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In Bruges by Martin MeDonagh 1. BER, BROGES seREEES - wrour Various shots of the empty, cobble-stoned, other worldly streets of Bruges, Belgium: Tt'e winter, anda freezing fog Covers everything? the Gothic churches, ‘the narrow canals, their odd Little bridges. We could be in any pericd of the last five hundred years. We happen to be in the present day. BAY apanke over allthis. Bar (¥.0.) Atter I killed then I dropped the gun in the Thames, washed the Fesidue off my hands in the bathroom of a Burger king, and walked hone to avait ingtructions. shortly thereafter the instructions came through - "Gat the fuck out of London, you dumb fucking cunts. Get to Bruges". I didn't even know where Bruges fucking was. FADE 0 BLACK. Rar (V.0.) Tee in Belgiut. OPENING CREDITS. 2. BX, BLACK SCREEN - DAY SOUND ONLY of two men walking, a train in the backsround. Rar Bruges is a shithole. xem Bruges {s not a shithole. mr Bruges ig a shithole. Rey, we've only just got off the fucking train. Could we reserve judgement on Bruges ustil we've seen ‘the fucking place? may 1 kugy it’s gonna be a shithole. 3. ERP, BRUGES S7REETS - DAY KEN and RAY walking through the pretty Christmas-tide streets from Minnevater Park to the Burg; past quaint chocolate shops, past horse and carts, past canal boats, past tourists taking photos of all these. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 2 KEN, pop-up map in hand, is enjoying the novelty of the piace, wnuen irritates the sulky RAY no-end. By the end of The walk we have passed most of Bruges picturesque places, one of which could be described as a shithole. may shithole. BET. HOTEL CANALSIDE - DAY They arrive at their pretty canalside hotel, KEN looking it Looks quite nice. RAY just looks at him. 5. INP, HOPEL LOBBY - DAY A enall (five room) family-run place; a breakfast room off ‘the lobby, a narrow set of carpeted stairs to the first (and only) floor, and a saall front desk that nobody's at» KEN ings the bell. Great service. (quietly) cheers» focking... upy oF T will snack yours, in your fates fucking... head. mar Yeah? You and whose army? Your man's? xx ‘Are you twelve years fucking old? WORIE, the pretty, heavily pregnant receptionist /ommer of ‘about’ thirty, appears behind the desk, obviously having heard. Oh, heddo... par No, i'm nob twelve years tucking old. BAY site, in a mood. SHOOTING ScRtPT - I BRUGES - 29/12/2006 3 raw Z think we have a couple of roone booked with you, under Cranham and Blakely: varre Yes. to, we have one room booked. One twin room. xen on. voxte Booked for two weeks. pay wo weeke?!T Do you have another room? morte No, I'm afraid we're fully booked, with christmas. Sverywhere’s fully booked. 6. TE, HOTEL ROOM - DAY EN looking out at the pretty canal beneath the latticed picturewindov. RAY on one of the twin beds, staring at the Poky room. e's very pretty. Ray Ken, I’m not being funny. We can't stay here. xex We've got to stay here till he ings. Bay. What if he 'doean't ring for two weeks? ‘Then we stay here for two weeks. mr For two weeks?! In fucking Brugea?! En a room Like tiie?! mith your! 8O way SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2008 a Ray, I really don’t like to say this. You really don’t like to say what? xen Welt, y'know, I wasn’t the one who killed’ the Littie kid, Ray. ‘The Life totally drains from RAY/S face as he turns bleary- eyed, sickened, "sade mr (quietly) Fucking bring that up. RAY goes into the bathroom, closes the door. xox (quietly) Welles. T wasn't. 7. WE, WOREL BATHROOM - DAY RAY locks at himself in the mirror, then bresks down in Silent tears, He cries then all out, cleane himself up. Looks at hinsolf again. Breathes deeply. RAY and KEN at the back of a canel-boat, half full of tourists, sightseeing the waterways. The dill DRIVER drones ony the sual quips. RAY stares at KEN as he does so; KEN enjoys the sights. He has a pocket guidebook with him, which he consults nov and then. We see various of the town's picturesque places. mar Do vou think this is good? Do T think yhat is good? ar Yrknow, going round in a boat, Looking at stufe. x Keg. I do. Te called sight-seeing. KEN observes the sights further. xem Look at that SHOOTING SCRIPT ~ IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 5 Look at what? xen Tt's a former hospital. RAY looks at hin blankly. From the eleven-hundrede. RAY looks at hin blankly. xen Bruges is the most well-preserved medieval tovn in the whole of Belgium, apparently RAY looks at hin blankly. KEN can only smile. 9. EXT. BEGTIMHOF CONVENT - DAY KEN looking at che buildings of the 13th century Benedictine convent. This here.- pay, Kent it’s just all old buildinga!! Can we go and get a fucking beer, please? I assune they have beer in this fucking country. xen They nave over three hundred digferent types of beer- en, f just wart one. BAY walks off. TEN follows. 10, HWP. IRISH DAR - DAY RAY happily plonks two pints in front of them, KEN's an cdd- coloured one in'a strangely shaped gla Ray Wow thie is tore like it. Proper holidays. One gay beer for my gay Friend, one normal beer for Me, ee Tam normal, Abhi Dis is duh ‘SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 We're not staying here getting pissed. We're quietly sight-seeing, Tote he says, and awaiting his call, fo see what we do next. RAY hands KEN an English newspaper. Rar Ker. Read it. They haven’t got a sirgle lead. ‘They gay they haven't got a single Teed. Ker, come on, they're the English police. When’ they say they haven't got a single lead, they havn't got 2 tingle lead, this is my vote of wiht we should do. We give it ‘ncther day, two days max, then we check. the papers again and if Ghere’s still nothing in “em we phone hin and say “Harry, thank you for the trip to Bruges, it's been very nice, all the old buildings and that, but we're coming back to Tondon now and hide out in a proper country where it isn’t all Just fadking chocolates". My vote would be we quietly sight- see, Like he says, and vo await hie cali to see what we do next RAY sneere, drinks, gesture to the paper. may close that Up. [As KEN closes the paper ve glinps Feading ‘«+-1 SHOOTING DEATH OF LIPTLE TOBIAS’ « x You don’t even know that we/re here hiding out. par What are you talking about? rex ‘You don't even know that we're not hereon a Job. the edge of a headline, SHOOTING ScRIPT - I BRUGES - 29/12/2008 ” my what? on a job? Yeah. Hore in Brages? Yeah. Here in Bruges, on a job? xen Yeah. ny, vhat did he actually say? xn Be didn't actually say nothing. 