Engineering Physics Theory and Experiments

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FOURTH EDITION eens Copyright © 2006, 2004, 2003, 2001, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers Published by New Ago International (P) Ltd., Publishers. First Edition : 2001 Fourth Edition : 2006 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, microfilm, xerography, or any other means, or incorporated inte any information retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the written permission of the copyright owner. ISEN : 81-224-1761-2 Rs. 195.00 C-05-08-365 ‘Typesetter : Innovative, Delhi. Printed in India at Pack Printers, New Delhi. PUBLISHING FOR ONE WORLD NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS. (formerly Wiley Eastern Limited) 4835/24, Ansari Road, Daryagan), New Lelhi - 110002 us at Contents Preface to the Fourth Edition Preface to the First Edition . Relativistic Mechanics Introduction Frame of Reference Galilean Transformations Coneept of Ether Michelson-Morley Experiment Explanations of the Negative Results Einstein's Postulates ‘The Lorentz Transformation Length Contraction Solved Examples ‘Time Dilation Example—Meson Decay Velocity Addition Solved Examples Variation of Mass with Velocity Mass-Energy Equivalence Examples Solved Examples Exercises Optics Introduction (A) Interference of Light Young's Experiment Theory of Interference Energy Distribution and Conservation of Energy Solved Examples Coherent Sources Methods for Producing Coherent Sources tion of Dark Fringes Angular Fringe-width Conditions for Sustained Interference of Light Fresnel’s Biprism Adjustment for Getting Interference Fringes vi 1-80 Reoowaaeoene 5 Contents Solved Examples Applications of Lasers Exercises Electromagnetics Introduction Coulomb's Law of Electrostatics Electric Field Field Lines Electric Flux Gauss’s Law Proof of Gauss’s Law Applications of Gauss’s Law Ampere's Law Applications of Ampere's Circuital Law Solved Examples Poisson's and Laplace's Equations Laplace's Equation Equation of Continuity Maxwell's Electromagnetic Equations Derivation of Maxewell’s Equations Physical Significance Electromagnetic Energy (Poynting Theorem) Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space Wave Equation in a Conducting Medium Skin Depth or Depth of Penetration Solution of Plane Electromagnetic Wave Solved Examples Exercises Magnetic Properties of Materials Introduction Parameters Used to Describe Magnetic Properties Magnetic Flux Density (B) Intensity of Magnetisation Magnetic Susceptibility Magnetic Permeability (u) and Relative Permeability (4) Relation between Permeability and Susceptibility Relation between Magnetic Flux Density (B) Classification of Magnetic Materials Langevin's Theory of Diamagnetism Langevin's Theory of Paramagnetism Hysteresis Loss of Energy Due to Hysteresis Hysteresis Loss from I-H Cycle Hysteresis Loss from B-H Cycle Alternative Method 145, 146 M7 148-184 148 148. 149 149 149 150 150 152 159 160 162 166 166 167 168 168 169 173 173 175 1768 17 178 179 183 185-207 188 185 185 185 186 186 136 187 188 190 192 195 195 195 196 196 1. Hysteresis Loss from I-H Curve ‘Methods of Plotting Hysteresis Curve ‘Uses of Hysteresis Curve Soft Magnetic Materials Hard Magnetic Materials Applications Solved Examples Magnetic Circuit Magnetomotive Force, Reluctance and Permeance Reluctance in Series Reluctances in Parallel Magnetic Circuit of a Rowland Ring Magnetic Circuit with an Air Gap Solved Examples Exercises |. X-Rays Introduction Origin of X-Rays Xray Spectrum Mosley’s