule
Zrp - warrior or leader; open region, hamlet, hamlet-dweller
8rp - bud, sprout, shoot; break out of leprosy and like eruptions; fly
frp - the broken off or fallen part (fruit fallen to the ground)
krp - harshness, severity; bar, shut off
Mrp - tear, rend garment
srp - Persia, Persian; break in two, divide; bearded vulture, bird of prey, ossifrage; hoof, divided
irp - Pharaoh; leader, act as leader; long hair of head, locks; let go, let alone
jrp - to breach, break through, burst forth; violent one, robber, murderer
qrp - tear apart, away, parting of ways; fragment
rrp - pot; break, frustrate; split, divide
xrp - break in two, divide; spread out, spread; make distinct, declare, exact statement; pierce,
sting; faecal matter; horse, steed, horseman
trp - Euphrates
8xp - tear in pieces
fxp - strip off, make a dash, raid
ixp - step, march; rebel, transgress, transgression
qxp - part, open wide
rxp - solution, interpretation
txp - flax, linen, wick
8tp - open, opening, gateway, doorway, entrance, unfolding; drawn sword; engrave
ltp - twist, twisted cord or thread
ntp - a venomous serpent, cobra
itp - suddenness
rtp - interpret a dream (PETER)
ttp - break up, crumble


n1j - small cattle, sheep and goats, flock
1Bj - wage war, serve, army, war, warfare, host
BBj - low, covered wagon
fBj - reach, hold out, to
YBj - gazelle
iBj - dye, dyed stuff, coloured, variegated; hyena
rBj - heap up, heap
tBj - bundle of grain
YDj - lying in wait
nDj - Sidon
qDj - righteous, righteousness, just, priest, true
B5j - gleam, gleaming, yellow
l5j - neigh, cry shrilly; make shining
r5j - midday, noon; roof; press out oil
86j - cry aloud, outcry in distress or grief
88j - be dazzling; shining, glaring, surface; scorched land
n8j - stench
q8j - laugh
r8j - reddish-gray, tawny
DYj - hunting, game, hunter, provision, food
nYj - Zion; dryness, parched ground; sign-post, monument
8lj - rush; advance, prosper; pot for cooking
llj - tingle, quiver; sink, be submerged; be or grow dark; cake, round loaf
Mlj - image, likeness, resemblance
ilj - side, rib, ridge or terrace of hill, side-chambers or cells of temple, planks or boards of cedar,
leaves of door, etc.; limp; stumbling
plj - caper-plant
1Mj - be thirsty, parched conditions
DMj - bind, join; couple, pair; bracelet; cover of vessel
8Mj - sprout, spring up, growth
MMj - snare, trap
qMj - dry up, shrivel; bunch of raisins, dried grapes
rMj - wool
tMj - put an end to, exterminate
1nj - flocks
8nj - descend
Mnj - dry up, harden
nnj - thorn, prick
inj - be modest, humble
pnj - wrap or wind up, together; turban of high priest a symbol of righteousness; winding
qnj - pillory
rnj - pipe, spout, conduit
Dij - step, march, pace; armlet
nij - wander, travel; Zoan, Tanis

pij - double
qij - cry, cry out, call
rij - be or grow insignificant, little, young; Zoar
Dpj - draw together, contract
8pj - broad
Ypj - outlook-post; metal plating
npj - to protect; hide, treasure up, treasure; north, northerner
ipj - hiss, a poisonous, hissing serpent; dung of cattle; offshoot
ppj - chirp, peep
rpj - bird; plait, chaplet; he-goat
tpj - rug, carpet; plated capital of pillar
tjj - tassel, lock
Brj - burn, scorch
8rj - cry, roar; excavation, underground chamber
krj - need
irj - be struck with leprosy, leprous; hornets as wounding, prostrating
prj - smelt, refine, test; goldsmith
rrj - bind, tie up, be restricted, narrow, scant, cramped; suffer distress; bundle, parcel, pouch,
bag; shew hostility toward, vex; make a rival-wife; pebble


t1q - a bird: pelican
BBq - vaulted; utter a curse against, curse
lBq - receive, take; something in front, an attacking-engine
iBq - rob; helmet
jBq - gather, collect; heap
rBq - bury, grave, sepulchre
DDq - bow down
8Dq - be kindled, kindle
MDq - front, east, a fore time, come or be in front, meet, eastward; antiquity, former state; east
wind; a Kedemite: a proverbially wise people
rDq - swarthy, black-tented; be dark
xDq - sacredness, apartness, separation, withdrawal, holy, be set apart, consecrate, hallowed,
sanctuary; harlot, temple prostitute
l5q - assembly, convocation, congregation, assemble
Bfq - destruction
lfq - slay, slaughter
nfq - be small, insignificant, young, unimportant, little finger
pfq - pluck off
rfq - thick smoke, smoke of sacrifice, make sacrifices smoke, incense; shut in, enclose
nYq - spear; Cain son of Adam
jYq - summer, summer-fruit
flq - take up, in, harbor; be stunted
llq - be slight, swift, trifling; burnished, light, quick movement of rubbing; curse
nlq - ignominy, dishonor
slq - mock, scoff, derision
ilq - sling, hurl forth, slinger; carve
8Mq - flour, meal
fMq - seize
lMq - be decayed
jMq - enclose with the hand, grasp; closed hand, fist
xMq - thistles or nettles
1nq - ardour, zeal, jealousy, envy
nnq - chant; make a nest, nest
jnq - snare, net
Msq - divination, practice divination
ssq - strip off
riq - dish, platter
1pq - thicken, condense, congeal
Dpq - gather together, roll up; porcupine; shuddering
Zpq - arrow-snake
jpq - draw together, shut
Bjq - cut off, shear, cut, shape; extremity
8jq - black cumin
njq - chief, ruler, decider; at the end, outermost