80 why do you think it might be... ex X don’t think anything. mut it’s a bit fucking over-elaborate, isn’t it? "co take him to hide out", "Go take Mm to hide out where?” "co take Him to hide out in fucking Bruges". (pause) you Gin hide out in croydon. mr (thinking) Min. Ox Coventry. finn. Tt ig a bit Over-elaborate. Hm. But we ain't got ne guns. xen Harry can get guns anywhere. pay km, interlesting. velly interlesting. 11, INP, MOTEL ROOM - NIGHT RAY sitting at window, looking at the beautiful night-1it canal. FEN” lying on the bed, reading a book, “THE DEATH OF CAPONE’ by K.K.HATURIAN SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 8. me He ain’t gonna ring tonight. reading. mar (pause) How did Capone die? xen (finishing his cheesecake) Moure-eyphilie. RAY nois, looks out window again. Ray He ain't gonna ring tonight. Let's 90 out. x Go out where? The pub. xo Yo. Let's go out and look at some of all ‘the old medieval baildings and that, cos, T bet they lock even better at aight, all 1it up. KEN smiles, puts dovn his book. res! 12. EXP. GRUUTHUSE MUSEUM/ENVIRONS - NrGHE ‘They winder the beautifully 1it buildings, sculptures and Litre bridges around the mseum, Kil consulting his ‘guidebook, RAY with two beer bottles in his trousers front. Pockets and one in his hand, happy out. mm This is the smallest bridge in Bruges. , it’s so Little, Look at it. abhi Hello Little biidge. How would a little bridge's voice go? (ina Little bridge's suelio. Tn a Little bridge". SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 xm Yeah, go easy on the fucking beers now, Ray. rant SCULPTURE GARDEN. xen hese are the Four Horsemen of the Aposalypse. Designed by Rik Poot, it says. Rik Poot. Rar Hom. They're not the real Pour Horsenen of the Apocalypse though, are they? They're nore sort of robot am Yes, well, T guess they're more the artist’s inpression of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The real. Pour Horeenen of the Apcesiypee did't actually exist. Didn't they? ‘They were just made up? Yes. they might exist one day. ‘Thac's the whole thing: my I like robot horses. They're good. ow would Four Horseman of the Apocalypae’s voice go? Probably angcy. "Gree. MUSEUM BUILDING. That there is called the ‘Gruuthuse mar ‘They ali have funny names, don’t they? Yes, Flemish. Ta here, this says, ‘the ‘Belgians twice sheltered fug-eive English kings from being mariered. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 10. my 50 they're not all good. men Henry IV and Charles IZ, in 1471 and 1651, respectively. pay. T used to have History, didn't you? It's all just a load of stuff that’ already happened. wnat are they Going over there?! They're filming Something... They're filming midgeta!! RAY rune off excitedly. mew Ray! a3. nxe. Frnt 1 Behind a rope cordon with a few other people, RAY watches the crew et al as they set up between takes, dry ice around. RAY'S POV: A Little way off, the film's DIRECTOR is coaching SBME, a bored American qvarf actor, on how to creep along on tiptoe “Like a 1/i1 mouse”. JIM, irritated, is forced to ape this, without enthusiasm. DIRECTOR goss Off heppy. UM¥ quietly gives him the finger behind his back. END POV. RAY is THRILLED by all this dvarf/film stuff. KEN comes up. n Ray, come ony let's go. ‘let's go". They’re £itming RAY spots a stunning GIRL 8 SET. oh my godt ‘Took at that girl! she's ‘gorgeous! The GIRL emilee over at the overly loud RAY. Ray? We're going right now. Fuck off are we! This the best bit KEN storms off. SHOOTING ScRrPT - IN BRUGES - 28/12/2006 ae 14, EXE. FILM SET/CATERING SECTION - NIGED The cute GIRL, CHLOE, gets a coffee. RAY gets one too. may Hello. She just loots at him. He’e emiling gormlessly but, sate. Do you speak English? cmvoz Ro, Ab yes you do. Everybody does. what are you filming miagets for? CHLOE smiles - he's so genuinely excited by it all. It’s a Dutch movie. It’s a drean sequence. It’s a pastiche of Nicolas Roeg's "Don't Look Now’. Not 2 Pastiche, but a... "homage" is too Strong... A ‘Wod Of the Head’. RAY is bemused but she's eo cute he doesn't mind. Wow, your English is very good. He's losing ter, he knows it. From the depths of his brain he finally dredges something up:.+ tend to kill X disproportionate Tn comparison to amount. of midge Bomal people. Herve Villechaiee, off of Pantasy Island. I think Sonshody off "The Tine Bandits’. A hell of @ lot of midgets. Kill ‘thenselves. T guess they must get relly sad about, 1ike, being Zeally Little, “and that. People looking at ‘then, and laughing at. then. calling then’ nanes.."Shortarse’ . There's another famous midget I’m missing bat T can't renenber. It's not the Ran2 man, he's still going. No, it's somebody’ else. (P2880) wore) SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 om Ray (conta) T hope vour midget doesn’t ill hingeit. Your dream sequence'll be fucked. cmon He dosen’t Like being called a midget. He prefers ‘avarf". par Welt this is ay exact point! People going round calling you a midget’ When you wansa be called e dwarf. Of course you're gonna blow your head ofet My none’ Ray. What’® youre? cuLoE, Chloe. How did you get past the security men? Getting past security man, it's sort of ny Job. You're a shoplifter? Rar No, I'm not 2 shoplifter. Good joke, ‘though. No, :/11 tell you what Zam’ at dinner tonorrow night. She laughs, walks avay, and RAY thinks he’s lost her, until she tosses @ snail care over her ehoulder and behind’ her, into the mud. RAY picks the card up. It reads ‘CHLOE VILLETTE’ and a mobile number. He watches her, hoping she'll look back. She doesn’t. Rar How fucking cool. RAY gives the DWARF the thunbs up as he walks away. ‘The DWAR sniles slightly. 