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Commitment of Employee to Bank Islam
Bank Islam emerged as Malaysias maiden Shariah-based financial institution since its
establishment in July 1983. From only RM80 million initially, Bank Islams paid-up capital
swelled to RM1.73 billion as at June 2009, which was instrumental in making possible the
growth of its assets and the implementation of its expansion programmers. Bank Islam was
awarded the Readers Digest Platinum Award for being the Most Trusted Brand for Islamic
Financial Services for two consecutive years.
Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad aims to play a meaningful role in fostering economic
development and social progress in Malaysia. Employing over 4,000 people, Bank Islam
hopes to contribute in the development of knowledge and expertise in Islamic banking and
finance in Malaysia.

A career with Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad is not only an opportunity to work with the
Banking industry but also with an organization that is totally committed to develop the
countrys Islamic Banking, as one of the most advanced Islamic Banking system in the world.
While Bank Islam continues to grow at a rapid pace, we understand the need to have a
professional and talented team. When it comes to developing your career, Bank Islam offers
excellent career paths, opportunities and attractive remuneration packages.

Islamic Bank
According to Government Law No. 10 of 1998 on Banking, Islamic Bank is a commercial
bank conducting business based on sharia principles and provides services in payment traffic.
Kristanto (2008), Beck et al. (2010), and Hanif (2010) describes the business activities carried
out by the Islamic Bank is actually the same as the business activities conducted by
conventional banks, it's just philosophical differences between them make Islamic Bank in
determining the price and make a profit based on Sharia principles as follows: financing
based on the principle of profit sharing (mudaraba), based on the principle

of equity

financing (musharakah); principle of trading goods to make a profit (murabaha); financing

capital goods without a choice based purely lease (ijara), or with the option of transfer of
ownership of the leased item of the bank by the other party (ijarawaiqtina). While
thedetermination of the costs of other banks, the Bank Syariah also determine the cost, but
the cost should be in accordance with the Islamic Sharia (Kristanto, 2008)

Organizational Commitment
According to Anik and Arifuddin (2003), organizational commitment is a condition or a
degree the extent to which an employee is in favor of a particular organization with its goals,
and maintains membership in the organization. Kristanto (2008) and Anik and Arifudin (2003)
describes three types of organizational commitment. First, Affective Commitment, occurs
when employees want to be part of the organization because of the emotional attachment. It
also shows the identification and involvement of employees in an organization. Thus it can be
said that the employee does want. Second, Continuance Commitment, occurs


employees remain in an organization because it takes a salary and other benefits. This

component contains the employees' perception of the loss that will be faced when he left the
organization. Thus it can be said that the employee is needed. And third, Normative
Commitment, emerged from the values in the employee. Employee last became a member 4
because of the awareness that the organization is committed to the organization is that it
should be done. So it can be said that the employee feels obligated.

Affective Commitment
Affective Commitment occurs when an employee is trying to survive in a company because
of a desire fueled by emotional ties. Thus, employees who tend affective on the company will
try to realize the objectives of the organization because of the desire within themselves to
survive very large. Employee involvement in the religious idealism Islamic Bank can
encourage employees to feel emotionally attached to the company (Kristanto, 2008; Anik and
Arifudin, 2003; Panggabean, 2001) The emotional ties to the company, then an employee will
feel very happy to be part of the company. This happiness can foster pride in the company.
Therefore, employees will always try to give the best performance for the company.

Continuance Commitment
This commitment occurs when an employee is trying to stay afloat in a company because of
the perception of loss when he left the company. Employees with high continuance
commitment remain within the company in order to avoid financial loss or other losses
(Kristanto, 2008; Anik and Arifudin, 2003; Panggabean, 2001). It can be said also that
theemployee wishes to remain within the company is driven by the needs that must be met or
in other words the employee takes a lot of things that obtained from the company. Islamic
Bank employees will experience a considerable loss if left the company. In addition to
financial losses, other loss suffered is an opportunity to worship. This is because the religious
ideals on which the work of Islamic banking is a form of worship implementation.

Normative Commitment
Normative Commitment occurs when an employee is trying to stay afloat in a company
because the consciousness of duty that must be done. Normative Commitment evolved from
socialization experiences and feelings, depending on how big the liabilities held by employees
(Kristanto, 2008; Anik and Arifudin, 2003; Panggabean, 2001). Islamic Bank employees, has
enabled the socialization experiences that relate to the teachings of Islam. Thus, religion is
encouraging employees have a higher sense of obligation than Conventional Bank employees.
Bank Islams Corporate Investment Banking Division (CIB) spearheads the provision and
development of total Islamic financial solutions for corporate clientele. Backed by our
resources and experience as Malaysias pioneer Islamic bank, the team of professionals is able
to offer clients an extensive array of Shariah-based corporate and investment banking
products and services tailored to their specific needs.

CIB Services
CIB offers a wide range of corporate advisory and fund raising services through its Corporate
Finance, Debt Capital Markets and Corporate Banking departments which cover the equity
capital market, debt capital market and bank market respectively. These services include:

Islamic Securities or Sukuk

Employee advise on and arrange fund raising for clients via the issuance of Islamic
securities or Sukuk under commercial papers, medium term notes and/or bonds

Corporate Financing
They also provide trade financing, working capital and term financing facilities to
meet clients operational and capital expenditure requirements.

Syndicated Financing
Employee offer advice on and arrange fund raising for clients via club-deal or
syndicated financing facilities.

Project Advisory and Financing

They advise clients on project structure and contractual terms from a financing
perspective as well as arrange fund raising for projects via Islamic securities or
syndicated financing.

