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Nom: ___________________________________

Line of the Sun
Franois Mitterrand

Sacr Cur
Eiffel Tower
Line of Mars
Arc du Triomphe

Date: __________________
Arche de la Dfense
right bank
left bank
le Marais

Fill in the blanks below with the key words from the word bank provided.

The beautiful city of Paris is known world-wide as the capital of France, and the City of Love.
Back in the times of the Roman Empire, it was called __________________________. The city is
culturally diverse and full of life, but it is only ________ miles wide and ________ miles from north to
south. It is broken into two sections by the Seine River; its __________________________ is known as
the business side and its __________________________ is the artsy and literary side. There are
__________________________ arrondissements or districts within the city limits and each has its own
unique personality as well. For example, the 4th arrondissement is nicknamed
__________________________ and is famous for its modern museums, pedestrian walkways, and open
acceptance of social diversity. Other sections, like the 11th arrondissement which is a popular tourist site
due to the __________________________ prison monument, are known for their historical significance.
While yet another district like the 18th might be known for its __________________________
neighborhood, which includes the Painters Corner and the nearby cabaret club of the Moulin Rouge.
Many of Pariss most frequented monuments are located, from East to West, in a perfect line
across the middle of the city. This line is known as __________________________. It begins in the
east with the __________________________, a three floor museum in the center of downtown Paris
and connected to the __________________________ gardens. The line ends in the west at the palace of
__________________________. This palace is located just outside of Paris and was constructed by
Louis XIV, the Sun King, in the shape of a C to architecturally close off the line, symbolizing that the
absolute power of the monarchy began and ended with him. Other famous stops along this architectural
line include the Place de la __________________________, previous home to the guillotine, and the
__________________________ which is located at the end of the eight-lane shopping center of the
Chamnps-Elyses and houses the tomb of the unknown soldier.
The __________________________: the symbol of Paris, is found on a different line that
follows the orbit of Mars. Because of its orbital twin, it is called the __________________________.
Millions of tourists come from all over the world to climb to the top the tower and get a good view of

the city. Behind this massive monument is the __________________________ de Mars, where many
people sit and eat their picnic lunch or take their children for strolls in the nice weather. On the other
side of the Line of Mars is a stunning, white cathedral from which you can also view the entire city. It
sits on top of the only prominent hill in Paris. While its not in the nicest and fanciest of neighborhoods,
the __________________________ provides an incredible panorama of the city and its outskirts.
__________________________, elected president of France in 1981, commissioned les grands
projets to be built in hopes that they would modernize and fresh the city. Nearly all of these
monuments were failures. The library is too hot and sunny to house books on the top several floors and
the __________________________ almost fell over due to wind in its first few weeks of life. The glass
pyramids of the Louvre are just about the only of these projects that were both successful and well
Les Questions
1. What arrondissement, or district, would you be most interested in visiting and why?

2. What does the word champ mean and what is its relevance to the Champs-Elyses?

3. Compare and contrast what you know about the 7th and the 15th arrondissements?

4. Do you remember that the districts are labeled in a specific pattern/formation? Label the
arrondissements accurately in the map below!

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