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Physics 12 Diagostic Exam - Review

May 15, 2011

1. What is the angle between the vectors A and A when they are drawn from a common origin?
A. 0
C. 180
B. 90
D. 270
2. A physics student adds two displacement vectors with magnitudes of 8.0 km and 6.0 km. Which one of the
following statements is true concerning the magnitude of the resultant displacement?
A. It must be 14.0 km.
B. No conclusion can be reached without knowing the directions of the vectors.
C. It could be equal to zero kilometers, depending on how the vectors are oriented.
D. It could have any value between 2.0 km and 14.0 km depending on how the vectors are oriented.
For nos. 3 and 4, given three vectors A, B, C:

A 5i 4 j k

3. What is A x B ?
A. 14i 16 j 4k
B. 10i 14 j 16k

4. What is A B ?


C 4i 7 j 4k

B i 2 j 3k

10i 14 j 6k
D. 10i 14 j 6k


For Nos. 5 and 6:

A projectile is fired at an angle of 55.0 above the horizontal with an initial speed of 35.0 m/s.
5. What is the magnitude of the horizontal component of the projectile's displacement at the end of 2 s?
A. 10 m
C. 30 m
B. 20 m
D. 40 m
6. How long does it take the projectile to reach the highest point in its trajectory?
A. 1.5 s
C. 4.0 s
B. 2.4 s
D. 6.2 s
7. An elevator is moving upward with a speed of 11 m/s. Three seconds later, the elevator is still moving
upward, but its speed has been reduced to 5.0 m/s. What is the average acceleration of the elevator during
the 3.0 s interval?
A. 2.0 m/s2, upward
C. 5.3 m/s2, upward
B. 2.0 m/s , downward
D. 5.3 m/s2, downward

x v0 t at 2
8. Which one of the following statements must be true if the expression
is to be used?

x is constant.
v is constant.


a is constant.
v is constant.

9. Starting from rest, a particle confined to move along a straight line is accelerated at a rate of 5.0 m/s2.
Which one of the following statements accurately describes the motion of this particle?
A. The particle travels 5.0 m during each second.
B. The particle travels 5.0 m only during the first second.
C. The speed of the particle increases by 5.0 m/s during each second.
D. The acceleration of the particle increases by 5.0 m/s2 during each second.

10. When the net force that acts on a hockey puck is 12 N, the puck accelerates at a rate of 48 m/s2. Determine
the mass of the puck.
A. 0.25 kg
C. 6 m/s
B. 5 m/s
D. 7 m/s
For questions 11 to 14:
A car of mass m can round a curve of radius r with a speed of v.
11. If the road is level, what must the turning radius be if the turning speed is to be doubled?
A. 4r
B. 2r
C. r
D. 0.5r
12. If the road is level and another car of mass 2m is to make the turn, the maximum speed for this car is
A. v
B. 0.5 v
C. 4v
D. 2v
13. If road is banked, at what banking angle can the car make the turn without depending on friction?
A. cot 1 (v2/gr)
C. sin 1 (v2/gr)
B. cos (v /gr)
D. tan 1 (v2/gr)
14. If the road is banked at an angle and the friction between the car and the road is f, the centripetal force on
the car is equal to
A. f sin + mg cos
C. f sin + mg sin
B. f cos + mg cot
D. f cos + mg tan
15. With what maximum speed can a car round a curve of radius 75m if the coefficient of friction between the
car and the road is 0.5?
A. 27 m/s
C. 20 m/s
B. 26 m/s
D. 19 m/s
16. If the road in #15 is to be banked, what must be the banking angle without depending on friction?
A. 27o
B. 30o
C. 35o
D. 40o


Two masses m1 & m2 separated by a distance r, exert a gravitational force F on each other.
separation distance is doubled, the gravitational force becomes
C. 2F
A. 0.25F
D. 4F
B. 0.5F
When a force of 80 N is applied to a spring, it elongates 0.40 m. Determine the period of
oscillation of a 6 kg object suspended from this spring.
A. 0.628 s
C. 1.5 s


2.47 s


1.2 s

A wooden board 2-m long, 50 cm wide and 60 mm thick floats in water with 40 mm of its
thickness above the surface. The mass of the board is
A. 10 kg
C. 40 kg

20 kg


60 kg


A road is inclined at an angle of 60o. A car whose weight is 15 kN moves up the road at a
constant speed of 20 m/s. the minimum power the cars engine develops is
A. 450 kW
C. 260 kW
B. 300 kW
D. 150 kW


Kilowatt-hour is a unit of ________.

A. power







If the


The unstretched spring has a length of 0.60 m and spring constant 1000 N/m. A weight is
hung from the spring, causing it to stretch to a length of 0.90 m. How many joules of elastic
potential energy are stored in this stretched spring?
A. 40 joules
C. 50 joules
B. 45 joules
D. 55 joules


A 30 g body moving 25 cm/s to the right collides with a 20 g body moving 15 cm/s to the
left. What is the velocity of the bodies if the collision is perfectly inelastic?
A. 1 cm/s
C. 9 cm/s
B. 4 cm/s
D. 20 cm/s


The amount of inertia of an object does not depend on

A. the location of the axis of rotation
C. its size and shape

its angular speed


its mass


A 30-m long steel wire ( cross sectional area 1 cm 2, Y = 2 x 1011 N/m2 ), is subjected to a
load of 30,000 N. How much will the wire stretch under the load?
A. 0.045 cm
C. 45.0 cm
B. 0.45 cm
D. 0.045 m


Complete the following statement: Bernoulli's principle is a statement of

A. thermal equilibrium in fluids.
C. energy conservation in dynamic fluids.
B. hydrostatic equilibrium.
momentum conservation in dynamic fluids

27. If a wood stick with a density of 820 kg/m3 is placed into a pool of water, what percentage of the volume of
the stick is floating?
A. 18%
C. 82%
B. 50%
D. 0.28
28. Water flows through a pipe of cross-sectional area 1 cm2 with a velocity of 500 cm/s. What is the velocity if
the pipe area expands to 5 cm2?
A. 0.50 cm/s
C. 1 m/s
B. 0.10 cm/s
D. 5 m/s
29. The areas of the large and small pistons in a hydraulic press are 100.0 cm2 and 2.0 cm2, respectively. What
force must be applied to the small piston in order to lift a 5000 N load?
A. 160 N
C. 50 N
B. 100 N
D. 5 N
30. A barge of cross-sectional area 2.0 x 3.0 m has its top edge 0.36 m above the waterline when unloaded. How
many 50-kg sacks of rice can the barge hold before water starts to leak over the edges? The raft is in sea water
of density 1025 kg/m3.
c. 30
a. 442
d. 29
b. 44

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