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Hi Deepak,

there are two different ways to apply the cohesive properties to the model;
1) Cohesive element
2) Cohesive surface
most of the time, it is necessary to use the zero thickness elements (for exampl
e for fatigue crack growth), but how to do this?
after meshing your model (with normal element and cohesive elements) in the Mesh
modulus, choose the "Mesh" from the top toolbar, the Edit mesh window will be
appeared. Choose "Node" for category and "Edit" for method.
after that, you have to select the nodes on the both sides of the cohesive layer
! and press "Done" on the bellow bar.
The "Edit Nodes" window will be appeared. you can see the location of the select
ed nodes in the window. select "Coordinates" for the "specification method".
now you have to import the new location of zero thickness cohesive layer. if the
cohesive elements layer is horizontal, you have to just edit the "Y" value that
is shown with "2" in Abaqus software. inter an average of two given number ((mi
nimum+maximum)/2) in the box in front of "2".
Also you should deactivate the "Project to geometry" !
after this, you can have the cohesive elements with zero thickness!!!
I hope that you can do this.
Best of Luck ;)

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