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Investigating the rate of breathing using a spirometer.

Background Information:
A spirometer is the standard equipment used to measure the capacity of
the human lungs. There are several versions of this laboratory apparatus
available, but all consist of a chamber (of capacity approximately 6 dm3)
suspended freely over water and counterbalanced so that gas passed in or
drawn out makes the chamber rise or fall. Every time we breathe in the
total volume of the chamber decreases and every time we breathe out,
the volume increases.
Ventilation is the process of moving air in and out of the lungs. The
process of ventilation is controlled by many muscles and the inherent
mechanical properties of the lungs themselves such as size and elasticity.
There are many diseases that can have a negative effect on the properties
of the lungs and inhibit oxygen transfer to the body. For example,
cigarette smoking can cause emphysema or lung cancer which can
decrease the elastic property of the lungs making it harder to fill them
with air.

The muscles that control respiration create a difference in lung pressures.

This pressure difference, which is also a function of the elasticity of the
lungs, causes air to flow. The diaphragm is the main muscle that is used
for breathing. When the diaphragm contracts it causes the lungs to inflate
and the thoracic cavity becomes enlarged. As a result, the pleural space in
the chest cavity enlarges. This increase in space volume causes a
decrease in pressure which causes the lung to expand and fill with air. This
happens because pressure and volume are inversely proportional to
eachother (as per Boyles law)
We carried out this experiment by attaching a motion sensor to a
handheld spirometer that converts the movement into electronic signals
that are then interpreted by our datalogging software. This is done in
order to make a permanent record of the movements of the chamber. We
used the datalogging spirometer (Pasport Spirometer) produced from
PASCO along with the Data Studio software because these are not only
easy to set up and use but also produce instant traces on the screen.
Some important definitions are:
Tidal Volume (TV): it is the volume of air in each breath, usually about
0.4 dm3 when at rest.
Breathing rate: it is the number of breaths taken in a minute.
Ventilation rate: It is the volume of air breathed in or out, usually in a
minute. It is calculated by:
Ventilation rate = tidal volume x breathing rate.
Inspiratory Reserve volume (IRS): The maximum amount of air that
may be inspired, above tidal inspiration, is called the inspiratory reserve
Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERS): The maximum amount of air that
can be breathed out, above tidal expiration is called the expiratory
reserve volume.
Vital Capacity (VC): It is the sum of the IRS and the ERS.

In this report, I compare two different types of spirometers
The full-size spirometer

And the PASCO Spirometer

Exercise will cause an increase in breathing rate and tidal volume and
thus, the trace obtained when the person was exercising would be
different as compared to that obtained when the person was at rest.

Null Hypothesis:
Exercise will not have any effect in breathing rate and tidal volume and
thus, the traces obtained during exercise and rest would be very similar to

Materials Required:

1. Nose plug such as those used by swimmers.

2. Disinfectant such as ethanol OR disposable mouthpieces.
3. PASCO/ Full-size Spirometer
4. Working datalogging software connected to the computer to be used
with the PASCO Spirometer.
5. Soda Lime, Oxygen Cylinder and Kymograph for the full-size Spirometer.

Procedure using the PASCO Spirometer:

For when the subject is at rest
1. Make sure the subject is relaxed. Allow him/her to become familiar
with the instrument and breathing through the mouth piece. Place
the tapered end of the mouthpiece between the test subjectss front
teeth with the lips creating a seal to ensure that all inspired and
expired air flows through the mouthpiece. Ensure that the subject is
not chewing gum or has anything in their mouth beforehand. Ensure
that the noseplug is present.
2. Switch on the datalogger and encourage the subject to breathe
normally in and out for a few seconds.
3. Then when the subject is comfortable using the mouthpiece, he/she
should take as deep a breath as possible i.e he/she should fill up
their lungs as much as they possibly can.
4. They should then be encouraged to dispel forcefully all the air in
their lungs as fast as they can. Let them then breathe normally for
another few seconds.
5. Repeat this experiment using the same subject atleast three more
6. Repeat the experiment four more times with a different subject and
compare the results.

For when the subject is actively doing exercise

1. Make sure the subject is relaxed and has nothing in their mouth.
Ensure that the noseplug is present.
2. Switch on the datalogger and encourage the subject to do minor
exercise such as repeatedly standing and sitting or climbing onto a
low wooden block. Note that this exercise can be influenced by the
fitness level of the subject. Ensure that the exercise is light

otherwise the subject will incur an oxygen debt, and therefore

oxygen uptake during or immediately after exercise will not give an
accurate picture of energy usage during exercise.
3. When he/she is ready, encourage them to take a deep breath, filling
their lungs with air as much as they can while still performing the
4. They should then expel all the air out as fast as they can. Let them
breathe normally for another few seconds.
5. Repeat this experiment using the same subject atleast three more
times doing the same exercise.
6. Repeat the experiment four more times with a different subject
performing the same exercise and compare the results.
NOTE: The procedure listed above is only for using a PASCO Spirometer. I
wrote the details of this procedure as this was the method in which I had
carried out my experiment. Thus, the results obtained below have been
carried out in this way.

