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Cogeneration—Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Thermodynamics and Economics w J. H. HORLOCK, rere. ras. Wine tbesory Conbige, UC ER PUBLISHING COMPANY. \R, FLORIDA, Origin Baio 1987 ‘ge Ein 197 with cocoons wd new tcl Prins and Published by RINGER PUBLISHING COMPANY KRIUGIER DRIVE MATAWARS PDORIDA 32950 Copsrigh © 1987 by Porgon Boks Li ‘Teta o Autor S062 Reprinted ty Arvangont Contents Non TION PREFACE TO THE REPRINT EDITION PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION fay mr ete a mesh ‘trl eine wit rman wets om the publics ‘Nols samme wh reper tthe oof he ixormaton cont Kea, ‘Banu ithe United Seaton o mere FROM A DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES JOINTLY ADOPTED Ya COMMITTEE OF THE AMERICAN Hal ASSOCIATION AND A. aca COMMITTEE OF FUBLSHES 7 Intration i ero he gb mate over esc with the Undertanding tt the pblshr not cago in eri eh ‘toutang other feces he are ‘estan erg, the orcs of competetion pon ‘hovid be anuph a Fe Sas Snes comet me Beers nome Library of Compress Cataloglng-tn Publication Data ore JH Coen: chin ast and poner (CHE) thermodynamic and cesmecis ty TF Honk arin Oriinly bled: Oxford: New York: Persson Press, Tochades Wibiographica ferences and index ISHN Cepior30 thal pen Girton tne ort kent, Tie Busan wosressaz TEA al ery Song Ro 33 een ako ” fee Coupons Pearman <7 ene? Pet to itera every on Peformance of CHP Pant vi Comonts 126. Simple Deeminaton of Some Performance Parameter for CChaplr 3 Comparative Thermdynane Performance of CHP ‘Plants (Fuel Savings, Chale of Plant) Inredton ‘Peromance of Separate Cooventona Pans—the Reference Case ‘The "Pec Mitch CHP Pat 3 48, Deng of CH Pt for Vusying Mat Heat © Power Rati Qs) ET” Gs Thiet Wa Reesor SEAT Sng Exot of Sean (lon ofa Peace fe) Ac) 41822, Brocton for Fed Heating ond Dit Heaing 39 Ene itings rom Isai of CHP Pt fora Dstt Heating Dire Hea “spying the Domenic Hewing Load by Cra Boller Pant ‘epg te Econ Boma Hang 393 Sep Siig he Don Heat Load by «Pa Ou Turbine fn Brome 4“ a (Chaper ¢ Hzonanie Astament of CHP Schemes enn Bree ey mt ae 1 FE eee ny ewe eto a Aas sing DicotedCuth Flow (DCE Tenis (fat of neu Py ack Pea et Feat vase Braceves, iret cos OT Net re Valu (NEY) S51 Spe dra G32 Cope mans of NPV (nd Asoc Or ral ses ine ih $e me BT 1, Fe way oy me iis en ape dermerate iit eee LE et ons ome 1 aay tana ee 4445, NeoworkCome—Non Unfors Heat Loat 443 Othe sui, 20S Ptmenors Rae of Reson (RO) 4582 ‘Braker Cup! Co ECO. aed tion Cran "OR Benge” on 451" Links on Design Poi Operon 432 Tipe of often Operon 153, Mes tot Brand by Ce hg 5 Some Practical CHP Schemes Iouetacion Hac ewe Sean Terie Pat or Asbo, Zurich Hnctoe Sn Tree on USSR ties Hr Hn Rt om Gee en Gertler: ep Het Resve Stam Genet an Sem Pn! toe Mt el Hot Reve Siam Ge th Het Rese Seam Gener for Hero is 10 comes 57 Gu Eng Pit ent Reve Wate Het) fh pen 54 Ga Rin a uit He es eta Stppemensay Hang) er iveool atest $9, be Smit C38 Con Pa ‘Chapter 6 Summary 82. rer Hening CHRON 3 Inna nd Site Appiaons (CHPIND) 4 Te fue fCH Appendix A Some Rests of Thermodynamic Avaiabiity Theory ‘Wort Output fea Chantal Reaction (pf Compara Between Mmn Work Out Chemie! Reston 432 Cit Groat Pon tl 4 Lear Spend of Catal ond Liner Growh Sovings (Deere yf 0) 1 rel Vac” ers Gove Bowron os 18221 Compr woh Fedo Sg Ma “Asvesiment i 223 Led Ci Fon ms 3 Pring of Het o tery IST Poting Fake dco of Capatvd Cot 1832. Cantal Charge Ros Fico aon Contents & 20 2S 2 Notation Note: Lower case symbols for properties represent specif quanties (lever ent mas). ynbot Meaning ‘Typical Unie cas flow 2 5pa, ‘Meady-fow avalabilty Saks: Uni cpital cor capt cost SAW: E,$ ‘extaenptal com (efor ‘cogeneration plat) 4s coctficent of performance (ot beat pump) 2 calorie valve ‘ig hovsing density sumberacre R counted eth Bow eae of return ee cexerey wing: nergy ulation factor oO fuel eneraysupoieg ‘ang: present wort factor oO fotare wort facor o apiased cost factor o as; mas of ted stam “per eit boiler Sow) ‘operational for BOO om P Pop 40 ‘ROI (DCFRR) 5 BS GaLy ow annual feel css; mass of “arulting seam (per unit toler how) plant fe anual operational and cst per ye pay-tack period feat supplied or rejected favesior® ate of turn {el cost per uit mass ‘hal cst pe unit enerey entropy salvage vue tines tar rate or cet work output (dryness action of steam “Nitin” pice (price per unit ‘of ener) fraction (0 capital) tacts lst work useful heat supplied) sree on Ts diagram—enthaly ‘iferencer-ar deine ia teat captied cost lator ‘pdimensonal fe avng ‘ticieny Toe factor in tansmisson peformice eteron for hestvork to eat exchanger effectiveness onus ati Stags i conversion {elating to heat supply bole: eating to heat sappy ‘ought-in (rom wily) buyback o sale (1 uty) go 22888° Notation a convention] pat Carnot ‘edits or dpreiation ‘ogeneration (CHP) plant ‘one volume ‘enopy craton fete ‘emand ‘scouted cath ow auiaent egy fuel ai (water) es ghee (oper oping) hea (pie) heatpump owe (bottoming) rejeton of non aseful heat rejection of wef heat ‘icellaacous, but wsusly efersng to ates. conceptual vironment (ambien) sate rate of (aes Bow, hes spp, rock ont) change, replacement, oF ne ‘aloe (of efleney, of interest te) leveled (ath fw); meas oF verge Preface to the Reprint Edition ‘This eiion of *Cogeneration—Combined Heat and Power (CHP i yullshed nse United Sates by Be Kreger Pabiahing Company Ie Rena welcome renewal of my asociation wih MF. Rober Keegr, ‘to mos icc pblished American versions of my books “Ail Flow Compressor” and "Axil Fon Turbines in 1973. “The wre as ben amended nd ample, by te mowicaton of some ‘ecto athe incoson of supplementary seri, Poblems have bet eu ote fst four chapter and worked solutions are provided athe {no he book Ihave abo crete it eon ers nelading several Spotted ty the cage eyes of yl cllaguc Me. W. Haywood, f TBwing the UX publication in 1987 Tame nol nd an former okage, Profesor. F Noe sere vd mara sore cn CHP patio sted a Liverpool University intl » sata. Ccambriige Preface to the First Edition ‘Miss a book for engaces. Fst it involves the use of saghforward Aerodynamics to pret the efficiency abd energy vilization of com- Ine heat and power (CHP) pan. But the science of thermodynamic i sullen 10 seis the complete performance of such CHP stations Is the asssstset of the posse econome benefts that eel coats er sich projects should go ahead. So T have entered the field of ‘ecnomis to write the ltr pat of this book. Th 19741 wae pointed hy the Seeretary of State for Energy 10 the bined Heat and Power Group, whch examined the fatere role for inthe Usted Kingdom. Membertip of that group ander the chair ip f De. Walter (20m Lora) Marsal itroduced me to thi om yea. I make feguent reference in the txt to vasousteports me ced, to the iterature we sued, to Work we inated and To work Underook ounces Tit» gratetl to many people who have helped me, prtiany in thd commenting on fest, second and subsequest drafts. Inthe mi world, Ihave been much intuenced by MM- R. W. Haywood, leaser when Twas a student, my colleague when T worked In the due University Engineering Department and my fend over many The early chapters TRave many times refered back fo one ofthe ler books i hs sees, Anas of Engnering Cys, b¥ Haywood frecision in both coginecring sence and the Engh language has shed high standards or any engineer emulate. My colleague atthe Univers, Profesor L. Harris has commented Reply pon my ps at elementary economies India word, have bereied rom 2 log association with 8 of the General Electric Company, including to of my former ls, De. HJ. Perkins and Dr-D. Pollard. Me PD. Lilley and Paton ave aso been mos elf partes in commenting 09 ays 2 and 3 Fom the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at {CHP schemes of Chapter 5, 13m gate othe following J. Biter H. 3, Leimer and W, Ruzek, of Suzers (1D, Lyeet, ofthe Milan Electricity Boar: and |B. V. Gray ofthe Open Universi vi Preface tothe Fist Elton But none of those Ihave sted bears any responsibly fr eros or inter- pretatons inthis book “The ie of a Vice-Chancellor ia strange, “gas hopper” ype of ext ence To maintain an academe a slntfe sats, as | have attempted {odo, hes to ect time for asteny urtsned effort on pares project's diel toad. The best oe hoped fr san Rout or two here nd thee, weekend oa short prio oftady leave avy trom the heavy Mininatrativeloed and the poltcal bates asiocaed with U.K. higher ‘duction inthe 1980s Ineaby ths means that one's “personal” time bas tobe teed extensively, which imposes a stan on fal fe. 1 amy onsiows ofthe patonee and understanding tht my wif has shown in feng me fo reain active in the scien wold Further, Iam mich indebted to Ms Shela Wats, who has deciphered ‘many deft manwserpty tansooming them into #nhed and bighly Fespecable spesrips fr the Publier, Pergemon Press. I shoul! sso Tike to thaak Mr C.J. Hunter Brown for coierable elp in tracing releonce. aly ite pleat to contribute his bok othe Pergamon Thermo- yumi and Fld Mesinnce Book Soles, I sarted the nes 4 60 In {he ties, later handing over to-my former elleague at Liverpool Universi, Profesor W. A. Woods. [am pateful to hi Tor his help and HLL Mitton Keynes, UC 87 Introduction ‘The whole pattern of saply and consumption of energy changed folowing he very rapid increase Ino pices in 1973 and 1974. Figure Lt (aken fiom re. 1 and 2) shows bow world, US and UK prinary fuel consump- fon vari! over thie period. For the United Kingdom t appeared inthe Ii-1970s that ap “enery-gap”—the ‘difference between consumption tthe ols! incipenous producion of feel~might develop. In fact fconomie dowarurn ad energy songs have Jed t0 a reduction in con- pion and such a fap now appears unlikely to develop inthe United im in te tmemcth centr Traditional energy sourees wil coo- 6 10 met energy demd wih tle cation fom “Tesewae™ FG; Hoey ump | it troduction TABLE LA UK Pinay Buoy Cmaps Sm SEE SOU ears a ote oer te sources of supply, although sigicat changes inthe form of supply have taken place, a8 Table Lt (ken from ret 3) indicates. For inate counties such as the United Kingiom, several poley ‘pions ar avaiable to bridge a esery gp should it begin to develop ‘Stsin. These options ice nreased proguton of oa, the exploration for more oil and as the use of renewable resources of energy (vi, swave, des, geotherinal sources), the frter development of neat Fower, and the general coneretion of energy. Within the latter there are Inany mays of sebevng the desired result. There is improved thermal inslation, coupled with ue of hea pumps; improvement i the etic) Df hea aourecs (eg domestic bolet); the ue of waste products ful, {the option with which tis book conceraed hat of combining heat nd power production. ‘Power plants involve the production of electric fom a source of nergy. Conventional "shernal”power plate the chemical energy in @ Iyrocarbon flor the energy of fssion ina nclest fel as te source. "Renewable sures used in ier conventional power platsinsude potent ‘nergy (in hyoeleseescherses),Ainete energy (in wind power genes Mow), or a supply of working ld wih high stagnation enthalpy (i eternal power plants). Cleat the replacement of theraal power uns by plats using renewable sources wil sve “expendable” chee ‘But ao wil he se of combined beat snd power plan in which the energy Sopplied ton thermal power sation i ore effectively ied to produce both electricity and weal het In conveationsl thermal power stations only about one-third of the ‘energy inthe coal oral appeam ss electical power—two-tids ofthe ‘energy thrown sway i he form of ikewarm water, in coling Towers {o ier or fo the sa, Alteration ofthe design and operation ofa lee: {eal power min to cogeneration-—the production of both Wel hea Inodueton xix sd work—imgeovs the energy uistion. The heat mut be provided a2 fuffienty high temperstue fr space and hot water requirements of domestic ommeril snd puble baling or aternatively steam sy be oiled to meet industry needs for proceses ‘These two general areas of cogeneration (combined bet and power for iret neaing (CHP/DH) and combined heat and power for iiary {CHP AND) have been the subject of mach deed work during the past few years. The essence ofthe fst (CHPIDH) invores the coastruction of Asie Beane networks which sappy eat for apace apd hot water at nner temperatures inthe range 80-1S0°C Is CHPIND (ep for factories Fequiring process het) its mote usual forthe neat demand to be met by ‘seam exhausting o bled rom a steam power turbine (or sometimes used Ine oir fea by gases roman ind gos trbne), "We do not inclu in this defaition of combined eat and power the we Wf the warm water whichis rejected from exiting power stations, fOr “ysetral and feb farming. Nor do we include the use of wast acne as fe fora elects power station. Essentially, we consider hee boii of existing power plants othe devign of mew one 0 Pro= the rejected heat nu uefl form (at higher temperatres hain ventional plan). ‘Abough thee are many smal strict heating schemes inthe United om andthe United States, and subtatal se of process eat pled from special power staons, the overall te of CHP/DH ir ht 256 ofthe total hea load i appli trough dict heting, of ch one-third comes trom CHP plant (8%); aboot 20% of Swedish td water hening Is supplied tough dit heating schemes of Shout tresiths (e124) comes ftom CHE plant; about 0.7% of German spice and water requirements fe met by CHP pant. In here only one major town without distri Neting ah a the tthe seventies 17% af the Heat to bulngs was met from dst (thw planned crease to 40% in the eighties) about