Law Derivation of Mosley’s Law using Bohr’s Theory of Atora Importance of Mosley Law Absorption of X-rays Diffractions of X-rays Laue's Experiment Bragg’s Law Derivation of Bragg’s Law Bragg X-rays Spectrometer Applications of X-rays Applications in Industry and Engineering Medical Applications Applications for Scientific Research Solved Examples Compton Effect Direction of the Recoil Electron Energy of Recoil Electron Solved Exaraples Exercises Wave Mechanics Introduction Wave-Particle Duality De Broglie Waves De Broglie Wave Velocity Wave Equation Phase and Group Velocities Davisson and Germer Experiment Contents xiii 197 198 199 200 200 200 200 202 203 204 204 204 205 206 207 208-227 208 208 209 210 210 211 212 212 212 213 213 213 214 214 215 215 215 219 221 222 224 226 228-262 228 228 228 229 229 230 232 xiv Cottents Solved Examples 234 Uncertainty Principle 238 Applications of Uncertainty Principle 240 Solved Examples 242 Wave Function and Wave Equation 247 Schrodinger's Equation: Time-Dependent 247 Schrodinger’s Equation: Steady-state Form 249 Particle ina Box 249 Particle in a Box (Motion in Three Dimensions) 251 Harmonic Oscillator 254 Solved Examples 257 Exercises 261 8. Fields: Scalar and Vector 263-285 Introduction 263 Scalar and Vector Fields 263 Derivative of a Vector 263 Directional Derivatives 264 Solved Examples 265 Gradient of a Scalar Field 266 Divergence of a Vector Field 269 The Curl of a Vector 275 Line Integrals 279 Conservative Field 280 ‘Volume Integrals 281 Gauss—Divergence Theorem 281 Stoke's Theorem 283 Exercises 285 PARTTWO EXPERIMENTS 1. Measurement of wavelength of sodium light using Newton's Rings 290 2, Measurement of the wavelength of a mono chromatic source of light with the help of Fresnel's biprism 293 3. Measurement of the focal length of the combination of two lenses separated by a distance 296 4. Specific rotation of eane-sugar by polarimeter. 299 5, To determine the wavelength of spectral lines using plane transmission grating 302 6, Determination of specific resistance of a given wire using Carey Foster bridge 305 ‘7, To determine the variation of magnetic field along the axis of current carrying coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil 308 8. To verify Stefan’s law by electrical method all 9, (a) Tocalibrate the given voltmeter als (b) To calibrate a given ammeter 317 10, To study the Hall effect and determine Hall coefficient, carrier density and mobility of a given semiconductor material 318 ee Contents xv 11, Measurement of energy baid gap in P-N junction 321 * Measurement of electroc equivalent of copper 324 1 w Hysteresis 326 two Peat .o constant of a moving coil ballistic galvanometer a29 14 rement of ball a Hew ST eat ¢ of viscosity of a liquid by rotating cylinder method 332 {B) Measurement of efficient of viscosity of water by enpillary tube flow methed 333 Test Papers (396-353 PART THREE - APPENDICES 855-364 - - 6.9 os ore oot 6s9 or 208 06 90k Oe oo 08 Tes 08 ao OL SEL or ogo 09 oL oO 20 XUUOWMON 201 Xue “wo}sua) aooung oe ‘way woysue) eons 2» Sunjpredurey Teiem jo uojsue eoepNg €1 xjpueddy - 7 oss00'0 os ¥8Z00'0 0OT £9900'0 OF g91£00°0 06 00800°0 Oc g9se00'0 08 000T0°0 0% 90P00°0 OL TIeto'o or 69700'0 9 E6LT0'0 o (2810—) Ansoasia ‘De due, (280g) AysoasiA De SumBiaCNE) sa78AA 40 Aysoas |, ZL xipueddy 9B O10 sta-z'0 g0-s'0 ad Le0-sa'0 O00 810-90 UMOID ssLID) 180-8270 Be'O-6E'0 Tio sug, 180-920 68'0-08'0 eee Pr : SLO-WLO TE-8T BU Teg Te'0-42°0 es'o-se'0 e-or 88D 620-60 e8'0-LL0 ee-el qyBnoayy wo 98'0-42'0 oFo-Ft'0 62-1 aaddoz ‘OF O-6e'0 £2'0-FE'0 O'T-6'0 paezg seo-ee'0 42'0-92'0 220-690. wandianyy 1,01 gauopmany Le Oh % AyuoMtany 4 Domes su0sioy Aypy6us jo saynpoyy sninpoy Buncy, eauersqng SWUE]SUOD WNSEIQ LE xipueddy - - 808L'6 weary ‘BE8L'6 yaaa 9094°6 may SUBL'6 APH LOM 68au'6 souvse,, 9981'6 requinyy, 106L'6 andueyy 06816 aouly 00616 mouyon] ao8L'6 andyep 1061'S ung wayeq 09816 ‘eaopuy St6L'6 anaaoyy 6816 sore stu’ nea $0616 andyyyesogy 081'6 soqenby $68L'6 peqzyeriy aee8'6 etd é 228d 6 208d ‘Ayagi6 0} onp uopeoj}osy OL xipueddy Err ‘a0 oF wee oc6'o ‘eat'0 ae wee ear o6s'0 86T'0 ge 66 vit f0r0 ¥ee0 re Bre 208 e620 PLEO ae srs 809 were ste0 og ave Lee sso puso 8% Bre 680 Soro isto 9 eet e6'T too eas'0 ve LOT o'r sezoo TO a s¥9'0 weL0 o9zo'o ¥16'0 oe wae'0 9660 srtoo wet ar 80z'0 azz'o £800°0 £9'T ar te'0 TO ¥S00°0 £0'% tr LL0'0 980°0 zeo0'o 19% at 1c0'0 Ls0°0 ‘12000 see oL ‘WjUeBuEpy UEIEISUOD seddog urW seJoUEIT ON -OM'S: (ayeupuyo) sourrsrseyy Seoueys|s0y OIA 6 xIpueddy aoa Sunusewiusr nae ENGINEERING PHYSICS — TE This book is based on the common core syllabus of UP Technical University. Itexplains, ina simple and ‘systematic manner, the Basic principles and applications of Engineering Physics. Aiter explaining the Special Theory of Relativity, the book presents a detailed analysis of Optics, Scalar and Vector fields are explained next, followed by Electrostatics. Magnetic properties. of materials are then described. ‘The basic concepts. and applications of X-rays are highlighted next. Quantum Theory is then explained, followed by a lucid accountof Lasers, After explaining the basic theory, the book presents a series of interesting experiments to enable the students to acquire a practical knowledge of thesubject. Alarge numberof questions and made! test papers have also been added. Different chapters have been revised ane! re problems as per requirement have been added. The book would serve as amr@télient text for first year engineering students. Diploma students wouldalso find itextremely useful: Dr. S.K. Srivastava is Professof6f Physics and Head, Dentt. of Applied Sciences and Humanities atthe Institute of Engineering and Technology, Lucknow. He had served as Secretary, Uttar Praresh State Engineering Admission Test Cell. He has been involved in teaching B.Tech. students and supervising research projects for the last fifteen years. He has also published over eighty research papers in ‘reputed journals, Dr. RA. Yadav served MMM Engineering College, Gorakhpur as Professor & Head Department of Applied Sciences, Presently he is Professor of Physics in Institute of Geeda, Gorekhpur. He ‘accomplished his M.Sc, (1965) and Ph.D. (1971) from the University of Gorakhpur. The present tettbaok is the outcome &f his long teaching experience in Physics of about 35 years to engineering students, He has also contributed a5 a researcher in the field of Microwave Dielectric Relaxation ‘Studies of Polar Liquids and Liquid Crystals and has published 25 research papers in reputed journals. He visited Edward Davies Chemieal Laboratories, The University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, U.K. as a Commonwealth post. fellow during 1977-78. He was one of the coordinators for preparing the Question Bank in Physiesof U.P. Technical University, Lucknow, soil (Gordy Wiley acer dad) NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL (P) LIMITED, PUBLISHERS New Delhi « Mangalore » Chennai + Costin + Giuwahatl » Hyderabad Jalandhar + Koll * Lucknow » Mumbai + Ranchi Pusuoncronee won Visit us at

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