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- cm to ne E* He Bag deferens thay deetto z Sons ai aig G -9 (15 455) = B67 ° G-V(h+q) see cee @ G - V(GrG)= Be =O ® Jom § © G(ny-G(iv)20 4 GG a G-wageta + HHO Pattang @ inky @ amd wanig Oj 2 Of & (rv) - 9 0 => G-y- & m+ SB). voy MR ag a [v- BI--£ ~ Yea G (ayy) = ~ (iv ES d % LY) gg (yi) Putting w Gime Fa Lc, i . ty) b [Sate - 29 (06y002)) = Guten e)-z) b) Under hydre state Pressure ob, Oe = Sy = Sz sp OY 2 ~ Bp(-22) 4 BeP . _E_ v “eS -@) 3027) Pp material uith 7>4 will have Bo amd tte Pressure WE volume Chasse Curve shown below. Suppose a Poe of material P & ak yt oe a RP Constamk prcerarcee emsrvenment +) Ok prrarce fy Case Lech >) The State of Pie material \ reprcaeuted by pete A Now Qi) vo Auppee hal die be Geme " Cog WWenimak) The vokume of the matierual inermsers by A Anodh amoudl. The matincall Pocses YM Mth Ag Whe prtenere co Ba cmattewal vo rained, ond, hoe Bmore o patesns hitter wtich will accabonsti Bre metal in the dbudtum SF Volume Urernare, EVewSirally the volume useld ae te aa fini. Aimlarte, © mal? volime derrerte wll Caste o Preece witb the material, aud tie Velma Aerrrose- wt asnalanahs cad avecbccte Mal ge Volume. Such waherials One thenfore umctabie. 5-2 Relate fms Bee SS about the Z aus. x We obtain —> : 2 After yoluhon: Ty 1s unchaugal bet We vs youversod, Hence Ge must be ayere femree af tb Wee net Shen Bhs oor Dina eyes whi contradice the porated, (sotrmey- EE Rotate 1eoe abe& lain Shear stress ie voversed but net Uniform xpamstan. Resuming Bhat Mie expausion (or conbachon) and Gir. Sheu ess ave Qin reolated ue» (expansion) = Cty), hen C micah be po Anh Bike expawsim to alee ape. 5-3 (ED Soe): = BL G-(G 403)] tx (7%) 5 eye tlg- UR GY] CTT) S~ aL E-Mq rq] tx(T-%) oly. pete. ed Wy Ss te Bs ae B GM - Y= E [6 - x(r-ny] Loy ole Sc at-n) Ge a yg = [6-4 0-0] a) eh) YG IG eG z[é,- a(T- Ty) vv iig &y~ K(T+T), From tha, maliiz egualion , G= [CWE e + VECG +s) + (ev Y y (GE 2) + (1-9) K0T-) (oyieay) IC I~ 2¥) = [neg + 9 (Er §) + OKT yc ay) y= hy 5 Tee Che 5 Ty? Oly [ Ge [O-weey + v8 (e+) + Cry) ar Dy, al 28 OK = 130 © = 205 EN /m* Wowrs Cre Chains) oy = -70 P=6,3 Grain ni plotted ) od [M% bey = FO & = £ [oy- 9( Oy + 02) = 736 x107& €y = -S3y x10 Fay = by 7 2040) G e = 6 = 4x10 = folsx1o~e €2 = ~7o9x10~* Ca= 2-0 (oy 404)7 = ~87xI07-% 53 Ox= II gr » = 59 xe 14 Mog ; ey = 92MIN mg® 5 €22-3.