hall po hy CHP pont ergy savings that res from combined heat and power are sub vel clea o Seat tact nergy sg, tines within the power plat te knows ly However the machin ofthe plan fo equted Ret ad elec ive! oes often comps er Hoi he exo of Ratu poner operation which as el wp the development oly opin for eoeryaving Tas pec of onbine hea and x Inrodton aie 1) 13 SW erent pet were rodney ‘Shabiee daw sam rk om 2) inne oe Sten rarer “The potent for energy saving hough combine heat and power in the Uned Kingdom av been pens deta ye Coniaed Heat and over Group aponted bythe Seseary of State for Energy a 1976 and hic oported in 1979 (ce 8). De grop conde that CHP could apr 30% (abou 38W) ofthe fou UX beat oad (128 0W), te Spprositesevigs compared with he esting foe! mix the United ‘Mp approncted 12 ain tons o oi equaen. Table 2 (taken {fom i.) ge ter aerate or ing or proving about 6% of the UK cory bil Combined teat an ome heteoe rena # sound potty option or eacrgy conservation ae United Kingdom andi ote? ‘Dumich and i monty detaied stay by students pestgraduatey and Prati engines e+ the bss forty whieh ths book proves. References * oe a aa ad et ‘SepreeEg Enry PpraSO, (CHAPTER 1 ‘Thermodynamics of Conventional Power Producing Plants—A Brief Review \1 Itrodvton ‘The thexmoynamics of thermal power pans has long been casi yt of study for engineers The objectives of sich work have traditionally ‘ben the determination spd maximisation of thermal effcency, le, the ‘Mos effcient production of (sual electric) power froma supply of fel ith chemical energy. Figure 1.1(a) shows a block diagram of eoa- tonal power plant (C)reeiving fuel energy (F), producing work jad rejecting "non arta eat (Qu) t0 ink tow empeature designer attempts to miaimise the fst apt Tor agen workout lsced agus reslng saving nel conte, he objectives of the despner of combined heat and powerplant re Poth beat and. wore progucon. Figure 1.1(0) shows a block fam of CHP oF cogeneration (CG) pant eseivng fl energy Fes) Producing work (Wz), But now well beat (Qx)o snow produced, Ill 8 oonasful heat (Qyo}e) Both the work and the usefal het te old othe CHP desigher is ot solely interested in high theta though he work output commande higher ae ple tha the eat ouput Cleary bot thermodynamic an economics wil be of efoe studying CHP plan we bet review he ermedyeamies of onal powerplant, as we sal bud on that science and se sar in otation (he book by Haywood” provides that base). Tis Nt fist to dtingush Between s power plant and a cyl Hest (leat ow type). Lethe later, fund pes ontinuonly round a iui trough thermodynamic le in which eat (Qy)eeceved I soue at high emperature, heat (Q,) is ejected 0 sik alow ure, and a work output (W) isdevered sully to drive anleetic 2 Copenratn—Combinaa Het and Power (CHP te Tos re iu] @ Poe Tow 1.13, Connon CH pa enertor. Thus in Fig. 1.2, which shows 2 steam power plant, the part ‘itn the doves conta surface (Y) sa eye heat engine (or yee heat ower plant), Heat tuner to the bor tuber, which re within he [jc Ret engine, but second “open” conrl surface (2) surounds the rier furnace Tie reeives ar and fol, ad discharges Aue gases hey te obviously not reireulsted, the bolt furnace i nota eye plant ‘The two contol volumes-—oe closed, the ater open—together form 3 steam power pan. ‘Thermodynamics of Conventions Power Producing Ps : Et [emer —<—— t ‘inn te Hywooe ‘ps shine power plant may similarly operate on slsed citi ce 13). Again the dod cond surface (7) sutounds 1 eyelic heat ne foreylc powerplant) trough which ror es circsltes, the on chamber is lcated within te second open contol surface ‘The wo contol volumes frm ass tin powerplant bliss het eagle ees for power production inseam and lant are those stocated withthe numes of Rankine snd Joules respectively, and the tempeatue-entropy diagrams for these Ie showa in Figs. 1.5 and 16. The Rankine eye i he Bae of eam power plan, with steady Bow through 2 bole, tarine i generator delivering elec power, «condenser and fed the Joule-Brayin constant presse cyl isthe basi ofthe cpee power pant, with seay Row of ar (or gs) trou heater, turbine, cooler within a ose cut The ta ompresor and gnerator delivering electrical power. 4 Cogeneration Combined Heat and Power (CHP) roe | 1 nt the purpose of this book to repeat the analyses ofthese other eles (e the Oto, Siting and Diesel eyes) which are avaiable inmanytenihacks (ce, for example, Haywood! and Rogers abd May~ thew), Also deurbed there ae te variow modiintions which may be ade vo te bri les (Led heating and reheating i steam oss, Internal est exchange cheating and intereooting im gts tarbine fees) to increase theraal efceny. The purpose here to study the thermo ‘yams of plat designed with diferent objectiveshe production af ee ts 0,13 Rin engin “Theemodamis of Conventions! Power Producing Pants sons 70,16 JoeB se eine heat ond power—referred fo as combined beat and power (CHE) [But many ofthe hase thermodynamic teas develope for cnven nl work-producing plant are obviously carried acoso this dierent ol dy, evenif the rere of performance are changed Forerample, evelopment ofthe concepts of svalablty and exergy (ee Haywood Tot?) ave iportst when marimar work cut i the objective theory, which gives the maximum work output that can be achieved nay flow Between two sable states 1 and 2 In the presence of @ al envionment the sinospber) at enperaae rene seeds reinterpretation i beat rejection to 2 prescribed heat i aio cegied inthe atic important fed of study for conventional powerplant is ofthe "combined pant” (ere. 5, for example). Abroad definition onvetional "eombined cycle” i one in which a “higher” (opper loping) thermodynamic cele produces power, bl part oral af ts ejection goes to supply eat to a “lower” (or botoming eye (In ‘upper plat often open erat, ot eee) The objective ‘work output for a pien heat (or fel energ) supply. © CosenrationCombined Host and Power (CHP) etter overall fcency. A CHP plant i ta “combined” pan inthe ict sens of such definition: the objecive isnot simply to cease ‘work ootpo, but to achieve Doh Rest and werk output fen in pe> {ered ratio However, gain the thermodynamic alse that have been ‘Seveloped for combined (power) plat have some relevance for combined heat and power pant and we shall eview them Tae inthis chapter. “The tem “cogeneration” often wed particu inthe United Sates, sshen both ower and uefa heat ae being produced Tes alo sometines ‘edo deseribe combined power plat, but we shall ot we iin tat Way bere. Thus inthis text "cogeneration plant” may he weed ony as at slternatie to "CHP pant’, although sme atch pant may decd involve fombined eyes 1.2. Criteria for Peformance of over Plants 121 Bifleney of «Closed Cire Plant Fors eyelie power pant a which id crates contneously within the plant (eg. the plant enclosed withia the cootol surface Y in Fig. 12), {he eteron of performance Is imply the thermal or eee efceny, w am, a a oo sere W isthe net work ouput and Qe the est spi W od Qs may We'mewured overs gen pesod of ine or per alt mau f the fai Scatng The stiency may ths alo be exprened in term ofthe [ower output (W) andthe cote of eat aster (Oa =i wa ‘nd this formulation sometimes more convenient fra steady fow cee Ino ofthe thermodynamic nas i his chapter and in Chapters 2 and’), we hal work in terms of W,Q, ete), rater than in terms of the cates W, Qe. (KW), with the Objestive of achieving simpli. How: cer, itbecomes necessary owe ates (I, 0) when we move to economic Snayees (Chapter 4) snd the detenpion of practial CHP plans (Chapter 3)" “A mine marines ne Sin aut (11) eon ‘Seas ere ar ic = eu cha hee See say we thu ‘Thermodynamics of Conventional Power Producing Pants 7 ‘The heat supply tothe eyelie power plat of Fig, 1.2 comes from the ‘onl surtse Z Within thir second contol surface steady flow heating ‘eve i supplied with reactant (Gel and ai and dchares prods of ‘combustion, and we may define Second effcieney forthe “esting devs” (ortoien, (CW), equal to the hat raster fom Z ifthe prodtets were to lavethisconrol earache fry temperature of the reactants, taken as the temperature of the "The over ciency of the entire plan, including the cystic power lant within Y) andthe Reting device (within Z) is en by a4) 122. Hifiseney of an Open Cire Plant For an open eirut (non- ‘ynamice of power producing cies, fort provides « measure ofthe Best [evformance ha abe achnved under the given Boundary condon on {mperatre- les less welt the study of CHP plant, where both work Sd heat output are important, However, in Caper? We shall se Crnot e Yf BY ingot Coe pera ‘Thermadynamice of Conventional Powar Producing Plante 1¥ tw Be to loess ana leading to the seleton of optimum pnt for given and work lacs, coffin of performance of heatpump opeatiag on e“reversea™ ele (Fig 19) 8 n= aay mw Tyisshe temperature of heat deivery(Qx) and T, the temperature tom which beat (Q,)is abstracted. This the maximum (CP) gould active shes pup operating between he temperate and Ts ‘The Attainment of High Thermal Eticeacy i Conventional Phan Comparison withthe Carnot Power Plat age wo features of he Carnot powerplant which gv it maximum ens Al process insoued are reversible; IL hen ie supplied at the maximum (persed) tempeatre (Ts) fal eats eected atthe lowest Specie) temperature (Ts) ping to achieve high thermal effceney, the designer ofa om- ower plant atts tras Ty and ower Ty, and vo emulate eatres() ad i) ofthe Carnot ee 1110 shows ow this i done forthe (Rankine) team power plan. owe ejection temperature (7, isachieved by lowering condenser and isan portant feature ofthe cyl that all heat i jected 12 Copeneation-—Combined Hest and Power (CHP) at the lowest temperature. Socondy, efforts are made to rise the mesn Temperature of het spp (Ty) BY (0) raising boiler pressure: (i) reheating beren turbine liners; Gi) fod heating (Seeding team from the turbines to het the cone Ante belore i fe othe Boer plant). "HO, 11) Matheny ie ma le ‘Thermadynamice of Conventions Power Producing Plante 12 ‘ech ational steps must be taken without the itrodvtion of substantia ineversbiiie igre 11 show how efficiency can be increased in close pas ur bine pnt by modication ofthe basi oule- Brayton yee, raising the ‘mean temperature of heat supply by reheating, (i) lowering the mean temperature of neat ejection (by inetooling) ard (i) he intodaetion of ‘heat exchanger, to enable the trbine esha 10 hea the gas. TDS Schevesa higher mean supply temperature and lower het ection te erate simultaneously. (i of iret to noe that along estublishe, ‘ecessful CHP plant at Coburg in Germany (se Baramen’)s based ot Uhsadvanced cyl. Te pre-cooling and ines- Moor © is saved elewhere inthe rid. (Equation (3140) applies only for poston) ‘A simple modiScaon mas be made o allow for heat oss between the ck resure condenser and the district heating fad (3) If ths heat lost. [np then the bes from the back peau arhne mest be (1+ 4)Aoy fot (= nn Tad Ot eietena ON ceury (14 2a) — neds aii Tad + Hole HT” spit tite na ean (PESRY We next conider the ease of the back-pessure turbine only party the eat lad, but fully meeting the electra oad. Figure 3.3 ie heat load supplied party by het rejecson fom tbe back- Turbine (fefcieney 7) and partly bya supplementary bller cen ny receiving fuel energy Fy. The power pans suppying the sn rid are ow not wied—it being implied that hy > eat the CHP sacle vo moet the oa Woo = om) 0) 29 (Qu) = do (Qvo+ mes G29 = 68) + nyhy = hos (Gas)rm Compra Themodynamic Performance ef CHP Plants 58 ‘supplementary het ony he and = 025) . ited a oe CHP ‘sn ‘The last equation shows that Fis postive only whem Ay > Aes (2. Pass Out o Estracton Tarbine ‘We conser next a pas-out or extraction turbine example F of Fig ).Figsre 34 shows an interpretation of ow an extraction Turbine cx ‘CHP plant. We may regard i at this tage asa combined cement” lint, the upper part operating at efieny ny, produc IW rom fel energy F, and rejecting heat Oye, TH Hest mets Joa (Q, = As) though condensation ofthe bled steam, and aso gh condensation ad subsequent evaporation) effectively supplies 1 othe lower prt ofthe cle, whieh may be regarded as producing i cticoeey no supplementary bor is required and the base plant operates 8 a “matched backpressure st “Te overall effeenc 629 ‘The energy illsation factor ceury = 24 Dacom Tie = meathon = hal og P= We 630) ‘the fuel energy savings rato i (mF = Ore. os) (FESRY' = 1 - (FFs) nQ.= Mas on nits ~ nethco 4 Qu = O.