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, é No. 95-12338-H THE STATE BAR OF TEXAS $ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ve 3 DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD $ 298TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT _ supemews mst M3 on this _ day of + 1988, came on to be con- sidered the Petitioner's motion for judgment disbarring the Respon- dent, ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD. ‘The Petitioner appeared by and through its attorney of record, and the Respondent appeared in per- son and through his attorney. The Court proceeded to read the Dis~ ciplinary Petition heretofore filed by the Petitioner and the papers filed herein. tt appearing to the Court, and the Court so finds that citation was served upon the Respondent according to law, and that such citation together with the officer's return thereon has been returned to the Clerk where it has remained on file for the time required by law. The Court having considered the evidence sub- mitted and the arguments of counsel, is of the opinion and so finds that the material allegations of Petitioner's Disciplinary Petition have been proven in their entirety. The Court further finds that the Respondent, ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD, has been convicted of a felony involving moral turpitude and that Respondent's appeal there- from has been concluded and that the Respondent's conviction is now final. The Court therefore finds that the Petitioner, pursuant to tex. Gov't Code $81,078 (Vernon Supp. 1988), is entitled to a judg- ment. It is, accordingly, ORDERED, ADJUDGED, and DECREED that the Respondent, ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD, be and he is hereby DISBARRED an attorney at law in the State of Texas, and that he shall hereafter exercise none of the privileges and prerogatives of the office of an attorney at law. It is further ORDERED, ADJUDGED and DECREED that the Respon- dent, ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD, is hereby permanently enjoined from practicing law in Texas, holding himself out as an attorney at law, performing any legal services for others, accepting any fee directly or indirectly for legal services, appearing as counsel or in any representative capacity in any proceeding in any Texas court or before any Texas administrative body, or holding himself out to others or using his name, in any manner, in conjunction with the words “attorney at law", "counselor at law" or “lawyer. It is further ORDERED that the Respondent immediately notify each of his current clients in writing of this disbarment. In addition to such notification, the Respondent is ORDERED to return all files, papers, monies and other property belonging to clients and former clients in the Respondent's possession to the respective clients or former clients or to another attorney at the client's or former client's request. said Respondent is ordered to file with this court within thirty (30) days of the date of this Judgment an affidavit stating that all current clients have been notified of the Respondent's disbarment, and that all files, papers, monies and other property belonging to all clients and former clients have been returned as ordered herein. It is further ORDERED that the said ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD immediately surrender his Texas law license and permanent State Bar card to the Clerk of the Supreme Court of Texas. The Clerk of this court shall mail a certified copy of this Judgment to the Respondent at his last known address. it is further ORDERED that the Clerk of this Court shall for~ ward a certified copy of the Disciplinary Petition on file herein, along with a copy of this Judgment to each the Clerk of the Supreme court of Texas, Supreme Court Building, Austin, Texas 78711, and to the Office of the General Counsel of the State Bar of Texas, P.O. Box 12487, Austin, Texas 78711. It is further ORDERED that all costs of court herein incurred shall be taxed against the Respondent, ROBERT RANDALL, MUSTARD, for which the Clerk may have his execution if they are not-timely paid. LW, [HB lS 20 OF i PRESIDII = ° (SN : uZ Pe f2E BD 4 amue stare san op sexas STO AB: Vw TUAS COUNTY, TEXAS ROBERT RANDALL MUSTARD —phiVf/// SUDICIAL prsTRICT Petitioneys par of Texas, complains of Respondent, Respondent is nov, and has been at all times material hereto, an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Texas and a menber of the State Bar of Texas. The Respondent is a resident of Dall county, Texas. nm Petitioner brings this action pursuant to the State Bar Act, Tex. Rev. Civ. stat. ann, art. 320a-1, § 16(a), and the Rules Governing tne State Bar of Texas, Title 1M, APP, art. Hy § 26, seeking the compulsory discipline of Respondent for having been convicted of a serious crime. mr fon or about gune 27, 1985, the 283¢€ Judicial District Court of pallas County, Texas, im cause number P85-36100-7, convicted Respon- dent of a felony involving moral turpitode, to-wit, bribery, and sentenced to ten (10) years confinement in the Texas Department of Corrections. Respondent hi appealed the criminal conviction. Petitioner prays for an order that Respondent be suspended fron the practice of law pending appeal of his criminal conviction, and when the criminal conviction becones final, for Judgnent that Respen- dent be Gisbarred, ané for such other relief as may be proper and authorized by law and the Rules Governing the state Bar of Texas, Ameleding court costs and attorneys fees. Disciplinary Petition - Page 1 Respectfully submitted, steven D. Peterson General Counsel Steven M. Smoot Pirst assistant General Counsel Office of the General Counsel State Bar of Texas P.O. Box 12487 Austin, Tx 78711 (512) 475-2288 ‘Beate Bar Card Wo. 16774300 APTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER pisciplinary Petition - Page 2

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