18, INE. MOTEL LoBBY - HIGHT [As KEN passes up the stairs, MARIE appears behind the desk. mare Mister Blakely? SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 23/12/2006 a. Yes. No, mister Cranham. No! Yea! Mister Blakely. Yee" You have a'nessage. She hands im an envelope, blushing, then hurries away again, HEN a Little disconcerted at her behaviour. 16. BXP. HOREL CARALEIDE - RIGHT Leaning on a wall by the night-1it canal outside the hotel, KEW opens the envelope, sees the typed message ie from HARRY. xm shie. mang (V.0.) dumber ene, why aren't you in vhen T fucking told’ you to be in? Number ‘tuo, why dosen't this hotel have Phones with fucking voicemail on Them and net T have to leave messages with the fucking Feceptlonist? umber three, you better fucking be in tomorrow night when T fucking call again or there’1l be fucking Hell to pay, I'm fucking telling you. Barry. KEY sighs, then seas the folloving hand-written message at the bottom of the card = ‘I’M HOT THE RECEPTIONIST, I'M THE CO-OMER WITH MY BUSBAND, PATRICE’ - signed MARIE’. KEW sniles. In through the yellow-Lit vindows of the reception, MARIE is quietly talking to her unborn beby. 17, EXP, BRUGES STREETS - wIGHT RAY wanders drunkenly the misty cobbled streets and bridges. An odd song plays over, like a gentle music box on LSD. As he Wanders, there's s happiness at having met a girl, and a Guricsity at finding the aight-1it Bruges a lot more Interesting than be’d have thought. A child's teddy bear has been left on a canal wall. As RAY tries to button up it’s pretty little jacket, the bear‘s head falls off and into the conal, and RAY is reminded, somewhat, of why hers in Broge: u WT. HOTEL ROOM - HIGHT ‘The roon ie dark. Sound of RAY stomping up the staire, key funbling, opening the door, turning the light on. SHOOTING SCRIPT - a BRUGES - 29/12/2006 ue x= Turn the fucking Light off! Rar sorcy, Ken. And keep the fucking noise down! RAY sits on his bed, takes off his shoes. Sontone’s ina mood. RAY turns the light off, lets his shoes clatter to the floor, starts taking his clothes off. You'll never guess what. xn Can you shut Your fucking mouth please and go to sleep? Rar. oh, sorry. Except I’ve gotta take my conact Lenses out RAY goes to the bethroom, turns the Light on, bliading KEN and Waking bin fully. ge’ resigne hingelf to it, tarniag onto his back, wide-eyed. RAY returns with glasses on. mar Altogether T've had five pints of beer and ei bottle KEN just stares at the cedting. Bar You'll never guess what, Ken? (pause) Ken, You'll never guess what? wee what? Tive got a date for tomorrow night. xen T'm so happy for ya. Ray with a gist. SHOOTING SCRIPF - I BRUGES - 28/12/2006 1s Can you turn the light off, please? Rat only been in ‘Bruges one day, got & Gate with a girl in the film business. the Belgiun film business. They're doing a film about a midget. (pause), Harry didn't xing, did Can you turn the Light off, please? RAY does 50, and gets into bed. old you he voulan’t. 19, EXP, LONDON CATHOLIC CHURCK - DAY A small pretty church in a run down area. KEN loitering Outside. 20. INP. LONDON CATHOLIC CHURCH -DAY ELASHBACK. CONFESSIONAL. The faces of RAY and PATHER MCHENRY, 2 priest in his sixties; can just be seen in the darkness. The crucifix on MCHENRY'e signet ring giints now and then, acum Take your tine, son. Just take your tine. What's your name, Father? PENS. Outside the confessional, a LITTLE BOY of seven is Jmesiing, awaiting his turn. He goes over hia crines on his fingers, but can’t remeber then properly. He takes out serap of paper and looks at it. neu (0.5-) 3t's Father Novlenry. What’s your ane, son. Just. your first name? CONRESZONAL. Rar it's Ray, Father. Raymond. xcrmmy And what i6 it you've done, Raymond? Marder, Father. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 16 Marder? why did you murder someone, Raymond? For money, Father. Nomen For money? "You murdered someone for money? pa Yee, Father. Hot out of anger, not out’ of nothing. For money. eure And who did you murder for money, Raymond? RAY cleare his throat. You, Father. career rim sorry...7 Z said "You, Tathe deat? + What, are you Mcuswry recoils from the gauze as RAY cocks his gun. Barry Waters says ‘Hello’. RAY shoots him point blank. MCHENRY bursts out of his Little compartment, clutching Hie stomach. RAY shoots him again. MCUENRY wrenches open tie door of the confessional, trying to get avay, and, as daylicht burets in from the body of the Ghurch, framing him in angelic shafts of Light, RAY shoots him in'the back four more tines, stopping him dead in his, tracks. MCHENRY slowly turns arcand to face RAY, still framed in the doorway, bisod trickling from hie mouth, The 1ietie boy: RAY doesn’t understand yhat he’s talking about. MCHENRY falls fo his knees, ‘then collapses backwards, dead, revealing behind hin, still kneeling in the pews, the LITTLE BOY, whose head has been blown apart by one of the bullets that passed through the priest. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 ro Horrified, RAY approaches the BOY who, though clearly dead, Fenains kneeling, his hands clasped together in prayer, eh Scrap of paper nctween then. RAY falls co his knees, pulle ‘the paper" from the BOY’s hands. It reads ‘1. BEING MOODY. 2-BEING BAD AT MATHS. 3.BEING SAD". VIEWED PROM OVERHEAD, KEN comes running down from the back of ‘the church, as FAY collapses, and starts draggang RAY avay, their footsteps echoing, leaving the blood-sosked corpsce alone and silent and etill: 21. mW, MOREL ROGH - DAY RAY's eyes are open, He looks at the bed beside him. It’s empty. He looks st the blue skies through the latticed windows, ‘then atthe grey ceiling, thinking. A tear falle from his cheak. He wipes it, sighs. 22, XT. HOTEL RESTAURANT - DAY KEN having breakfast, looking through his guidebook. MARIE Passes. Un, Mise? Marie? 