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Formation and Naming of Polypeptides

The Formation of Peptide Bonds

When two molecules come together and
connect by having the amino and carboxyl
groups join, peptide bonds form.
The usual result is that two hydrogen molecules
and one oxygen molecules are released.
H2O is the chemical formula for water.
The bond formed by this dehydration synthesis
is CO-NH and it is known as the peptide bond.

Multiple Peptide Bonds

When you have multiple peptide
bonds they create polypeptides.
This is simply a chain of peptides
joined together by one peptide bond
after another.
What we commonly refer to as
proteins are in effect chains of

Peptide Synthesis
Polypeptide synthesis happens in labs quite
The bonds are kinetically stable and when
placed in an aqueous solution without a catalyst
present, the bond can last almost 1000 years.
This equilibrium is gained not from the
synthesis but by the hydrolysis.
In order for the peptide bond to occur, free
energy must be part of the process and as the
peptide bond forms, one molecule of water is

Peptide Synthesis

Naming Polypeptide Chains

When these chains are forming, the
side with the amino group is the
place where the chain begins.
As such, when the chain is being
written, it starts at the amino

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