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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F
Year: __2/3__

Date: __26.8.2015___ Time: _____________

Learning Area: _____14_______ Topic:

Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Numeracy: Group, partition and rearrange collections up to 1000 in hundreds, tens and ones to facilitate more efficient counting

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Basic understanding of fractions and multiplication

Learning purpose:

(May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content

description here)
to teach students how to count to large numbers using grouping

Learning objectives:
On completion of this lesson, students will be able to:
Count to large numbers using groupings

Preparation and Resources:

Small Group of students (4-6)
Popsticks (20-30 based on group)
Circle marked work pages


Catering for diversity

(detail any adjustments considerations for

educational/resource adjustments)
Based on number of students, adjust the targer number to a number that is has a
common factor to the number of students (i.e. 7 students = 35, 5 sticks per student)



Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)
gather the students, try to enforce the idea that this is a special occurance. Get
them seated and set out the circle mats while explaining the idea of using
multiplication and groupings to count to larger numbers.
2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the
students achieve the learning objectives? What tasks and activities will
the students be involved in to help achieve the learning objectives?)
Have a student count to 30, to illustrate time required
-if students become restless have them count one after the other so they pay
attention to the group
Start using the mats to explain how mats work, this is my group, and I have 5
popsticks, this is A's group, they have five as well, if our groups added together it
would be 10, and start building from there.
Start out with groupings of 2, 3 and 5's, so each member of the group add to their
group, and seeing how a small addition from each of them builds up to a bigger

3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it
to the lesson objectives?)
enforce the idea that group counting can speed up counting to large numbers, Try
to give real world example of how grouping-counting can be used, like counting
students in class


Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

I overestimated abilities and understanding, and I lost confidence

due to inexperience, and I admit the activity wasn't as engaging
as it should of been
what I would change:
Make the counting activity more of a race, a student vs a teacher,
student using 1's and the teacher using 5's
try to show how group counting can be used to create an
estimation of numbers assuming 6 people per desk, I count 4
groups of 6, now there will be less students, but it means I know
to have 24 pages ready for everyone


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