ijq - scrape, scrape off; bowdered black; cassia, fragrance; cut off
pjq - be wroth; snapping or splintering, splinter
jjq - cut off
rjq - be short; reap, harvest; boughs, branches
tjq - end
1rq - call, proclaim, read, summon, proclamation, (pronounce); partridge; encounter, befall
Brq - come near, approach, near; battle, war; inward part, midst
8rq - make bald, baldness, made as a sign of mourning; frost, ice
Yrq - town, city
Mrq - spread or lay something over, form a crust
nrq - horn, display, grow horns; send out rays
srq - bend down, stoop, crouch; hook on edge of curtains of tabernacle
irq - tear; torn piece of garment, rag
jrq - nip, pinch
rrq - be cold; tear down
xrq - board,
trq - town, city
1xq - cucumber
Bxq - incline, attend of ears, attentiveness
6xq - a kind of jug, jar
8xq - make hard, treat hardly
fxq - unit of value possibly weight; truth
rxq - bind, league together, conspire, conspiracy
xxq - be dried up; gather stubble
txq - bow, bowman


M1r - wild ox; rise
x1r - the head of a man, top; beginning time, early time; poor, poverty; head, chief, first; a bitter
and poisonous herb; venom of serpent
1Br - myriad, ten thousand
BBr - be or become much, many, multitude, myriad; ten thousand; shoot
DBr - chain, ornament for neck; be-spread, deck
kBr - mix, stir
iBr - four; squared, square, fourth part, fourth; lie stretched out, lie down
jBr - stretch oneself out, lie down, lie stretched out, place of lying down, resting or dwelling
qBr - Rebekah
B3r - clod of earth
Z3r - be agitated, quiver, quake, be excited, perturbed
l3r - foot, foot it, go about, walk, treader, fuller
M3r - stone, kill by stoning
n3r - murmur, whisper
i3r - disturb; a moment; be at rest, repose, quiet; harden
x3r - be in tumult or commotion; throng
DDr - beat out, beat down, subdue; wide wrapper or large veil
MDr - be in, or fall into heavy sleep
pDr - pursue, chase, persecute
B5r - act stormily, boisterously, arrogantly; proud, pride, defiant; storm
f5r - collect, gather; trough; rafters, boards
86r - be wide, spacious; space, interval; respite, relief
Y6r - saturation
8Zr - cry out
MZr - wink, fash of eyes
nZr - leanness, wasting, scantness; be weighty, judicious, commanding; potentate
B8r - street or market; be or grow wide, large, breadth, broad expanse, width, broad open place,
l8r - Rachel; ewe
M8r - womb; have compassion, softness, genteness, girl-like; carrion-vulture
p8r - grow soft, relax; hover, brood
j8r - wash, wash off, away, bathe
q8r - be or become far, distant, removing, departing
x8r - keep moving, stir
t8r - winnowing-shovel
Bfr - moist, juicy, fresh
ffr - trembling, panic
xfr - dash in pieces
Bkr - mount and ride, chariotry, chariot, riders, act of riding, charioteer, horseman; mill-stone
kkr - be tender, weak, soft
lkr - go about from one to another for trade or gossip; traffic, merchandise, trader; slander, talebearer, informer

skr - bind, knot

xkr - collect, gather property; steeds; goods
8Mr - spear, lance
YMr - deceit, treachery; laxness, slackness
kMr - mule
lMr - adorn with gems
MMr - extolling, praise, song of praise; be exalted; be wormy
nMr - pomegranate
sMr - trample
xMr - creep, move lightly, move about; creeping things, moving things
tMr - height, lofty stature
nnr - give a ringing cry
nsr - halter; jaw
ssr - moisten; drop of dew; fragment
Bir - be hungry, famine
Dir - tremble, quake
lir - quiver, shake, reel; veil
Mir - thunder; vibration, quivering
nir - be or grow luxuriant, fresh, green
ir - break
pir - trickle, drip
jir - shatter
xir - quake, shake
tir - fellow, fellow-woman, friendship; Ruth; longing, striving
1pr - remedy, medicine
Dpr - spread, support
spr - stamp, tread, foul by stamping, treading
ppr - shake, rock
qpr - support oneself, lean
xpr - stamp, tread, foul by stamping, treading; mire
tpr - stable, stall
1jr - run
Djr - watch stealthily or with envious hostility
8jr - murder, slay; shattering
njr - goodwill, favour, acceptance, will
ijr - bore, pierce
pjr - fit together, fit out; pavement; glowing stone, coal
jjr - crush
Bqr - rot, rottenness, decay
Dqr - skip about
8qr - mix, or compound oil, ointment, spice, spice-mixture, perfume, ointment-maker, perfumer,
Mqr - emptily, vainly; variegate
iqr - beat, stamp, beat out, spread out, extended surface, solid expanse as if beaten out, solid
firmament of heaven
qqr - thin cake, wafer; spit

Mxr - inscribe, note

ixr - wicked, criminal, guilty
pxr - flame, fire-bolt
xxr - beat down, shatter
txr - net
8tr - boil
Mtr - bind, attach; broom-plant, retem
qtr - bind; chain
ttr - trembling


B1x - draw water
31x - roar
61x - devastating storm
f1x - despite, contempt
Y1x - ruin
l1x - ask, inquire, request, thing asked for; sheol, underworld;
n1x - quiet; roar of waters, din, crash, uproar; be at ease or at peace, rest securely
p1x - gasp, pant, pant after, long for; crush, tample upon
r1x - leaven; remain, be left over, rest, residue, remnant; inner flesh, muscle
t1x - exaltation, dignity; swelling; uprising; din of battle, devastation
1Bx - Sheba
BBx - splinter; flame; backturning, recusant, apostate
8Bx - soothe, still; laud, praise
fBx - rod, staff, club, sceptre; tribe; Shebat: 11th month, February-March
kBx - interweave, network of boughs, lattice-work, network, net-ornament on pillars
lBx - flowing skirt, train; way, path
sBx - front-band
iBx - oath, swear, curse; seven, seventh, period of seven, heptad, week; be sated, staisfied,
surfeited, abundance
jBx - weave in chequer or plaited work
qBx - let go, leave
rBx - inspect, examine; wait, hope; break, break in pieces, fracture, crushing, breach, crash;
threshed corn or grain, buy grain
tBx - seat, dwelling, place; cease, desist, rest, cessation; Sabbath; keep, observe
13x - grow, grow great; error
B3x - be inaccessibly high, exalted
33x - go astray, commit sin or error, inadvertence
83x - gaze
l3x - violate, ravish; queen-consort, woman
i3x - be mad
r3x - offspring, young of beasts
DDx - harrow; deal violently with, despoil, devastate, ruin
MDx - field
pDx - scorch, blight, blasted thing
xDx - six
D5x - witness
M5x - a gem: onyx or chrysoprasus
r5x - new moon, moon god
1wx - emptiness, vanity
f6x - cry out for help
pZx - catch sight of, look on
rZx - be twisted
D8x - give a present, bribe
88x - bow, be bowed down, crouch

