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Yap San Diego Ancestral House

The Yap San Diego Ancestral House is at the Parian

District of Cebu and this was said to be the first ever Chinese
house built outside of China. The Yap San Diego Ancestral House
was restored, but many of the antique structures (such as this
building) have been destroyed or the original structure or artifact
has been changed. The current house owner Val, famous
choreographer and antique collector, estimates that its
construction is to be between the year 1675 to 1700. The houses
roof and walls are 95 percent original according to Val. Val and his
family still continue to live there during the weekends.

The western influences I have seen in this house

were numerous and not only have I seen Spanish influenced
materials I have also seen some Chinese influences. The
examples of Spanish influences are the clothings, some of the
furniture, and the religions. I have seen some clothings that have
been used during the Spanish time in that house. I have seen
some furniture of Spanish work like the chairs, tables, the master
bedroom, and even the treasure chest. Lastly, I say that the
religion is western influenced because of the Santo Nino statue
near the master bed room. Christianity came from the Spaniards
and when the Spaniards colonized the Philippines Christianity
found its way to the Philippines also the Santo Nino statue is a
symbol of Christianity .The examples of some of the Chinese
influences I have also seen in the house were some of the
paintings, and the silk in the treasure chest (since silk originated
from China the clothes/silk were from China).

The relevance of this site, The Yap San Diego

Ancestral House, to our community is to show us Filipinos our
history, how we started our humble beginnings, and our life
before. Our history is the effect of Yap San Diego Ancestral House
to our community because this is one of the few structures that
survived the World War 2, same goes for the people who lived
during that time. The Yap San Diego Ancestral House can also be
an educational tour for the students, tourists, or the people who
are interested to know or past and one of our colonizers.

As a Cebuano , a person in community, an Ateneo

Hearter and a student who shows appreciation to the culture, the
tradition and ideals of the old and the new generations of
Cebuanos. I have learned more about our history , our past , and
our colonizers. The thngs in that house spoke fresh of our humble
beginnings and the house is constant reminder for us Filipinos and
it is a landmark of the Filipino history. As a person who loves and
cherishes our history this place can spell the past of us Filipinos.

Andrew Pinnix N. Bacala

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