¢x1o? QO gs Ll 2105 4.04) ) oy = 95 MM / ng & o4 a 5 ki = B.2K0+ 5 e22-S4xiot y We wal girok Rend oj and Te Gud pine Mere crrele Se fink Hy Hy, S Auricra S350, 60° es dlo-r6e] 5 eb oal . Solvtig Bhise soypritionn Rev oj and oo os E,lervrel 5 of- & [e476] From table 5.1 Ee nuct Psi 7 weo20. EA?) ~ Wot /G_ 09) = 12-3 x10¢ 2 6 = C2.sx0F)[.2- 02x54) ]Io4 = 1750 pei 0% = (123x106) E54 +0.33¢.2) hot =-SB5O pai Monies Ciecce : \t Ke -35as psi =- 272 MV /w? = 25 P= OID MW Jig? J\ \/4/P T y= BT psi = ALT MN | net ® e-CR) Sul A. 6 2S Ae Reduchiorx in area = Aech a ike je* Ro o Sil2 From pvob 4.18 © o = br t Ue =. pr and Sps0 atte outside. G22 %= tle-rlq+5)] = é[ >i). Fie cops _2e6t r-27) S13 Ae. 8 Phe let wilt ¥ be abies § Oe Shaw : + €x= Cys Ge = XG-T) Ty > Bye = Vax =o This solahion satepiis eqpilibrium, x Compatils , ee plow — © . Benperatinn ~clithen, Sox Sany conditions) Thue tha Ainplacematt Ramada onby oka coun ange aR Aende, ond the a ake aw Suk Brave aires evil inerenee, Silt Ais tl = % | | 2 % a “ Spon a | [oe | * the Seen Ore eae see tals aretsersed als “The vessel in carta So Dank when Ble Rua an cumgud xual Auhiieauk Bs Canta beheen “Che Qucd oud Be x ee Be fle ca dition the axaal lua epflndln Lest loo nepPinglele - —) Geomerey « B+ Bz = 3 = £Ge)~ 0.025" Ginrsoun « Cofube so = rae «Pay ABR PM On = Oz 20 7 Bott Fine = pEUt= pEO™= 2723p Staves oe = 29-3p 1 = laa@p ee a Fay FERCE- pe FoRMaTON: eed [ee % lars) = 75% Coben « & BG : e,. & 7 ol Es (—h& Thus: 8 = © 2) paler ex --¢ es 4p )4 and 5, = (Ee) y lett = (hye s Frm (l) ebore | QGD%P, 20P_ 5.025 €6 Es Duk Lh = %enag= 0-34 5 Eg = Czss0® psi Ea Lares? AMOS Thats EGso5NC) , 1920b _ 6.025 15.2108 Boia Big p= 338 psi 5-7 vasteersel same vail at gy PE : rail AT higher 3 mar pes Wale er’ Criamal leugh by expaud freely, kal Sane O= &£ aT af g-&g= Ex(AT) . Thine We fw Bok Ricerer of i Ea aT Os espera d Lp lee srerted an Bre emda Buk thal be web ale i aa luder he action Be end : . Rend Be bucking foie ai aed et Gesten The Kinley to becble” fe” a Lateral cmehaud wecavany & Rrwenh buckling and eress Aedtin aud sloatic’ coratants, The bucleding Kober ees md ore when Fu Poaaike Car negate, sambleos the ail ered | te whid. com He Unltd te attain ook. 5-8 ea) Birzrevnal x pauacan. re "3 clothing Uruslenese ib omall corpased fo the Plate thickness, the ebreeses un Khe plo Wilk be regi gihly gmall Symmerey: shear Siiesses =0 Gonephat Keomeret: (EQ) y = CE) pete 3-@ Peted + (Es) plate Steess-sreAwn-TemP > ex = ED r yron) +e AT ete. Gites) EQUILIBRIUM : Oz 20 Cwotetion : Subscupt p for plate 7 © fe cladding ) Plate: all slmcces wo oe (ERs %p AT = Exp Cleaddig dQ. = zz fox, ES). + Me AT = Op aT te 0 7 em Gx 2 z ()e~ EG) + oe AT = %p ar We ~ e P Sibing + CGPe= KEP OT These ace tose . 