f8x - squeeze out; slaughter, beat

l8x - lion
n8x - boil, eruption
p8x - wainscot; sea-mew, gull
j8x - dignity, pride
q8x - laugh, derision, sport; rub away, beat fine, pulverize; dust, cloud
r8x - dawn, look early, diligently for, look for dawn; be black
t8x - pit; go to ruin
8fx - spread, spread abroad
ffx - scourge
Mfx - bear a grudge, cherish, animosity, against
nfx - adversary, Satan, be or act as an adversary, accusation, hostility
pfx - overflow, rinse or wash off; flood, rainflood
rfx - official, officer, scribe, secretary, arranger, organizer
fYx - rowing
nYx - urine
xYx - alabaster
tYx - thorn-bushes
Bkx - lie down
6kx - a celestial appearance, phenomenon
8kx - forget
kkx - cover, lay over so as to screen; weave; decrease, abate
lkx - be prudent, insight; lay crosswise; be bereaved, loss of children
Mkx - shoulder; start, rise, early, load backs of beasts for day's journey, (prepare)
nkx - knife; settle down, abide, dwell; inhabitant, neighbour
rkx - hire, wages; be or become drunk, intoxicating drink
Blx - be bound, joined
3lx - snow
6lx - quail; quietness, ease
8lx - send; missile, weapon; sprout, branch
flx - domineer, be master of; shield
Ylx - after-birth
klx - throw, fling, cast; bird of prey, cormorant
llx - draw out; barefoot; spoil, plunder, prey
Mlx - peace; Salem; outer garment; be complete, sound, welfare, peace, sacrifice for alliance,
friendship, peace-offering, be in covenant of peace, safe; recompense; requital, retribution;
plx - draw out, off
qlx - kindle, burn
xlx - three, triad, do a third time, divide into three parts; adjutant or afficer, third man
DMx - be exterminated, destroyed
8Mx - rejoice, be glad, joyful, merry, mirth
fMx - let drop
lMx - wrapper, mantle
MMx - be desolated, appalled, devastated, waste
nMx - grow fat, fat, robust, fertile, fat or oil; eight

iMx - to hear, sound, report

jMx - whisper, derision
rMx - keep, watch, preserve, guard, vigil, eye-lid; lees, dregs; thorn; adamant, flint
xMx - sun
tMx - desert
1nx - sleep; hate, held in aversion
nnx - whet, sharpen; sharp, cutting word, taunt
snx - gird up
tnx - sleep; second
isx - divide, cleave, cleft
psx - hew in pieces
fix - stamping of hoofs
lix - hollow hand, handful; fox, jackal
Mix - delight
nix - lean, support oneself
ix - be smeared over, blinded; sport, take delight in, delight
pix - disquiet
rix - hair; bristle with horror; he-goat, buck; she-goat; satyr, demon; barley; sweep or whirl
away, storm; be acquainted with; gate; porter; calculate, reckon; measure
8px - maid, maid-servant, concubine
fpx - to judge, govern
kpx - pour out, pour, place of pouring; male organ
lpx - be or become low, be abased, humiliation; lowland
Mpx - moustache
npx - cover, cover in, panel; rock-badger
ipx - abundance, quantity
qpx - stand at or guard the threshold; slap, clap; handclapping: mockery; suffice, sufficiency,
rpx - be beautiful, fair, comely, goodliness, fairness, clearness of sky; horn for blowing
tpx - cream; set on fire
pjx - flood, rainflood
Dqx - bind on; watch, wake; almond tree
fqx - be quiet, undisturbed
lqx - weight, shekel
Mqx - sycomore tree
iqx - sink, sink down
pqx - overhang, look out and down; frame-work, casing of door or window
jqx - detestation, detestable thing
qqx - run, run about, rush
rqx - ogle, deception, disappointment, falsehood; do or deal falsely
tqx - watering trough
Brx - burning heat; parched ground
3rx - be intertwined, tendril, twig
Drx - escape, survivor; plaited or braided work; a marking-tool for wood, stylus
frx - incise, scratch
Yrx - wife of Abram: Sarai; lance or javelin

krx - twist; sandal-thong

nrx - plain, level
irx - extend
prx - burn; venomous serpent, serpent deity: Seraph
jrx - swarm, teem
qrx - carded, combed; light red; sorrel; vine-tendril or cluster, choice vine; hiss, whistle, pipe
rrx - be or act as prince, rule; insidious watcher; sinew, muscle
xrx - root, deal with the roots
1xx - lead on
Mxx - sixty
nxx - exutation, rejoicing; lily, any lily-like flower
rxx - red colour, vermilion
txx - sixth
Ytx - drinking
ltx - transplant, transplanted shoot, slip
Mtx - stop up in sense of shut out, shut ears against; open
ntx - urinate
qtx - be quiet
rtx - burst or break out of tumors; minister, serve, religious ministry
ttx - set, appoint


