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Congress of the Hnited States ‘Washington, DC 20515 July 31, 2015 Mr. Michael Yuin “Assistant Seretary (Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services USS. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW ‘Washington, DC 20202 Dear Assistant Secretary Yudin, On behalf of children with dystexia and other learning disabilities in our districts, Wwe request thatthe U.S Department of Education Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) issue guidance to states and sthool districts regarding the use of the term “dyslexia! Dyslexia is the nost common learning disability in the United States, impacting Americans of all ages snd backgrounds, including Members of Congress, our families and thousands of our constituents. In fect, as many as one in five Americans struggle ith dyslexia or other learning disorders Despite the prevalence of dyslexia among students, parents nationwide have discovered that some states and school districts will not include the word “dyslexia” in a students" Individualized Educational Program (IEP). In many eases, parents have been told that their stare does not “recognize” dyslexia; and instead only uses the term ‘specific learning disability.” Dyslexia is explicitly mentioned in the IDEA 200 statute (See. 602(30)(B) and its regulaions (See. 301.8(6)(10) as pat ofthe definition af ‘specific leaming disability” (SLD), Purther, the tem dyslexia is mentioned asa specifi subtype of learning disorder in the Diagnostic and Siatstical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V) (Se p. 67). Thus, appropriate to make specific mention ofthese subtypes of specific learning disorders inan IEP Ty not inching the term ‘dyslexia TEP i simply tao vague description to communicate toa teccher that the child needs intensive, explicit, systematic, evidence- ‘based instruction to mace progress. Accuracy inthe IEP is critical to ensuring that sadents, families and educators all have the information needed to gue devision- raking ‘We urge the Department to issue guidance to states and local educational agencies to: ‘Affirm thatthe term ‘dyslexia’, exits in both the IDEA 2004 statute (See. 6112(30(2) and its repuatons (Sec, 300.8(¢K10) as par ofthe definition of specific learning diss ‘© Affirm iat there is no legal reason wiay the term ‘dyslexia’ should not be used bya state or local educational agency when referring tothe identification of and services for a student who does in fact have this specific earning disability. ‘+ Urge states and local educational agencies to evaluate existing policies ~ ‘both written and non-written institutional policies ~to determine whether the term ‘dyslexia’ is being prohibited or suppressed during the ‘comprehensive evaluation process, IEP meetings, identification of specialized instructional programs or related service providers, in ‘conversations with parents, or by systemic omission in state/LEA policies. ‘+ Adirm that states and local educational agencies should have policies in place tat allow forthe use ofthe term ‘dyslexia’ on a students” IEP, if the Fndingsof a students comprehensive evaluation document the presence of any ofthis type of specific earning disability. ‘+ Provide states and local educational agencies with a comprehensive list of resources supported by the U.S. Department of Education to assis with the evaluation and identification of students with specific learning disabilities, such as dysiexi ‘+ Provide states and local educational agencies with a comprehensive guide to commonly used accommodations for students with specific learning disables, including ‘dyslexia’, and a list of resources for teachers to assist them in incorporating these accommodation int daily instruction snd classroom management techniques. Families in our Congressional districts rely on access to ahigh quality education for their children with dyslexia, We look forward to your ensuring thatthe millions of students with dyslexia receive the evidence-based instruction and interventions needed to sueceed in school and life. Thank you for your help. Sincerely, Tamar Smith Pla Farnhetd Blake Farenthold ‘Bonnie Waison Col Donalds, Hh Char fo I) sae Charles W. Dent tuck Metigy ‘Aloee L, Hastings / flak oe CB aera Toth — Theodore E, Dauich

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