Conference Flyer - Final Version 2015-4

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Tuesday 24th November 2015

Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport

The 12th Annual National Conference organised by

Professionals & Parents in Partnership
Just SOME of the speakers you can hear this year:

Phil Christie: Consultant Child Psychologist and Specialist ASD Advisor - looking at
Emotional Wellbeing and interventions and what factors influence outcomes.
Jonathan Green: Professor of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry at the University of
Manchester who will update us on exciting iBASIS results and early intervention
Corinna Laurie: Will share her considerable knowledge about the Sensory Diet
Charlotte Moore: Journalist , Parent & Author of George & Sam will once again return
to chair & share her experiences.
Lynne Moxon: Returns to re-visit her extremely popular look into Sex and Sexuality,
why are young people with ASD so vulnerable?
Chris Oliver: Professor of Neurodevelopmental disorders at University of Birmingham ,
Director of The Cerebra Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders reviews some of his
extensive research into Behaviour Disorder in Children and Adults with ASD and
Sarah Parsons: Deputy Director of the Autism Centre for Education and
Research ,University of Birmingham - Using Innovative Technology for people with
Rosemary Tozer: Shares her research into Adult Siblings of people with Autism and
learning disability their experiences.
Plus parent speakers, sharing their experiences
Conference Fee includes: delegate pack, lunch & refreshments
throughout and a CPD Certificate (if required). Registration 08:30

Parents: 35
Professionals: 100

Further Details: Tanya Farley - 07966 399 709 or email:

Why not follow us on Twitter @autism_handson

Workshops covering the following areas:

Sensory Issues

Sibling Workshop

How do EHC Plans Improve Outcomes?

Employment Opportunities & Support for

people with ASD

Why not follow us

on Twitter






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For multiple applications please photocopy and submit a separate form for each applicant.
Completed forms and cheque (if applicable) should be sent to:
Jennifer Kilheeney c/o 2nd Floor, Fred Perry House, Edward Street, Stockport, SK1 3XE

If you have any queries please contact Tanya Farley 07966 399 709

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