+ d= OL + how 33) itn neabco~ A) an pin? andy We Wye Memb Do = Oulu + We) = ut We nid! + m0 which wil be the highest (FESR that ean be achieve, st + mC =m) = Aol (© Cogoreraton—Combines Hest and Power CHP) vo that F= (+ modo + m= mens 633) ‘nd the overall effceney ofthe combined plan is 1 Gut m =m) . One) ieee) “The energy uiatin factors y = (1 Aout m= mem evry Crm) ost] the fue emery stings rato i (FESRY =1- i) (1+ do\inem) me Gt m= mye Nne + HePRT ‘me of eo te ote y vaya th ano fe Sat ete ve Sos) Poo aa (=O ey 9 = BUF) = me, mm Ti teats entire er die a Cone par {i hw ec om espera ld te oer ex Chap aon 10) Gi) The heat supplied to the lower cycle is : = On ro = Let + 0) Tou m= to 0. ee om i gt =) No bottoming cycle then exis, because the toping eyes erally ‘matched tothe het and lect loads and becotes a “matched” ‘bck-pressre set. The energy ulation factor ithe ua Cs) tig> "8 neti andi hth the mat nda work (Q, snd W) both Become nea. Exel te lower sce bss fe pun ihe he a tein met y tes of reed best Gon te per el, ad Sn apd fom he est (met tng ‘Squied wel tempera Ty. in pe of enone Sed ‘further below in section 3.4.4, a fe. when p= Comparative Theemoaynsmni Performance of CHP Pants 61 the example ofthe backpresure turiee (of effcleney hc) i ope son vas considered in paral with a conventional power Pan, the wo ior beng analysed a combined plant. Here a conventional plant ily “biden” within the plan indicted fn Fp. 3.4. Ths ay be tated by developing the sna uth. Tithe combined powerplant etesney (y+. ~ nn) i the sme as 9 fa onventonl plat (ye) (Let stam is being tapped off fom 2 ional plant) then the lower efieey is noe oo) ton (837) a.) my hen eins iene CWA ey TReEp Tne mi . Gis + nb Gary expressions sre incl with equations (3.17) and 18) if the ony of the upper plant hee (ny) Ts the sme 3 that of the back eine eg) i section 3.1 In her wars, the plat of Fig 3.4 conser conventional combined power plan pus a tack pln as indeed ni. 35 sumed inthis ays thatthe steam extraction plant supplied heat power to match the demand reguzemens (hg). In fact, such an lm lan canbe designed fra rung of by deiping for iter imovots of tam extraction (essential changing the Hidden Dlance the conventional and eckepresere plants). Futber a fo mec a parca valve of hy em hen to some ete eign’ it Xp changes wh tne; ths fdesign operation is imple type of analy ven for this pnt may be modifed by for the heat loss (bho) in sppling the heat load, Equations ) tod (334) tecome then Qn = 2+ 1+ ghos 64) Wa tamF +n. = Flom t (mlm + Oo O48) Drformance parameters are then 4s) TER oe 2 cogearaton—cabins Hest "a “(Ry "R034 Comb ot 3.4 re dome ee = Aonuma) ceury = 2 ot aa, 648) (tnt @)isK(nem) Tut m= HNO + MAT We rte to more detled dscsion of the pat-out or extraction se turbine in section 3.8.2, were we elute the amount of ted stam (0 ‘ef eat load. We abl ao dines he combination of feed heating and ‘iste heating, tot om Bid steam (rEsRy = 1- Gan, 343 Gas Turbine with Waste Heat Recupertror Boller (Heat Recosry Siam Generator (HRSG) Fired or Unie) “The beck prensre seam pnt of ection 34.1 reested als heat in| ‘ef form. A gas turbine (open eit or closed cut) with a WHR (vase et recaperatr) (example H of Fg. 21) does nt reject al it beat wsfily In an pea caeut plan exhaust gases rom the recuperstor leave at empertae above tha ofthe environment (condeastc mst be avoided in the exhaust stack); further, adatonl fuel may be Bat in waste eat bole forthe turbine exhwast gases sll contain surplit fxypen Ina closed ital plat, before the gat re-emer the compresot ‘it uualy pases through an “ioteroal” beat exchanger, a wane heat reeaperator and "presooler” (ee Banimert who dseies sch lved- ‘eat gas turbine plant, and Campbell ea). Comparative TheimodynamlePertrmarce of CHP Pts 6 gure 3.6(a shows a Mock agzam ofa “matched” gas turbine with 2 WHE (HRSG, untied; this CHP plant script CG) supplies power Wee = and tefl eat (Qaee hen = aed reece nonruefl est (Ovex. The performance parumeter are those gives in section 33 fr {he “nsiched" CHP plas, 1 "het Onde eo maf) Po EP, on (FESR) co, me G9) ~Fealoe “The quantiy (Que usally fed by the llowable stack vemperatre Le (Qraea = ma hae ~ (ih) here mo isthe mss of exaust 85 ‘esng the stack with specie enthalpy hoe, per eit of work produces. I the CHP plant is not matched, meeting the heat lad! (Qu)o = (Qs)e) but ot the power load (Wes = Wo) then extra power from the [pil required (W,) Folowing 2 procedure similar to that given in Hection 341 I i suaihtorvatd t show thatthe performance par finstes fr the ttl plant are thea gy = Met Wes) (= neon re and + An) ~ noone =m (22cm vars om) a [e-~tin-a] = WecKie eT 50) {8 Coneneration—Combines Hest and Power (CHP) | acer DOI Soon tne aati Comparative Themodynamle Perfomance of CHP Plants 6 where (Qy)o the non-seful heat rejected by the cogeneration plant lone Te the CHP plant is aot matched, mecting the power loud but aot the heat loud then increased useful beat may be obtained by fang the HRSG (Fig 36(2)) Tis & an approach snl to use ofthe soplementary heat, ‘nl bor to sas the useful heat ofthe back-pressre turbine scheme 3s dseribe in section 3.4 and Fig. 33). However, here we suppose a te hest boiler (HRSG fred) sek the internal exbaust om the £05 Torbine wath ada! fel (sual ga) for combustion. "The tol energy sipped snow the sem of ht replied 1 the main 8 furbine combusion chamber and that supplied tothe WH (HRSO, thes), os» lubore y i the performance parameter defined eae in Chapter 2, fection 24, Heat ransered "ndCVbs ‘my being the mas of fel gas supplied to the WHE and (CV) its alone ue fr the ambient emperatre To at which the fel gis 8 assed 0 Ae, (Note tha the determination ofthe paren for tho red HRSG {Was ciscuesd in seston 2, fscomplen, ince kes acount of he Iteshaus fom te gas tbine), "The energy wisn factor shen * mury = ot Drwt, evry = Gos Dad, om i the fl energy savings ratio i (FESRY = 1 ~ (FPF) 1 — + otadnem ale 09) os) 144. Conventional or CHP Pant Driving Heat Pump igure 3.7 shows a conventional plant, of overall etency ne, divi Jit pump. which taker heat from 1 low temperate revroir (he Atmosphere at ;) and, receiving work War, pump heat (Qs)yr™ Xo t0 1 Copsnaration—Combinad Hast and Power CHP) esa) Ce) ng points may be noted. * os ae sn 8 (UP) nC), coop cere is essenay a "heat only she a a Wilition factor can excod unity i this ease since the te from he stmosphere free This Musats tat this ol perfomance has a ested usefulness vale of unity a lvay represent “perfect” performance Comparative Thermedyramie Performance of CHP Pants «7 el energy savings ratio i 1+ (oNCPD) a eho) (FESR = 1~ FoF) = co 110.37. pene oven per the conversion of he pumped het ito the Ret fad may be vt hy teplacing hy by h(t 9), 90 thatthe beat owes are By BUF and FESR are chon = elt + Balt + OCP, o0) elt +0) TF t+ oP es rnsny = 1 — mL Doll + anton) 1 higher temperature to meet the est los. This scheme operates for ceury Valles of as we discovered in tection 3.42, “The heat pump performance ls defined by the coefclent of perf ance (CP), ‘ie +700) (n= denen EP oe ‘Tae equation for overall performance are now oat pup ina “heat oaly" schome has lead been men TOU Fig. 2:1, where releroce was made tothe propos leider oad was met partly by heat rejection snd Wie = bol CP) paral fom heat pup). Before con- arlene we ducse farther the eave ofthe best pump slly Hence nef = AoCP)] + 1, oud and driven by a conventional powerplant (Le. ed Few fF te a). oe VAL) there is no work output, so that We = W, he est pap (Qu: tbe eat oad is (Qa) The overall effeney ofthe total scheme it (Quo) onthe heat delivery side, then (Qe ah dcr) hel input ste Fe = (Qu)s(t + #YincCP) and the "OR Cm ars are bot has no seal sgiseanee “The energy tation factors evry «480 cary = pe 2D, os gl See ow 8 CogeneraionCombined Hant and Power (CHP) Comparative Tarmeyraie Performance of CHP Pants «9 on u)vr = (CPW = (CPWes FeaneatP), 66) (dnt +8) = vdeo + Qad ell ~ Heo + Heal CP) 6.10) (+8) 0 TF geal CP en (Oude _ 1+ nof(CP)~ 1) em ee SF +9) (FESR) = 1 ~ (FoolFue) =1- EO. 73) Trl) 0 fe aes snow Bac paattCe) tt CL dm (a+4m py > tema 1) @7 on on eat pnp performance sow mach es sagen — Mehmed wy, ay independent nfs eve Mr apes scheme as ben ste ty Caan Mion pan comping gr utio hao since Far = (Qh ins aan ep a (These expensionscorespond tothe case of kyr in he scheme eat eecton fom he tfoming ogni dey and Fig 3.7) Tree ool vig ected wih uh" ol hfe ump. sis pomp cour he tne then ules talent averytow cme temper °C. (C)> mall + ne Wich tet criterion to meet fom the he othe hes pp, Ifthe effec) ‘Canot eyes, since the turbine sco and the fuel energy supplied tots Fo then the plant tude soar ob described by aig analysis cguatons ae ‘ave replaced ncaFea™ Woon ‘bf het (rea * Feo = Wea ® Fost ~ nea 20 Cogenratin—Combinad Hest and Power (CP) CCompraiveTheemocyamicPctrmanc of CHP Plants 71 "Thus, forthe example of Fig. 32 cece 79) ° nd 076) —H sous [follows trom equations (315), (8.16), (317) and (2.18) that el erm * om), i ee 6.59, ca eng cP 79TH) kale ee) THEE Ay ATT ong sin isthe same aseqution (3.77) The realty (EUFY (FESR) ate gun pve by eqatios (3.7). (8.7) and (80 forthe ptlomencs cre fo each example ae en) ceesny = teyr ~n/|( suming tht reference ste, m= (2 on | eee ees ee a ee eae ret ance ont ae esa eee es eee eee ty og - oe os ao G1) these two equations Q, may be eliminated to give equation (3.77(b)), Sie seem en eam ! os Pa are obviously also the same, given by equations (3.78), (3.79) WF anny stent seranas ne oe oat = Lt ACR. oe 72 Coganezation—Combinea Heat and Power (CHP he temperatures ae taken aT ‘hen the fllowing performance parameter are obtained comparative ThermadyoamiePrtrmanc of CHP Plants 73 1 the sefereooe plat is based on & Carn eee, Figure 3:10 shows Mand (FESR pote against he beaveleiciy power ro (hs) ir withthe eat treafereed to the Tower ele in the paso ne of Fi 3.4 200, Ty = 400K, T= 300K nen 4, 686) re 23, G87) = 00499, 6.38) = 30+ 4, cal (EUR = 300+ 100+ 0, 0.90) CFESRY = 240+ 35), eon 2.= 4 8). 2) expression shows that the eral alu off hco = when Qe = 0. f= Liter the pas-out arbine (with a rd tabi supping extra 3) of the back press turbine (thermodybamically Mental, as in Fig, 33) operate, For hp > , the Beat pump plant operates, ping best (Bp = 4). would apper fom his del analysis that for ho < the turbines are ow chore sod for he > the heatpump scheme is the opin, itt be emphasied that there conlstons follow fom a reversible sand ate very aubtantaly modfed when real plants are con ‘We now consider some more realistic aumerial examples forthe pant sti ei. ac: Presare Tartine the ist example of section 3.4 (the backpressure turbine) we tke man’ values of tea = 0.28 (Ago = (L~ ncaa = 3) for the are ene = Ot forthe "geld™ eam power pan, and m9 = 09 14 Cogenerevon—Combined Het and Power (CHP) Comparative Themmodami Perfomance of CH Pants 78 forthe orignal boiler plant. Equations (3.17) and (3.18) the leat following expresioas: 09 (BUPY sises rom 0.440 1.0 at the critical vale of eg fer) 5 ries eal with hy pt 0368 ay = 20, 23075 + 045%) 022% D750 Dag) "D9 Oaig” Hj we hod taken the topping plant effceney as 0.25 (he same asthe hich are pote in Fig. 2.1, pressure plan of section 3.62) apd tat ofthe botoming plant 38 ‘The value of (EUFY ies fom 0.4 at Ay = Ot 1.0 a he tea val (whi vale) then he efficiency of te combined plant woul sill be of ee 3.0 (when the backeprestre turbine operates alone). However. equaons (3.95) and (3.96) woud have become idee tho ries steadily with Xp up 16 «valve of 03 st hep = 30 (G93) and (39%) and the performance would be as ilustsied by 4.11 Later inséton 3.82 we mrp Fig. 3.12 in tems ofthe amount 3.63 Pusu or Ectracton Turbine ed a eguied Forte second example of section 3.4 (the extraction turbine) i we 333 forthe topping plat), and m= 01 forthe bottoming p Gas Tarn with Waste Heat Recaperator or Baile (Heat ts alo assumed that the eflency ofthe onal sonata pant 1.4, and with y= 0.9, the following expressions say be derived equations (3.3) and (3.38: the thie example, of section 343 (ga turbine wit waste Rest aot) we fae 4 vale Of ee = 025 fora gas turbine (somewhat “Tnmermane valve), with he ™ 04 a8 the orginal Base plant 9AG + 20) 09, If Quudcol(X)oo = 1/3, then from equation (3.6) H then the overall combined powerplant efcieny (an + mo = mom = ‘tea Generator, Fired or Unie) CU Taine” o . a a = A pudecol = Fay = 225 . a es of (ELF) and (FESR) rom equations (3.7) and (3.8) han ho? nmatened plant (wit reeperaon) meeting the Hea load, but a secs bought rom the gi, Se (14 491075-04) 03 + 034 i (BURY = Qasr rotanjoas ” 075+02K—° = OF” ‘oo 8 0910.75 + (49015) __ 0425 AIUSRY = 1 "T7509 ag)” TOTS OR 6.98) 17% Cogenerstion—Combined Hest and Power ICHP) fe of aL eo “These parameters ate shown ploted against hy onthe Iethand ide of Fe 3.3, For the unmatched plant, with power demand met and waste Heat boiler (HRSG fred) to meet the exa heat lad, if p= 15 then om ‘equations (3.52) and (383) the perfomance paramciers become 1 Oo# 026-18 | 151+ eu = aig Oe (15-4 028904009 024s ~ 081 TS-O25(09 Oa) 1357 Uke (eutzae hat ne praca pat of ecton 54h some oer ve gc equal to 130. ‘These parsineter re showa pleted agaist onthe right-hand side of Fig. 213: Fue savings appear only for bp > 337. 