1-% Prncgeal otessee, The third ts Ge <0. MEW Came + Wie Teeea Cmax. shear Stites) Tax = 4Y. Cladbaiag + Toran > LH Tinea ~ m= af Reet sette-Seor J Pro, oe = 12K > oF me use opt % 20:37) Ea= NewS psi Ye = Sve0 esi j a sooo Wms Cine Mo)CAT) ag, ae SIeR = ABBE ZO- 033) = {hok: Von Mixa yibd exilenon gure Mie Ramne Qmainen >) 5-4 v sectors, altiouge sf be Qcarin . ont “Nae, cohan kee pully ws te te bewed om tle elope af seme Qeataues from She BPabt onds £ orld be mush mae cgmemient feat ths - Suter Oe pulley Rote dha. 0.05Dyg Leas Linon fe Shah hia, and 20.025 plain omer Buraing Retiring Dey st 7 he Brera expansion ODeuts oe ©. O75 mm , OVer a 2omm | . we = BOTS 2 wbT Wy AT = 0.003 5 2075. = = 272°C aS poe 1) ten >t pasion L L ST ED pectin coy 1 Sat ty Stingers 4 “Ga onenns nes fe erpausin m x dit ve Din Pausion m x divedhon VorForm Fenp. Skin hotter than vhs ST=S0°F Rebs preeest Qi ad otra . Gtomexey « €& =o EQAUIBRIOM § oz 252 = shear sthase <0 Sreess-steawTemP + S- dlsy ~P-C pte] +0 AT =0 (Framabeve) @ Oy = -ExXAT = — Crx10% Ii zx e (5d) = —G600 psi Ey= Ey -rGsqy+xaT — = - 6-33 Kec00) 402105 Y6o) = toon” ead Be-26r0J]+ tbr = poouse 2) Ribs offer he vestraint + Steams <0 ; Sn =by=€e = Goons © S10 BAT We rdeld each Siar. buy Seek Rise ymeulaons , The pum Ucid Beat She woulesre tn one ardle Pla Niews fan Niews Ke - { — > | 1 8 db 4 ' ‘ L Ww 4 t—, pole ( y ; | 7 ; pe ‘ 7 * hom ~Fempersckure ed 7 b> A = heated . (eaT)L 25 Expauaten of amd = The eude of the tie spare wll Rave ot oogtan mrimatsh "6 whee G2 23 = amar(4) Esfimah + L=200 f+ ; W230 St; AT= SUF p amdece exe Sopt CSted ) B= Aenio “N(50) (200 = 0,00t raduin = 0.2deqnone 5.20 Geomerey i Gz =0 in cylinder unll. EQUILIBRIOM : Free bely: F4R= pr? we Rs purtF fo. axial dteess in cyQundley = Lopate op ey Free badly aut” “Sat * Greumferetia® Dinas = = be and Sp ZO ‘VTRese- STRAND > €gs +[oe- VGr+5)) =0 vo Oz = MUG +5%) 10. fare +f 7 aE Ebr om Fs purt(-2e) S-ll 5.21 Be TREASON: Jere fncfies babe teak cull walle og carly. lek R= Contac pressuee bebwean tank aud Aawrhy . GEomerey . Se =0 tn tauk tal. Fauiugewm . oe = PE (mrt) ea otal) DFrecki =O 2 2oyt = (P-E)@r) Re R= Bt) % Of = (ROE Cer side) Prd 6 » bebweon —pard—p - Assuming Stok fis af odie p we will megfack On ( #/ ex) NreESS-STRA 2 Se tl -7Greey1=0 f+ %=F7G+02) = Hox) = zee ford he P05 = pO-2) e aesemplion above, of] 5:22 eeometer: Raid cud proveat ue Oe ecpctt Danes Cy F raat] GANS Range Bien Bani amd 2r b fe 3 effect may fae omegtested . 