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Week 4- Assignment 1

ePortfolio Submission 4: Multicultural

Yataka Thompson
ECE 405: Children & Families in a
Diverse Society
Instructor: Stephanie Heald
September 16, 2015

Multicultural Education
Multicultural teachers not only have a
perspective that is clear, they also are capable of
forming their very own experiences , and
transforming them into episodes of learning,
supporting multicultural education, and drawing
on knowledge based. Exploring both others
viewpoints as well as others ideas in regards to
prejudicial education, so they could form
individualized opinions in ways that is considered
to be respectful. Consequently the teachers
have to prepare both their kids as well as
themselves for the for forever changing
challenges in regards to communicating and

My Multicultural Education Philosophy

The beliefs that I have in regards to multicultural
education is that living in a country where I could proudly
practice and share both my native traditions as well as
my native cultures is a privilege, such as the celebration
of the Chinese New Year, we get the chance to learn
about both culture as well as the history, and we will
become aware of the value that it has in regards to their
culture. As we keep living in countries that have many
different cultures we even have to learn to admire and
celebrate both their tradition as well as their history. It is
extremely crucial to teach the brand new generations the
concepts of being born in countries and states that is
multicultural, this empowers them to develop respect,
and have open minds for other individuals traditions
regardless of their race, color, or creed. Developing

Try to imagine a great world where the students learn to

accept, respect, and embrace all of the differences that is
between us all, the students learning should be guided in
a direction that is relevant to their very own interest. The
students should also be provided curriculums which gives
them chances for input, they could set goals and
generate ideas that makes richer activities assisting in
multicultural lesson plans, which will give them the
security that is needed, they might even gain ownership
in the curriculum, and they are also both motivated to
work hard as well as to master the necessary skills
needed to reach their goals. Due to the potential
influence of the personal traits in regards to teacher
multicultural efficacy, it is very vital to determine just how
these different variables may be related(Nadelson 2012).

Specific Ways To Incorporate My Philosophy Into

Multicultural Classes
Tradition and cultural costumes, where every
culture has its typical dress code, families should
be invited to share in the costumes dress ups,
and the families should give the class a little
history about what it really means to where this
and when should they be worn.
Families should be invited to make different
dishes from their very own countries, and the
parents should bring it to school ans share it with
the entire class along with a little history of what
this means and what season should it be
Themes for all of the months, such as Black
History Month, the teacher should have literature
about African Americans ,group activities should

Obstacles That I Might Encounter When Creating

Multicultural Learning Environments, even ways to
address These Challenges

Family participation activities, some times the parents just might not be
aware of the many different ways that they can take part in the child's school,
another thing that I would do is create news letters each and every week. This
would give students another multicultural perspective in a direct way, and
gives exposure to language dialect, and learns about other individual
traditions and cultures backgrounds. This even assists the teachers with
preparing kids and themselves for the ever changing challenges of
communicating and interacting with many different races(Wilson 2012).
Parents just might show up to my class and let me know that the are not
able to see the learning experiences in dish activities, I would thank them for
bringing me their concerns, and I would even welcome them to come and see
my class presentations about international dishes.


Curenton, S.M.,& Iruka, I.U. (2013).Cultural competence in early childhood

education.San Diego: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from
Nadelson, L.S, Boham M.D., Conlon-Khan, L., Fuentealba, M.J., Hall, C.J.
Hoetker, G.A. & Zenkert, A.J. (2012). A Shifting Paradigm: Preservice
Teachers Multicultural Attitudes and Efficacy. Urban Education 47(6), 1183

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