Trace obtained when subject is at rest:

Interpretation of the trace:

The vital capacity is the IRS + the ERS and is thus, the total volume of air
inhaled in the largest inspiration + the total volume of air dispelled in the
most forceful expiration.

The VC = 4.0 mol dm-3

The Tidal Volume is the average volume of air inspired/expired in a normal
breath and the TV = 0.6 mol dm-3
Since, the subject did not perform the experiment for 60 seconds, we find
an approximate for the breathing rate by observing the number of breaths
in 10 seconds (by looking at the trace) and then, using the unitary
method, use our value to find the number of breaths in 60 seconds.
Thus, from the trace we see that the subject takes 1.4 complete breaths
(1 wave cycle on the trace is 1 breath) in 10 seconds, thus, in 60 seconds,
the number of breaths taken can be calculated by
(1.4 x 60)/10 = 8.4 breaths per minute.
Thus, the subjects breathing rate is 8.4 breaths per minute.

Trace obtained when subject is actively exercising:

Interpretation of the trace:

The vital capacity is the IRS + the ERS and is thus, the total volume of air
inhaled in the largest inspiration + the total volume of air dispelled in the
most forceful expiration.
The VC = 4.2 mol dm-3
The Tidal Volume is the average volume of air inspired/expired in a normal
breath and the TV = 1.18 mol dm-3
Since, the subject did not perform the experiment for 60 seconds, we find
an approximate for the breathing rate by observing the number of breaths
in 10 seconds (by looking at the trace) and then, using the unitary
method, use our value to find the number of breaths in 60 seconds.
Thus, from the trace we see that the subject takes 2.25 complete breaths
(1 wave cycle on the trace is 1 breath) in 10 seconds, thus, in 60 seconds,
the number of breaths taken can be calculated by
(2.25 x 60)/10 = 13.5 breaths per minute.
Thus, the subjects breathing rate is 13.5 breaths per minute.

Risk Assessment:
Using the handheld spirometer has fairly low risk compared to the full-size
spirometer as that uses soda lime which is corrosive and pure oxygen
which should be handled with care. Ensure that the mouthpiece is either
disposable or has been disinfected to prevent spread of germs. A person
with a medical condition that may be affected by a pulmonary function
test (eg. Asthma, epilepsy or coronary conditions) should not use the
Spirometer. Discontinue use if the subject encounters breathing difficulty
or discomfort.
Spirometers should not be used to investigate breathing during vigorous
exercise: Make sure that students are appropriately dressed (and wearing
appropriate footwear) for any exercise undertaken as part of an
investigation. Also, make sure that any apparatus used, for example,
steps or blocks, are sturdy, well-built and anchored.

Ethical issues:
There are ethical issues involved in using a student as a subject for an
investigation. All students participating in the experiment should read the
manual that comes along with the PASCO spirometer (PASPORT Spirometer
Manual (PS-2152)) or if they are performing the experiment using a laboratory spirometer, they

should read
Acting as a subject for an investigation briefing and consent sheet and sign it
to say that they are happy to take part.

The results of the investigation follow the pattern that we expect to see i.e
as a person exercises, they use up more oxygen and hence, breathe faster
(take in more oxygen). These results support our hypothesis and hence,
we can discard our null hypothesis. There is a clear trend between
breathing rate and rate of exercise. Moreover, the calculated values from
the graph fall within the range of typical human respiration ranges.

The results are reliable as the experiment has been repeated several
times (although there are only two traces cited in the report. This was
because these traces were the most clear and hence, the most accurate).
However, there are several abiotic conditions that could have affected the
validity of the results. We can see that the slightly unusual conditions of
our experiment has affected our results i.e the tidal volume for each trace
(independent of the other trace) is not constant throughout the
experiment. The subject needs time to adapt to the strange sensation of
breathing through a mouthpiece and their discomfort can be noticed.
Moreover, the age, gender and general fitness level of the subjects
studied will also affect the validity of the data. For example: the trace of a
fit person performing the exercise will be relatively regular with a
breathing rate similar to (or equal to) that when they are at rest but the
trace of a relatively unfit person will be irregular (as they will start
panting) and the breathing rate will be very much different than their rate
of respiration at rest.
A subject who has just finished some vigorous exercise usually feels hot.
The expired air may be at a higher temperature than previously which
would affect the volume of the gas in the spirometer. Measure the
temperature of the air in the spirometer on both occasions to make sure
this is not the case. If it differs considerably, make a correction when
calculating the volume of oxygen.
To summarise, these measuements clearly indicate the bodys incredible
ability to adapt its lung functions depending on the need of oxygen.


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