4 | EQUILIBRIUM » Oz= BE 5 Gs geo ke--—_— £ ——_> & Be-e rH] = PE (1-2) €o = £[op-+ Oy +527 = FEC 2-7) 20) & = 2ré, ° hits ft SiRess- STRAW: Ee LL U2) op ~ 2r t2-2) S12 S22 comuioawm : Comider Be aytli oho Remcsphere » Ths So = Sy = a j and o YO Steess- STRAW + SIBESS~ Stem i & = bly -7lrH)J= fal) , = = interna 4 amd 5, = WE = we 2 Gr) { frsesene b From peek 5.223 (S), Cinder * £0 0-7) Codesfintn (22 Ore) « ee GO Ve pllers et pero- PPO), S24 oveneu amueBautt - the foldmuning Stren Oke bonding achat ote wm : orm fy oy -oe=0 Cry ~ Tye = Cexno Yee anid stank iy Qanamieg Both Dhaatn ane cles Dee Sites aitlin the Nreess-GreAW Eye ble _7yasey)] =i oa ee 3 shove 2-22, 3 Strains =0 : 9P, haa Be ‘ox = ba 1By* Be 3B! (Ht +B) ele = 0 . Enteyatug ,wilk usvewno at the oigia, ve oblein : us ee ive “zh i we 2fe + PRINCIPLES OF ELASTICITY: D Courisewm : afl vderivelves m stass =o &, cquil. ems. satisfied 2) GEomeTRIe ComPATIBILITY : Aisplacomauts are ea woloed, eonhnvews 3) Sreess stem Laws + sabbfied by © obeve S13 525 When Mu plate in heated fs 50T ote “Hie Kine « ratio vtiich initist yabiing (ie abet SDT abou ombiort— ese pred S16) the Baddiing weld loa fully plastic, with opaoy=¥- As fhe Pipetite 20 Lowered ey Lie cLadlluig Unbradls cbesteatly Et wld ble again ye the. Strain ducing cooling? 2xeeads 26, Chae bye) Now cppres. 29°C Lomeperiing — 0h Cause, @ afro of €e (poh sic). Wheu the < Phat. o coeled trem SOT above 7 ambtest the tiawi welll be t aheuk Se, which » > 22. to The cho ddring ei Rerrnafere be plostie at Cmbarind Bamberaturs , el HeSy =“ Fiiariual ty persion veel 1) ease magus Changed 4 Btu Dramillors af Be iso Aeops and ae colic Qressuee “p” at Hu tfintase 5 7) care QaMinrol experaisns Th there i ugh fradiven hetivern Lhe Roope ty gheghane heeded a and clear sire. To pumelity the cmalgeis We with Goauuns hak Se Coogee axe free fhe abide ou wack hur, to Ghat the Qotical exparsmw aor Uwrustbromed - Lirce Ep) so amalt for both Aeept we wld uae tte fame moan radius fer both Reapt The mean vedius Unercas by 5; ahte hadliig. 5-14 ecleakes Shain 5 Hy = 1D.EXIO~ [°C £ Li00 sf] BT (dy % = 85 (9.5) x10-% Pe = 01678 MUjry? BRASS Hoop OZ = -/00 fe =-67.F MN yr P es ~/00f% /y easne( ok) STEEL top 0% = Sop = 33,9 Muar Sis 207 MM ype Sz = ~/38 10 |p B= O2=0 2) Mises “ew cererod 5-JA¢-okGoe Gal) =¥ Ts 301 MNJyr 2 So will wot seed, b) MAX. SHEAR STRESS CERERIaN + |\Sinax— Sinn] = ¥ Snax = 012 207MM Ginn = 138 MO Jugr © |inae = Simin = 345 MBype Leah vo qrahin Bhan Pe interval Pres. tenysn : = PR igi pe + EQUILIGRIOM : OB = 8 ie Hade aR 2 Se Yo. _ YE CermERIO : (Mac, SHEAR StPess) bt —al Ina Siam |= 7 inex * § j On = 0, 4 amd Y= 36000 psi for lo20Ne Steel. 2, %= Ys B6e00 psi aud Oz = dog = Ie ooo psi Steess steam Caasnc) & = £ [5)-71G7+62)J= See00-(0. 