6.99) (PESKY = 1 ~ 6.100) 365 Conventional PowerPlant Driving 4 Heat Pap For the fourth example, of section 3.4: (conventional power plant ving a beat pump) we take = 04, the coetlent of performance (Ch) as 2.2, the loss tetra 0.1, and my = 0.9. From equations (3.63) and (5.6) the expressions for (EUFY and (FESRY' are 4+ As) T+ 05h" ceury= (aon) Ccomarsive Theimodynamic Performance of CHP Pants 77 cresny «= BO 09 ‘Aithout the energy wilson tstor increases from 04 at ho ™ 010 0.8 very large hy (ae Fig. 3.14) the ful energy savings eat always for the heat only scheme (corresponding o he = =) it which the Iya pny ipl driven by 2 conveasonl plat and 0 external power Irsuppieg, with the same asamptons (GURY ~ 0405 = 08, crrsry = 4225-0128, Ind there are no fuel savings. (CE) must exceed mat + nc fr fel Bivins to cea thus i y= 0.9, 8 = 0.1 and ne ™ 04, the coeffcent Mipeormaace has to exceed 25. Tower, forte heat only scheme proposed by Koltust and described Wy secon 34 (ack-powsre turbine of efeleney noo eecting wef Tat and srving the heat pamp) withthe same assumptions for (CP), 6, Man with yee = 0.2, tom equations (3.72) and (3.73) 1402512, i eur’ = 147, 10,315, Compan CHP tee, 1-09 > (SRY 1 5028-1) = 029, ho for dy = “There ae now fuel sing sine the erterion (on > 1+ (C2em—t) ass as bees et 36.6. Comparison of Performance Criteria “The meri ealelations of Figs 3.11, 3.13 and 3.14 ate put together in Fig 3.15. They uta the advantages of bck pressre (or extretion) turbines at iw values ofthe beat to power rato hy and the advanaget ofthe ps tutine (with «supplementary oie) and» heat pupae press thigh ho, 37. Calculations of Type Het fo Power Rats (As) and Pertrmance Parameters for “Se-Contained™ CHP Pant ‘The analy of scion 3.4 andthe eleulaton of sumed values of CHP pan elfen (and other pramcter CComperativeTheemodynsmi Performance of CHF Pants 78 trate how such plats can operate in parallel with conventional power or hove plants, to meet species! demand value of eat to poe a0 (4s) Wks eo, the nti produced ty the CHP plat ivef then no conven tina ple s reguied to operate in paral ie the CHP plant is pefety tnatshed tothe demands ih this section, eacuated valves of Ay associated with particular CHP cobs = es ‘They determine trom simple thermodynamic analyses how (IHR)oy and Ah ratio eu = (Quh vary with wome thermodynamic design par fees, for hoe types of plats backpressure steam turbines and a ltine and Diesel ene, each with taste eat exchanger spp he heat oad. (See Figs 3.16, 3.17, 318) inte Bt extmple (a"atched” back-pressre turbine) there i 90 at ejection other than the sefl beat supplied to the process plant, Mrs with (Qyelco = Oi equation (2.7), (00+ Wee Fes 6103) © Cogonoraton—Combined Hest and Power (CHP (Si i pees pone pe yA ‘Bus, rom equation (2.9, soma, vie Fea = (HR) coWea + Goes, |n comparison with Reo = Hee, le greater than unity. ation (3.103), folows that 109) “Comparative Thermodynamie Performance af CHP Plants 81 19,338 egw WHR rion of (Ay (as) mt Tice woh pote pues cere oy eh Sch ee Fs ie ater Frcs ia) {iR)e= ilndang. With fie (HaR)co = 125 sat tepesemtve yur for a beck pres steam Tati pst, For pnt proving sntted process eon a pre temperature they deriva plot of W/Qude agin Ty or atabine ety of 075 Nk) = 128 and ato bine en condom ings) th thr sesond example of xg turin with a wate heat eeperior (Qt) spying process eam a py Ty pate a (HQ (= hc) 2 Cogenecetin—Combines Heat and Power [CH ‘inst 7, ae again produced for various thermodynamic parameters of the ga trtine eee og pressure rato), a given in ig 3.4%8); aa Sow isthe incremental het rate (HR) (Fg. 21706). For thet third example ofthe Diesel engine, Porter and Masten luke a more empirical proach, assuming «wate hen bole (WH) with Astack temperature of 30°F (176°C); and engine exhaun temperatures (of 45°F Q85.1°C) (lors low-speed engine) and 100U'F (537.80) (ora high speed ceagte. ‘These and other empirical sumptions enable (OV/Q.}es tote determined a a function of process steam temperate Ty, and (HR) 8a faneton of (WiQcho (Vee) (Fg 318) "with Aco and (IR) determined for each plant ts pus to dete mie the energy ulistion fe (04 Wee = co + WelFoe Gee 1) a Ties Bead oa Figure 3.19 shows the eu of Ptr and Mastnsish forthe tre cles they st sales of back pessure bin, gas trtine and Diesel engine are al shown, Th tek CUP ‘ales of the conesponding fel energy stings rai, CFESIRay Gig. 3190). ‘Wile these caelatons give useful guide to how the choice of “self-contained” CHP plant i related to the citi of het and pow demands we should aguin remember that the absolute size of thou ‘demands is ako eval. For example, 2 ingle Diesel engine has "clavety low power output and although several engines may De run [atalll to meet a large power demand, ga or steam tubins sre il fo be used to meet higher powers (oe the examples in Chapter 8) 38. Design of CHP Plan for Varying Plant Hest t Power ato hee ‘Te calculation of the Is section shows how forthe thre plans cone sidered—back pressure turbine, gus arine abd Diese engine with wat ‘eat recaperators—both the plant eat power eto (hx) and perform tee criteria (suchas FESR) are affected by choice of design pranetrs comparative TheirtodynamlePctrmance of CHP Plants #2 36.249, Vinson UP (resign, Shen be ead Soma he CHP pant tet steam turbine inlet conditions, as ubine le) However the range of hep covered by cath type of Target Fig 19 Indestes, and operation may have tobe in with “sopplementry” plat, at was desenbed in section 3.4, 13 aia ferent EO Ne rate, however tro plants wher some range ofA canbe achieved Minteraat desig, and matched operation with Neo equa (varying) rove posrble, These plans re () gas turbine with ot Without elchanger, and (i) anexracton team turbine, or which the dearer lon so some exent a (iherodynamic) design variable. We fs the gus tobi case, in_geeral fasion, but sty the lon lea rrbne in ore et parte the intraton be ration of sen for feed eating ofthe water Row returning ever, and extraction of tem for Sst beng. pe ker) wear extracted for both these purpoes. '% Copeneation Combined Hast and Power (CHP) ComporaiveThemodynamis Perormance of CHP Pants #8 28d Gat Pin wih Waste HetRecpertr 7 a The sali of con 14. hove bw etme of gs tubine BS ne inp coment ln vate hy Por esos OO (omuenseptaaa Fell ¥ QwiQded) ‘tthe heat loa is matched, ten work output fom the conventional rower Plant becomes negative, ‘e.elctre ower can be exported to the gi ‘rif the electrical foods meted, sup beating plant roquied. ‘inmermans’ suggests high efctency (0.3) for gn trbine with emia ‘0 heat exchanger (example C of Fig. 21) and a ratio (Qwu/Qu)ee Senne 1193 forthe waste heat recuperation (ce. x recuperation “eiiacy” oe of about 0.84), although ths wil be afeed by imitations on tack temperature (4 section 343), With these gare i folows that he plant heat © power ratio is oyhr80 07 13-18 Such ps trbne is thus well matched to eat and eet demande of Fao = 2 Suppose that similar plat were designed to most a winet Value OF Xp = 2 (Fg. 3.20(a): and tat fm summer te elects tad deo = 1955, a ‘emsined constant while the Heat loud dropped to say 759% ofthe winter Tou (so thathy'= 1.5), Assuming thatthe plant iself ill operated st It he sare alu of Ag 2 then eter could continue 1 be rn fil ond but with an increase i wastoa beat (Fg, 3.20() or I cou be fun at pst load (Fig. 3 20(6) with 259 makeup” electri from the a “Aternativelys if the demand values of fy were 3 (forthe winter and 2 forthe samme’) then the plant cool be designed for the summer onde (Wp. S21G. In this ose ifthe electcal demand were conan’ for Fumes to winter, eat wou be requze rom a waste beat bor (HRSG fred) in winter vo meet te exra heat lod (ee Fig 3210). “hese ae simpliied arguments, for te overall selection of plant sie and fe wil equiedetaded study ofthe daily lad variations ts well s the feuved variation, and assesment of the economies of operation. The Derormance of CHP plat “off-design” Yo meet sural vnatons sd ar ive tater in Chote but hare we ae concerned with a pos change OF Os Inthe fom summer o winer. ‘Anintresting proposal to deal with the diferent values ofp demandes Insummer and winter hasbeen put forward by Lowder in veverel papers lee for example Lowder!) Lowder consider gas utine plant with he Foowing chatacters ‘ico ™ 0.172 (no heat exchanger) ‘ica = 0.235 (with a het exchanger of thermal aio 0.8) 10338, Ortexgn rons 9 CHP pa 18 copanscatin-—Cortined Haat and Power (CH ©) 0,322, Of dng evra of CHP lat. Wits asumed thatthe “etcieney” of recperation ofa waste heat bile Is abo 0.8, then the base plant without a heat exchanger would yield @ ‘alse of oss deo" Dae 135 the plat operates wih a heat exchanger, and if Waste heat eeupertor ‘of “etcieney” O18 red downstream of the Beat exchanger thea fr this as neg e _ 088 <6 Das 138 260. ‘Thus « plant which operates without « heat exchanger may be wed 1 rmatch winter heat and elect lade (high hy) Im summer the eat changer may be “switched in” and meet the “equcerments of slowed “ale of hy (onstant electric demand lower beat lod) (se Fig. 3.2). ‘Such arguments aze simpli, but ita an important concept, 8 sweful flexibly ofthe gas turbine to meet ferent values of hy I practice, as Lowder points ou, the exhaust stack temperature of the {urbe i Kinited to a minimum value (oy the neces to avoid cone ensation) and this cones the ratio of non tful est eestion fo wel heat supply (Q./Qu)e 382 The Stam Estacion Plant “The general analysis of setion 342 fora seum extraction eye has ‘abi Tor both reversible CHP plan (the feverle Carnot engines of Comparative ThetmagynemicPetomanc of CHP Plants #7 seston 3.6.1) andireversible pant. Care hasto be exercised in desitons| ff the topping and ollomingeffiencle (yy but we can amply the analyst show how the plant map be estaned to meet diferent ‘ales of bo. ‘We consider fist steam plant wit single extraction for disiet (or oes) heating, eating the general analy of section 3.42 tthe Fraction of team flow that be. “However, lange Ream plant wih tum extaction for dstiet heating wil amor ceil ove bed stew for fed eating (1 inereae base Uriceney by rising the mean temperstire of heat reply) Inthe low fressre turbine seam is bled for oth purposes, replying bo feed Trstiog and suit heting, We case ths problem sag «simple Inala, sed on the sumption ofa peteular approxipation to the Turbine condition ine (Horne). 38.21. Single Extraction of Steam for Distet Heating inelaion of Mas Extracted Um) t0 Med Iti fret neestary to explain How the general description of Fg. 3.4 {in which heat was [partly rejected from an upper toa lower eye) fs slevance to CHE plat with pse-out stam: Figure 3.23) aves an Interpretation of the eater generalised analy, showing how steam ‘ction may be incorporated within tht alysis It's supposed tat litany ofthe working uid excites inthe upper plant, an (1 ~ m) the same working Main the lower plant. The quate originally tows in Fig 34 ate reproduced in Fg. 323(a), and related to the {Gpelc) “mocking” enthalpy cops nthe wpper and lower cycles Ay and Ah (aussie per unit mse denoted ty lower ease symbols). TW iinow stsumed that the Ma ia the upper eyele i split ater eat Iejetion ay into two streams (I~ m) and me. The st steam irehested Ahvough ihe sane temperature levels, and the second not. Heat Tia) = Aci thus avalable to meet the Beat toad Ay. Essentially m Intlerefoe the ble seam extracted, sed this quantty can be related fo the two component eens, my and mand the heat 148 hy = ho “The rato hey | Ov __ mtn Ne Wet Wo Sha = wa cee ww Wie= Shu= mim alo + As e107 40 that fins (.108) aa T= md ‘8 Cogenermion-Combines Hest and Romer CHP] (\— eats ao amt 6 mn a Subston negation (106) ye = hada tlcea Trkand ‘Te ise (Ah a (6.109) o.10) in Fig, 3.2300) fora ‘Rankine-ype eee with condensation ofpasout sen, The upper cycle Comparative Thrmeaynamic Performance of CHP Penis #8 (in) 6 2'9456797 andthe lower eye 123781 where tats inated bye dash ae virally Mental to thowe without Fed-pump work Is regleted, ym are the enthalpy dopsin the HLP. and LP epinders Fespctvel, (Fed punp-work isicaded then the pump-work must be ‘Nbteaced fom the urine enthalpy eops ove the "working enthalpy (rope) Pures, giz = y= fy f= = Br l= he hg ab y= oh “Tete quantities ae strightforeardin thee defion, butt should be ted that the uper efficacy ny equal 10 Skye ~ hs) and sequal To ahh =o Ie the elciencien defined on this tais were nq = 0.33 and 9. = 0.1, then ment = 0.039 andthe overall Rankine ellen would be at = mt = 04, the figure used in section 3.63. The performance parameters (EUFY, (FESR) were given m equstions (3.95) and (396) and they wer pled guns Ay in Fig. 3.12, Porte, we eto now expres m in terme of Ao, om equation (3.110), to iis io shown pitied in Fig 3.12. "The plan operates ae back-pressre wt for shea to electrty demand Into of Ag = 2.0 with m = 10 (al the steam is “bled” at Ta). However, ens te esgnes for smaller values of A= ho, with ess extraction. For trample, ten = 10, m= 0.54 when (EUF)y = 0.73 and (FESR) = 1D34i at hex = 025, m= 0.285, (EUF)xs = 037 and (FESR)cg = 0.14 Tor # particular plant, designed for's speciied ho, varying seam traction maybe dies fo achieve because of limitations onthe LP. furbine performance. But some variation In the extraction faction m Arabs the plot to operate at variable 2 giving some fexbilty for binmer sd winter operation, 38.2.2. extraction for Feed Hosting and Distret Heating ‘As explined easier, in bg steam turbine plat steam may be ex- tiled for both Sod heting and drt beating. Figure 3.24 shows thie raion for both feed heting and Tsp ants of ths ys bas been given by Horock, based ona cular assumption forthe turbine expansion Hne—tha the diference en local steam entay (Hand the enthalpy of water atthe sume ma (i) constant (ego tf). This approximation, dstated in sn oiginly made by Susy ute n good assumption may be lexrated by modieaion of the Rankine cee considered in section 262 10 allow the sea {urbine were 2 MPa and 380°C, svng an enthalpy of 3138.6 ik, for itentopie expansion fo the sondenerpremire Of TkPa (39°C) 710.225, lo tt em CComporsive Thermodynamic Performance of CHP Plants #1 ouhapy at ent mas 2161 kh, giving a enthalpy drop of 977.2 Kk [Av entry, = 31386 ~ 908.6 = 22300. For an ieversbe expansion (p= sovstant, the enthalpy at turbine ext wil be (163-4 + 2230.0) = boos kk giving an enthalpy drop, ~ 31386 — 2393.4 = 745.2 Ekg “The carbine elegy is ths (745219772) ~ 76264 which is reason i, ite lowe fittest tote thatthe etiapy op ine eau tothe dferene betwen the enthalpy of arated the borer pressure (haa the enthalpy of started wate a the oncoer preue (uy (Te entbaly drop ia he turbine = [Ch +} ~ (ids + 8 = {the ~ thd) ean Using the assumption = constant, we derive simple expressions forthe ‘hange in performance ofthe plat if steam is bled for dst beating None and for due ating and fe beating, We consider te follow Ing ertes. (0) Basic Rankine ye (no feed hesting or district heating) (i) Cyce wth single bled for district eating to asa emperatre 7, (li) Cee with cootinuoae” Seed fr sarge umber of feed