1/m sorry about the meceage last night. ‘the nan who left it'is'a bit of a... Well, he's a bit of a. cock? mH (smites) ves. He's @ bit of a cock. She smiles and passes on. RAY holds a door open for her with aogallast flourish, cones in, site. ew Marry reng last night. we missed it, KEN gives RAY the message, which he reads. He swears a lot, don’ he? xm We're staying in tonight, whatever happens. Yon. Except... hin. Mn excogt Inmm what? SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 18. may Except only really ona of us needs £0 stay iny really. x Un-huh? And which one of us would that be, Ray? T thought you didn’. Like Briges Ray. I don’t Like Bruges. It's a gnitholg, uP did elrendy say x jad a dave with a Selgian dady’ sn the Belgian film business, which I 4ia already say about before. Well, just don't get into any fucking rouble. We are keeping a low profile. And this morning and thie Bfternosn we are doing wiatever Z. Want to do. Got ie? RAY Of course. Which I presume will involve culture. mr We shall strike a balance between culture and fun. par Somehow I believe, Ken, that the Dalance shall tip’ in the favour of culture. Like a big fat fucking Eetarded fucking black girl ons see~ Saw, opposite... a dwarf. T was down the’ park one day when 1 was little ‘and this big fat retarded black gixl Gane up and beat the fucking shit out of me for absolutely no reason. Completely beat the shit out of Me What does her being black have anything to do with it? Well, she was black. pause) She mightn’t've been retarded. she might've Just been one of then deat and dun people, I'm not sure. Whatever she was, she was a cant. Completely beat the shit out of mel biveht SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 ce 23, IP. GRORWINGE MUSEUM - DAY KEW and RAY vandering the gallery - various odd paintings including "the Judgenent of Canbyses’ (a flaying alive) and "De gierigaazd en de dood” (a skeletal Death come to collect his due). ‘They end up in front of Bosch’s "LAST JUDGEMENT’ which we ee Various details from - freakish denons torturing various people in various freakish ways. KEN and RAY take it ali in, guietly. mr 1 quite Like this one, all the rest were rubbish by spastics, but this Sue's quite good. What's it all ‘about, “then xen Well it’s the Last Judgement. Sadgenent Day. "know? Oh yeah? What's that then? xe Well it’s, y'know, the final day on Earth when mankind will be judged for all the crimes they hava Sormitted. And that par Oh. And see who gets into Heaven and ‘who gets into Hell and all that? Rar And whats the other place? Purgatory. mr Purgatory. Purgatory's kind of like the inbetweeny one. “You weren't keilly shit, but you veren't all thet great, either.” Like Tottenham. Do you believe in all that stuff, Rect ottenhan? SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 20. The Last Judgement and the afterlife and..+ guilt and... sins ands. ell ands.) ald hates? KEN realises that RAY ie really looking for an answer. vex Uns. Oh. Umese 24, RXP. JAN VAN RYCKLEIN SQUARE - DAY KEN and RAY on a bench, the distinctive Poorterslodge rising up behind them. T don’t know, Ray. I don’t know what I believe. Un. Y'know, I was brought up believing certain things, I vas brought up Catholic, which frve more or less rejected most of... mr Yeah, they're nuts, arent they? xm But the things you're taught as a ehild, they never really Leave you, Go they? So T beileve in trying to Yead a good life, like if there’s an old 1aay carrying her shopping homers. Well, I don't ery and help her camry het shopping, t don’t ge that far, but I'll certainly noid the door open for her and that and Let her go out before me. Ray. sh. And anyway, $f you tried to help her carry her shopping, she'd probably think you were just tryiag Eo nick her shopping. Exactly. Rr ‘This is the world we live in today. And at the sane tine, at the same ‘time as trying to lead a good Life, T have to reconcile that with the fact that, yes, T have killed people. NOt many people. And most of Ehen were not very nice people. Apart from one pefeon. SHOOTING SCRIPT - mw BRUGES - 29/12/2006 a. Who was that? this fella Danny Aliband’s brother. He was just trying to protect his brother, Like you or T'would. He wat Just a lollipop man. Sut he came at ine with @ bottle. What are you gonna 0? 1 shot him down. fim. In my book, though, someone cones at you with a bottle, I’m Sorry, chat is a deadly weapon, he's gotta take the consequences. xe I know that in ay heart, but T also gow he was just’ toying to protect his brother, you know? pre X know, but a bottle, that can kilL ya. that’s a case of "It's you or Kine. "Tf he'd cone at you with hie bare ‘hands, that'd be different. That wouldn’t've been fair~ mx But, technically, someone's bere hands, they can kill you too. ‘They can be deadly weapons too. What if he knew Karate, ay? You said he was a lollipop man. xr He vag a Lollipop man. mr What's a lollipop man doing, knowing fucking Karate? rm just saying... How old was he? am bout fifty. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 22. mar What's a fifty year old lollipop man Going, knowing fucking Karate mat was he, a chinese lollipop nan? xe course nots Well then. Jesus, Ken, I’m trying to Talk about. X know vhat you're trying to talk about. my I killed a little boy. You keep bringing up lollipop meal you didn’t mean to Kil a Little of the choices x made, and the Gourse that T put into action, a Tfeele toy isn’ here any more. And hne'll never be here again ) ‘ean here in the world. ‘in Belgiun. (pause) Went, "he'll never be here in Belgian either, will he? ue might’ve wanted fo goy ‘when he got older. I don't know why. And that’s all because of me. Hei dead because of me. And my head round i¢, ‘but T'ean’t. © WAL alvays have killed that isetie Boy. And that ain't ever gonna go away. Ever, Until, maybe, 7 go away. Go away where? RAY gives him a look. Suicide is conveyed. xe on't even think Like that. Ray And ever then it mightn't go avay. Looking at that painting of fucking foment and Hell-. (wo SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 2. Rar (cont'd) Jesus, I’m not sure if I fucking heeded that right now. The bloke who Painted that, he mst be bonkers. xex Don't think ike thet, Ray. Te/21 get easier. rt will. mr E think that’s the problem, Ken. T think that’s the problem, 25, RP. MARKET SQUARE - DAY KEN looking up at the 300ft bell-tover, the dominant landmark of town. You coming up? mar What's up there? the view. mr ‘the view of what? the view of down here? T'can see that from down here. xem Ray, you're about the worst tourist inthe whole world, may Ken, I grew up in Dublin. I love Dablin, Tf T'd grown up on a far, and was retarded, Bruges might impress ne, but f didnre, go it aoeen't. 26. TNT, BELL TOWER - ENTRY KIOSK -DAY ‘A sign, ‘ENTRY FIVE EUROS’, A stern Belgian TICKET-SELLER (male) behind gl Trying to get rid of my coins. There's 3,++ 3:50. There's 4, 4210. 