B1t - long for; loathe, abhor
61t - desire, wish; boundary
l1t - curse
M1t - twin, be double
n1t - opportunity, occasion, time of copulation; fig-tree, fig
r1t - incline; outline, form, draw in outline
1Bt - product, revenue
lBt - confusion; world
nBt - understanding; straw
sBt - down-treading, ruin, downfall
r3t - contention, strife, hostility
l5t - praise, song of praise, adoration, thanksgiving; error, err
M5t - deep, sea, abyss, primaeval ocean
k6t - midst
ZZt - strike away
l8t - beginning, first
n8t - encamping or encampment; favour, supplication for favour
x8t - a kind of leather or skin possibly of a dugong
t8t - the under part, underneath, below, instead of , beneath, lower, lowest
xYt - he-goat
8kt - rebuke, correction
kkt - overcome, tread under foot
lkt - completeness, perfection
nkt - arrangement, preparation, fixed place; middle; regulate, measurement, measure, estimate
1lt - weariness, hardship; hang
llt - heap, hill, lofty, exalted; mock, deceive, trifle with
Mlt - furrow
nlt - murmuring
ilt - worm; scarlet stuff, clad in scarlet
1Mt - south country
DMt - continuity, extent; continually, continuously
5Mt - be astounded, dumbfounded
ZMt - Tammuz
kMt - grasp, support, attain
MMt - be complete, finished, sound
nMt - south, southwind, southward; likeness, form; portion, territory
sMt - melting away
rMt - Tamar; palms or palm leaf or palm or date tree, palm tree figure or ornament; be errect,
stiff; post; exchange, recompense
tMt - death
1nt - opposition
Bnt - fruit, produce
knt - lobe, tip of ear
Mnt - serpent, dragon, sea-monster; slumber

nnt - serpent, dragon, sea-monster

pnt - a swinging, waving, wave-offering, offering
rnt - portable stove or fire-pot
Bit - abomination
Dit - testimony, attestation, prophetic injunction
lit - water-course; healing
it - mock
pit - eminence
rit - razor, sheath
8pt - apple, apple-tree
lpt - tasteless, unseasoned, moral unsavouriness, unseemliness; whitewash; prayer
ppt - sound the timbrel, beat
rpt - sew together
xpt - lay hold of, wield
tpt - spit
1jt - outgoing, extremity, source, escape
6qt - hope; cord
Mqt - standing, power to stand
nqt - become straight, arrange, put right, set in order
iqt - thrust, clap, give a blow, blast (of horn or instrument)
pqt - prevail over, overpower, power, strength, energy, mighty; coming around, circuit
Zrt - a tree: cypress or holm
Mrt - contribution, offering; treacherously, treachery
nrt - mast
irt - shout or blast of war, alarm, or joy
prt - healing
jrt - pleasure, beauty
xrt - must, fresh or new wine
1xt - noise
Bxt - sojourner; return, answer
Yxt - sound, efficient wisdom, abiding success
ixt - deliverance, salvation; nine, ninth, nonad
qxt - longing
rxt - gift, present
8tt - name of a weapon: club, mace, dart, or javelin


Four + Letter


Four + letter words:

nDB1 - place of destruction or ruin; Abaddon
8fB1 - water-melon
nYB1 - caper-berry; to stimulate desire/interest/feeling
fnB1 - girdle
i 1 - blisters, boils
krB1 - "prostrate thyself!", "bow your head!"
MrB1 - Abram
nM31 - rush, bulrush
lfr31 - a king of vessel, basin or basket
pr31 - fist
tr31 - letter, letter-missive
nkrD1 - drachma: a unit of value weight
MrD1 - two hills
trD1 - glory, cloak, mantle (wide garment)
5Y51 - Yahweh
nr51 - Aaron
tl61 - folly
rkZ1 - memorial-offering
8rZ1 - a native
irZ1 - arm
MZ81 - possessor
tZ81 - possession
Ml81 - amethyst-a gem on the ephod
nr81 - coming after, behind
tr81 - the end, the after or latter part
nrtx81 - royal
BZk1 - deceptive, disappointing
rZk1 - cruel, fierce
tYrZk1 - cruelty, fierceness
xB3l1 - hail
MM3l1 - a type of tree, possibly sandal-wood
nMl1 - forsaken; widow; some one, a certain one
tnMl1 - widowhood
Mql1 - band of soldiers
llM1 - feeble
MnM1 - verily, truly
t8tM1 - sack
n8n1 - we
psps1 - collection, rabble (camp-followers at Exodus)
rts1 - Ester; star
nDp1 - palace
8rp1 - young one(s), young of birds

MYrp1 - Ephraim
nrp1 - sedan, litter, palanquin
iBj1 - finger, toe, philangie
8Dq1 - fiery glow, sparkle
l1r1 - Ariel, Jerusalem; hero; hearth, altar-hearth
iBr1 - four
MiBr1 - forty
B3r1 - heap, mound, region of clods
n63r1 - purple, purple thread
Z3r1 - box, chest
nM3r1 - purple, red-purple, purple/red-purple thread or cloth
nMr1 - citadel, castle
tMr1 - Aramaic language
tBnr1 - hare
frr1 - Ararat
txr1 - desire, request
rkx1 - gift
trMx1 - watch, a division of time
Bnx1 - window-lattice
tpx1 - ash-heap, refuse-heap, dung-hill
lMt1 - yesterday, recently, formerly
nnt1 - hire of harlot
nt3B - gift of God
8lDB - bdellium
tM5B - beasts, hippopotami (us)
tr5B - brightness, bright spot on erupted skin
nYZB - contempt
n8fB - trust
t8fB - security, safety
trkB - first-born
liYlB - worthlessness
DilB - apart from
MilB - Balaam
nxlB - inquirer
nMYnB - Benjamin
nYnB - structure
tliB - mistress(es)
tljB - stripping
nrjB - stronghold
trjB - dearth
qBqB - flask (from gurgling sound of emptying)
trqB - punishment after examination
lZrB - iron