Debt Restructuring
They offer advice on financial solutions for companies which are unable to meet debt
Takeovers, Mergers, Acquisitions and Divestments
They offer advice on strategic, planning and executing takeovers, reverse takeovers,
mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances, management buyouts and

General Corporate Advisory

They advise clients on waivers from general offers, bonus issues, capital repayment,
employee share option schemes, listing transfer and valuation of companies or
businesses, as well as proffer independent financial advice for general offers and
related party transactions.

Initial Public Offering (IPO)

They offer advice on the public issue of new securities and/or offers for sale of
existing securities in companies seeking listing and quotation on the Main Market and
the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia.

Secondary Offerings
They offer listed companies advice on fund raising via secondary offerings of
securities including rights issues, restricted issues, private placement and special issues
of equity and equity-linked instruments such as redeemable preference shares and

Commitment of Employee to Employee

For our employees in all our operations worldwide, banking line should committed to creating
and maintaining a good working environment, ensuring non-discrimination, and protecting
their health and safety.
As Christophe de Margerie says in the introduction to the Code of Conduct: "Respect [is] the
source of sustainable, trust-based operations and relations." We expect our employees to
adhere to the highest standards of integrity, loyalty and responsibility. In return, we make sure

that they are treated with the greatest respect, by constantly maintaining our vigilance in this

Integrating Respect for Employees into Our Day-to-Day Operations

Totals Human Resources management policies are based on:
1. Ensuring equality among employees.
2. Promoting diversity and equal opportunity.
3. Fostering employee dialogue.
4. Developing skills.
These principles guide the policies and procedures implemented by Total and our affiliates,
with the aim of attracting, motivating and retaining the talent we need to meet emerging
energy challenges worldwide.

Fostering Diversity, One of Totals Core Strengths

Around 130 nationalities are represented in our workforce and we see this diversity of
cultures and ways of thinking as one of our core strengths. It stems from a proactive
commitment that is overseen by our Diversity Council, which tracks ongoing initiatives
to increase the number of women and non-French employees, right up to the highest levels of

These initiatives include:

1. Setting ambitious targets, such as 22% women in senior management in 2020 and 40%
women on our Board of Directors in 2017.
2. Promoting gender equality in the workplace by:

Signing the Womens Empowerment Principles Equality Means Business

defined by the United Nations Global Compact.


Participating in the BoardWomen Partners program.


Developing the Total Womens Initiative for Communication and Exchange

(TWICE) network.

3. Identifying high potentials so that we can support them throughout their careers,
particularly through mentoring programs.

Combating All Forms of Discrimination

Promoting diversity is also synonymous with combating all forms of discrimination. At Total,
we make every effort to integrate the disabled, young people and seniors into our workforce.
We firmly believe that a disability should not be an obstacle to employment. Thats why, over
more than 20 years, we have developed a clearly defined policy on this key issue, signing
seven successive agreements with employee representatives in France, the most recent one in
2010. In addition to informing the measures we take in this area, these agreements confirm the
principle of equal treatment for our disabled employees.

Tackling Harassment
Harassment in any form is not tolerated at Total. Employees who believe they are victims of
harassment are encouraged to report it to their direct supervisor or to Human Resources.
Company also provide training to ensure that employees understand the mechanisms and
consequences of harassment and are familiar with the relevant laws and regulations.

An Unflagging Commitment to Employee Health and Safety

We consider it the company or business responsibility to take whatever steps are necessary to
protect our employees. Thats why health and safety is an absolute priority at Total, every
single day of the year.
Respecting employees means providing working conditions that ensure their health and
safety. To achieve this, we have adopted an approach designed to prevent workplace accidents

and illnesses. Published in the first half of 2010, our Health Policy outlines our key focuses in
this area, which include helping to promote individual and community health and driving
advances in research. In 2012, 89% of our employees benefited from top-quality life
insurance coverage.
Improving safety is a continuous process that requires a concerted effort from all our
employees. Our policy aims to reduce risk through prevention and protection measures and
proactively prepare for potential emergencies to mitigate the consequences of any accidents.
As stated in Article 7 of our Safety Health Environment Quality Charter , we also make sure
that we have the necessary resources to respond effectively to such situations. These resources
are periodically reviewed and tested during regular drills.

Security, a Top Priority

Protecting our employees and facilities from sabotage, criminal acts, riots and other forms of
attack is one of our top priorities. Our security teams are responsible for managing security
risks and crisis situations while ensuring that the rights of neighboring communities are
respected. To protect our operations, we rely on law enforcement organizations in our host
countries. Private security guards when we use them are only armed in exceptional
circumstances, where there is a significant risk of terrorism or a very high crime rate.
Whatever the situation may be, we take all the measures necessary to ensure compliance with
the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPSHR), which have been
integrated into our Security Policy since 2006. In March 2012, we reaffirmed our commitment
in this area by becoming an official participant in the Voluntary Principles Initiative.

conclusions that can be made is a commitment is a very important thing in any organization or
business. this is because any commitment to change the situation of the organization and
success will be obtained. commitment should also be addressed to customers and employees.
for example, we should treat the customer as nice as possible because the customer is the
main source of income for a business. Customers are also able to record good company to

other communities. in Islam, we need to be honest in making any business. in Islamic

banking, we should act not hide any information relating to the business or affairs they are
doing with us. if we do not comply with the law laid down by Shariah or doing illegal things,
then we are deemed to have committed a sin. and we will receive the reward in the Hereafter.
In addition, we as workers need to show commitment good to other employees as well as
customers, employees as well as individuals who can bring success or downfall of the
business or company.for example, if too many of the problems that occur to workers, many of
affairs that can not be smooth, the impact of the task or the work in progress will be
interrupted and slowed. therefore, the employer should consider how to bridge the gap
between all the employees in order to develop the business and can do the work from the
perspective of Islam.


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