heaters and ‘ret enters tefl empertire Ty, pls comnuows bled for furhee fed heating only to bolle temperature To {A more complete development ofthis approach i given by Horo.) “To simply the analyses (nd the subsequent numerical esicuations) we ioe thatthe temperature Ty (Cor dstiet heating) is the arithmetic Inca ofthe tepertures T, and Ty. (Th consent with Haywoods 2 Coganratin—Combinad Hee and Power (CH) recommendition fra single led ifthe specif heat of water it reason- Say constant; be suggests thatthe enthalpy rise of the feed water (a) ‘vided equally between the vanous heater wed (loeuding the 00 ‘omie)) Figure 3.26 shows the two areas, and the area on a Ts diagram Basie Cyto Forth base eye the cyte efiiency i sily Work Output eat Supplied ou) i) Cyele with Single Bleed for District Heating Forte eye witha single extraction pin the bled steam (ries the ise eating water (oss fow w) trom temperate 7,10 the wef temperature Tina elorier "We consider two eases. Inthe fist (Fg. 327) te bed steam yields heat bot as it condenses and also subsequently 2 water, dropping i temperature from Ty to Tie eilonier must be contra How ihouk SE Reri fae eh ates o sm ‘aaa abe taet a araveits-19=Z=m(ee3). ey sin ei sin wen rt otc temperature (7) “The ttl heat ected ic the rum ofthe saul het (Q,) and the non useful eat ejected in the main condenser (Out Or-m(a+3}+a—mana+™, Grn) ste est upped is Gin ar a, 1s) ‘comparstive Thetmoynmic Peformance of CHP Plants 8 “Thu the work outputs w= n- (a+ = oft 6.116) nd the wef eat 1 work ratio is an (23) = enn 1% Copeneaton—Combined Hest and Power (CHP! sothat — Poot __ GF gg) FB ‘The etelency ofthe new yee is eats) = slat a) GFP Daa andthe enray wisn factor is UP 6 = est ce Qo Hata 28) + AN Gee Na+ 7H We may oot tha tbe “Zao” is Los Work ma (a ~Uautten” water * Fa) G19) G20) z Ha). oxy "his analyss ean be compared with that section 3.8.2. which was bse on estimated efficiencies ofthe “upper” and “lower” eyelets My Ad Ms ‘These to efficiencies, expesedin terms of can te eB) (8+ (022) a a " as gvem above forthe base (i) Equation (3110 fo the mas lw exeactd in ele with ingle bled was expresed in tems of ey Abd hich x equation (3.118, and which yes equation (3.119) Tor (neo ad (EU, “Te second appronch (Fi. 3:28) involves the assumption thatthe bed seam gives up heat only in condensation belore it reins the tala con- comparative Thermodynemic Performance of CHP Plants 35 oe Teen wd ors) 6.20) 5 copaneraton-—Combines Het and Power (CHP) ensste ow (Wf) at temperature. Then the heat Salance Ia the ‘lorie it Qo wets ~ To 6.1269) ‘The effceney ofthe plantas a cogeneration scheme is 0 __ Heat Supplied — Heat Rejected oe ‘Heat Supplied were the eat ped a a-msrsee 0, et) + (1 eran 2 Cie rr at i ned oe a Berens See a-mo+s tm pease owen wowireee But the Rea to power ratio doo GF) -—~—. G28) frh.-Z ay ae oxy aod sig aii, a: Wo" Fat Bl + hee oud ——— uP Oat teen ge aay “Compartve Thermodynamic Peformance of CHP Plats 97 (the “Z-facor” in this ese Lost Work _ maid seta Heat mo z ox) Fd lit) Cyele with “Continuous Bleed for Distvet and Feed Heating) We next consider eee wth urine to provide both feed and heaters (Fp, 3128). We now define m(T) as the mass of sen bled be- tween 7) aid 7, and MCT) as the mas of fed water owing ito an 8 Coganeraion—Combine Host and Power (CHP) "elementary (dec contact) feed heater at temperature T. There i unit now tough he bode ‘We asume that "ontnuows” tric and fod heating takes place be- tween Ty and Ty, wih subsequent feed heating ony, rom Ty 0 Ts. The Catmntaeim rim =| ey ttn ‘The miss ow trough she condensers y= 1 ~ myn at any temper ture 7, M(T) = Ma» m(T). Between temperatures Ty and Ty, with both fed and dst beating, we may wt the het blanc fora elameatary quant of bed steam (dm), tranfering heat dm to both the dati beating water Bow (w) andthe feedwater ow (M), a8 Bim BAM = (0 + Mya. so tat +a = Germ G33) where 8S the specie enthalpy change introduced enlir. Between Temperatres Ty and Ty, with fed heating ony, the Beat balance is Bam = BaM = Meat, sonst Mm ce, G34) “The mass flow though the main condenser (at temperature 7) i M, andi the mas fow of condeasate leaving the “combined” beating secon tnd eterg he etheing oy” eon Tempe) # Me tee m= cnr, ro) wot, (a) = Garr, ane Heme Beth. pyro «em, ol it the temperature rise (Ty ~ 7) i egal to the rie (Ty ~ Ty). For “ted esting” only section, Te My= eer, and at Ty Mya T= Get, so that My = ent0-100 7, G38) Equations (3.137) and (3:38) yield = My Efe 1), (0.439) Comparative Thermodynamic Pectrmance af CHP Pints 98 ‘The wef beat rejections (4 — ea c= weit T= ME, ae ott Mya Bien ree ean) “The efeieney ofthe yee is (68+ 00 a 0.3284 ~ 02805, neglecting feed pump work) ‘Single Deed dre besting to T, (eee (8) lowers this eflene, but (ELF) incenses with iy (andthe mast of bed stam), There iting ‘vale of (abou 6) when al th steam I bled, andthe plat becomes 8 ack pressure trie ‘Calculations for le (i (Continuous feed heating and dee heating to Tu, and robeequnt feed Resting onl to Ty) show hat this eycle achieves the Vest performance (Fig. 3.30) However, the advantages of "con tinuous” Nesting ar ot enormously large: thi contin smi to ht reached fr feed esting only many year ago~tht a Site number of heaters may achieve mrubtantal acon of the “ulinae” advantage of ‘ee heating by a comtincous umber of healers (see Haywood") ne 250s ‘The previous sections in this chapter have given derivations ofthe FESR (uel energy stvingt rai) for several types of CHP plat opetber with tome simple mumeralclelations In each case the FESR was obtained ty comparson with a reference cate—separste power and bole plans the lecey and heat loads eating. Ths instead of the single boiler ofthe “basic system of tion 13:2 (reeting bea on) there are sever sources of eat each meting 182 cogineraon—Combined Hest end Powe (CHP) put of th heat load with its own efficiency. The fuel savings asocited tit change frm this "ted" Rea suppl to (0) single “beat onl” bole (i) a bacepressre bine (CHP) scheme; (Gi) a pam-out turbine (CHE) scheme "This ype a analss was presented bythe ‘on Combiaed Heat and Power", A new feature inthe anal that the heat and power lode are linke, because elect! space eal i In ‘ded It inporant to rslie thatthe non-healing elecical power ‘demand is Yaken specie and has wo be fuly met whe the plants ‘hanged from the feleeace case (the “change” typeof anal referred toaates), 3.941. Supplying the Domes Heating Loat by Central Boiler Plant ‘We conser fist the eplicement ofthe various space heating loads {ow te reference cate) By dnt heating rom a central Dole, Fue 313 shows the approach, ia which modicaton of the existing heating Diane comidere. The total heat load (A) ofa hypothetical “average Iho” ir mde up ofan elec spce beating load (W,). and domestic eating lads (8) supleg by unts of oer” eficieney ana, These tre all repiced by dtc heating rom the cestalbouer of eiceney (wo andthe heat demand changes to (4) (the domestie"comtore” i Increased). The fel energy supplied tothe central boder is) > & (yo sompared withthe fuel enery [(/a) + a") supplied inthe domes eating pans. ‘Originals, the pid eletical power output met oth the lectial demand for space esting (W,), aswell as some base power demand. {Guns The space eating loa is now taken bythe esta bale, so that {he electra! outpet fom the conventional plant can effectively be Teduced leading to an energy stving om the fel original sapped t he “rg” powerplants (lt should be noted that although the eternal powe lou kena uni, oul ve any arbitrary value, since in exulaing the fol savings in changing from conventional to CHE plan, the external loud i seumed conta abd eiminted i he analy dows nt thee= fore have 8 sigaieance s the Realpower mito in his study of dst esting), tons od on ee hy W es eg com o¢ CHP po we elated uh Comporativ Themadynami Perfermance of CHP Plants igs ue st tar ten oss ae 1, $3, Fl igi tet aig Bs oy aes “Tas the toa ener saving it B= Paar~ Poo apes. Gan) here is the lou factor allowing for wansmison loses (Fig 3.31) and Tiel the overall etincy ofthe “external” conventional lant. AF, may Uh expressed in non-dimensional form, by dividing By the original heat Toul k= Gh,+ ks WD), (Ode B-Ge, ors no (B)rnenem= ow asm compares] 104 cogenarstion—Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Comparative Thermodynamic Performance of CHP Pans. 108 Gass 39.2 Supplying the Blecrcal and Domenic Heating by @ DBeck-Presure Tarkine TW ert coer planet the exiting mi of hesing yo tet fo strpos tie Fre 332 hor ets ptt Sette a tcton 39. tote th he new CHP pan The rset a a rah at “wi tine pln) and reeves uel enegy Hat = G—W9, ltl poe oie (=e) get met ui par fe (terheatng) cal porer oer wy tet and 258 laa OF the gi rie ad power hs be sped Hom the Spa Seat Wesel coy ied fm he bc pe aoa bere are oes 68) in suplying the new heat load (from the ‘he “The fel savings (compared with the reference cas) are therefore AR, = Fr Poo «fb ef ey) om oa = =) #)-0- Wo ™), 10) 108 Cogeneration Combined Hest and Power CHP ‘Again fuel energy savings ratio can be exprested in terms ofthe ful ‘nergy orignal requree (aby [ae Gs way fing ing ne nent ne ( x) a3) 1 (FESR) 5.93. Supplying the Dometic Heating by «Past Out Turbine ‘Thirly, we consider replacement ofthe existing mix of eating by heat rejected tough the condensation of tam bled fom an eles owe | Staion turbine. Figure 3.33 shows the exiting plant ad the modied plant “The extraction of scam to supply the heat load (causes a reduction | in the work outpat from the Turbine, where Z the o-ealed "2 fat siren by Redaction in Work Oxtpat ‘Useful Heat Rejected sd acute in section 26.2. The lost work hast be made up fom 3 {urbne supplying Wc, but hare s some compensation beaut elec |snot now being wsed fr space heating os nthe oigal heating "mi" ‘The fel energy originally spplied was ds Gem) 1 the CHP rurloe pact essentially voles 4 modification of «gid turbine (Chrough extraction of seam) and it now receives fel energy Fy then ze eabee = mobs = Z(1-+ 49) = = Wes and the fel energy supplied to the “make-up” gr urine is (cn) Hence the total fuel now supplied easy) Comparative Thetmeaynemlc Performance of CHP Plants 17 1.338, Flag in ut nigh Ae so-dinesa l sig (pone in em fe be hea Deven (22) = det Be fe (2) im wax [aa* ak} ais so epemd in erm fh fl eey the oot energy saving ‘gly segues eesny =P. 5 tea ninth s 10) meena) 08 Cogantaton—Combines Heat and Power ICH) 594 Caleulain ef an Bzample ily we gve a numerical example—the conversion of age iy wo CCHP. using the algerie expesions already given. The resus ze pre ‘ented in non-imensonl form “The large citys sasumed toe converted i eo sages. Fist lectcal space beating (ox om pe, ad (IV) of pea) and domestic bes Ing Gi, aus conval heating and A, other coa-Bed heting) converted to distiet heating by a central Boer plant. The non-dimensional fel Saving inthis tage (a f the conversion is ne(Ejentnenos. 01s vn \stsaiea ‘lean van acres (y=. 9m Toasaine (Gy = s00s ob pa, and ma = 065, ma = 05, (ma) = 088, b= 01, ne = 03; ‘it follows tht 7, = 0.15, 95 = 1.32, 94 OB, (9) = 142, 8 Lt and y,= 086 ‘Thus 86% ofthe energy required inthe dweing is save bythe onversion to "hes only” boll: The ea point here rhe low value of efcency sumed fr n4—crl fired eating—in the orginal sem, “The second stage (2) lavlves conversion from "heat only” bole to pas-out team heating. Te non-dimensional fel saving Is veo 8222, assy suming no provision for stand-by boiler operation, with 2014, m= 03, $= 04,8= 1, ade ta-.a cet as 1a Ccompartive TemdynamlePrtrmance of CHP Plants 108 ‘The total (non-mensona) fel sings in the two stages are Zu + 6) woven tar (oh 0.865 + 0855 ans igre 3.34 shows the various components of energy savings i hee two stages. The left-hand side ofthe gue sbows the heat savings in the bull {pot the Bea load, aken over by heat only bole. The right-hand side of {he igure shows the further substantial energy savings hat occu when that at loa ir aecpted bythe pus-ou tabi, om the heu-only bodes i shouldbe appreciated thatthe ful savings are indeed greter than te eat equemen (3) of the orginal “average” hows, This because thtioeney of te inital ening seheme was low, andthe iil energy Ip to the orginal sytem was (non-dimensional) Gaoii) = 015+ 132+ 081 = 228, urter th na esting system involves eof beat oriinly wasted by the power statin, so it not surprising that y exceeds ey. There is 20 fontraventon of the Second Law of Thermodynamic involved in such a 110 Cagerarton-—Combine Hest and Power (CHP) References Ses er es creer ace Tui Coreen Pat Cobry Tron ASME loualof Engineering Ran atc etre aaron onal SRE er eee ae SSE ciara tte te Be Rol Se en nen men Aconin: Asatte Saunt. Ne Tachagts 30 Se asst he ie oe es rt Beeman es SEER eet ieee A rel Mating oO et CP ng Recpern tia ao rnb Si sie wr (hopes) Depernet of Energy TSO, Las, 197 an Problems appear on pp 212-13, CHAPTER 4 Economic Assessment of CHP Schemes 441 Introduction In Caper 3, details wore given af he thermodynamic assessment of \arious CHP schemes. The work and useful heat outpt ofa CHP. plan, Torunit energy inp trough the fel supply, ray De stinated with Ta Acorns. Given the hest and work loads to Bo met (and thelr aio). ‘he energy supply reqied (and the rate of suply of fet) ay then be Sshesed. Farther in eomparson with "basi" separate plans meeting the me tosds (asaya existing "mie of electrical power taken tom the pid and ses onde from a van of pares (lets sce heat Sol Hestog oa go i oer), te energy sigs om CHE heme may be obtained relatively sinply and with far accuracy (a {ced scion 