4320, 4130, 4240, 4:50, 4860, 4270, 4:80... Oh, 4:90. Will you take 43907 ‘TICKET-SELLER tape the sign. Bntry is tive Buro. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 a. come on, man, it’s ten cents. ‘TICKET-SELLER taps the eign. ‘rrcmer-sELLER Entry is five Suro. KEN collects up all his coins, pays a fifty Buro note. stare fat the TECKEY-SELLER as ke gets his change and ticket Bappy in your work? rrcren-seLLER very happy. KBN gives him a look, goes through the turnstile. 27. EXE. MARKED SQUARE - DAY RAY sitting waiting outside the tover, watching people pat Christmas stuff, his thochts on darker things: Sone way awoy SDM THE DWARF’ passes, in normal clothes. RAY waves enthusiastically et him, smiling. Jim looks at him, then Looks away without acknéviedging, RAY loses Ale endle. (quietly) nittle fucking cunt. 28, WP, BELL TOWER - DA KEN climbing the narrow vinding wooden staircase to the tover top. Reaches the uppermost look-out room, slightly breathless: ‘Takes in the town and environs. xm (quietly) 1 like St here: He sees RAY way down belew. Cocks his finger, shoots him with an imaginary gun, just fer fun. 29. EXT. MARKED SQUARE - DAY A massive shadow falls over RAY. Three enormously overweight Bnericans are standing there, one MAN, two WOMEN. OVERNEIGHT Max Have you been to the top of the tower? Yeah, yeah. Tt's rubbish. SHOOTING SCRIPT - TN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 25. Xt ie? the guidebook says it’s a Well you lot ain’t going up there. OVERWEIGHT HAM Pardon me? Why? my I mean, it'e all windy stairs. r/m ot being funny. OvERWEroHT 1 What exactly are you trying to say? What exactly am I trying to say? You're a butch of fucking elephants! ‘Tho OVERWEIGHT MAN tries to hit RAY, but RAY dodges and steps auay from the blows. ‘The MAN tries to catch and hit him but RAY keeps dodging easily. may come on, leave it, Fatty... ‘The Man is already puffing, one of the WOMEN is crying. XEN Comes cut of the tower. You are just the rudest man! The adest man! ‘The WOREN lead the breathless MAN away. What was all that about? RAY shrugs innocently. The Anericans enter the tower. xm They're not going up there... (calling out) Hey guya? I wouldn't go up there. It's really narrow and. von Screw you, ‘Motherfucker! KEN is dunbfounded, open-mouthed. RAY shrugs again. americans, ain’ it? SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 26. 30. THR, BASILICA OF THE HOLY BLOOD - DAY Small Gothic chapel, RAY sitting irritated in a pew, watching ‘KEN quietly ables, guidebook in hand, surveying’ the Statues and murals, the Stations of the Cross, all candle-lit and warn, KEN ushers RAY over. RAY sighs, refuses - all thie holy shit is getting to hin. KEN ushers hin over again, forcefully this eine. RAY idles over, head bowed, trying not to look at anything with Jesus on it. xm Ray, dic we or did we not agree that Af T let you go on your dat tonight, we'd'do the things I wanted to do teday? we are coing the things you wanted to do eedays xen And that we'd do then without you Shrowing a fucking moody like some five yeir old who's dropped all his sweets? I didn't agree to that. (pause) x71 Gheer up, 1/12 cheer up. xx ‘his here, up there on the altar, is a phial brought back by a Plenish Knight fron the Crusades in the Holy Land, ard that phial, you know what 2's eaid to contain? No, what is it said to contain? ex it's said fo contain sone drops of Jesus Christ's blood. RAY feigns interest with his eyebrove. Yeah. that's vhere this church gets itts'nane, the Basilica of the Holy Blood Yeah? ‘SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 2 mn Yeah. And this blood, right, though it's dried blood, at different tines over many years, they say it turned Back to Liguid. ‘Turned back to Liguia’ from dried blood. At various tines of great... stress. ean? xm Yeah. So, yeah, I’m gonna go up in ‘the queue and touch it, which is what you do. yeah? xe Yeah. You coming? Do x have to? rex Do you have to? Of course you don’t have tol It's Jesus's fucking blood, isn't it?! of course you don't facking have tol Of course you don’t fucking have tol KEN storms off and gets in the queue, seething. RAY takes in sone more of the iconography for a minute then leaves. XEN watches him doing so. flow he’s really pissed off, He tries to Salm hinself down and concentrate on Jesus’ fucking blood. 31, INT, BASILICA STAIRNELL - DAY fon the way out, still pissed off, KEN sees, through the basilica's beautiful second-storey windows, RAY sitting on a bench in the square below, eating an ice-cream. Sounds of a children’s choir. 32, EXD. BASILICA OF THE HOLY BLOOD - DAY KEM bursts out of the church and approaches RAY, who pays him no attention, tranefixed ap he is oh the CHILDREN'S CHOIR Short distance to the side, as they sing the creepy Christmas Carol "Gabriel's Message” for the passers-by. None of the kids are much older than eight, and a fev bear a Eesenblance to the LITTLE BOY that RAY Killed, As KEN gets Closer he sees the tears in RAY's eyes. He slows down, loses hie anger, and site beside RAY, who wipes his eyes. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 28. Ed Did you get yourself an ico-crean? Yeah. strawberry. (pause) Hoy was Jesus’s blood? Jast looked Like sone really old phlegm, really. ‘The Christmas carol finishes, the passers-by applaud. What shall we do now? Culture or aa? ss his fingers and grits his teeth. IN sniles. 