Chapter 4 Questions

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Kadri: Social 20-1

Name: ______________________

Chapter 4: To What Extent Do Peoples

Experiences with Nationalism Vary?
Key Terms
Matthew Coon
Melting pot
Charter of Rights
and Freedoms


Distinct society

Ovide Mercredi

First Nations

13 colonies

Statue of Liberty

Abraham Lincoln
George Erasmus


Boston Tea Party


Civil War


American Dream

I. Exploring Canadian Identity (p. 73-78)

1. Define what is meant by collective consciousness

2. Look at figures 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, and 4-6. Do you think one illustration
shows a more significant contribution than the others to Canadian
nationhood? Why or why no?

3. Refer to the list of Canadian historical events on p. 74. Choose 3 events

that you feel are the most important in shaping Canadian nationhood.
Explain why.

4. Refer to One Country, Two Anthems. When comparing the lyrics of the
French translation with those of the English, how do they differ?

Kadri: Social 20-1


5. If the French and English representations differ, how might Canadians still
share a collective consciousness of what it means to be a Canadian?
6. Why do many Canadians consider the victory at Vimy Ridge a defining
moment for Canadian nationhood (both to Canadian soldiers and to those on
the home front)?

7. How did the French government recognize the Canadian sacrifices at


8. How has nationalism developed and evolved into various forms of

expression from the establishment of Dominion Day in 1958 to the renaming
of the holiday to Canada Day in 1982?

9. Refer to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Which Canadian values and
beliefs are reflected in the Charter? In what ways do the Charter ideals lead
to greater unity and a shared collective consciousness among Canadians?

10. How can immigrants enhance the uniqueness of various nations in

Canada, while sharing in a collective Canadian consciousness due to the
Charter of Rights and Freedoms (also refer to figure 4-10)?

Kadri: Social 20-1


Kadri: Social 20-1


II. FNMI Identity (p. 85-89)

1. Summarize how First Nations is defined by each of the following prominent
First Nations leaders: Ovide Mercredi, George Eramus, Matthew Coon Come

2. Read the excerpt, who are the Metis? What are the similarities and
differences in experiences that have shaped First Nations nationalism and
Metis nationalism?

3. Who are the Inuit? How have they gained self-determination and
governance since 1999?

4. How do the Inuit integrate modern practices while maintaining their

traditional identity?

Kadri: Social 20-1


III. Exploring American Identity (p. 90-94)

1. Refer to figures 4-14, 4-15, and 4-16. What impact do you think each
event has had on developing an American identity and collective

2. How is the Statue of Liberty a symbol of American nationalism?

3.What role did the Boston Tea Party play in fostering a unique American
identity and nationalism?

4. Read Documents at the Core of an American Identity (p. 91). How is the
concept of nation expressed in these documents? Do these documents
illustrate a collective American identity?

5. How does the concept of melting pot affect American identity?

6. How was a collective American identity affected by the Civil War?

7. One aspect of the American identity is that of a defender of democracy.

Why do Americans view their country this way? Might others not view
America this way? Why?

Kadri: Social 20-1


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