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Opinion Paragraph Format

1. Always start by typing out a proper header with your name, class, course, and
date. Save your document before proceeding.
2. Include an appropriate title which helps the reader identify the topic and your
position on the issue. You may add the title after you have completed the
paragraph to ensure that it is appropriate.
Eg. Canada should remain a member of the United Nations!
3. Open the paragraph with a couple of sentences which help focus the reader on the
topic (funnel introduction).
Eg. The United Nations was created in 1951 after the horrors of World War
One and the failure of the League ofNations. Since that time the United Nations
has helped improve living conditions, prevent conflict and resolve armed crises
all around the world. However, countries like Canada have paid with money and
lives to help in these situations.
(2 3 sentences)
4. Write a sentence which outlines the topic for the paragraph. Note that you will
need to change the wording of the assignment given to you to keep it
grammatically correct.
Eg. Considering these costs leads to the issue of whether Canada should
remain a member of the United Nations.
(1 sentence)
5. Write a thesis statement which outlines your position on the issue and the three
reasons you will use to support your opinion.
Eg. It is clear that Canada should retain its membership as it will
improve the lives of many, we have a responsibility to help others, and it is a
small price to pay to maintain world peace.
(1 sentence)
6. Write a sentence or two which gives details about your first reason.
Eg. One reason we should remain in the United Nations is that many lives
have been helped through disaster relief, provision of clean water and
vaccination programs. During the Congo crisis in the 60s, famine was averted
through UNprograms to provide food and medicine to the people.
(2 sentences)

7. Repeat Step 6 for your second and third reasons. Always put your strongest
reason last. Add extra detail to your last reason to strengthen your support.
Eg. Another reason we should stay in the United Nations is that as one
of the worlds wealthiest countries we should help those who are less fortunate.
We have been blessed with many resources and it is only right that we share some
of our wealth with other nations. However, the most important reason we should
be a member of the United Nations is that the cost is outweighed by peace in the
world. During the two major conflicts of the twentieth century millions of soldiers
and civilians died. However, since the end of World War Two, there has not been
a global conflict, and at least some of the creditfor this should go to the
peacekeeping and peacemaking efforts of the United Nations.
(5 6 sentences)
8. Write a one sentence summary of your paragraph as a concluding sentence.
Eg. For the benefit of Canada and the world as a whole, it is important that the
United Nations remain strong and effective, andfor that reason Canada should
retain its membership in this organization, despite the cost in lives and money.
(1 sentence)
9. Make sure you edit your paragraph and that it meets other formatting
expectations (double-spaced etc.)
10. Note that the total number of sentences is between 12 and 14. This is much
higher than the 5 sentences you were expected to write in Grade Three!!!!

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