MmrB - variegated cloth

tnrB - fortress, fortified place
MnqrB - briers
tqrB - precious stone, emerald
tMxB - perfume
MltB - virginity
nrtB - cleft, ravine
nY13 - proud
t5B3 - haughtiness
t8B3 - bald forehead
tlB3 - twisting
nnB3 - peak, rounded summit
liB3 - bud of flax
trB3 - women; lady, queen, mistress of servants
ntB3 - mound, height
MlD3 - twisted threads, tassels
rBZ3 - treasurer
tl83 - coal
l3l3 - wheel, whirl, whirlwind
tl3l3 - Golgotha; skull, head, a poll/tally
nYl3 - table, tablet
tYl3 - Goliath
Dml3 - hard, barren, unproductive
kZn3 - treasury
MZn3 - treasury
trp3 - brimestone
r3r3 - berry
tr3r3 - neck
nZr3 - axe, pick, pick-axe

nB1D - faintness, languishing

trBD - word
txBD - hump of camel
tpkD - unclean bird: hoopoe
tqlD - inflammation
qxMD - Damascus
n1rD - aversion, abhorrence
rDrD - thistles
vYrD - Darius
nMkrD - drachma: unit of value of weight


nr15 - chest, ark
B5B5 - gift
nY35 - resounding music, meditation, musing
tDY5 - songs of praise
tMl5 - hammer, mallet
kpkp5 - crooked
nYr5 - conception, pregnancy
tsr5 - overthrow, destruction, ruin
tiMx5 - a causing to hear
x8Yt5 - enrol oneself or be enrolled by genealogy
Mlt5 - mockery
1nBZ - bought
nlBZ - Zebulun
tl8Z - crawling thing, serpent
tkkZ - glass
nrkZ - memorial, rembrance
lZlZ - quivering tendrils
pilZ - raging heat
MnnZ - fornication(s)
n6iZ - a descendant, branch, tribe
MnqZ - old age
pZrZ - drop, dripping
rZrZ - girt, girded
MlB8 - union, binders
tljB8 - meadow-saffron or crocus
rBrB8 - stripe, mark
nrB8 - Hebron
trB8 - consort, wife, thing that joins or is joined
MtB8 - flat cakes or bread-wafers
lqD8 - Tigris River
t1f8 - sin, sin-offering
tBf8 - dark-hued stuffs
nYZ8 - vision
llk8 - dark, dull from wine
tllk8 - duness, of eyes in drunkenness
nBl8 - a kind of gum: ingredient of the holy incense
l8l8 - anguish
xMl8 - flint

tMl8 - name of a plant, with thick, slimy juice

tqlql8 - smoothness, slipperiness, flattery, fine promises
tql8 - portion, possession
MxM8 - fifty; in battle array
txM8 - fifth
Mfn8 - embalming
sps8 - scaled off, scale-like
nrs8 - thing lacking, deficiency
nZp8 - trepidation, hurried flight
irp8 - Apries: Pharoah Hophra' king of Egypt - 4th king of 26th Dynasty
rprp8 - mole
txp8 - freedom, seperateness
rjj8 - clarion
nBr8 - drought
l3r8 - a kind of locust
r8r8 - violent heat, fever
Mfr8 - engraver, writer, diviner, astrologer, magician, one with occult knowledge
Mkr8 - lattice or an opening smaller than a window
nMr8 - Hermon, sacred mountain
xMr8 - sickle
tsr8 - potsherd
Bjr8 - bond, fetter, pang
Mnjr8 - grape-kernels, grape-stones
txr8 - carving, skillful working
nBx8 - reckoning, account; device, invention
lMx8 - some kind of shining substance
t8t8 - terror
tMt8 - signet-ring
1f1f - sweep, besom
tiBf - signet, signet-ring, ring
tpff - bands, frontlet-bands between the eyes from which the phylactery is derived
lflf - a hurling
M8pf - dandling
rspf - scribe, marshal
tMBY - sister-in-law
5B3Y - exalted
tn3Y - wine-press
tDDY - love, object of love
niDY - familiar spirit (one that shares knowledge)
tD5Y - Jewish

165Y - Yahweh
565Y - Yahweh
Ml5Y - precious stone: jasper or onyx
ps5Y - add, increase; Joseph
1M8Y - poison, heat, wrath
rM8Y - roebuck
tBfY - pleasantness
tDlY - childhood, youth
tplY - scab, scurf, an eruptive disease
fqlY - receptacle, wallet, collector
tqnY - young shoot, twig
pxnY - a twilight bird with harsh, strident note
r5jY - fresh oil
q8jY - Isaac
BqiY - Jacob
MiBrY - Jeroboam
MlxrY - Jerusalem
nqrY - mildew, paleness, lividness
qrqrY - greenish, pale-green
1xrY - taken possession of, married
q8xY - Isaac
nMxY - waste, wilderness
l1rxY - Israel
nrxY - upright one
rkxxY - Issachar
nrtY - advantage, profit
trtY - appendage
rx1k - according as, as, when
tDBk - heaviness
nxBk - kiln for lime or pottery
DkDk - a precious stone: ruby
M1lk - two kinds
nYlk - failing, pining; annihilation
tMlk - ignominy
tplk - axe
rrMk - darkness, gloominess
nink - Canaan, Phoenicia; merchant, trader
6lsk - Kislew: ninth month, November - December
tlsk - stupidity
tMsk - spelt
Mrpk - atonement
trpk - propitiatory
rtpk - capital; knob or bulb; Crete