33. EYE. MARIET SQUARE - BELGIAN BAR -DAY RAY plonks the drinks down on KEN’s outside table and sits, ‘the tower high in the background. Yes! one gay beer, one normal beer ani one whisky to'caim me nerves for me date. ching-ching! RAY downs the whisky. xen you nervous? shitting myself. xen Wat time are you meeting her? Seven thirty. Yox" better drink up, Ray. You've only got four and a half hours. I figure ££ I have four pints here, tates us up to five-thirty, go hone, change, takes us up to six, go to the place where we're meeting to wmace sure T'don’t get lost, ‘then go £o.a nearby bar, have a coupla Grinxs in there’ til seven-thirty, and hope my nerves calm down. Coy SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES ~ 29/12/2006 2. RAY (cont'd) ‘Ther go back to the place and begin our date. and if she’s late, sneak Sn'another Little one. They're usually late on a first date, aren't they? ew Belcians? Girls. very droll. xen Tt was nice up that tover. You shotld"ve cone up. mar K ksow, hear it’s a met: xee rou could See for miles. Lt you nad a high-powered rifle, you could be up there all day. Yeak. Picking off little kids. xem Jesus. Where are you meeting your girl? RAY takes out a couple of pieces of paper from his pocket and Fealises one of them is the LITTLE BoY's confession note. KEN grabs it to get rid of it. RAY just stares at hin a second, hen puts his hand out to be given it back. KEN gives it back. RAY puts it away. Rar ‘spinola’ the restaurant's called. A restaurant? That’s a bad move. First date, dinner at a restaurant? That's a bad move. That’s way too nerve-wracking. ‘That always ends in aisasver. pay (worried) Do pou think? Aways. RAY sips some beer, thinks about it, then shrugs. Puck it, 1/1 be pissed anyway. SHOOTING SCRIPT ~ TH BRUGES - 29/12/2006 30. 24, THT. HOTEL ROOM - sIGHT RAY sonbrely getting dressed up. KEN at window-seat. A downbeat song, "I SEE A DARKNESS’ by Bonnie Prince Billy, plays on their valknan’s mini-speakers. ‘They're both drisking Riniatures. RAY finishes dressing. He Looks good. You look geod. RAY looks hinself over. aay (sadly) nat ‘does Se nattex anyway? A gesture of goodbye. ar exit. 35. TNT, RESTAURANT - MIGHT At the table, CHLOE Se looking stunning, RAY looking similar. Te’s quite a'snall restaurant, the next door table quite Glose, at which a young Anerian-sounding GUY and his GERLERIEND eat. CHLOE ie emoking. CHL 0 what do you do, Raymond? aay I shoot people for money. cHLoe What kinds ‘of people? Priests, children. ¥’know, the usual. Hue Is there a lot of money to be made in that Line of business? may There is in priests. There isn’t in Children. What is it you do, Chloe? cur I gell cocaine and heroin to Belgian film crews. par Do your! Do T look like T do? ‘Suoormuc ScAIPT ~ mi BRUGES - 29/12/2006 a. You do, actually. she laughs. pay Do T look ike 1 shoot people? cuLor No. gust children. RAY doesn’t Laugh. I saw your midget today. The Little prick didn’t even say hello cmos Welt, be's-on a lot of Ketanine. Ray what's that? cuoz A horse tranguiliser. nay ‘A horse tranguiliser? Where'd he get cutoe 1 gold it fo him, Ray You can't sell horse tranguilisers to a midget cHLor This movie, f think it’s going to be a very good one. There’s never been 2 clateic movie made in Bruges, Snes tow. Bay. Of course there hasn't. zt’s a phithole. Bruges is my home tovn, Ray. mr Well it’e atill a ahithole. cuton at's not a shithole. SHOOTING SCRIPT ~ IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 32. What? Bven midgets have to teke drugs to stick it. okey, #0 we've ineulted my hone own, you're doing well, Rayaond. Why don’t you tell me gone Belgian jokes while you're at it? F don’t know any Belgian jokes. And ig Tidid, T think I'd have the good Hang on! Ts Belgian fall those child buse murders lately? She node, warily. Then 7 do know a Belgian joke. What's Belgium famous for? Chocolates and child abuse. and they only invented the chocolates to get fo the kids! ‘She stares at him blank-faced. what? cute one of the girls they murdered was a friend of mine. ‘RAY'a face falls Ray rim sorry, Chloe. She stares at him a while. canoR one of the girls they murdered wasn's a friend of mine. T just, Wanted to make you feel bad. Tt worked quite well. She sniles slightly. He stares at her cpen-nouthed. ‘catox Somehow 1 don’t believe you shoot people for money, Raymond. Somehow 1 don’t believe you sel drugs to film crews, chloe. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 33. What do you believe 1 do? Rar I believe you're a wardrobe lady, oF a continuity person, or sone giri ‘ino makes the tea. Unehuh? And do you know what believe you szef 7 believe you area sat Little tourist, cone here to see the stupid sights of Bruges hopefully to fuck sone Belgian girl, then hurry hone to your ugly Irish girlfriend, feeling slightly guilty, But not very: Rar XE you thought that, why would you still be eitting here? CHLOz blows a cool strean of cigarette snoke out of the side of her mouth. cmon T'm horny: She winks at him and goes to the bethroom. RAY amiles, but the stream of smoke has hit the neighbouring Anerican- Bounding couple, who react Like it’s Anthrax. our. (under breath) Fucking unbelievable. ‘This ie one of those situations where a normal person wouldn't react, even though he knows he ought te. Rar What's fucking unbelievable? ‘The GUY ignores hin. I said “what's fucking ‘nbelievable'? our are you talking to me? (beat) He pauses, even though he should just hit the cunt, and he repesta, yas, T an talking to you. What's fooling unbelievable? SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 ra Well 1°11 fel you what's fucking Unbelievable, shall 1? Blowing cigarette encke straight in myself and my gizifriend’e face, tha fucking unbelievable! my ‘This ie the smoking section. I don’t care if it's the encking fection! she directed it right io my face, man. T don’t wanna die just cos of your fucking arrogance. mr Un-buh? Ten't that whet the Vietnamese used to say? oor ‘The Vietnamese? what are you talking about, ‘The Vietnanese’? That Statement makes no fucking sense at allt ar Yes it does. The Vietnanese. Saying it over and over ain't gonna ake any nore sense out of it. How does “the Vietnamese’ have any Yelevance whatsoever to myself and Ry giritriend having to breathe your stiend’s cigarette enoke? Tell me how saying. RAY punches the GUY clean in the Jaw. He falls off his chair in an uncenseious heap. ‘That’s for John Lennon, you Yankee fucking cunt! Suddenly his GIRLFRIEND swings their wine bottle at RAY’s head, RAY dodges, the bottle missing him by a whisker. aay A bottle?! ‘The GIRLFRIEND tries to swing again. may Wo, don’t bother. SHOOTING SCRIPT - Tt BRUGES ~ 29/12/2006 38. RAY hite her in the chin too, and she collapses beside GuY. The other dinera and waiters are stunned into silence. CuLoz returns trom the bathroom, sees the two prone diner: RAY hag her coat in his hand. mr We're leaving. 