28018000) -3 30x10 shour® 5 e.2 1s0e- Cox (3tom), aecwet OXI a °, Sener) °° ~Taa 7% 5 0.0265% + SGiecumreveact)_ Lene = 4 | ~pmeree = & = 0.1% 5-16 5.29 SS Im ax actusl fat te width wo Eau Rom Ges BE; Oy= EP jozx0 + ee STRESS _ STRAY Chane) A Eaws 5.17: t 7 d= 4p _in]=o ! Lie : = le-3%] 7 Closed euds ; ileus de, - # [,-452] -(QE)F Prepare p Thus, b= fdek=o 5 che faebe SANE) 4E 4026 wy Neglecting cba dtic! Tome, ech , <= <8 co _ tial shaw Fig stam " Gy gin = 0 of Ge egecimon Oreld lea eonardenably Saspe than the Chudemis erince Cha Mricieness ip po amale (0.051 wm) Whi or omalirsie shox Bhs Cane ts Pracrll, realise Ordumption hak wis amall Compared Ke £;. Then, Atuce Whe «Tiersen Cy Ty amd Tie Aree Boe alana Woe use Kale them De be opm Bhrreugh ot SYmmeTeY 2 tye <0! EQuitiBRiom ¢ Oe =O Thus Gre pies 4 oy. Afiee unleadiig , the net y direction foee =O. SHO 2 t+ eloysta=0 1. CD=- eC), © S17 Geometey : (Ey), « Ey), 2 © psi STRESS-STRAIN_ DATA cor 108 From, Tie clarti- perfect, plastic’ model 4p Stroumn ide Man 96 be ponsitiucted . 2 o oms OO 00S =? @) Hen we Bre teemnd Bin in ean © aboue , wlth beeames (69),-0. Tha Adfimminy She end Potat of Abeens- Stroim fe Pre core, Uring @ We This & graphically get 0.02 stain cmted atk uv the 2 Fquu longside. ve Thus: Residual shtaoes 4, an Come =O o Cunning: -Scoo psig | -s4 XK ‘end point &) For #2 0.041" amd toe 0,005" » 4n®© became : GE), = -9244(0y), Tim Fis cose, bol, ond eouds rel be SRujGed fo Bha veghl on te atau aus. Assume that Ms Batt 1 Lore Bhan about 9.095. Then (09), = -5000 Omd Gy),= — 0.244C M00) = 1220p F GehiPt in end point = 120 < 0.005] | Resdurdd strianos : ! Coes 1220 pst CLADASG —- = SDOO Pt 5-18 BBl g) eeomerey fille ch during diteemeiiim 2 O~ Umgtack EQUILIGLEM . QF epsB-W o% F= Me Leese YIELDING. Fa YA Yo Ws 2YA cos b) Ya 08 EeviliBBumd : We YALh+ 2cos6] W ce increase = YA €) Geomerey: 5,25, 2 Seose B,2 5 Baie de he Stra reds are \ Sis Bip Seese Ss caste ¢ co 8 t bxes@ LZese~ 0 ‘SageSS-SteaWW (anenc) Ff. A(EE) FeR&- eagees’e 5 f= ead EQvuiBRum : We Deca + = EAE [ix oe] te S = Wifea i 2cos?@ d) From €), elathe sttisser dus to a Goad W are» = = Rs eckeste. wales . = (wa) SiGe = a Sbastes ee OS, Plaste load frrm(b)= Wp= Yali+2cese] . Assume elastre velaoduieg , tind Stresses due te Wp and add Mtsae fe Khe giold resem. Thus fer Wap : — YCi+20s0) cos". oy = -_YLi+ 20058) i+2ces38 T+ 200338 Readrrad Abivore : Rods Oand@ > Y- YGrrdeone ees) _y (Inco) I+ 2ees36 Nie 20338 Rod @®: Y- VUtr2080) — _ 2y sin? ce3B [Bot axe “Y & caste: Ve2e0s8@ 4200578 Lenleading OK Check 620% all rods in Uniauel fein, Honee vertu plies Should be aero. “ther o 6= Vet Doud® meffectwe. ® in simple tansian, % Rosideral) ——__ Stress =O - Checks SIF S255 = OCAUSATION — pin yowts ero fRert / @ Small. Geometeye S)2 ce jp 82238 268 5 e238 ‘ nd L Eqviciseiem : F te <0 Fic) + lB) = PC2e) eo F+3mR <2P Sess~ STRAY Caasnc) FeoA= EEA Fs EAch : B= BEACE Tv 7 L plaake when vol Oi plac . and Ps t(F+36)=2YA