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When I fall asleep

I dream on you close to me

I'm dreaming that i'm awake
as you are shining
you're shining around the place,
all around the place

Cuando me quedo dormido

sueo a cerca de m
Estoy soando que estoy despierto
a medida que estn brillando
est brillando en todo el lugar,
todo el lugar

I think of you
I think we do
I dream of you,
I dream we do such a good pair,
such a good pair,
such a good good pair
you shine like thunder,
you break the sound that conforts
distrust your moments that fade away

Pienso en ti
Creo que lo hacemos
Sueo en ti,
sueo que hacemos como un buen par,
como un buen par,
como un buen par de buenas
brillar como un trueno,
tu rompes el sonido confortable
momentos de tu desconfianza de que se desvanecen

when losing something

can flow to nothing
to catch it one day
and who's to know
and who's to know
won't it make you stronger
and who's to know
won't it make you wise
you are such a good date
such a beauty...
such a good girl..
such a good good pair..

cuando se pierde algo

puede fluir a la nada
para coger un da
y que a saber
y que a saber
no te hace ms fuerte
y que a saber
no va a hacer sabio
Eres una buena fecha
esa belleza ...
una nia muy buena ..
como un buen par de buenas ..

When I fall asleep

I dream on you close to me
I'm dreaming that i'm awake
as you are shining
you're shining around the place,
all around the place
I think of you
I think we do
I dream of you,
I dream we do such a good pair,
such a good pair,
such a good good pair
you shine like thunder,
you break the sound that conforts
distrust your moments that fade away
when losing something
can flow to nothing
to catch it one day
and who's to know
and who's to know
won't it make you stronger
and who's to know
won't it make you wise
you are such a good date
such a beauty...
such a good girl..
such a good good pair..

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