39 fora: ning shee), Ths sing te ily substantia, forthe original, often ietent eat saree ate not ted. Heat hitherto wasted (by rejection to te environment fom the Powerplant suppving the grid) is wine fxtead the shermodynamic advantages of CHP plat are so cer, why is CHP ot unveray adopted? The answer les in the study’ ofthe economies of heat nd power and particularly whether the capital expenditure required to inal new plants juste, Sob capital expenitar wil vae ot nly new and efferent type of powerplant, but nso the costs of major renting network In big district heating Scheres these ince rion of ge pipes teary bot wate rom a power station 19 @ own where the dstt eatng lad exist; the subsicary dsibution of that ot wstes nd the central hesting pipework nthe naval bose. “his ook is 4 volume for engineers, concerned primarily with the thermodynamics of CHP. But te economics of roposl must be stuied In-oner Yo explain under what sondions CHE pant may be iste in ure: Indeed many seh plants exist, andthe economies oftheir operation Inn also be considered, Th ths ehaper (and in Appendix B) we give a be account of various methods of siesing the eeonomes of CHP plan, topeter with roe ‘amples Some answers canbe obtained qulely (6g. simple asesment ‘fpay-back period based on intl capital os), Methods involving co M2 _Cogoneraton—Combined Hest Economie Atssemant of CHP Sehemos 118 4 Power (CP) sideration ofthe time value of money, and the conse of discounted cash Tape At ow, are more complex. ieaptal np and satan ary fm yea 0 year ‘asa peat ‘computers are requires fo give accurate answers: But een for some such Gee cases, simple analyses may be derived (see Appendix B) and these are wed vena, von (DC) in this chapter. Each method of analysis involves the comparison of a new Autnoe Cte or esses UGinbiy Shaye" (OD scheme wih anchor (aul ese) nme, eller exploly ol ee ey Malic atcatoe Gh) Cuno De First in section 42, we describe two methods of prising the output fom saree cena OLE 4 CHP plant: ‘ina aun ofcmh fow A) cura c (0 by pricing the electricity produce, taking nancial credit forthe Sopra lont climination of the “znaiaey” supply of heat, method often wed ‘se of for indus CHP ahemes Beaty pee ‘cammn 9 (i) by pricing the useful est produced, asming vals for letisty ey pe cum DC bought of sold a method more lrequenly sxe for dss esting ey pe cHPIND DC (CHP appiions ow pse cHPDH DC In both cases explicit comparisons of te clelted prices for a new Single pene pecad(@BP) CHIN (CHD plant are made with extg pices (of elecrcy or heat respect ny ats Neneh EO yg ely) but "demand side” economics (the elect of pie shanges om ee pe emand) is pleted. Cuptat charges ae incladed in these prising bebe tare tee somparions Net n section 4.3, after bie description of “traditions” anes: iment of show pry-back periods, the techniques f dacounted cash Bow te used, usally (out not always) to describe the interaction between ‘apa expenditure and resulting fel (end money) savings acleved by ‘hanging fom an esting system to 2 new CHP plan,» more implict tneans of comparison. The savings fom improved fenton of energy les the extra capital and other expenditure required may be discounted back tothe start ofthe operation, and a net present value (NPV) (or 3 leveled annual value ofthe eath flow) determined. Aleroatvly, ut ffom the sume ype of analysis more accurate acessment may Be made of he escousted pey-back period (DPBP), of the break-even capital ont (BECO), othe investor’ rate of return (ROD, All these ae ways of fxpesing similar answer o the economics ofthe plant, an lne die ‘ent authors have used dierent rare we deseree them bref he, {uotng verte fom each approach A lst ofthese authors wth the ‘teria used, given in Table 4.1; the typeof CHP pant sessed (asset beating (DH) or industrial TND)) ial inccate, aod wheter the ee. ‘comparsas ae made, ors “change” type of taste wed er cnetrsnte ofa (ROD) CHRIND ‘The author hasbeen associated peimaly with the we of NPV (in an fexemive study of CHP by the Marshall Comte"; the latter part of I chapcr puricolac emphasis pacee on tis approach. Following the examples of ful saving. given atthe end of Chapter 3 imple analyses jven for the determination of NPV in ther ears (ase of beat ony foiers, eck pressure turbines oF pas-out turbines to sepace existing oneal pan) The resus of te comprehensive calculations earied fut by the Marshall group are described In section 44. However, the Fouls of other authors sing otereiteria (nin rate of earn (RON) In break-even capital cost (BECC)) are abo disused in this section ly the efecto unmatched peratin onthe economies of CHP pant Ip dlsused in section #5. “infec emees fh po oP) (BEC) an (ROD, pase Senin Sa en ep ppm) ol mt Pricing of elec trom any po several author have made economic studies of CHP plant in his wy, we 114 Copaneraon—Combined Hest and Power (CH) , wn,*the sate of soppy of energy inthe fel (F, XW), andthe ation fear Hf (ours 9.) Moo = Me _ (Yeakos = AFOM |. SeFes Wit wi 7 Coa of fut (%n) is ow, a In plat ninerting wat, then katy the production ct (Yo wl come dow; howe cen ach ln ae conse Se: sino unig snd raps. Mote eer th gut equa ou) mre Guth est lod (expensed in eta of energy mtn, MW'or XW) a8 the oer enc of he opal dlc Bet rou. The gun (,—* i the aril eteney dened in seton (ra=taras) a = (ego (25) Kehoe can tbe effekney of power eration {n)- Wtlams aie Fn (rn te eect etn oe pat tnt Porersod Ninansiah cl the icemenal eat te He ay us) Uonhr= a) Then ihe ost fle new pat adhe dpe heat ours re the time, Seo = 2a = = Hea), ¥ , (OMe (beg = MEET ED 5 LON (669) = Ceo = 6). gp), + LOMea~ (OM Cece MEG OO. HR) + COMES st) This wed proacon cnt may be mpd with fr bs fe cre « ‘ety gam eer sean se eit ee cn ieee ‘te cogenraton-—Combinea Hest and Power [CHP ‘neg wate er Figure 4.1 shows Keblbofer's calculation of production cost (Ys) a8 & function ofthe eiiation perio (17) for an indstal CHP pant, using @ pusvout steam turbine Geugoed to match the demands of 45 MW: (Gletieiy) and provision of 25 kp of proces steam at 3.5 bar 10°C ‘Also shown are values of (Yee fr thee other CHP plans (3 eombined sesteam trbine pant (A)- gas tusbine Wh 8 waste eat bole (B) sa back presue steam trbine (C) which ae designed to match the process beat load, but donot match he electical demand of #8 MW (3 {hat exten eestrial power will have 1 be bovght in). les all the po ‘Ston costs come down rasantally wih increased uusation. Tae 142 ges the breakdown in electrciy production cont forthe four plan Kebihoter also gives the average electsty pie Ye (presumably ‘equating sl price fo prodtion cot, without allowance fr tx o ea) itpomer bs tobe boupht in at» price (Yea: I the clerical demand ix Wy (or the sliantion period H) snd tht supplied is We (lo for hous) then ths pie is 4 — WealVeda + Wo Was) a Wott = Mafia fi (oom an zonomle Aeesemant of CHP Schemes 117 TABLE 2 Komal Compu f CHPIND Pa Aldicnlcpatcon Sie 380 Ok 180 aT eracam Ser "frit pagent cat REA an es ae 35tgn 000) lear ttn pero (= 9008 Beane niceties? incr gh pe ‘ce 118 Copenerion—Combined Hest nd Poms (CHP) and increases ieaty with (Ye 8 Fig 4.2 shows (exept for the pas ‘ut iurine fr wasch Wy = Won) Ihe demand varie over the uation pesod then a weighted price can be determines. ‘Simla clelations by Wiliams ao emphasise the extra cost of bought in electricity, which has to be purchased trom the ged i the indus ‘generation flor ifeleticty demand exceeds the cogeneration supp ‘Wilms incues sandy charges or he cogeneration plans, on the bas of 10% of op-aite eed snd a peak requirement equ o half the peak Indusriat demand. These assumptions set the east of standby eecicly ‘er kWh at about double that which an indy would pa for fal gid Service, and push CHP prices above normal gid pies (Dts han tat ‘om sues plant inthe USA) 422 Pricing of Heat An alternative assesment of CHP plan is eevan or dst Netiog: tere, forthe independent producer, the approach ist price the Heat, assuming te lacey to be a by-product which canbe sad othe gi. “The sale (r buy-back) price, (ke te stand-by (or bought) cast he industrial CHP example of tection 42.1) i then a matter for aegodation tthe eesti uty "The cat of Beat (£2) produced fom the cogeneration plas snow iver by CPidoa™ Bea + Moo + (OM) ~ WeothYea, 49) where the last term is a credit fr sae of elects at a buy-back pice Ode. ‘ASbeore, the heat loud is (Qu, (RW the rte of enery supplied to ‘he cogeneration plat in the fuels Fe (KW); the heat generated per year |S QplgH (kWh): andthe cost of fel per yea is (Pool Yen). Te 9 (nitsed) cost (EAWh) (Gow dened relate to the hee supplied pet Origen = Pion fen, Fein, (OM ea Width” Beal * oder * ade? ‘A similar aprosch i followed by Marchant, roost and Wiberg Economic Assessment of CHP Sehemes con wa WH 2). Tent ane be (0 Incuded together wit standby costs, incase of pant lure. Heat pies tlery cannot be based solely on thermodynamic consideration aloe, for fier factors sre vitally Important Not ony do capital and maintenance fonts have & minor Infence but slo th sale (or buy-back) pice of lect Khihofr' gives production cst for a heat load of 60 MW met by the (Chi plants ated eter, Figure 4.3 shows the cot of Met ploted aginst fale pice of eleticy, (Yee Fors high buyback pice the combined Dnt most tractive, bot with slow value of (Year the Back pressure Tutbine is the mort exo 42.3. A Note onthe Pricing of Elec or Heat Suplied by iy the vendor of hea o else ian electri tty (ct Independent producer) the approaches outned in setions £2, Have toe reconsidered, That adopted in sexton 4.2.1 for ping cle Inly remain irl vais, bt the cot of “Dougt-in leet (ee, fr fxampe, equation (4.1) andor of sandy provision become an interna [frst forthe uty, Further, whe the eres for "pacing the heat, Ited Gee equation (4.)) may be valid fora demand met within the wt ‘9 Copanratin-—Combined Heat and Power [CHP itt, move usualy the cet wll apes through a sal to an external on ‘ime in india eogeneration (CHDIND). ‘More important ithe queston of pring the dstct Beating met through ‘sopenerason (CHPIDH) by ‘an electrical vility local or Ito) The approsch of ection 4:22 ha 0 be modified, because taking {ered forthe ale of sletricty no longer sty vai. The method ‘copied by the Masha! Groupe their study of CHP/DH was to sume thatthe overall electrical demand (he sum ofthat repped by the n= (CHP or cogeneration station and that externally" eoanected 10 the gi) hud tobe provided bythe oy. It vas then logel to rie the heat ‘plied for comparion with ater methods (eg. yg fo ental es Jngor bya x of ful (ey) int Lge sty), making sere thee was 0 zonomicAtsassmant of CHP Sehemes 121 Wot (eWh), met by poner bought fom the pid at pie (Ye) the annual teray costs ae se xfer» 205 an the conventional scheme is replaced by a cogeneration (CG) scheme, of titesey ney» progucing clecreal power Wee and teat (Qulor abd ing el ped at-7eq, then emery costs (Cor Spa) ae Meo = [ZS ia West oo ME Wn Work (dei_—— (480 sierton in the pie of electri, forthe overall uty system. Alter a thely va “cbinge™ peo anager cot rte net ings om Mone [Z2"©« Ouro = prodticing heat through cogeneration, in place of an existing Beating co [PEs (2a = Gora fh Pystem, cold be estimated It W= Wo, Oxdeo< (Osdot (4138) "Tis approach is deseribed Inter inthis chapter fn section 44. a0) Where (Yass the sue pce of electricy (the buy-back price) and (a te parebse (by-n) price. (Note thet (Duke > (u)av then [Gabor ~ (Gul i Beat thas wil be wasted, not ol, soa fourth evel Df eney cost does ot arse). The money savings (Fesuing from the el savings as describes in Chapter 8) are therefore AM = Me Moe (eas + (Qua = Meo, 4:14) Inu these maybe reduced by A(OM), the inerensed cos of operation and vtenace 43. Metheds of Ansys Using Dicounted Cash Flow (DCT) ‘Tecmigue Rat of Retr, Py-buck Period, Net Present ‘Valu, Breakeven Capital Cx) “The concept of time val of money Is implicit in the introduction of apt charge (C) nto the cing of lets and estas eserbed ia ‘2oton 42. More expt ure ofthe concept ir ivaved in 2 vanety of fdacouned cash flow (DCF) techniques, patty the nt present value (or venture worth) used extensively ithe subsequent Secon of this Shaper and esenbed a detain Appendix B. However, before study thote DCF technique, tis useful to desrte two "tradiona” ceteris of proftablity een ured for quick ssesiment of CHP schemes. The make fo allowance forthe time vale of money, but gv «simple introzucton to cconomis sxetsment Thus he prema otn te 10 (2) pa, te te Idtionl inves capital for the new CHP scheme, and the pay-back Pio is (SCAM), “Thee simple asesments can alo take aecont of parloaé operation (bile) snd we due thi spent ltr in ection 4.5 Discounted ash fow techniques mothe "wae values of money edn thse simple asctments Fr example the puy-Dck period has (0 tye modied wo allow for eptalised eon This ad other assessmens of the ‘romome viatlty of CHF schemes are piven i he ex sections and are Ise onthe dctasion ofthe tine value of mony give in Append B J "Ttabould be emphased again that in these ecosomie ude, must be ‘ear whether vem cnn en) © spe ate ose = eed aia) (avesed capita ‘nel ues) Lille’ suggests tat in considering short payback pti, which industry 100; (i simple payback period = 122 Coseneraton—Combined Heat and Power ICH cither (@) the “absolute cost ofthe new project st be determined, and ‘ces compared directly with thos or an existing conventional Scheme, ‘or (id the money saving (probly in the form of the net presat ‘alae, related 0 a change from an exiting Scheme 5 To be I the direc peeing method desclbed in Section 41, the fst