Reads aleas = Pieatie abies + change cu Aber on ‘bending, Aesvme cmbeatiog ws cladie Ce caus ns venerae plactic How), Elasthe Siem div ta Qcad —2YA ane : G=- By j 2-ey Readual liesrcs x Red ® 2 Y-BY = BY ) mee ate Qu 5 Petia Y Cbestole Red ©. Y- SY = - EY Jmnagndede) ce rage e oe Tse A the oma fda ee yee et dest beesme plastic | oe HEe)=¥ ee oe Xe During wrong cate) Boa gle cheney guaon ba EACOL E where Pa-2YR oe = BLE sRercdual ange» we - By - 20) 5-20 533 @20CR max. uniform Siam = 0.0! == 1020HR = max. a'form Siam = 0.20 oe Avlce zy L (0.01) _ CAD ue L620) == True straw at Prackuw ¢ 1020cR: Ep = 0-70 1020 HR = 0.90 2, Ede Can, Lot so arenoice Be Ye ve Auctibity yDe 4 the spreckuee Fox oa fag. spacimens, ovenais stim 2 uni fecm Shawn 4 2 1o20ce ctuchiliby On ORS Sait Uackiy = 22% For very past Specimens , Anmest the eutrne specimen val Neck ow Oncaage afro S freztaee aon and De = O78 ‘ The change do dena. = OT Love oF 534 fe an one i a | r oe | }-—1.,——>! fj} , ——> before stow — Fracture We wll lode aba. y ct te is A, % Elong =PE = 00(tb?) 5 LReduchon io fren = RA= too( AeA) Volume Constancy (plastic How) Agto= AL 2 Also, ApSA (see figuee) Ape A for ne necking 5 he A for neckug. Thus Acto> Ag 3 L= bo[!+P&] 7 Ap= o[i- SA] gs Apko % Ao[l- 4] Lol 1426, } 5-21 [i= Be T[ie PE] <1 hen the aptly rots when luce is ne telly. Homee of Be quautdy (i= BAYUHE) <1 then Broce wae Weekes Batere fredian. Tf =) Phen frackues ccumed vnliion nab. $25 Ml atisno oxcapl one 320 From 54, Ta P 7 +P B14 t deh. der Je dehy Bult dels 4="[o.-0] det = der , Thus: P= fdere Sd = & £8) & () of Seckim (5-1) : GAB yp Ge Ak et and 6, by E - * Sle + Veg] = a geal Ayr 9007 BY] = cE aly 21-9] Ung 8. @ bet, Oren Or) Poe ak =~] 5 I _ Bre G).= Pi Tel AO) Be » J = Pet ae | Acie) 1G ») for) Gv , 7 E iA & y A ond B, Pe =-/ "|. fe Ao al, aL, [; 3 feo I ata =e B= on, Ge pyrts tet once ve KO) - aay“ “YR (E fy alr ME On wh 5-2 plana «9 Phage Asia, dscn't change appa Ass é Aerve, ura, Thickness Ue eapporen, frmelinnds dn Babin (928) OF Tal ACE) Ree con BC Pa} fir he danse ; RS peg RO FB U (225) = 0625 mm = [ (-0)(2) *(2as)+ (4) 2 awl & = 2056N/m* 4 OF 08 R= 147 N/m Fon THe SHapr = 150mm | B= 225 5 f= fa Teal/m?, f= Fiom EEE” yp See Fie 59 Bye (ey (fe), [Q\* Ge - Mey Gl > Bo. LQ! : (Ay -4 fe (é a4 Stats ef Bouse + Nyt Ger hea TT Qs ~ 2B + (TT) Becaus Of contrat by weld G20. Oye ~ KE aT & = 205 6N/mg? jx = Rx® Jee 3 AT= ~35°C Oy = GMM / yy 2. EXT CITY) nate that abt atians ane srnctanle & = XAT (ItY) §-24 One dinentsenal Aliewe, stat Ge, ee he mut, Mii in daft «Gy ee Fer aloes" change of lng k= Clam X led) + Fp ¢ anh 7b) + Gel - at AO" Es se Tt) Se ; z & = Ea} T Gje 5° S68 = [-eparyy