lBrk - be-mantle; bind round

Bkrk - border, rim
Mkrk - saffron
rkrk - dromedary
lMrk - Carmel; plantation, garden-land; fruit, garden growth; crimson, carmine
Msrk - tear off
sprk - cotton or fine linen
ttrk - divorcement
MDxk - Kasdim, Chaldeans, Chaldea
nlxk - a stumbling
nrxk - skill, success
tBtk - a writing, mark or sign; tatoo
tntk - tunic with long skirts and sleeves
trtk - capital of pillar as surrounding or crowning its top
t1Bl - lionesses (or see t1B)
1YBl - lioness
nnBl - Lebanon
5l5l - amaze, startle
ntY6l - Leviathan, serpent, dragon
niMl - for the sake of, on account of, to the intent or in order that
sB1M - granary
nZ1M - balances, scales
lk1M - food
tlk1M - knife; fuel
jM1M - power, strength, force
rM1M - word, command
5Ylp1M - deep darkness
Br1M - ambush
t3lBM - smiling, cheerfulness, source of brightness
lDBM - separate place
r8BM - choicest, best; choice
1fBM - rash utterance
8fBM - confidence
rjBM - fortification
8rBM - fugitive
tlxBM - cooking-places
tlB3M - twisted cords
tiB3M - head-gear, turbin of common priest
lD3M - tower
nD3M - choice or excellent thing

rZ3M - cutting instrument, axe

lM3M - benefit
tri3M - rebuke
ir3M - recess, rebatement
pr3M - shovel
xr3M - common, common-land; open land
rBDM - mouth; wilderness
n8DM - thrust
nMDM - place of dung, dung-pit
tiDM - kindred, kinship
rqDM - piercing, stab, thrust
3rDM - steep place, steep
krDM - treading or stepping-place
xrDM - Midrash, study, expostion
Bf5M - benefit
kl5M - walk, journey, going
ll5M - praise
tMl5M - strokes, blows
rM5M - flood, watery pit, place of flowing waters
kp5M - overthrow
tkp5M - stocks, instrument of punishment
8BZM - altar
rkZM - recorder
3lZM - a sacrificial implement, a three-pronged fork
tlZM - constellations, signs of the zodiac
rMZM - melody; pruning knife
trMZM - snuffers: a temple utensil
riZM - a little, a trifle, a few
8rZM - place of sunrise, east
irZM - place of sowing, seed-land
qrZM - bowl or bason for throwing or tossing liquid
trZM - star or constellation
1B8M - hiding place
rB8M - binder, clamp, joint
trB8M - thing joined, place of joining
tB8M - flat plate, pan, or griddle for baking
tr38M - a girding, cincture
t1Z8M - visions
pl8M - knife; plait of hair
jl8M - robe of state
tql8M - smoothness; division, course
t1M8M - smooth, hypocritical
DM8M - desire, desirable thing, precious thing
lM8M - thing pitied, object of compassion
tjM8M - anything leavened
qn8M - strangling, suffocation

Ms8M - muzzle
rs8M - need, thing needed, poverty
Bj8M - hewing
tj8M - half, middle
rq8M - range
1r8M - draught house
xr8M - ploughsare
txr8M - ploughshare
tr8M - the morrow
Bx8M - thought, device, plan, purpose
kx8M - dark place
px8M - a laying bare, stripping
trt8M - breaking in, burglary
1f1fM - broom, besom
8BfM - slaughtering-place
2nMfM - hidden-treasure, treasure
MifM - tasty or savory food, dainties
t8pfM - cloak
1rfM - guard, ward, prison; target, mark, kept in the eye, watched
B1kM - pain
l1kM - Michael
rBkM - a netted cloth or coverlet; gating or lattice-work
1lkM - enclosure, fold
llkM - perfection; gorgeous attire, a thing made perfect, completeness
tlkM - food-stuff
nMkM - hidden stores
trMkM - net, fishing-net
snkM - drawers
lxkM - a stumbling, means or occasion of stumbling, stumbling-block; overthrown mass
BtkM - writing
xtkM - mortar, place of pounding, braying
k1lM - messenger; angel; occupation, work; Malachi (Messenger)
tk1lM - message
nBlM - brick-mould; quadrangle
xBlM - raiment, attire
tDlM - kindred, birth, offspring
M8lM - battle, war
tDklM - a catching instrument
MklM - Milcom: god of Ammonites
tklM - queen(s), royalty, royal power, reign, kingdom
DMlM - ox-goad
rjlM - guardian
8qlM - booty, prey; jaw; tong; snuffer
xqlM - latter-rain, spring-rain
8tlM - wardrobe, wearing apparel
rZMM - bastard, child of incest

rkMM - sale, ware

trkMM - sale
klMM - kingdom, sovereignty, domainion, reign
tklMM - kingdom, dominion, reign
ksMM - mixed drink
1rMM - Mamre
rrMM - bitter thing
lxMM - dominion, ruler, rule, realm
qxMM - possession
MqtMM - sweetness, sweet things
n3nM - mocking, derisive song
35nM - driving, charioteering
r5nM - place hollow out by water
rZnM - consecrated, anointed, prince
M8nM - comforter
t8nM - resting-place
iBni M - a kind of rattle
linM - bolt
MminM - delicacies, dainties
YqnM - sacrificial bowl
r3sM - locksmith, smith; dungeon
tr3sM - border, rim; fastness
nrDsM - porch, colonnade
r8sM - merchandise
nksM - poor
tnksM - poverty, scarcity; supply, storage
tksM - web of unfinished stuff on loom
llsM - highway, raised way
rMsM - a nail
DisM - support
1psM - fodder
DpsM - wailing
8psM - long veil
rpsM - number, tale
trsM - bond of the covenant
rtsM - place of shelter, secret place, hiding-place, hiding, act of hiding
DBiM - work
rBiM - ford, pass, passing, crossing
l3iM - entrenchment; track
nDiM - dainty food, delight
tnDiM - bonds, bands
nYiM - spring
lliM - deed, practice
DMiM - office, function, service, standing-ground, foothold
sMiM - load, burden
MqMiM - depths