approach was adopted, 2 the pies of supply in now and existing schemes were Compared, each cakingacsoun of the total capital chirps. n he simple {estimates of pey-back period and rate of return est deserbed the second fpproach wis followed. the savings smoisted with change om a ‘Rig sytem (oth an eiting mia f plant sod fuel supplies 0 9 new iP stheme were considered, a its this approach which ural (be ot always) followed in DCF analy. The use ofthis second ("change") Iethod involves he assimption tat = age electri supply rds aval hie (ups eletity from the CHP plant canbe sold tthe gi, oF ‘lect canbe bought fom if oel demand exconds the CHE gener: ‘Med elec: or that adtnal bors ay be intoguced (the CHP. lant cannot meet the lea beet demand). As inthe examples given of fier pring of electity or beat, the value of thee supplementary ‘supplies let or heat) are portant factor in DCF ales 42.1 Net Prosnt Value (NPY) ‘The net present value dered from a “change” typ of onalysis—trom fan etisingconventonl scheme to a pew CHP scheme— balances extra pt eon (AC) again the rat of savings which are (AM) sil om ‘he reduced use of fuel, We list here series of examples of Increasing ‘complexity, the fl details of which are given in Append B:corespond- ing equation numbers from the appendix are given. The wse of "2 emphasises that the “change” type of analysis is Being adopted 43.11 Simple Anatysis (Inthe fist ease, “entee” capil AC invested at time zero leads 19 immediate annual money saving AM inthe Ast year and this money WW invested atthe end of that year, Sobsequent years lead to identi Savings and iovesusen. These savings may be dncouted back 10 me zero and ead toa tet present value of ory a6 sonomicAssestmart of CHP Schemes 123 ‘whore (ui the anuity present wort factor, for an intrest at over 1 period of yeas the ile of he proees, ian Gt) = G19 ac (B2) (i) te capital isinvested years ahead of then the net preset value at tie zero Is resultant money sevings am (sPV)y) = AM aca ey wan Ta) ey (Gi) I he capita is spent finest over L yeas, ahead of year 270 (je. annua spend (AC/L}) then the et present valu a ine 260 Is aul (n= a) Ta an Re carer ease eo ones ay (i) Finally i apt is invested asin ease (i), but money savings bo bull up (rom ine zero) over a peiod of L years inereasng by (AMIL) pe yar) ten the net present vale atte zo is (NPV) = eo — [AM aca + a (4.20 orm carla see; aa she load tne on cpita investment) were reduced o zero, and apt pend and money savings were in pase, then OPM = ros Leo se] Teta . a a Hicamples ofthe we ofthese simple anlyes for NPV are given in section 44 (logeher wih 1 summary of parallel comprehensive. computer fhlelatons of NPV) for some ditt beating schemes. These anlyes ‘ere orginlly undertaken by the author forthe Marshall Commie on Chimie het and power, and appeared ina early report by working Pty on dst he sof meres to relate the (NPV) obtained from “change” 124 Copsnertion—Combined Heat end Power CHP) sonomic Assessment of CHP Schemes 125 (eading sy o equation (4.13) to direct comparisons. I the comes ition (x) and for investment (fc), and for minimum required system (aburptC) has et present cost (NPV) then on high-k venue derivation of venture worth then becomes Me ovr ME ce a a=» i oar =[§ 2805 a ‘But the cogeneration scheme (CG) has a net present cost . y | we of fp Wha PV eo = M4 Cn d ite Aa (PV) = Me “ an “The chang om C10 CO yi ponent preset abe ng) ny be compere witht simple exreion for (NPVy stn in (613) Toe fat term bse Menten iy (3PODy shen A@NPV) = (NPV O4PVlen J Allowance maya be made or woking cl and or rage (le Mea) ‘of plan, but thee eet re smal Allowance for infaion maybe Mee Med — (G5 6) Inthe choice of (eective) iterest or discount rate. An effective . return used by Willams in pic electri approximately AM ae. Jo llation les the percestage sna! nation, wie Weleied cscount rate (1) (NPV) tay beset equa 1 220 19 the breakeven eapal cos (per Kilowatt) as = anim Mh ee aol vi wo soa 80 cos te send cpa cs, OO Gem oh pane Sani eee ich uation (4.15) with "We may also not thatthe equations ofthe form of (422) and 2a 8 a | may be weten tas) sux NPV) = M4 Cl) Is the electrical power output fom the plant. Some result from aos are preseated late in secon 48 hich my be compared with equations (4.2) sod (4.2). sly = hors! have folomed similar approaches, Daedet and Trimble! Capita cost factor ard in thove equations to gle th production et present valu, bat ee i to calcite the DCF rate of (These te ao called evened cons awe shall nes in setion 43 eres ite wilch ges a net present value of 2210 42:12. Complex Estimates of NPV land Asoceted Oar Tennent (ROD; tbe etn re ic math tee Criteria) lw on ether a present worth et leveled anda bes") oye al refer to NPV as “venture wort"; they present the he ltertve concept o leveled” cash Bows a description of of thes calculations in the form of break-even capt cost Th tollow. falculate‘on a “change” base extimating the annual mone) (Gr from insulation ofa engenerating system replacing 4 cone lant and balance this agains the ext capital cost (3). Like WI ed Ins entmate of elecnoty pies Jody a une complex eas own take ssoust of variation inca flow from year to Simple expresios for dicount ris allowing for Wx (tak evening them ot. 3n—Combinad Het snd Power (CHP) ash fw Ayia ten year (A) This willbe made up of the money savings on ost (esting ffom a change om a convetional punt we CHP scheme) les the capital snd other cos (eg tx) i that Year Generally y wil vary with tie. The leveled cash Row (A) fe mt ‘and is the hypothetical (constant) cash flow which gives the same net preseat value a the ral (triable) cash flow, forthe same interest) 8nd the same plant ie ( yeas) (See Appendix B). The bar superscript inaiates tat the eash Rows have Been “levelised”—brought Back to present worth and then evened out over theif ofthe plant, years. (Tit Tevesed technique may alo be used ia determining prises of heat snd lect.) “The net present valve ie elated tothe leveled cash ow, wey= 4, azn war Bi) “The discounted cash ow rte of return (ROM) the resk-oven capita ote (BEC) or the pay-back period (PBP) may then be determines by pting either act preset value (NPV) or the leveled eash ow (A) equal 19 Porer and Masansisht use the levlised cash fow, puting t equal to 2eroin order to obtain the investors rte of return (ROT) In thee caleu- Ions ofthe cash How in any year, bey emphasise that this must take “ccoun of both te eos of prodocing elect inthe CHE plant andthe ‘ost of elecisty that may have to be Bought in (a athe simple aalyss ‘Severed eae in this ection), “The “value” of the elec i made up ofthe value of the eectecity soldat te “buy-back” pice (Fen (EWA) and the valve ofthe elee- "sity sopplanted (Le formeny purchased trom the gr at «Duin price (fea EWR), Theo esing the earler notation (Wee the power output of the CHP pat, aad Wy the. power demand) the alve of the ety (CW c0~ Mol Yoes + HMLYIn Epa) when Hs the ulisstion (ours per anaum). “The con of production ithe fel cst inthe cogeneration plan les the web peepee an oe [Bete Beely aren Economic Atteament of CHP Schemes 127 the fol pies (PAW thermal) the new plan and no longer is se. “The money Saved inthe year i thus A= (Wf ~ Woo + Wot = roa Qn Me an sts a= t= RA he th oe (savings) given earlier in section 4.3, for Woo > Wo, (Quico ~ (Qudv- ‘et Thanh race ot Ee cea tte iy, See roar STRAT ae say ee SC pay we [hi » $5] acs 225. Them nt bow sequin (200 A> (Cex WN Yen + Wol eb] ‘where (nae tthe bale or combustion efciency ofthe new pant. 1 there iso internal demand (Wy = 0) anal the eleticty Woo is sol, the the ash ow i A= Wet ~ lt + anf 2]. 30 fo elecesty i so, end that generated fly supplant electricity pre- ‘viously bought om the ged thea Wo, = Wo. The eash ow is hes A= Wat ode— (Hele + on] 22 - ‘The coh flows can ls be corected by allowing for incresed capil cots, maintenance and operating eos for the CHP pl Se won, 44 Bxamples of Peonomle Assessment Using DCF Techniques ‘A ful and detaded asetment ofthe economict of cogeneration wat made by the Marsal Commitee! wich reported to te UK Secretary of Sate for Energy in 1979. Marshal snd his coeapues (ihe autor clades) made a parol study of combined heat and ower for ditt beating (CHPDH), conaldeing 12 Copenerain—Combinas Heat ane Powe: (CHP) (ew prosision of commercial and domestic space and water heating for's population of 10,000 peope-—tpiel of large town re- ‘evelopment ors pew development na subu (heat ead 201); (i) conversion of = tall ity of 10,000 people to dstet heating, ‘hing CHE plane (eat Toad 200 MW); iy conversion of large city of 1,000,000 people to diset heating, ‘wing CHE plan (best load 2000 MW), ‘Marshal eal made several basic assumptions (8 speiving the energy swpply er ng 45 GI per your) bt varied Several par eter sch ‘od the housing asi. Their results Ste deseribed i dtl bere. ‘Other numeral assesment ofthe economics of CHP schemes, also ving DCE analysis, tapping. eter other than NPV, are abo ‘ested ltr inthis seton 442 The Martha Stdy-—Useof Simple Analys for NPV ‘A simple algebraic analy for nt present ale it presnte, based ‘on the “change” pe of approach. The mosey savings on fuel (obisined ty changing from am exiting fel mia fo anew hea tad power scheme) be enna, togeter with the ext cupal costs involved. The net present value (NPV) of making the change (or an “average” dwelling) [then caine and presented in non-dimensional form. Iti supposed thatthe tity siting the overall supply of eles (ce. the sum Diba equied in the scheme and the demand external to the scheme). In Chapee 3 we determine the fuel sevng for making changes (4) trom an exsting heating sytem, to a “heat only” cent boiler () from an existing (separate) heat and power system to a CHP “back presure” scheme: (6) from an exiting eprae) hea and power sytem to a CHP “pss We flow up those analyses hee to determine coresponing net present "ales, for(i) (0) and (0) A pac seheme () might iavolve Baling Upthe eat load with hestony Boers (before bringing it age “pass ‘OW CHP plant af scheme (0 ‘We ft present te rent in snail form, ving few numeral rents Thi spl analysis Was ven in an eater report on ditt heat ing by the Marshall Group” (and given aubsequemly by Hodock and ‘Owen, but the Groups mio and Al report” presented more acurte used on compute calculations of diseounted cath flow varying rl yearh and these are deeb ater. However, was found zonomieAasesemant of CHP Schemes 19 ‘hat the simple and complex eacuations compared quite well, and i is lastrucve to preset the analyses in the simp ages fore before showing the more detailed sess sbsined fom the Marsal computer program. (a) Supplying the Domestic Heating Load by Central Boller Plant ‘The ist example of fel saving considered in seton 39.1 involved the seplacement of elecrcal spd domestic space Resting lots by dati Best- {ng trom ceael bole The otal hea load 3) ofa hypobetal average house, made up ofan eleccal space heaig lad (Wand domestic heating Toads (yo) supplied By uns of effcency (hu a)e Were replaced by dist eating from a ental boiler of efcency (my. and the heat demand changed to “The total energy saving Was found tobe aed by Me OA), re mee ON Inhere was a low factor slowing for tansmison loses. This energy Shving may be expresed in noa-dimensional form 5 ne(Elemenen-oh an ‘or ia tems of «fuel savage rato based onthe orginal eneray supplied for heating the house comnts women ley = me ah note, our Spied) 1048, a) ta tat 8 rl tn et ed we be ed Te Soul money saving (ESM) associated withthe energy saving i then “Noe tt od ae ego ae sre (Mb AW op) at ot ee et ne a i a Pg 129 Cogenaation-Combin Power (CHP) obtined by dividing the individual terms in the energy saving equation (Gay in GI pa) by eaorfle values (CV), Gk, and mutipyng by fel swe ED gy "Ext annual maotenane ents 3(OM) may be ubirace fom this saving veto fel economy A simple estimate of the extra capital ou is ac-w+r)+2 436) “The first ferm in brackets involves the extra capital ofthe distbuton ‘stwork(N) and the house internal ons (R). The cond term repeseals the cot of the dott heating boiler punt, of capital cost ey (Pet tnt eat rate) and wih an overload factor (LF). The th tern represents {he expt saving (in an expanding economs) on nor aiding gr power station (of eaptal cost per unit elestzal power) to suply the steady power load requited for dst heating (Note tha savings on the later ‘ny be pester, at maximo tad wil be greater than WY) Ti we tse the sinplewt existe forthe net present vale ofthe sving (based on extra cpt iavestment AC at year zero and immediate anaval savings 4M) then ovr, Mae aan 18 my tsage tv a Cory = ED ney mage man ta at _ (ess) 4), MG (E+2)- SPE aon * tee m= i pe ir i rt scanty Bran (ne Haye as = = ne he nent fe tert ed des EzonomicAssssmant of CHP Schemes 1 1) Supplying the Domest Heating Load by # Back Preesure Turbine Insetion 3.9.2 we io comidereda change rom an existing sytem to4 ‘CHP scheme using aback pressure steam turbine (ihe analysis eset ‘Be same for «gu turbine with wae heat recover) [Noting that the power out and effieny of the trhne are diferent fiom those of the ental ower station trbine iti replacing, the Toe saving was found tobe Hse gay au +(i- n= (Blane OE aan) nt net ren PES (1-33) (FESR) wohl way ante ‘The ea capt eo a AG = WHR + AG N+ Read — WO GS — Lect + Wall, (4.42) where Coo iow the extra spite cont of bling pei ack presare Turbine. coy and eg are the ua oss of cogeneration and conventions! Plaot The net present vale, again based onthe simples snaps is = (NFR Co, 4a) 12 Cogenaration—Combins Heat and Power (CHP ‘rin non-dimensional form, oy = OTD mal20(,_ sa) (4.44) (W)) elect) onl needs 10 be ‘ough i. In the second ease Di (Qs)o > (Qu). Wo = (WY) extn heat as tobe purchased via best only over uedrant2 J" (Qu) and we cone (Goo avatable forsale, but sine clectecl demand is geater than thet generated, le try [Wp ~ GP)" has to be bought in. Alterstvely, the plant may be ‘operated design at the point (W. on the operating ne, matching the Heat demand with Qu = (Quo. No excess beat is then avalable fot sal, but more elect (Wp ~ 7) ha o be bough in, Timing eases inthis quadrapt ate Di, DE, for which (Quy = (Ou), ‘and Wo = CW)", Oude < (Ou) tesextivey usdrant 3 1 the plant is operated at its design point (W)*. (Qu)* then surplus ecciy [()*~ Wo] may be vol, but ext CO ‘ought in. Altematively the plant may be (v, Oy) withthe elect demand matched Y= bosght in. Limiting cases in his quadrant Dj, Dj, for which Qu)o= (Qu), Wo< CW) and Wo = (HN, (Quo > (Qu) respecivey undrant 6 Operation i Quadrant $ may be divided into two further operations subregions, 44 aed 4B, below and ebove the “oll design” ne of the plant (Fig 4.1400). Tn the region 4A demand fr electricity (Wa) and heat (Oxo a both Jes han cane supe bythe plat at Hs denen pont Thur operation ofthe pnt ats espn point), (Qy)* would mean that surplus eee tity and heat were for sl. Te would be more wea fo math the ele tel demand by operating the plant off-design at W. Qu (such that IW = #) wth surplus heat wvalble orale. Alternately, bt probaly low atracive economically, he heat oad cou be mashed by operation 51 (7 2.) wth (O\) = (do, In this cate extra sectrity (Wy) ‘vould ave to be bought In. Thus in terms of the three options: for ‘operation at [W*,(Qx)") both elects and heat may be sl, for operation of-eign a (W. Q,) heat aye tl, elec mast Be bought in in region 4B, demand for heat and electric is agin lest than that hich can be supplied by the plant at design point operation, so I he lant run at (0), (Q,)"] surplus heat and elect may Both be sok ‘Atrnatiey eat demand may be mained by operating a (W, Oy) with (c= (Quo and surplus elecrcty can stl be sed. However ifthe ele- Ty demand i matched by operation off-design at (W, Qu), with W- (Wp then extra eat has to be bought in. Thus in terms of he vee ‘opis, decreasing load onthe plant operating ine or (WY (Qu) both elecicty and eat may be old for (, 0) ether elect may be sold, or beat mast be Bought in. “This boens general discussion of “of esign” performance of CHP pant The work by Fink and El-Mas? reported in section 4.1 also tikes account of a-design operation on overall ecanomics, as Joes th fo Televen ea who conlude tat the important parameters re), itd ce 45.3. Meeting Variations in Demand by Cycle Change In practice a CHP scheme wil alos certunly have to respond to in demande Toes of te pt (Wm (Duh) ea the G2.) Cogoeration—Combined Hest and Power (CHP) wire apa ee ern wor electricity). Alternatively, the pant yee itself may be changed to ‘ve a diferent operating charecterisc. One example of such an ater Son ir that proposed by Lowder" in which for a gastarbine pant lespned wit beat exchanger the later may be used whea het demand {slow (Gummer) but aot used when heat demand is high (winter), as ‘deserted in section 3.41. The eet of uch a change sutras in i. “115, fos gu turbine varying from fall (electra loud to 40% oad, a for fall recuperation (60% thera rato) abd o recuperation. 46 Sommary ‘Tis dscssion of CHP economic iutrats the considerable complex: ity of much sts, and how much hey ae dependot upon lial sar ‘don. Rather tian atempt to draw trond conclasios here, we dts practical schemes inthe next chapter, and defer drawing conclusions uni the flowing chapter, Chaplet 6. sonomic Assessment of CHP Schomes 157 References 1 Cnn en tel rt Cogan Dope of Ear) 2, Wika isa Copnrton Aan Rey Ene, 3315-356, 178 5 Rete a copmenton Rt em Cab an 4 Et Sarin tet Fa Copcicn o HatEei, 5. ig twos Ai t etal CHP Shes. GEC foe Ein 6 pa en. and Bouman RM. Een of rd Capon Fe nei Se fac Cm puny Cece, Wd SS 1. Ban ad Ti Ean Mad x sed te at Tabi 1a, Bask Se Candas An te Fae Denon fe Sam (oe Pe fe Neh Egy I5 14 on Aco pm Cr et Ein. Pega Pr Oxi (Coacttecnesu Deparment of Grey Repu toa 1981 so, See SNe ae Ahn nein ca, Uae of cl, Deanet fe Rp, ney 90 1 gan Co Dept of Ee ae, 4, HMSO, eb, 16. Town Bag JW. Mile, A.A Mel othe Eon As Neopet Me dd aie Ong Rap Sea Te "Cine penne Eu ute Fie ey oneps, er LD Conc Problems appear on pp. 213-14 CHAPTERS ‘Some Practical CHP Schemes 5.1 Introduction ‘As hasbeen indicated cali i this volume, combined heat and power ‘shox new cogeneration scbemes have been operating for many Year in several counties. In this caper, sx sehomes have been selected for ‘etal description: the thermonamics ofeach is Gctsed, In some of ‘the examples detail ofthe economics ae slo icaded, bt general is ‘commercial infomation i not avaible The six involve te use ofthe following power plant: back pressure stam turbine; exaction steam turbine: ono gat turbines with heat recovery steam Goer (eit and ‘without a “bottoming” steam turbine); Diwel engine with a heat recovery fleam boler; and a gas engioe with exhaust Beating of water system “They thus cover a wide range of applications and incide both CHP/DH (date eating) and CHPAND (indus esting) 152. Back Presue Steam Turbine Plant for Aubrugay Zari ‘A back pressure steam plant for CHPDDH has been engincered by Sule Brecher for the Aubrogg heat and power sation orth of Zarich it ‘Swivedand (ce Biter « al’), Two low-pressure (beat only) bole (117 MW heat) and tre back presare CHP trbines, each of $5 MW, ‘an supply a toa het loud of 455 MW to four mala date (Option (SMU), Wallselen (S8MW), Oeslkon (116 MW), Zunch (ap to 285 MW), The hestpomer ratio of the CHP pant “tas =26. Advantage itaken of he requirements of consumes for varying hot water Supply temperature is 130°C The later temperature follows from a0 ve "Raku ies Bi se ad Re) ‘optimisation caleltion (similar to that described in Seton With Ane return femperture, as soply temperature raed so letra ‘ower output is reduced, dhe water ow rate sess (ppe work becomes Sates) bat best Ines increase A. alace struck to give minimum price for the beat supply which was the economic rerio used by Bite fat. ‘etal of he plant are given in Fig. .1 and Table 5.1, The figure shows ‘a cogenraton—Combined Heat and Power [CHP TABLES. Asta CHP Son Oneaing Cnn ‘ir ek ear tum ei) rc poe oa ay (met) Ether Protons, oe Bom mace ‘Fede empertre aes vane aie sponne ‘Stam ngerre Be ES ihe Cir pn ean to ‘the thee 45 MW back pressure turbines each with one stage of direst ‘contact feed heating and one sage of surface feed heating. They suply “exhaust steam to three calorfer whic heat the tet wate supply oe Sorc to 130°C st asim load In pra vo “heat only" steam Doers ‘ot high effency (92%) supply steam toa cloner im which the dst ‘ate supply i also heated, These bors help to caver the winter demand Peaks, whe the CHP plant meets the base load. “The ae ofthe two heaton boilers alo ives Seiblity i pat-Joad ‘operation. Te heat Iosd ean op 0 155 of maximum load, and under 1s condiion the tetwnisupply district water temperatures drop 10 AUCH eespectivey Biter al report onthe economie stele which ed tothe optnieton ‘of this CHP plan. They enphass the importance of mula water eating (nerensing the elertcal power output, .reduig the Zfato) ‘nd use a refuse inclneaing plant in parallel withthe CHE plat to ‘ply the highest temperatre requirement wit team. Figure $2 shows ‘he energy ow dlagam forthe scheme. Biel et a destibe dhe bul ‘up ofthe Heat Jad in tages starting wth the heat-only Doers Their ‘terion of economic performance ithe pie of heat ee wection 4.2.2), ‘nd they show how thi pice ame down athe plant bal up to maximum toad ‘Some Practical CHP Schemes 161 [os] 7 E i Referring to section 4.2.2 the unt price afhest may be expressed inthe fom Pica _ Bea , Fecien , Mca _ Won Ceo GOH S) Payne axa em seoerore me cab esate etn cn cy Sp tse Per (Fade the ale price of elec (8. RW); "ithe numberof hours operation per year (pa. “This expression is simplifed, since lond is variable; W, Qy and Feo ate ‘ravale in prt and hve tobe integrated over the operating period. 162 Cogoneatin—Combines Heat nd Power (CHP) oowover, the equation (51) canbe wed if average values over period Hage determined, or His lerprced an an equal plod of ul oad ‘operation. Biter ta. gve the following data for fall operation of the lant (at 1978 pies es = 0.0215 (SAM) (for tbine and best only bers 09 (Sf) 4463 MW (maximum) (tung tow presse boiler); W = 135 MW (maxim) and = 005786 may be deduced forf = 9%, N'= 30 years). With hese gues (using meas valve of Fan, Qy, W) the credit for elec- ‘tty (he lat ter in equation (5-1) Wale - (135)909 = 0026 sewn Bm (oa acres Biter suggests shat tis cei is some 63.2% of ttl coats so that the fist he terms (total cost) should taal iving © unit pie for Neat of (adco = 0081 ~ 0.026 = 01s Ssesewn, Bieri abo sugges thatthe tree tems making wp the total cose should be Pen On Feo %q com, OH (Direct calelation ofthe second term, wth Feo Qu= 455 MW, Yn = 0.1215 Sie /RWS, giver Bet (Goons = 04278 SW, ‘which sogests that thes estnates of oss and est pies are reasonable.) “The dominant factor in total cost the cont of fuel (66%). Amore ‘sation and interes costs (apt charge) are surpesngy wall (20.3%) = 0:203+0.041 ~ 0.0084 S4r.AWh, = 060-0041 = 00272 SW, 0.137- 0.081 = 0.0086 ssesmW, 135+ 465 = 600 MW, Some Practeal CH Senorae 182 but the dicount rate of 4% & ow, andthe plant ie assumed i ong (= 30 years) Usisation of am equalnt 2,600 hous per annum afl Toad (a figure devived by dividing the total Ret output bythe maxima at load of 465 MW, Bieri, private communication") Would sogee& capital east of| = 177-10°Sae, “oa Cog 177108 W110 ‘This is comparable with the capital cost of back pressure turbines used ia ‘he Marshal report’ and lven In secton 44.3, However, should be ote thatthe value of Cy detvedabone ia “mean” cpl sot cover ing both the Back pressure turbine and he heat ony bor plant, 13 OS HAW. 3. Extraction Stam Turbine Plant in USSR Alar sate ex USSR ance 1972 Pbications, on stam trbine which as been in operation nthe deseribed by Ole” onthe bans of several Roan 10,54 250 MW CP tv in (ter Other, 184 Copanration Combined Hest sna Power (CHP) “TAILES2 S821 9 En Tie —Se Orin Con ‘nein Sewn Tei (Gender 11) “Pe ow ton 035-10 vm) Tre eat ne Saat a Sap ay ad ote) tno iste Gere, se) ‘Ao im resues(eny wiF2) 782,992) | cane (oy oF) Ha Ge | ne Bega | (S861 4P) teeta} ib SS-a8s pe (586-2654 SEG ee re emir) Fag série, Finer wrt) “The steam turbine deers 250 MW of letra power and 385 MW of| heat The plant is shown diagrammatically im ig, 53-‘The maximum pacy of the seam turbine with the cinict Rest disconnected 15 ‘SCO M, suggesting Z facor (ost workbest wlze) of 50/385 = 0:13, ‘which is (lesably but surprisingly) Tow: However, the plant i sophisti “ated, with many extraction points for both feed heating and district heat ing, an this could enable low value of Z to become possible Mable 52 wives ome ofthe major operating conitons of the pant ot auvae avaiable in rl. 2). Reet toppled between the HP aad TPL Cplinder. Thee high pressure feed heaters ae fed from (@ an eatation point lon the HP cinder: (i the exhaust fom the HP etinder: soa (i) an extraction point long tbe IP clade. ‘A de-terator i soppied with steam bled fom the exhaust of IPI. The toler eed pump i trbin driven wih steam extacted from the IPL ‘liner and etraing to the ain tbe uptream of he TP2 ead. Five low pressre fed heaters ate fed with steam (0 Soom this returning ream (i) and Gil rom two extraction pont along the 12 eylinder, {ivy om the exhaust ofthe 1P2 ender ad (9) ftom an extraction poin along the LP end (the lst eater. ‘takes in steam fom the gland sytem), “The district heating water is hated stn condenser alo fed by steam from the ast source () above (Len la seam condenser) Is then heated in to eat exchangers supped with team fom the extraction ‘Somme Pacis CHP Sehames 186 0 Sunita uals pra (9) ly nas penton) Se rt (| Phan sn fone ation (fer Site, int a exhaust rom IP2 (source (i) above) and from te lover extrac on pot slong the TP2 cinder (Source (1) above), Finally the dite heating water may be ested in 4 "peaking" water Reale, for maximum eat load condone ‘ter temperatures forthe dst hating (and the extraction pressures ‘rom the turbine) are clowy related to outdoor temperatures and hence {o he overall eat los, a ndeated in Pg. 3.43). High supply tempers tyes tuted in cold weather are achieved withot raslag the turbine “station temperate (and pressure) to 109 igh a level (and hence Seducing elec per output) By us of the peaking” water beater the end of the dite water heating cla. The two extraction pressures (bso) sage fom 8 19385 pal (56.6 vo 268-44) Copper and 72 {0 213 pel 49610 146.9 kPa) (lover) asthe outdoor temperature varies ‘verte range shown it Fi. 542. The optimum distrbuton ofthe best lon betwee the heaters isa complex fenton of many factors the overall heat load the outdoor temperatre, ec) gure 8.4) shows typical heat load variaton over a yea’ operation (Sar curves apply to other lant, the Bak pres plane escbedinsecton 52) Oliker does fot give dtalls ofthe economic of this 250 MW pant, but it islet oe tthe most vophisicned aad complex CHP plans i existence 454 Gas Turbine Plant (ith Heat Recovery Stam Generator) for Balen (Netherlands) ‘A as tubine CHP scheme, with a heat recovery steam generator (GARG), hat Bee sad atthe DOMO plant in Ben Inthe Nether

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