Sete Por E52 10 x0* iWhar 5 Ba 30.4708 bin? Ge = F381 %} nO) Ms z 3 Frm spudebruinn, A 4 of 20 BEB By] EA piso re FG4 4G070 Yo geTin with 4.0, SS 5(-38x0% + &) 440,20 rig 6X10 putting G, Ude must abi eabeutede abiass due lenge os Lenpesaliat = % - fy = Se + oy AT = =, t 26x10 Ger = Sat ox70" 10x06 De contact 9 mat; 5%, = 4, ork ance Lyx by 344,47 = Fr» 9nd” 10X10" Sp = Sen @ “Our Ge foe ba a1eF on 7 om eb + bGKIO Jerk * 241 = ile * H0HS s\) From spudibrson | Gin Ay + GyAy@O re Ger ELA LL] + Ger Z()7= 8 Gye = 8 Gy ptlag om 9. SOir = = #0 Gig + 66 X10) —p a : Oy 2 = 1-55 x10" Yon* = 19x10) Mh ® Scr Staess in BRE: OF, bo Ans, = G36 + ogy Kio = 285 M10" 1/in™ STRESS iw Slawe y st Ger = Car oe) 110" = = 2:66 x10" "ie ae amt oe TrP s Hachates Y balleon ve £(§) © Because wall vol.n, bablron ve sealant, (ive. memupataubls ) 4nrtk, = 4ret t Gk = GRE © Tpit duns rubber te be fi Manes TEE = 2(2U) =e 6 Qir®, per “Pa ie i 2(£-) TP gt 2 t(x-1t) > Ps cals a Ph 2et, Ete To fucd location Hf Max pt Bro A(de = -2 3. te * dx\ ») pte i sxe 3 2 t 5 5-26 G=43) = Ly tate From goons: io ae Rode are CorTnamed fo move the Same, ao po ween Sh From cpuclabriim : Zao for gid body : r F, = 2F, @ Sn time q alist: GAs- (A) o i. 42 | raid A as-25 @ So thie 2) ain aczaunts for ths foo Ha Z oni the abcess ane cL opposite Aone . . RL Stress Mam Lineptrolune rilabiia; uy = xTL +5, = «TL + Oe ® Uys 2ktL~h = drt -~ hb € 7 7 a ® ung © ,0,8,0, 2 2A Crrdrnan » Wt gak Te Whe yeldang eget, the Abus ve bav@ a nF aAgG @ pute ® sito © "te tna ab which lang O46 @ he ZAG _ AG Ley AE xe x (b Uang @ te obtain U ak T=Ty meee [Bo ett 3eyb © me tp i Ty the Alress, Or in bar © remauns tmalant Op tek cfs by tam ) onan, th i in 8, iain en at een 1K. Thus The chap launant 6, whic ia aniputly, dependinks om Me Ais dian change esta apenty i Uh ensieasad sagen T, Using © G7 use 2X(aqe~& = aXe HL- MEL = HL @ Gy The dptation & Y bev O Cmuils Of om chase park (6b) and ae unbasuon, pada put b= ft bp = GL + Sip Unig @ ond @, we cabeslels bp Sips Tee - &L- «(e = deb oy Ploalc hae €,= = 26 ~ 5-27 Aa 162 % = = 50,9 Mya » wt oh Wpesafinns Sr” Be agar Fria spochion F A Ghat G Agee —~= Gam Six ha up = Sar be tail Be 7 Mar Sim equicbdlaiin 4 arechins fr 2 By war Try GrAwe —m Gy = Giohy &, s Sim Anabiaint @ lal: fy = Sint Seo Gye 6,4, + El Ld Oy [ete haf Bo sr} vga 4 f Gra = % ER HY Af Soe tf Bh ut Oi BY ty 7 =f EA Bo BRT flow + ha -tgdar Sw = 45mm 5 hs 150mm jhe = 15.5 mmr Kw 2 alg > 10,5407¢ foc Ay * 625mm? ST = 95°C as = *XI0°F Jee As = 625mm? Ey = Eg = 2OSN/y2 5 Esrep EN/ ge 4a = 370 mm? Cap $~F0,8 MUN pg 2 TOTAL SMRESS = 40,94 50,8 = ~ 9/.6Mi/ng? 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