BjiM - place of pain

DjiM - axe
rjiM - restraint, hindrance, control
xqiM - twisted, crooked place
BriM - articles of exchange, merchandise; west, place of sunset
kriM - arrangement, row, rank, battle-line, line
tkriM - row, line
jriM - awful shock, crash
qxiM - extortionate act
rxiM - tenth part, tithe
i3pM - thing hit, mark
1lpM - wondrous work
flpM - place of escape
tjlpM - horrid thing
xlpM - swaying, poising
tlpM - carcass, ruin, overthrow
lipM - work, thing made, deed
DqpM - muster, appointment, appointed place
jrpM - landing-place
tqrpM - neck, division of head from body
xrpM - spreading out, thing spread
ixpM - stepping-region of body, hip or buttock
8tpM - opening, utterance; key, opening instrument
ntpM - threshold
tBjM - pillar, masseba, stump
l5jM - neighing
MtljM - cymbals
tpnjM - turban of high priest
DijM - step
rijM - a small thing
npjM - hidden treasure, treasure
tqjM - pipe; a casting
MYrjM - Egypt
tBqM - hammer; hole, excavation
xDqM - sacred place, sanctuary
l5qM - assembly for worship; choirs
tl5qM - place of assembly
rfqM - place of sacrificial smoke; incense; incense altar
trfqM - censer
flqM - refuge, asylum
tilqM - carving
MsqM - divination
ijqM - scraping tool used in fashioning idols; place of corner-structure, inner corner-buttress
1rqM - convocation, convoking, reading
tx1rM - place at the head, head-place
DBrM - spread, coverlet

qBrM - stall, tying place

tBrM - increase, great number, greatness
tl3rM - place of the feet, feet
M3rM - sling
kDrM - Mordecai; Marduk
pDrM - persecution
tDrM - rebellion, rebelliousness
B5rM - boisterous, raging, behavior
B8rM - broad, roomy, place
q8rM - distant place, distance
tx8rM - stew-pan, sauce-pan
BkrM - chariot, riding seat, riding place
tBkrM - chariots
tlkrM - place of trade, market-place
sMrM - trampling-place, trampling
MirM - naked thing
tirM - pasturing, shepherding, pasturage
1prM - healing, cure, health
xprM - water befouled by trampling
8qrM - spice, perfume, ointment-pot
t8qrM - ointment-mixture, ointment-pot
trrM - bitterness
tixrM - wickedness
B1xM - drawing-place of water
l1xM - request, petition
n1xM - guile, dissimulation
tr1xM - kneading trough
t1xM - uprising, utterance, burden, portion; deceptions
tjBxM - chequered or plaited work
rBvM - place of breach, mouth of womb; breaker of sea
tBxM - cessation, annihilation
B3xM - secure, height, retreat
q8xM - object of derision
r8xM - dawn
t8xM - ruin, destruction; disfigurement of face; ritual corruption
8fxM - spreading-place
MfxM - animosity
rfxM - rule, authority
BkxM - place of lying, couch, act of lying down
lkxM - contemplative poem
tlkxM - barrenness
nkxM - dwelling-place, tabernacle
trkxM - wages
tkxM - cord; show-piece, figure, imagination
8lxM - outstretching, place of letting loose; sending
t8lxM - discharge, deputation, dsending

nMxM - fatness, fat piece, tid bit

iMxM - thing heard
tiMxM - obedient band, body of subjects
rMxM - place of confinement, gaol, prison; guard, watch, observance
trMxM - guard, watch; charge, function
nixM - support, staff
tnixM - staff
8pxM - outpouring of blood, bloodshed; clan
fpxM - judgment
MYtpxM - fire-places, ash-heaps
lqxM - heaviness, weight
tlqxM - levelling instrument, level
iqxM - what is settled, clarified
prxM - a burning
trxM - pan, dish
nBtM - straw-heap
tnktM - measurement, tale, proportion
tiltM - teeth
MYntM - loins
pp1n - adultery
ll5n - pasture
nM8n - compassionate
ntx8n - name given to bronze serpent in 2 kings 18:4
t1kn - a spice from gum of a bush
DrMn - Nimrod
krsn - Assyrian god
nMin - pleasantness
jjin - thorn-bush
trin - tow as shaken off from the flax when beaten
ltpn - Naphtali, wrestling
nYqn - innocency
n6txn - letter
Mntn - Nethinim: those given to the service of the sanctuary
1s1s - exact measure
tlBs - ear of wheat
rr3s - steady, persistent rain
tr8s - a precious stone used with marble in paving
lsls - basket; shoot, branch
Mils - an edible, winged locust, swallower, consumer
rDMs - blossom of grape

Mr6ns - sudden blindness

Mnsns - fruit-stalk
rpns - fin
t8ps - eruption, scab
pirs - bough
Dprs - a desert-plant
tDBi - servitude, bondage
ffBi - weight of pledges
Mi6i - distorting, warping
nr6i - bindness
nBZi - wares
plZi - bat
YnZi - unclean bird of prey akin to vulture
lZiZi - entire removal
trZi - help, succour, assistance
rBki - mouse
xBki - spider
Bxki - asp, viper
nYli - high, highest, most high: name of God
Ylli - deed
Mlli - gleaning
Mmli - youth, youthful
tjli - exultation
l1nMi - Immanuel
nYni - occupation, task
ttni - goddess Anat
MY1pi - foliage
MYpi - foliage
pipi - eyelid
trpi - lead
nBji - pain, toil
tBji - hurt, injury, pain
trji - assembly
lqlqi - crooked
ntlqi - crooked
Brqi - scorpion
txqi - crookedness
nBri - pledge
nMri - plane-tree
riri - stripped, destitute; tree or bush, juniper
lpri - cloud, heavy cloud
Mqxi - oppression, extortion
Yrxi - tenth

