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Name: ________________________________ a.

In contrast to limitation, emphasis, or dominance—

the principle of art and design most often cited as
Hour: _______________ being the least desirable
b. Compared to unity, harmony, and variety
Date: _________________________________ c. Combination of harmony, proportion and
Art I d. Dominance—the stressing of one element/area of
Final Exam a work of art to attract the viewers attention
Exam e. Derived from reflected light and possessing the
THREE properties of Hue, Value, and Intensity
Directions: Be sure to follow each sections directions f. Often contrasted with Unity, concerned with
to a “T” I cannot emphasize this enough difference or contrast
g. A color + BLACK or a complementary color
Matching: Write the MOST CORRECT ANSWER h. Symmetry, asymmetry, or radial—deals with
next to each term. arranging the visual elements to that a
(1 point each, 25 points) composition has visual weight
i. Enclosed space having only two-dimensions
1. Balance (height and width)
2. Emphasis j. In contrast to Horror Vacui, emphasis on
3. Eurhythmy Dominance
4. Harmony k. The rules by which an artist organizes the
5. Horror Vacui elements of art to create a work of art
l. The path of a moving dot
6. Limitation
m. The language of Art—the MOST BASIC elements
7. Pattern
of art used when creating a work of art
8. Proportion n. The emptiness between, around, above, below, or
9. Rhythm within any given object(s). The distance around or
10. Tension between
11. Unity o. Brightness or dullness of a color
12. Variety p. Often paired with rhythm—a choice of lines,
13. Line colors, and/or shapes repeated
14. Form q. The size relationships of parts to a whole and to
15. Shape each other
16. Space r. Another name for color
17. Texture s. Synonymous with coherence and homogeneity—
18. Color relates to the sense of wholeness in an artwork, a
19. Hue coherent relationship among the elements in a
work of art
20. Value
t. Refers to how an object (or objects) feel or how
21. Intensity they might look on the surface
22. Tint u. Often paired with pattern—the regular repetition of
23. Shade the elements of design with or without periodic
24. Principles of Design and Art alteration
25. Elements of Art v. The lightness or darkness of a color
w. Element that has three dimensions (height, width,
depth) and encloses space
x. A color + WHITE
y. Compare to harmony, unity, and tension

(next page)

Recall: Short Answer
26. Name the 3 primary colors. 36. Are “Realistic” works of art actually
realistic? (2-4 Sentences)

27. Name the 3 secondary colors.

28. Name the SIX tertiary/intermediate colors. 37. Which is more descriptive, a text that
describes an event or a work of visual art?
Why? (5-7 Sentences)

29. Define Analogous Color and give an example.

30. Define Monochromatic Color.

38. Can a work of art change the world? Heal
it? Cause a riot? How? (2-3 Sentences)

31. Draw 4 Shapes and their 3-D forms on the

attached sheet of paper.

32. Draw the 10 lines that we used this semester

on the attached sheet of paper.

33. Name at least FIVE different media that we

39. Is the “ART” primarily in the completed
used to draw with.
work or in the original idea? (3-4

34. What three different types of paint did we use

this semester?

35. Identify and DEFINE the 3 printmaking styles

that we studied and produced in class.
40. Which is more important in a work of art,
technical quality or emotion? Why?
(5-7 Sentences)

Identify the following slides by the appropriate
period in art.

(1 point each, 10 points total)










Essay: 20 points

Take your time!!!

Write an essay (5 paragraphs) about 3 of your favorite

(or least favorite) projects. The following MUST be
included (I am NOT joking—if you leave this out, your
essay is automatically half-points):

1. Time Frame of the project.

2. Artist from the CORRECT timeframe.
3. Art period.
4. Project activity. Did we paint, draw, sculpt, or
print it?

Use the information from the above slideshow portion

to help you (HINT HINT).


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