36. EXT. BRUGES STREETS - WIGHT RAY and CHLOR vaiking the mist-streun, cobbled streets, Gianeing behind then now and then, NAY a little exbarrassed, Gator hae in shock. cuts Ray, I’m a bit uncomfortable with a nan’ sho would hit @ woman. X don’t hit women! I vould never hit That's different. That's self- defence, isn’t it? Or a wonan who could dd Karate. I'd never hit a woman generally, Chioe. Don’t think That. God you're pretty. She looks at him a while, then takes out a mobile. cutor 1 have to make @ cell. Oh no, You've gone off me now, haven't your gust cos T/hst that fucking Cow. She shakes her head, puts a finger to his lips, kisses him quickly, then speaks into the phone in French. (in French, sub-titied) Birt? rt/e chice. Go home, I'm, calling it off tonight. (pause) Becaige he's a nice guy. (irik angey) Okay, Listen, Listen, st isn’t that he's'a nice guy, it’s that there's Ro way you could take hin all your own; 80 forget about it, okay? Okay. She hangs up. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 36. What wae all that? cunon I was just checking with my flatmate to'nake sure she's not coming home tonight. Rar on. (realising) She takes his hand and leads him off. This is turning out to be a really nice date. 27. THR, HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Im one continuous take, if possible. XEN blankly channel-surfing, remains of his dinner on 4 tray ‘on the bed beside him. Phone rings, KEN mutes the cartoons ‘Gna answers. xn Bello? Where the fuck vere you yesterday? rex We just popped out for some dinner, Marry. We only popped out half an hour Yeah? What did you have? xew vor dinner? yesh. Yeah, it was alright. Y'know, it was Pizza-iut, it was the sane as in England. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 a7. Yeah, well, that’s globalisation, ien't Ste fe Ray there with ya? Er, he’s in the toilet. Hane can he hear? xe Wo. What's he doing? mat do you mean? Is he doing a wee or @ pooh? xm I don’t know, Harry. The door’s siosea. HARRY Send him out on an errand for half fan hour. But don't make it sound juspicious. EN pute his hand over the xeceiver and, a Little confused, ‘starts talking to the empty bathroom. Ray? Why don't you go out down the pub for half an hour? (pause! I know T said you couldn't, but ve ‘night as well enjoy ourselves, oh? (pause) No, Iidon’t know if they've got bowling anywhere, you could have a Look, eh? Yeah, eee yarss- EN goes to the door, awkwardly with the phone, opens it, ‘Slang it, and goes back to the bed. mH Yeah, he’s gone. maser What did you say to hin? T said why don’t he go have a drink, save being cooped up. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 23/12/2006 38. And vnat did he say? xm He gaid yeah he vould, and he might go have & look see if’ there's @ Bowling alley around. maRRY Was he just having @ wee? Yeah, 1 think so. T assume 80. saree So he didn't mind? ro No, he was glad to get out. maRRY Te he definitely gone? Yeah, yeah, he slammed the door. mane ‘That don’t mean he’s gone. Go check Outside the door KEN rolle his eyes, sighs internally, opens the door, pauses, closes it again and returns to the phone. xe Harry, he’e definitely gon: ‘You realise there axe no bowling aileys in Bruges? Z realise that, Harry. The boy fanted to have'a lock’ anyway. sant What are they gonna have, @ Medieval fucking bowling alley? xx As I sey, T think he was just glad fo get out and about. HARRY Ah, is he having a nice tine, seeing ali the canals and that? I had a fovely time when T was there: {WOR} stiooTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2005 39. HARRY (cont'd) AML the canals and the old buildings ‘and thet. rex ‘iten were you here? then I wae seven. Last happy holiday T fucking had, dave you been on a cenal-trip yet? er vean. many od have you been down like all the Old cobbled streets and that? yeah. It's Like a fairy-tale, isn't it, ‘that place? Yosh. many ith the charches and that. The Gothic. er Yeah. many Te st ‘Gothic’? xen HARRY So he’s having a really nice time? Well... Tig having a really nice Tine. drm not sure if dt’s really Bie cup of tear maar (pause) wat? Yiknow, I’m not sure if it’s really hie thing. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 What do you mean it'e not really hie thing? What's that supposed to mean, "it's not really his thing’. What the fuck is that supposed co mean? KEN realises sonething is very wrong. a Nothing, Harry. manne It's a fairy-tale fucking town, dent 'it? Bow can a fairy-tale tom not be somebody's fucking thing? How can all those canals and bridges and cobbled streets and those churches and all of that beautiful fucking fairy-tale stuff, how can that not be somebody's fucking thing, ah? manny Is the evans still there? Yeh, there's swans. HARRY How can fucking evans not fucking be somebody's fucking thing?! How can that bef! What I think I meant to say was, when he Lirst arrived he wasn't Quite sure about it, Y'know, there's that big dual-carriageway when you get off the train, that mightn't've Been here when you were here last, Harry, but as 2000 ae he got toy, Like, "the old town props, and sew ‘the canals and the bridges andy Yiknow, the swans and that, well he Just fucking Loved it then, he Goulan’t get enough of it, the edieval part of town, Te’was just that initial dual-carriageway thing Sort of put hin off for @ second. MARRY I don’t renenber a dual-carriageway. ‘That mist be recent. it hasn't spoitt it, SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 a xe No, no, it was just that initial thing. And you now vhat? As we were walking through the streets, there Was thie kind of freezing fog Ranging over everything, and it made ie look almost like @ fairy-tale or something, and he turned £5 you