Art Backward Design Exams, Art Pre-Tests

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Drawing Pre-Test

Answer the following questions.

Be sure to Re-State the question where applicable.

1. What is the path of a moving dot called?

2. Draw 15 different types of line. Think hard!

3. Draw a sphere, cone, cylinder, pyramid, and cube. (Draw small—

about the size of a quarter.)

4. Name as many drawing media (what we draw with) as possible—

minimum of 5.

5. On the back, draw a small composition demonstrating the information

you have given above (about the size of post card) and write an
artist’s statement (telling what your art means) it MUST be 5-7
sentences long.
Painting Pre-Test
Answer the following questions.
Be sure to Re-State the question where applicable.
On TRUE/FALSE answers, if an answer is false re-write the statement to
make it true.

1. When painting, which is easier to maintain and create—shape or

form? Explain in 1 paragraph on the back.

2. True or False (Read directions above):

a. _____ You are supposed to grind the bristles of the paintbrush

into the paper or paint pans when using watercolor.

b. _____ If you do NOT rinse acrylic paint out of a paintbrush it will

ruin it.

c. _____ When using ink with a brush technique, called SUMI-E, you
are to first rinse the brush in rubbing alcohol, then clean water.

d. _____ Watercolors can be mixed in the individual paint color pans.

e. _____ When using watercolor or acrylic it is easiest to paint from

the lightest hue to the darkest hue.

3. OPINION—Define ART in one paragraph, must be based on your

personal experiences. Write it on the back.

4. OPINION—Describe the importance of painting in a world with digital

photography. Write it on the back.
Printmaking Pre-Test
Answer the following questions.
Be sure to Re-State the question where applicable.
On TRUE/FALSE answers, if an answer is false re-write the statement to
make it true.

1. OPINION—Can art change the way that people feel about

themselves? Think about both observing and manufacturing Art.
Write it on the back. 1 paragraph.

2. OPINION—Printmaking is a process that takes both patience and

speed, why do you think this is? Write it on back. 1 paragraph.

3. TRUE/FALSE—Follow directions from above.

a. _____ There are only TWO major methods in printmaking.

b. _____ Three methods of printmaking are monotype, mono-print,

and relief printmaking.

c. _____ We use paint, not ink, when printmaking.

d. _____ Mono-print printmaking techniques are often subtractive.

e. _____ Monotype printmaking techniques are additive.

4. What do you think Additive means?

5. What do you think Subtractive means?

Fibers Pre-Test
Answer the following questions.
Be sure to Re-State the question where applicable.
On TRUE/FALSE answers, if an answer is false re-write the statement to
make it true.

1. OPINION—Does the amount of freedom in a society have an effect

on the artwork produced? Explain in at least 1 paragraph. Write on
the back.

2. OPINION—What do YOU think Fiber Arts means? At least 1

paragraph. Write on the back.

3. TRUE/FALSE (Follow the directions from above.):

a. _____ Silk originated in China as early as 6000 B.C.

b. _____ There are 2 parts to a woven fiber, the warp and weft.

c. _____ Silk is a man-made fiber.

d. _____ Wool, silk, cotton, and hemp are all natural fibers.

e. _____ Natural fibers do not accept chemical dyes well.

Ceramics Pre-Test
Answer the following questions.
Be sure to Re-State the question where applicable.
On TRUE/FALSE answers, if an answer is false re-write the statement to
make it true.

1. True or False—Follow directions from above:

a. ______ Greenware means that clay hasn’t been fired.

b. ______ Air pockets in clay are good.

c. ______ Wedging clay means that you knead it like bread to take
air pockets out of the clay.

d. ______ When decorating fired clay it is called glazing.

e. ______ The proper pronunciation of kiln is “kill”.

2. Explain what happens when air pockets are left in clay.

3. Name at least 4 different techniques of building objects with clay.

4. Opinion—Can art be simultaneously appealing (likable) and morally

corrupt? Explain in at LEAST one paragraph.
Sculpture Pre-Test
Answer the following questions.
Be sure to Re-State the question where applicable.
On TRUE/FALSE answers, if an answer is false re-write the statement to
make it true.

1. If we are talking about relief sculpture, which process would be used

to sculpt it—additive (meaning you assemble it or add to something)
or subtractive (meaning you take material away from something).
Explain in 2-3 sentences.

2. Should we create an object that reflects the ideas and principles of

architecture, what type of sculpture would it be?

3. There are two different types of space used when creating a

sculpture—positive space and negative space, which do you THINK
best emphasizes the sculpture and why? You may use the vocab
wall for help.

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