Mrxi - twenty
nrxi - tenth part of ephah
trxi - tenth
trtxi - Astereth: goddess
ttxi - thought
trti - abundance
MYDp - ransom
tZ8p - recklessness, extravagance
tt8p - a boring or eating out
x3lp - concubine
tjlp - shuddering
txlp - Philistine, Philistia
s8np - the negro
nMip - bell on high priest's robe
nDqp - deposit, store
tDqp - oversight
Miqp - carved wood or metal ornaments either ball or knob-shaped
tiqp - gourds, wild cucumbers
sDrp - preserve, park
r6rp - structure, colonnade
88rp - brood, offshoot, offspring
tkrp - curtain before Most Holy Place
xirp - flea
n3xrp - copy
MMtrp - nobles
M1tp - suddenness, suddenly
3Btp - portion of food for king, delicacies
l3tp - rich robe
M3tp - edict, decree
n8tp - opening
ltltp - tortuous
nrtp - interpretation of dream
srtp - Upper Egypt, south land
n3xtp - copy
Ml1j - a kind of locust
1j1j - issue, offspring, produce
r16j - neck, back of neck
nr6j - necklace
8j8j - scorched region
t8lj - dish, jar

ljlj - whirring, buzzing; spear; whirring locust

Mljlj - musical instrument of percussion, cymbals
trMj - tree-top
ttMj - completion, finality
tnjnj - jar or like receptacle, basket
trtnj - pipes feeding lamps with oil
t8pj - jar, jug of flat or broad shape; flat cake or wafer
pjpj - a kind of willow
i rpj - frogs
nrpj - nail of finger, stylus point
tBrj - scab, scar of a sore, a burning, scorching
tirj - leprosy
tiBq - cup
5tBq - stomach, belly
DqDq - head, crown of head
t8Dq - fever
nMDq - former, eastern, Easterner
tnrDq - as mourners
trDq - darkness, gloom
nY5q - bluntness
tl5q - collector, preacher; assembly
tj6q - locks of hair
6q6q - might
trfq - smoke, odour of burning sacrifice, incense
t8lq - caldron
lqlq - contemptible, worthless
tYMMq - uprightness
nYnq - thing got or acquired, acquisition
nMnq - cinnamon
iqiq - pull, tear or cut down, off; incision, imprintment, tattoo
n1pq - congelation
nYqq - a plant: ricinus
nlqq - disgrace
t1rq - meet
nBrq - offering, oblation
MDrq - axe, double hoe
t8rq - baldness of head
MYtYrq - double city
lsrq - ankle
iqrq - floor
txqxq - scale, fin of fish
Mrxq - bands, sashes, or other woman's ornament that is bound on


nB1r - Rueben
tM1r - corals
nx1r - former, first, chief
tv1r - beginning, chief or primary
MBBr - copious showers
tiBr - fourth
MiB8r - Rehoboam
xpfr - grow fresh
tMMr - uplifting, arising
Mnnr - bird of piercing cries, ostrich
nBir - hunger, lack of food, famine
ssMir - Ramses: Egyptian city and Pharaoh, Ramses II
nnir - luxuriant, fresh
M1pr - shades, ghosts, sunken, powerless, ones, anme of dead in Sheol
t1pr - healing
nYpr - sinking
Dspr - raft
nBqr - rotten wood
nYxr - permission
nn1x - at ease, secure
tr1x - rest, reside, remnant, remainder
llBx - snail
tlBx - flowing stream; ear of grain
MiBx - seventy
tiBx - oath; seventh
MtiBx - seven-fold, seven times
nrBx - breaking, crushing, emotional distress
ntBx - sabbath observance, sabbatism
ni3x - madness
npDx - blight of crops
nr5x - moon or crescent
tl8x - an ingredient of the holy incense
tp8x - wasting disease, consumption
r8r8x - blackish
tr8x - blackness; dawn of youth, prime of life
tBkx - copulation
tB5lx - flame
M8lx - sending away, parting gift
n8lx - table
nflx - mastery
tklx - felling of tree
nMlx - reward, bribe

Mxlx - three days ago, day before yesterday; thirty

l1Mx - the left; unlucky; north; Samuel
MYMx - heavens, sky
nMMx - appalment, horror
tMMx - a kind of lizard
MnMx - eighty
nrMx - Samaritan
nxMx - Samson
n1nx - repetition
MYnx - two
rinx - Shinar, Babyonia
Znfix - mixed stuff
rrix - horror, horrible thing
Mixix - delight
tlpx - sinking
tipx - abundance, quantity
nppx - horned snake
MYtpx - hook-shaped pegs, hooks
rriqx - depression, hollow
fBrx - sceptre
nYrx - body-armour
trrx - firmness, stubbornness
MYtx - two
rx1t - box-tree-small evergreen tree of 20 ft., branching upward
llBt - confusion, obscurity
tlBt - destruction
tnBt - construction, pattern, figure
r5Dt - elm tree or pine or evergreen
rMDt - Tadmar, Palmyra
kl5t - procession
tnZt - fornication
lB8t - direction, counsel, guidance, rope pulling, steering, directing a ship
M1l8t - diseases
sM8t - male ostrich
nn8t - supplication for favour
1r8t - linen corselet
nt8t - lower, lowest
t8kt - argument, reproof
MYkt - peacocks
tlkt - end, completeness; violet, violet thread or things
tnkt - measurement, proportion
krkt - robe
B1lt - drought

txBlt - raiment
tDlt - generations, genealogies
DMlt - Talmud, scholar
tilt - worm of scarlet color
tYplt - weapons
Mltlt - figurative of a woman's lock; high hills, heaps, piles; envelope or sheath of spadix of
n5Mt - bewilderment
tnMt - portion, territory
rrMt - sign-posts; bitterness
M8nt - consolation
tMxnt - an animal, an unclean bird, unclean lizard or chameleon
Mllit - wantonness, caprice
Mlit - hidden thing, secret
3nit - daintiness, luxury, exquisite delight
tnit - humiliation
Brit - pledge
Mitit - mockery
r1pt - beauty, glory
Mnpt - baken pieces
tBrt - increase, brood; increment, interest, usury
M3rt - interpret, translate
MDrt - deep sleep
8ZrM - cry
YMrt - what belongs to a contribution, attendant or secondary contribution, subdivision
lirt - reeling
Mprt - an idol, object of reverence and means of divination of human form
xxrt - a precious stone: yellow jasper or something goldish
ntrt - field marshal
jBxt - chequered or plaited work
tMxt - pledge, security
Mixt - ninety


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