know what he said? What dia he say? Tfeel like I’m ina dren. HARRY ‘Yeah? He said that? Yeah. maRRy Meaning 1ike in a good drean? rt Yeah. of course, like in a good arean. ‘Auh. Good. I'm glad he likes it Shere. I’m glad We were able to give im something. something good and happy. Cos he vasn't a bad, kid, was he? KEN'@ heart einks, he hopes he isn’t hearing what he’s hearing. a un? He vagn't a bad kid, was he? Listen, take down thie address, "Raanstrast’ Ips, That’e “Ran” Like “Ran but with an extra "A" xx Raanstraat 17. ‘You got that? xen Yes. Raanatrast 17. ‘SHOOFING SCRIPT - TN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 a HARRY Good. there'll be a man there fonorrow morning et nine, his nane’s xe vari. He'll give you the gun. Ring me on ‘the public phone at Jimmy Driseoll's ghgut thee or four tomorrow, after After what's done? HARRY (pause) Are you being thick? . He was a good Bloke; but when it all comes down to ity piknow, he blew the head off a Little fucking kas And you brought ihim in, Ren. So if the buck don’t stop with hin, where does it stop? (pause) Ken? If the buck don’t stop with him, where does it stop? Tt stops with me, Harry. That's eaey one. mane Don't get shirty, Ken. Listen, I'm Just glad Twas able to do something for the boy before he went. x Do what for the boy? iknow, have him get to see Bruges. I hope to get to see Bruges again before Iie. what wa it he said again, about *Tt's like a drean..."? xen 1 now Tim avake, but I feel like rim ina dreams. SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 25/12/2006 a. manne ann. pause) ‘Yeah, give me a call when he's dead. HARRY henge up. KEN listens to the phone's dead drone a while, staring at the mited cartoons, then hangs up. He site ‘on the window seat, and looks at Bruges all lit up iike @ fairy-tale ana, 7A, xR, AMAL - conrmmvoUS him framed As XEN sits in the window ve pull back, leavi ‘on the canal there, alone with his thoughts, as a swan pa below FADE TO BLACK. 38. TNT. CHLOR’S APAREMEW? - NIGHT RAY and CHLOE half-naked on the bed, kissing, rolling around, Starting to get dovn to it, They're both a little aviward but giggly about it. A gun is slowly pointed against the back of Halve need. CHLOE reacta in shock, RAY freezes. IRR That's my fucking girlfriend, you asshole! IRIK, a skinhead, slovly drags RAY off her by the neck, gun ‘peill eo his he cuor irik, what are you doing?! Where you from, fucker? Rar ireland, originally. EIRIK Un-buh? And you think 4t/e okay to come over to Belgium and fuck another man’s gizl? Look, I didn’t know she had a boyfriend, alright, and 1 hadn't facked her anyway. Ask her. I'd only pat my hand on ae. cxuox Birik, put the gun dovnt SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES ~ 29/12/2006 aa. (xo RAY) Get down'on your knees and open your mouth. Rar oh don’t start being silly... Get down on your knees and open your mouth, Irishman! RAY sighs, then suddenly headbutts BIRIK hard in the face, grabs the gun and backs away, pointing it back at hin, EERIK’s nose is broken and bleeding. pay Bxactly at what point was it that all skinheads suddenly became poofs? Te used to be, if you were a ‘skinhead, you’ just’ went round beating up Pakistani twelve olds. Now it seams a prerequisite to Bee fucking bun-boyt RIRIK takes out a hunting knife. ‘That's not gonna help ye, mate. RAY cocks the gun. EIRIK smiles. cHton Ray, there's only blanks in that gun. RAY turne the gun tovarde @ wall ond fires at it. A loud shot ie heard, but the wall remain unscathed. EIRIK slovly moves ‘towards him with the knife: cuore Birik, don’t. Now who’ @ fucking bun-boy...? Suddenly, RAY raises the gun, lunges forvards, You, ya fucking ban-boy! _zsand fires st into BIRIK’s face point blank, the fiery Gigcharge bliniing hin. ZIRIK screans, falls to his knees, Sropping the knife, clutching at his cyes. CHLOE junps up from the bed to try to help him. SHOULING SCKLPY — IM BRUGES - 29/12/2006 chive? What exactly ie going on here? EIRIK T can't see! T can't seet Of course you can't fucking eee! T Just shot @ blank in your fucking eyes! Te this fella your boyfriend? cme No. T mean, he used to be. Ray Well what's he doing here? cuuoz We rob tourists eometines. Birik Cones in and the guy 1s usually eo seared. RAY sits slumped on the bed. par I fucking imew it vas too good to be ‘trust! T Knew you'd never've shagged sme noxmaliy! No, it’s not true! I called it off totight! I told him not to cone Sonighe. She hite IRI. Why aid you come tonight! IRR Chioe, I can't see, I swear it. Ob stop whinging like a big gay baby. ‘CHLOE splasher water in EIRIK eve ar And I haven't had @ shag in months! Z still can't see out of this eye, Chive. I'll have to go to the hospital. as. Tt doesn’t belp. ‘SHOOTING SCRIPT - IN BRUGES - 29/12/2006 46. cmLoE E/LL drive you. She finds her keys and coat BIRIK gets to his feet. Ray Oh great, 20 now the whole night's rained! You can stay if you want, but 1 don’t krow how Long 1”) be... pay Oh T just knew someone like you would never Iike someone Like me. I just knew What do you mean, someone 1ike me? may iknow. Someone nice. She looks at him to see if he’s being sarcastic. He ien’t. Touched, she kisses hin goodbye. cmon call ne. Please? She leaves with BIRIK, the door slamning shut, leaving RAY ‘lone in s{lence. He can barely believe what's happened. He picks up his shirt from the floor, puts it on, finds his poor Snopened condom on the bed, tuts, ‘pute it away. Looks over CHLOB’s stuff on her dresser, opens a distinctive frogey ornament - it's full of baggies of cocaine, pills, acid, etc. RAY brighteno considerably. se helps himself to a pocketful of drugs, then he tries ancther draver. rn it are Evo boxes of bullets, one, irritatingly, full of blanks, the ‘second, happily, fli of iive rounds, He brightens again, and pate the 1ive box in his pocket: 39. TN, BAR - NIGHT XEN nursing a beer at the bar, depressed. Downs half the pint in one, gestures for another. EARNAN gives hin a slight Leok, then refills his pints Have you got some sort of problen? Wo, no problem. Pour beers in twenty minutes, man? Wo problem.

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