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Desfile de Modas

Espaol 1B Captulo 6
Luces, Cmara, Accin!
In this project you must choose a partner to participate in the class fashion show. One of you
will take the role of "model" and the other "announcer." Both partners will have different
responsibilities and will be graded accordingly, but part of your grade will be how well you work
together. Below is a rubric and description of exactly how each role will be graded ... so take a look at
what you have to do before deciding which role you want!

Model: you are responsible for "strutting your stuff" on the runway!

1.) outfit must contain at least 7 items of clothing/accessories

(you MUST bring in props, wearing only your clothes from that
day will not be acceptable. Your outfit must be decided in advance changing
colors on the same day will result in that item not counting you can not share
items with other groups, you must have your OWN props with you)
2.) choose a song to play while you are modeling (must be approved in advance)
3.) be creative, have fun! Dont just stand there! MOVE IT!!
4.) show comprehension by modeling every piece of clothing as it is being
described by your partner (you must be in sync!)
6.) It is YOUR responsibility to make sure everything flows, everything is in
order, and everything is well prepared for the show.

Announcer: you are responsible for narrating the outfit of your model!

1.) Have typed copy of model description

2.) be in-sync with the model. (Dont rush, keep a good pace!)
3.) use correct pronunciation & speak at a good volume

As a group: Must: 1.) Have grammatically correct sentences that describe the outfit
2.) use class time appropriately to prepare for performance
2.) have equal distribution of responsibilities and effort
3.) be READY to perform on Thursday, May 7th

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